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a year ago
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                     # Part 1: Importing Libraries and Defining the GPTModel Class

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import Transformer, TransformerEncoder, TransformerEncoderLayer

class GPTModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embedding_size, hidden_size, num_layers, num_heads, dropout_rate):
        super(GPTModel, self).__init__()
        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, embedding_size)
        self.pos_encoder = PositionalEncoding(embedding_size)
        encoder_layers = TransformerEncoderLayer(embedding_size, num_heads, hidden_size, dropout_rate)
        self.transformer_encoder = TransformerEncoder(encoder_layers, num_layers)
        self.decoder = nn.Linear(embedding_size, vocab_size)


    def init_weights(self):
        init_range = 0.1
        self.embedding.weight.data.uniform_(-init_range, init_range)
        self.decoder.weight.data.uniform_(-init_range, init_range)

    def forward(self, x):
        embedded = self.embedding(x) * torch.sqrt(torch.FloatTensor([embedding_size]))
        embedded = self.pos_encoder(embedded)
        hidden = self.transformer_encoder(embedded)
        output = self.decoder(hidden)
        return output

    def generate_text(self, start_tokens, num_steps, temperature=1.0):
        generated_tokens = start_tokens
        with torch.no_grad():
            for _ in range(num_steps):
                input_tokens = torch.tensor(generated_tokens).unsqueeze(0)
                logits = self.forward(input_tokens)
                logits = logits.squeeze(0) / temperature
                predicted_token = torch.multinomial(logits.softmax(dim=-1), num_samples=1).item()
        return generated_tokens

class PositionalEncoding(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, d_model, max_len=5000):
        super(PositionalEncoding, self).__init__()
        pe = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model)
        position = torch.arange(0, max_len, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1)
        div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, d_model, 2).float() * (-torch.log(torch.tensor(10000.0)) / d_model))
        pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term)
        pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term)
        pe = pe.unsqueeze(0).transpose(0, 1)
        self.register_buffer('pe', pe)

    def forward(self, x):
        x = x + self.pe[:x.size(0), :]
        return x

        # This part imports the required libraries and defines the GPTModel class,
        # which is the core component of the GPT-like model. The GPTModel class includes the model architecture and
        # methods for forward propagation and text generation. It also includes the PositionalEncoding module,
        # which adds positional information to the input embeddings.

                   # Part 2: Initializing the GPT Model and Example Usage

    # Example usage
    vocab_size = 10000
    embedding_size = 256
    hidden_size = 512
    num_layers = 6
    num_heads = 8
    dropout_rate = 0.1

    # Create an instance of the GPT model
    model = GPTModel(vocab_size, embedding_size, hidden_size, num_layers, num_heads, dropout_rate)

    # Generate text given a start prompt
    start_tokens = [1, 2, 3]  # Example start tokens
    num_steps = 50
    generated_text = model.generate_text(start_tokens, num_steps, temperature=1.0)


    #In this part, we initialize the GPT model by creating an instance of the GPTModel class with the desired
    # configuration,
    # such as vocabulary size, embedding size, hidden size, number of layers, number of heads, and dropout rate.

    # Then, we can generate text using the generate_text method by providing a list of start tokens,
    # the desired number of steps for text generation, and an optional temperature parameter for
    # controlling the randomness of the generated text. The generated text will be stored in the
    # generated_text variable, which can be printed or used for further analysis or processing.

                                        #Part 3: Training the GPT Model

    import torch.optim as optim
    import torch.nn.functional as F

    # Define the loss function
    criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

    # Define the optimizer
    optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

    # Example training loop
    num_epochs = 10
    batch_size = 32

    # Assuming you have your training data in the form of batches (input_data, target_data)
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        epoch_loss = 0.0

        for i in range(0, len(input_data), batch_size):

            # Prepare batch inputs and targets
            batch_inputs = input_data[i:i + batch_size]
            batch_targets = target_data[i:i + batch_size]

            # Convert inputs and targets to tensors
            batch_inputs = torch.tensor(batch_inputs)
            batch_targets = torch.tensor(batch_targets)

            # Forward pass
            outputs = model(batch_inputs)

            # Compute loss
            loss = criterion(outputs.view(-1, vocab_size), batch_targets.view(-1))

            # Backward pass

            # Update weights

            epoch_loss += loss.item()

        # Print average loss for the epoch
        print(f"Epoch {epoch + 1} Loss: {epoch_loss / len(input_data)}")

    # In this part, we introduce the training process for the GPT model. We define a loss function, in this case,
    # nn.CrossEntropyLoss(), and an optimizer, optim.Adam(), to update the model parameters during training.
    # We then set the number of epochs and the batch size. In each epoch, we iterate over the training data in batches
    # and perform the following steps:
    # Zero the gradients of the optimizer.
    # Prepare the batch inputs and targets.
    # Convert the inputs and targets into PyTorch tensors.
    # Perform a forward pass through the model to obtain the outputs.
    # Compute the loss between the outputs and the targets.
    # Perform a backward pass to compute the gradients.
    # Update the model parameters using the optimizer.
    # Accumulate the loss for the epoch.
    # Finally, we print the average loss for each epoch.

                                  # Part 4: Saving and Loading the GPT Model

    # Saving the model
    torch.save(model.state_dict(), 'gpt_model.pt')

    # Loading the model
    loaded_model = GPTModel(vocab_size, embedding_size, hidden_size, num_layers, num_heads, dropout_rate)

    # In this part, we demonstrate how to save and load the trained GPT model. After training the model,
    # you can save its state using the torch.save() function and provide a file name, such as 'gpt_model.pt'.
    # This will save the model's parameters, allowing you to reuse the trained model later.
    # To load the saved model, you can create an instance of the GPTModel class with the desired configuration and
    # then use the load_state_dict() method to load the saved parameters. Remember to call model.eval() after loading
    # the model to switch it to evaluation mode.
    # You can adapt this part to your specific requirements, such as choosing a suitable file name for saving and
    # loading the model.

                                   # Part 5: Fine-Tuning the GPT Model

    # Fine-tuning the model
    num_fine_tune_epochs = 5

    # Assuming you have your fine-tuning data in the form of batches (fine_tune_input, fine_tune_target)
    for epoch in range(num_fine_tune_epochs):
        epoch_loss = 0.0

        for i in range(0, len(fine_tune_input), batch_size):

            # Prepare fine-tuning batch inputs and targets
            fine_tune_batch_inputs = fine_tune_input[i:i + batch_size]
            fine_tune_batch_targets = fine_tune_target[i:i + batch_size]

            # Convert fine-tuning inputs and targets to tensors
            fine_tune_batch_inputs = torch.tensor(fine_tune_batch_inputs)
            fine_tune_batch_targets = torch.tensor(fine_tune_batch_targets)

            # Forward pass
            outputs = model(fine_tune_batch_inputs)

            # Compute fine-tuning loss
            fine_tune_loss = criterion(outputs.view(-1, vocab_size), fine_tune_batch_targets.view(-1))

            # Backward pass

            # Update weights

            epoch_loss += fine_tune_loss.item()

        # Print average loss for the fine-tuning epoch
        print(f"Fine-tuning Epoch {epoch + 1} Loss: {epoch_loss / len(fine_tune_input)}")

        # In this part, we demonstrate the process of fine-tuning the GPT model using additional fine-tuning data.
        # Fine-tuning allows you to further refine the model's performance on a specific task or domain by training it
        # on task-specific data.
        # Assuming you have fine-tuning data in the form of batches (fine_tune_input and fine_tune_target), we iterate
        # over the data for a specified number of fine-tuning epochs. Within each epoch, we perform a similar training
        # loop as before, including forward pass, loss computation, backward pass, and weight updates. The average loss
        # for each fine-tuning epoch is printed.
        # You can adjust the number of fine-tuning epochs and customize the fine-tuning data based on
        # your specific requirements.

                                      # Part 6: Using the GPT Model for Inference

        # Set the model to evaluation mode

        # Example inference
        input_tokens = [1, 2, 3, 4]  # Example input tokens
        generated_text = model.generate_text(input_tokens, num_steps=50, temperature=1.0)


        # In this part, we demonstrate how to use the trained and fine-tuned GPT model for inference.
        # We set the model to evaluation mode using model.eval() to disable dropout and other regularization techniques.
        # To perform inference, you can use the generate_text method of the GPTModel class. Provide a list of input
        # tokens, specify the number of steps for text generation, and optionally set the temperature parameter to
        # control the randomness of the generated text. The generated text will be stored in the generated_text
        # variable and can be printed or further processed as needed.
        # Feel free to modify the input tokens and the parameters of text generation according to your requirements.

                                     # Part 7: Advanced GPT Techniques: Beam Search

        def beam_search(model, start_tokens, num_steps, beam_width, temperature=1.0):
            current_tokens = [(start_tokens, 0.0)]

            for _ in range(num_steps):
                next_tokens = []

                for tokens, log_prob in current_tokens:
                    input_tokens = torch.tensor(tokens).unsqueeze(0)
                    logits = model.forward(input_tokens)
                    logits = logits.squeeze(0) / temperature
                    log_probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1)
                    topk_probs, topk_indices = log_probs.topk(beam_width)

                    for prob, index in zip(topk_probs.tolist(), topk_indices.tolist()):
                        next_tokens.append((tokens + [index], log_prob + prob))

                current_tokens = sorted(next_tokens, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:beam_width]

            best_tokens = current_tokens[0][0]
            return best_tokens

        # Example usage of beam search
        input_tokens = [1, 2, 3, 4]  # Example input tokens
        beam_width = 5
        generated_text = beam_search(model, input_tokens, num_steps=50, beam_width=beam_width, temperature=1.0)


        # In this part, we introduce an advanced technique called beam search for text generation with the GPT model.
        # Beam search is used to explore multiple possible sequences during generation and select the most likely
        # sequence based on the model's predictions.
        # We define a beam_search function that takes the model, start tokens, number of steps, beam width, and
        # temperature as input. It initializes the current tokens with the start tokens and their log probabilities.
        # Then, in each step, it expands the search by generating multiple next tokens for each current token and
        # keeps track of the log probabilities. It selects the top-k tokens based on the log probabilities and
        # continues the search with those tokens. Finally, it returns the best sequence of tokens based on the
        # log probabilities.
        # You can adjust the input tokens, number of steps, beam width, and temperature according to your needs.
        # The generated text will be printed as the output.

                                        # Part 8: Advanced GPT Techniques: Sampling with Top-k

        def top_k_sampling(model, input_tokens, num_steps, top_k, temperature=1.0):
            for _ in range(num_steps):
                input_tensor = torch.tensor([input_tokens])
                logits = model(input_tensor)
                logits = logits.squeeze(0)[-1] / temperature

                # Apply top-k sampling
                filtered_logits, indices = torch.topk(logits, top_k)
                probabilities = F.softmax(filtered_logits, dim=-1)
                next_token = torch.multinomial(probabilities, num_samples=1).item()


            return input_tokens

        # Example usage of top-k sampling
        input_tokens = [1, 2, 3, 4]  # Example input tokens
        top_k = 10
        generated_text = top_k_sampling(model, input_tokens, num_steps=50, top_k=top_k, temperature=1.0)


        # In this part, we introduce another advanced technique called sampling with top-k for text generation using
        # the GPT model. This technique enhances the diversity of generated text by sampling from the top-k most
        # probable tokens at each step.
        # We define a top_k_sampling function that takes the model, input tokens, number of steps, top-k value, and
        # temperature as input. In each step, the model generates logits for the last token in the input tokens.
        # The logits are filtered using top-k sampling, where only the top-k tokens are considered for sampling.
        # The probabilities of the filtered tokens are computed using softmax, and a token is sampled based on these
        # probabilities. The sampled token is then appended to the input tokens. This process is repeated for the
        # specified number of steps.
        # You can adjust the input tokens, number of steps, top-k value, and temperature according to your requirements.
        # The generated text will be printed as the output.

                                               # Part 9: Advanced GPT Techniques: Nucleus Sampling (Top-p)

        def nucleus_sampling(model, input_tokens, num_steps, top_p, temperature=1.0):
            for _ in range(num_steps):
                input_tensor = torch.tensor([input_tokens])
                logits = model(input_tensor)
                logits = logits.squeeze(0)[-1] / temperature

                # Apply nucleus sampling (top-p sampling)
                sorted_logits, sorted_indices = torch.sort(logits, descending=True)
                cumulative_probs = torch.cumsum(F.softmax(sorted_logits, dim=-1), dim=-1)
                mask = cumulative_probs <= top_p
                sorted_indices = sorted_indices[mask]
                probabilities = F.softmax(sorted_logits[mask], dim=-1)
                next_token = torch.multinomial(probabilities, num_samples=1).item()


            return input_tokens

        # Example usage of nucleus sampling
        input_tokens = [1, 2, 3, 4]  # Example input tokens
        top_p = 0.9
        generated_text = nucleus_sampling(model, input_tokens, num_steps=50, top_p=top_p, temperature=1.0)


        # In this part, we introduce the technique of nucleus sampling, also known as top-p sampling,
        # for text generation with the GPT model. This technique allows for controlled and diverse text generation by
        # sampling from the smallest possible set of tokens whose cumulative probability exceeds a certain threshold.
        # We define a nucleus_sampling function that takes the model, input tokens, number of steps, top-p threshold,
        # and temperature as input. In each step, the model generates logits for the last token in the input tokens.
        # The logits are sorted in descending order, and the cumulative probabilities are computed.
        # The tokens that contribute to the cumulative probability up to the top-p threshold are selected.
        # Probabilities are computed for these selected tokens, and a token is sampled based on these probabilities.
        # The sampled token is then appended to the input tokens. This process is repeated for the specified
        # number of steps.
        # You can adjust the input tokens, number of steps, top-p threshold, and temperature according to your
        # requirements. The generated text will be printed as the output.

                                        # Part 10: Handling Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) Tokens

        def handle_oov_tokens(model, input_tokens, num_steps, oov_token='<OOV>', temperature=1.0):
            for _ in range(num_steps):
                input_tensor = torch.tensor([input_tokens])
                logits = model(input_tensor)
                logits = logits.squeeze(0)[-1] / temperature

                # Handle out-of-vocabulary (OOV) tokens
                vocab_size = logits.size(-1)
                logits_with_oov = torch.cat((logits, torch.zeros(1, vocab_size - 1).to(logits.device)), dim=-1)
                logits_with_oov[0, vocab_size - 1] = -float('inf')

                probabilities = F.softmax(logits_with_oov, dim=-1)
                next_token = torch.multinomial(probabilities, num_samples=1).item()

                # Map OOV token index to the actual OOV token
                if next_token == vocab_size - 1:
                    next_token = oov_token


            return input_tokens

        # Example usage of handling OOV tokens
        input_tokens = [1, 2, 3, 4]  # Example input tokens
        oov_token = '<OOV>'
        generated_text = handle_oov_tokens(model, input_tokens, num_steps=50, oov_token=oov_token, temperature=1.0)


        # In this part, we address the issue of handling out-of-vocabulary (OOV) tokens during text generation with
        # the GPT model. OOV tokens are tokens that are not present in the model's vocabulary.
        # We provide a method to handle such tokens during generation.
        # We define a handle_oov_tokens function that takes the model, input tokens, number of steps, OOV token, and
        # temperature as input. In each step, the model generates logits for the last token in the input tokens.
        # To handle OOV tokens, we extend the logits tensor with an additional dimension for the OOV token.
        # We set the logit value for the OOV token to negative infinity, so it has zero probability during sampling.
        # The probabilities are computed using softmax, and a token is sampled based on these probabilities.
        # If the sampled token corresponds to the OOV token index, we map it to the actual OOV token value.
        # This process is repeated for the specified number of steps.
        # You can adjust the input tokens, number of steps, OOV token value, and temperature according to your
        # requirements. The generated text will be printed as the output.

                                     # Part 11: Text Completion with GPT

        def complete_text(model, input_text, max_length, temperature=1.0):
            input_tokens = tokenize(input_text)  # Tokenize the input text

            while len(input_tokens) < max_length:
                input_tensor = torch.tensor([input_tokens])
                logits = model(input_tensor)
                logits = logits.squeeze(0)[-1] / temperature

                # Apply softmax to obtain probabilities
                probabilities = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1)

                # Sample the next token
                next_token = torch.multinomial(probabilities, num_samples=1).item()

                # Append the next token to the input tokens

                # Check if the generated token corresponds to the end-of-text token
                if next_token == end_of_text_token:

            generated_text = detokenize(input_tokens)  # Detokenize the generated tokens
            return generated_text

        # Example usage of text completion
        input_text = "I enjoy"
        max_length = 100
        generated_text = complete_text(model, input_text, max_length, temperature=1.0)


        # In this part, we provide an example of how to use the trained GPT model for text completion.
        # Text completion involves generating the rest of a given text based on the model's predictions.
        # We define a complete_text function that takes the model, input text, maximum length, and temperature
        # as input. The input text is tokenized into a sequence of tokens. We iterate until the maximum length is
        # reached or an end-of-text token is generated. In each step, the model generates logits for the last token in
        # the input tokens. The logits are transformed into probabilities using softmax, and a token is sampled based
        # on these probabilities. The sampled token is appended to the input tokens. If the generated token corresponds
        # to the end-of-text token, the generation process is stopped. Finally, the generated tokens are
        # detokenized into text.
        # You can adjust the input text, maximum length, and temperature according to your requirements.
        # The generated text will be printed as the output.

                                     # Part 12: Conditional Text Generation with GPT

        def generate_conditional_text(model, input_text, conditional_text, max_length, temperature=1.0):
            input_tokens = tokenize(input_text)  # Tokenize the input text
            conditional_tokens = tokenize(conditional_text)  # Tokenize the conditional text
            input_tokens += conditional_tokens  # Concatenate the input and conditional tokens

            while len(input_tokens) < max_length:
                input_tensor = torch.tensor([input_tokens])
                logits = model(input_tensor)
                logits = logits.squeeze(0)[-1] / temperature

                # Apply softmax to obtain probabilities
                probabilities = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1)

                # Sample the next token
                next_token = torch.multinomial(probabilities, num_samples=1).item()

                # Append the next token to the input tokens

                # Check if the generated token corresponds to the end-of-text token
                if next_token == end_of_text_token:

            generated_text = detokenize(input_tokens)  # Detokenize the generated tokens
            return generated_text

        # Example usage of conditional text generation
        input_text = "I want to"
        conditional_text = "go to the beach"
        max_length = 100
        generated_text = generate_conditional_text(model, input_text, conditional_text, max_length, temperature=1.0)


        # In this part, we demonstrate conditional text generation using the GPT model.
        # Conditional text generation involves generating text based on both an input text prompt and
        # a conditional text.
        # We define a generate_conditional_text function that takes the model, input text, conditional text,
        # maximum length, and temperature as input. Both the input text and conditional text are tokenized into
        # sequences of tokens. The conditional tokens are concatenated with the input tokens. The generation process
        # then proceeds similarly to text completion, where the model generates logits, computes probabilities,
        # and samples the next token. The generation stops when the maximum length is reached or an end-of-text token
        # is generated. Finally, the generated tokens are detokenized into text.
        # You can adjust the input text, conditional text, maximum length, and temperature according to your
        # requirements. The generated text will be printed as the output.

                                        # 7 parts remaining
                                # Part 13: Fine-Tuning GPT with Custom Dataset

        # Fine-tuning a pre-trained GPT model with a custom dataset allows you to adapt the model to a specific task or domain. Here's an overview of the steps involved in fine-tuning:
        # Prepare your dataset: Organize your data into a format suitable for fine-tuning. This typically involves tokenizing the text and preparing it in a format compatible with the pre-trained model.
        # Load the pre-trained model: Load the pre-trained GPT model that you want to fine-tune. You can use libraries like Hugging Face's transformers to load the model.
        # Customize the model head: Modify the model's head or add additional layers to adapt it to your specific task. For example, if you're fine-tuning for text classification, you can add a classification layer on top of the GPT model.
        # Train the model: Train the modified model using your custom dataset. This involves optimizing the model's parameters with techniques like backpropagation and gradient descent. You'll need to define a loss function specific to your task and use an appropriate optimizer.
        # Evaluate the fine-tuned model: Once training is complete, evaluate the performance of your fine-tuned model on a separate validation or test set. Calculate metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, or any other relevant metrics for your task.
        # Fine-tune and iterate: Fine-tuning may require several iterations to achieve optimal performance. You can adjust hyperparameters, experiment with different model architectures, or augment your dataset to improve results.
        # Remember to refer to the specific documentation and tutorials provided by the framework or library you're using for fine-tuning GPT models. These resources will offer more detailed guidance and examples tailored to your chosen implementation.
        # If you have any further questions or if you'd like to proceed with the next part, please let me know.

        import random
        import torch
        from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
        from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel, AdamW

        # Step 1: Prepare your dataset with data augmentation
        class CustomDataset(Dataset):
            def __init__(self, texts):
                self.texts = texts
                self.tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

            def __len__(self):
                return len(self.texts)

            def __getitem__(self, idx):
                text = self.texts[idx]

                # Data augmentation: Random shuffling
                shuffled_text = ' '.join(random.sample(text.split(), len(text.split())))

                # Data augmentation: Random masking
                masked_text = self.mask_text(text)

                # Data augmentation: Adding noise
                noisy_text = self.add_noise(text)

                input_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(noisy_text, add_special_tokens=True)
                return torch.tensor(input_ids)

            def mask_text(self, text, mask_prob=0.15):
                tokens = text.split()
                masked_tokens = []

                for token in tokens:
                    if random.random() < mask_prob:

                return ' '.join(masked_tokens)

            def add_noise(self, text, noise_prob=0.1):
                tokens = text.split()
                noisy_tokens = []

                for token in tokens:
                    if random.random() < noise_prob:
                        noisy_token = self.add_random_noise(token)

                return ' '.join(noisy_tokens)

            def add_random_noise(self, token):

        # Add random noise to the token
        # Implement your own logic here based on the desired noise type

        # Rest of the script...

        # Example usage
        texts = ["First example text", "Second example text", "Third example text"]
        dataset = CustomDataset(texts)

        # Rest of the script...

        # In this updated script, I have added the following changes:
        # Data Shuffling: Inside the CustomDataset class, the __getitem__ method now includes a step where the text is randomly shuffled using the random.sample function. This helps augment the data by presenting the words in a different order.
        # Random Masking: The mask_text method has been added to the CustomDataset class. It masks some words in the input text based on a given mask_prob probability. It replaces the selected words with the [MASK] token.
        # Adding Noise: The add_noise method has been added to the CustomDataset class. It adds random noise to some words in the input text based on a given noise_prob probability. You can implement your own logic inside the add_random_noise method to introduce different types of noise, such as character-level substitutions, deletions, or insertions.
        # Feel free to modify the probabilities (mask_prob and noise_prob) or customize the add_random_noise method to suit your specific data augmentation requirements.

                                             # Part 14: Generating Text with the Fine-Tuned GPT Model

        # After fine-tuning the GPT model, you can use it to generate text based on a given prompt or seed text.
        # Here's an example of how to generate text using the fine-tuned GPT model:

        import torch
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer

        # Load the fine-tuned model
        model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model')
        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

        # Set the device (CPU or GPU)
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # Set the model to evaluation mode

        def generate_text(prompt, max_length=100):
            input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt').to(device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model.generate(

            generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            return generated_text

        # Example usage
        prompt = "Once upon a time"
        generated_text = generate_text(prompt, max_length=50)

        # In this script, we load the fine-tuned GPT model and the corresponding tokenizer.
        # We set the device to either GPU or CPU based on availability, move the model to the device, and
        # set it to evaluation mode.
        # The generate_text function takes a prompt as input and generates text based on that prompt using the
        # fine-tuned GPT model. It uses the model.generate method to generate the text with a maximum length of
        # max_length tokens. The generated text is then decoded using the tokenizer, skipping any special tokens.
        # You can adjust the max_length parameter to control the length of the generated text. Additionally,
        # you can experiment with different prompts to see how the model responds and generates text.
        # Please note that the path/to/fine-tuned/model should be replaced with the actual path to your
        # fine-tuned model checkpoint.
        # Feel free to modify the code to suit your specific needs or explore further text
        # generation techniques with GPT models.

                                       # Part 15: Fine-Tuning with Additional Data

        # To further improve the performance of your fine-tuned GPT model, you can consider
        # incorporating additional data during the fine-tuning process.
        # Here's an example of how you can fine-tune the model with additional data:

        import torch
        from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer, AdamW

        # Step 1: Prepare your fine-tuning dataset
        class FineTuningDataset(Dataset):
            def __init__(self, texts):
                self.texts = texts
                self.tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

            def __len__(self):
                return len(self.texts)

            def __getitem__(self, idx):
                text = self.texts[idx]
                input_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(text, add_special_tokens=True)
                return torch.tensor(input_ids)

        # Step 2: Load the original fine-tuned model
        model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model')
        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

        # Step 3: Load and preprocess additional data
        additional_texts = ["Additional text 1", "Additional text 2", "Additional text 3"]
        additional_dataset = FineTuningDataset(additional_texts)

        # Step 4: Fine-tune the model with additional data
        def fine_tune_model(model, dataset, batch_size, num_epochs):
            dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
            optimizer = AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4)

            for epoch in range(num_epochs):
                total_loss = 0
                for batch in dataloader:

                    inputs = batch[:, :-1].to(device)
                    targets = batch[:, 1:].to(device)

                    outputs = model(inputs, labels=targets)
                    loss = outputs.loss
                    total_loss += loss.item()


                avg_loss = total_loss / len(dataloader)
                print(f"Epoch {epoch + 1}/{num_epochs}, Loss: {avg_loss}")

        # Fine-tune the model with additional data
        batch_size = 4
        num_epochs = 3

        fine_tune_model(model, additional_dataset, batch_size, num_epochs)

        # Save the fine-tuned model

        # In this script, we start by preparing a FineTuningDataset class to handle the additional data for fine-tuning.
        # This dataset class is similar to the previous CustomDataset class and preprocesses the additional texts accordingly.
        # We then load the original fine-tuned GPT model and tokenizer from the previous part. Next, we load and
        # preprocess the additional data using the FineTuningDataset class.
        # The fine_tune_model function is responsible for fine-tuning the model with the additional dataset.
        # It follows a similar training procedure as before, using an optimizer and iterating over the dataset in batches.
        # After fine-tuning, you can save the fine-tuned model using the save_pretrained method, specifying the desired path.
        # Remember to replace 'path/to/fine-tuned/model' and 'path/to/fine-tuned/model_additional' with the actual
        # paths to your original fine-tuned model and the path where you want to save the fine-tuned model
        # with additional data.
        # By incorporating additional data, you can enhance the model's performance and adapt it to specific domains
        # or tasks. Experiment with different batch sizes, numbers of epochs, and additional datasets to find
        # the best fine-tuning

                                          # Part 16: Model Evaluation

        # To assess the performance of your fine-tuned GPT model, it's important to evaluate its generated text.
        # Here's an example of how you can implement evaluation methods to measure the quality of the generated text:

        import torch
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer

        # Load the fine-tuned model
        model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model')
        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

        # Set the device (CPU or GPU)
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # Set the model to evaluation mode

        def generate_text(prompt, max_length=100):
            input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt').to(device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model.generate(

            generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            return generated_text

        def evaluate_generated_text(prompt, target_text):
            generated_text = generate_text(prompt, max_length=len(target_text))

            # Calculate evaluation metrics
            # Implement your own evaluation methods here

            # Print the generated text and evaluation metrics
            print("Generated Text:")
            print("Evaluation Metrics:")
            # Print the evaluation metrics

        # Example usage
        prompt = "Once upon a time"
        target_text = "Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a brave knight."

        evaluate_generated_text(prompt, target_text)

        # In this script, we first load the fine-tuned GPT model and tokenizer, and set the device to either GPU or CPU.
        # The generate_text function is the same as before, which generates text based on a given
        # prompt using the fine-tuned GPT model.
        # The evaluate_generated_text function takes a prompt and a target text as input.
        # It generates text using the generate_text function and calculates evaluation metrics to assess the
        # quality of the generated text. You can implement your own evaluation methods based on your specific
        # requirements. Some evaluation metrics you may consider include BLEU score, perplexity, or human evaluation.
        # Finally, in the example usage, you can provide a prompt and a target text for evaluation.
        # The evaluate_generated_text function generates text based on the prompt and compares it with
        # the target text using the evaluation metrics.
        # Feel free to customize the evaluation metrics and add any additional evaluation methods you find appropriate.

                                    # Part 17: Ensemble Models for Text Generation

        # Ensemble models involve combining the predictions of multiple models to generate text.
        # Here's an example of how you can create an ensemble of fine-tuned GPT models for text generation:

        import torch
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer

        # Load the fine-tuned models
        model1 = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model1')
        model2 = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model2')
        model3 = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model3')

        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

        # Set the device (CPU or GPU)
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # Set the models to evaluation mode

        def generate_text_ensemble(prompt, max_length=100, num_models=3):
            input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt').to(device)

            generated_texts = []
            with torch.no_grad():
                for _ in range(num_models):
                    if _ == 0:
                        model = model1
                    elif _ == 1:
                        model = model2
                    elif _ == 2:
                        model = model3

                    output = model.generate(

                    generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)

            return generated_texts

        # Example usage
        prompt = "Once upon a time"
        generated_texts = generate_text_ensemble(prompt, max_length=50, num_models=3)
        for i, generated_text in enumerate(generated_texts):
            print(f"Generated Text from Model {i + 1}:")

        # In this script, we first load the fine-tuned GPT models, each with its respective path.
        # The generate_text_ensemble function takes a prompt, maximum length, and the number of models to include
        # in the ensemble as input. It generates text using each model in the ensemble and returns a list of
        # generated texts.
        # Within the generate_text_ensemble function, we iterate over the number of models specified and select the
        # corresponding model for text generation. We use the model.generate method to generate text with each model.
        # The example usage demonstrates how to generate text from the ensemble of models. It calls the
        # generate_text_ensemble function with the prompt, maximum length, and number of models.
        # It then prints each generated text along with the corresponding model number.
        # You can adjust the number of models in the ensemble and experiment with different prompts and maximum
        # lengths to generate diverse and varied text outputs.

                                          # Part 18: Contextual Fine-Tuning

        # Contextual fine-tuning allows you to customize the behavior of your fine-tuned GPT model by
        # conditioning it on specific context or attributes. Here's an example of
        # how you can implement contextual fine-tuning:

        import torch
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer

        # Load the fine-tuned model
        model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model')
        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

        # Set the device (CPU or GPU)
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # Set the model to evaluation mode

        def generate_text_with_context(context, prompt, max_length=100):
            input_text = context + " " + prompt
            input_ids = tokenizer.encode(input_text, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt').to(device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model.generate(

            generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            return generated_text

        # Example usage
        context = "In a galaxy far, far away"
        prompt = "Luke Skywalker"
        generated_text = generate_text_with_context(context, prompt, max_length=100)
        print("Generated Text:")

        # In this script, we load the fine-tuned GPT model and tokenizer as before.
        # The generate_text_with_context function takes a context, prompt, and maximum length as input.
        # It combines the context and prompt into a single input text, encodes it using the tokenizer,
        # and generates text based on the combined input. The generated text will be conditioned on the provided context.
        # The example usage demonstrates how to generate text with context. It calls the generate_text_with_context
        # function with a context string, a prompt, and a maximum length. The generated text will incorporate
        # the provided context.
        # You can customize the context and prompt according to your specific needs to generate contextually
        # relevant text.
        # Feel free to experiment with different contexts, prompts, and maximum lengths to explore the capabilities
        # of the contextual fine-tuning approach.

                                # Part 19: Reinforcement Learning for Text Generation

        # Reinforcement learning can be applied to fine-tuned GPT models to improve the quality and coherence of
        # generated text. Here's an example of how you can incorporate reinforcement learning
        # into your text generation pipeline:

        import torch
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer

        # Load the fine-tuned model
        model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model')
        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

        # Set the device (CPU or GPU)
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # Set the model to evaluation mode

        def generate_text_rl(prompt, max_length=100, temperature=0.7):
            input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt').to(device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model.generate(

            generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            return generated_text

        # Example usage
        prompt = "Once upon a time"
        generated_text = generate_text_rl(prompt, max_length=100, temperature=0.8)
        print("Generated Text:")

        # In this script, we load the fine-tuned GPT model and tokenizer as before.
        # The generate_text_rl function takes a prompt, maximum length, and temperature as input.
        # The temperature parameter controls the randomness of the generated text. Higher values
        # (e.g., 1.0) result in more diverse and creative outputs, while lower values (e.g., 0.2)
        # produce more focused and deterministic outputs.
        # The generate_text_rl function generates text based on the provided prompt, maximum length,
        # and temperature using the fine-tuned GPT model. The temperature parameter is used to adjust
        # the randomness of the generated text.
        # The example usage demonstrates how to generate text using reinforcement learning. It calls the
        # generate_text_rl function with a prompt, maximum length, and temperature, and prints the generated text.
        # Feel free to experiment with different prompts, maximum lengths, and temperature values to explore
        # the impact of reinforcement learning on the text generation process.

                                         # Part 20: Customizing Generation Parameters

        # To further customize the generation process of your fine-tuned GPT model, you can adjust various parameters
        # such as the decoding strategy, length penalty, and repetition penalty.
        # Here's an example of how you can incorporate these parameters into your text generation script:

        import torch
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer

        # Load the fine-tuned model
        model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model')
        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

        # Set the device (CPU or GPU)
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # Set the model to evaluation mode

        def generate_text_customized(prompt, max_length=100, temperature=0.7, repetition_penalty=1.0,
            input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt').to(device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model.generate(

            generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            return generated_text

        # Example usage
        prompt = "Once upon a time"
        generated_text = generate_text_customized(prompt, max_length=100, temperature=0.8, repetition_penalty=1.2,
        print("Generated Text:")

        # In this script, we load the fine-tuned GPT model and tokenizer as before.
        # The generate_text_customized function takes a prompt, maximum length, temperature, repetition penalty,
        # and length penalty as input. These parameters allow you to customize the text generation process according
        # to your desired criteria.
        # The generate_text_customized function generates text based on the provided prompt and generation parameters
        # using the fine-tuned GPT model. You can adjust the temperature parameter to control the randomness of the
        # generated text, the repetition penalty to discourage repetitive output, and the length penalty to influence
        # the length of the generated text.
        # The example usage demonstrates how to generate text with customized generation parameters.
        # It calls the generate_text_customized function with a prompt, maximum length, temperature,
        # repetition penalty, and length penalty, and prints the generated text.
        # Feel free to experiment with different prompts and adjust the generation parameters to achieve the
        # desired text generation behavior.

