14 days ago
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import { PARAMS, api, setAuthHeader } from '@/utils/constants'; import { toBase64 } from './apiProducts'; export async function updateFeaturedProducts(data) { setAuthHeader(); const productsData = { products: [] }; productsData.products = data.map((item) => { return item.value; }); try { await api.post(`${PARAMS.API_URL}/layouts/addsection1`, productsData); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.response?.data.message || "couldn't update featured products at the moment"); } } export async function updatePromotionProducts(data) { setAuthHeader(); const productsData = { products: [] }; productsData.products = data.map((item) => { return item.value; }); try { await api.post(`${PARAMS.API_URL}/layouts/addsection2`, productsData); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.response?.data.message || "couldn't update promotion products at the moment"); } } export async function updateCategoriesSection(data) { setAuthHeader(); const categoriesData = { categories: [] }; categoriesData.categories = data.map((item) => { return item.value; }); try { await api.post(`${PARAMS.API_URL}/layouts/addcategories`, categoriesData); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.response?.data.message || "couldn't update categories section at the moment"); } } type updateBannerProps = { imageFile: File; device: 'mobile' | 'desktop'; }; export async function updateBanner({ imageFile, device }: updateBannerProps) { setAuthHeader(); const base64Image = await toBase64(imageFile); //@ts-ignore const images = [base64Image.split(',')[1]]; if (device === 'mobile') { try { await api.post(`${PARAMS.API_URL}/layouts/addmobilebanner`, { images }); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.response?.data.message || "couldn't update mobile banner at the moment"); } } if (device === 'desktop') { try { await api.post(`${PARAMS.API_URL}/layouts/adddesktopbanner`, { images }); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.response?.data.message || "couldn't update desktop banner at the moment"); } } } export async function getFeaturedProducts() { setAuthHeader(); try { const res = await api.get(`${PARAMS.API_URL}/layouts/products/section1`); return res.data.data.Section1; } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.response?.data.message || "couldn't get featured products at the moment"); } } export async function getPromotionProducts() { setAuthHeader(); try { const res = await api.get(`${PARAMS.API_URL}/layouts/products/section2`); return res.data.data.Section2; } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.response?.data.message || "couldn't get promotion products at the moment"); } } export async function getCategoriesSection() { setAuthHeader(); try { const res = await api.get(`${PARAMS.API_URL}/layouts/categories`); return res.data.data.categories; } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.response?.data.message || "couldn't get categories section at the moment"); } } export async function getAllLayout() { setAuthHeader(); try { const res = await api.get(`${PARAMS.API_URL}/layouts/getAllLayoutData`); return res.data.layout; } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.response?.data.message || "couldn't get layout data section at the moment"); } } export async function updateAllLayoutData({ mobileBanner = null, desktopBanner = null, newProducts, featuredProducts, promotionProducts, categories }) { setAuthHeader(); const featured = { products: [] }; featured.products = featuredProducts.map((item) => { return item.value; }); // Map the categories, productsSection1, and productsSection2 to their respective formats const formattedData = { categories: categories.map((item) => item.value), products_section1: featuredProducts.map((item) => item.value), products_section2: promotionProducts.map((item) => item.value), products_section3: newProducts.map((item) => item.value) }; if (mobileBanner?.length) { const photoBase64 = await Promise.all(mobileBanner.map((image) => toBase64(image))); const imagesBase64Stripped = photoBase64.map((image) => image.slice(image.indexOf(',') + 1)); //@ts-ignore formattedData.imagesmobile = [...imagesBase64Stripped]; } if (desktopBanner?.length) { const photoBase64 = await Promise.all(desktopBanner.map((image) => toBase64(image))); const imagesBase64Stripped = photoBase64.map((image) => image.slice(image.indexOf(',') + 1)); //@ts-ignore formattedData.imagesdesktop = [...imagesBase64Stripped]; } try { const res = await api.post(`${PARAMS.API_URL}/layouts/addall`, formattedData); return res.data; } catch (error) { throw new Error(error.response?.data.message || "couldn't update layout data at the moment"); } }
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