PrimeTween customizable OutBounce animation
Tween.PositionOutBounce() and Tween.LocalPositionOutBounce() methods give the ability to fine-tune the Ease.OutBounce by specifying the exact bounce amplitude, number of bounces, and bounce stiffness.unknown
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public static Sequence PositionOutBounce([NotNull] Transform target, Vector3 endValue, float duration, float bounceAmplitude, int numBounces = 3, float stiffness = 0.5f) => CustomOutBounce(target, (t, s) => Position(t, s), endValue, duration, bounceAmplitude, numBounces, stiffness, t => t.position); public static Sequence LocalPositionOutBounce([NotNull] Transform target, Vector3 endValue, float duration, float bounceAmplitude, int numBounces = 3, float stiffness = 0.5f) => CustomOutBounce(target, (t, s) => LocalPosition(t, s), endValue, duration, bounceAmplitude, numBounces, stiffness, t => t.localPosition); static Sequence CustomOutBounce([NotNull] Transform target, [NotNull] Func<Transform, TweenSettings<Vector3>, Tween> animFunc, Vector3 endValue, float duration, float bounceAmplitude, int numBounces, float stiffness, [NotNull] Func<Transform, Vector3> getPos) { if (bounceAmplitude == 0) { Debug.LogWarning("Please provide non-zero " + nameof(bounceAmplitude) + "."); } if (numBounces < 0 || numBounces > 10) { Debug.LogError("'" + nameof(numBounces) + "' should be >= 0 and <= 10."); numBounces = Mathf.Clamp(numBounces, 0, 10); } if (stiffness < 0 || stiffness > 5) { Debug.LogError("'" + nameof(stiffness) + "' should be >= 0 and <= 5."); stiffness = Mathf.Clamp(stiffness, 0, 5); } stiffness += 1; // move durations: x + x/stiffness + x/stiffness^2 + x/stiffness^3... float x = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= numBounces; i++) { x += 1 / Mathf.Pow(stiffness, i); } var curDur = duration / x; var sequence = Sequence.Create(animFunc(target, new TweenSettings<Vector3>(endValue, curDur, Ease.InSine))); var bounceVector = (getPos(target) - endValue).normalized * bounceAmplitude; for (int i = 1; i <= numBounces; i++) { curDur /= stiffness; sequence.Chain(animFunc(target, new TweenSettings<Vector3>(endValue + bounceVector, curDur / 2f, Ease.OutSine, 2, CycleMode.Rewind))); bounceVector /= stiffness * 2; } return sequence; }