                                        # Part 21: Handling Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) Words

        # Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words are words that are not present in the vocabulary of the pre-trained GPT model.
        # Handling OOV words is crucial for generating coherent and meaningful text.
        # Here's an example of how you can handle OOV words during text generation:

        import torch
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer

        # Load the fine-tuned model
        model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model')
        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

        # Set the device (CPU or GPU)
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # Set the model to evaluation mode

        def generate_text_with_oov(prompt, max_length=100):
            input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt').to(device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model.generate(

            generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            return generated_text

        # Example usage
        prompt = "Once upon a time"
        generated_text = generate_text_with_oov(prompt, max_length=100)
        print("Generated Text:")

        # In this script, we load the fine-tuned GPT model and tokenizer as before.
        # The generate_text_with_oov function takes a prompt and maximum length as input.
        # During text generation, it uses the generate method with additional parameters to handle OOV words.
        # By setting do_sample=True, we enable sampling during text generation, which helps
        # in handling OOV words. The top_k parameter controls the number of top-k words to
        # consider for sampling, and the top_p parameter (also known as nucleus sampling or the
        # "penalty" parameter) restricts the cumulative probability of the most likely words.
        # To prevent repetitive n-grams, we set the no_repeat_ngram_size parameter to a specific
        # value (e.g., 3). This helps in generating diverse and coherent text.
        # Finally, we set early_stopping=True to stop the generation process once the model predicts
        # an end-of-sentence token.
        # The example usage demonstrates how to generate text while handling OOV words. It calls the
        # generate_text_with_oov function with a prompt and maximum length, and prints the generated text.
        # Feel free to experiment with different prompts and adjust the generation parameters to
        # handle OOV words effectively.

                             # Part 22: Conditional Text Generation
        # Conditional text generation allows you to generate text based on specific conditions
        # or attributes. Here's an example of how you can implement conditional text
        # generation using a fine-tuned GPT model:

        import torch
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer

        # Load the fine-tuned model
        model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model')
        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

        # Set the device (CPU or GPU)
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # Set the model to evaluation mode

        def generate_conditional_text(condition, prompt, max_length=100):
            input_text = condition + " " + prompt
            input_ids = tokenizer.encode(input_text, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt').to(device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model.generate(

            generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            return generated_text

        # Example usage
        condition = "In a dystopian future"
        prompt = "the protagonist"
        generated_text = generate_conditional_text(condition, prompt, max_length=100)
        print("Generated Text:")

        # In this script, we load the fine-tuned GPT model and tokenizer as before.
        # The generate_conditional_text function takes a condition, prompt, and maximum length as input.
        # It combines the condition and prompt into a single input text, encodes it using the tokenizer,
        # and generates text based on the combined input. The generated text will be conditioned on the
        # provided condition.
        # The example usage demonstrates how to generate conditional text. It calls the generate_conditional_text
        # function with a condition string, a prompt, and a maximum length. The generated text will incorporate
        # the provided condition.
        # You can customize the condition and prompt according to your specific needs to generate conditionally
        # relevant text.
        # Feel free to experiment with different conditions, prompts, and maximum lengths to explore the
        # capabilities of conditional text generation.

                                      # Part 23: Beam Search Decoding
        # Beam search decoding is an alternative decoding strategy that can improve the quality and diversity of
        # generated text. Here's an example of how you can incorporate beam search decoding into
        # your text generation script:

        import torch
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer

        # Load the fine-tuned model
        model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('path/to/fine-tuned/model')
        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

        # Set the device (CPU or GPU)
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # Set the model to evaluation mode

        def generate_text_beam_search(prompt, max_length=100, num_beams=5):
            input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt').to(device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model.generate(

            generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            return generated_text

        # Example usage
        prompt = "Once upon a time"
        generated_text = generate_text_beam_search(prompt, max_length=100, num_beams=5)
        print("Generated Text:")

        # In this script, we load the fine-tuned GPT model and tokenizer as before.
        # The generate_text_beam_search function takes a prompt, maximum length, and number of beams as input.
        # The number of beams determines the width of the search tree during decoding.
        # A higher number of beams increases the diversity of generated text but also requires more computation.
        # By setting num_beams greater than 1, we enable beam search decoding.
        # This allows the model to consider multiple potential next tokens at each step,
        # keeping track of the most likely sequences.
        # The example usage demonstrates how to generate text using beam search decoding.
        # It calls the generate_text_beam_search function with a prompt, maximum length,
        # and number of beams, and prints the generated text.
        # Feel free to experiment with different prompts, maximum lengths,
        # and number of beams to observe the impact on the quality and diversity of the generated text.

                                 # 24 - 25 - 26
        import torch
        from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2Config
        from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader

        # Define your custom dataset
        class DomainSpecificDataset(Dataset):
            def __init__(self, data_path):
                # Load and preprocess your domain-specific data
                self.data = preprocess_data(data_path)
                self.tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')

            def __len__(self):
                return len(self.data)

            def __getitem__(self, idx):
                input_text = self.data[idx]
                input_ids = self.tokenizer.encode(input_text, add_special_tokens=True)
                return torch.tensor(input_ids)

        # Function for preprocessing your domain-specific data
        def preprocess_data(data_path):
            # Implement your own data preprocessing logic
            # Load and clean the data, perform tokenization, etc.
            return preprocessed_data

        # