public class MaxSumSubarray { public int maxSumSubarrayOfSizeK(int[] nums, int k) { int i = 0; // Start of the window int j = 0; // End of the window int sum = 0; int maxSum = 0; int leftBoundary = -1; int rightBoundary = - 1; // intial process of k size window for(int j=0;j<k;j++) { sum += nums[j]; } // maxsum of initial processed window. maxSum = Math.max(maxSum,sum); leftBoundary = 0; rightBoundary = k-1; // then slide the window by +1 and dec by -1 while(j<n) { sum+=a[j]; sum-=a[i]; maxSum = Math.max(maxSum,sum); // for boundary /* i++; // instead of placing below if(sum>maxSum) { leftBoundary = i; rightBoundary = j; } */ i++; j++; } return maxSum; } }
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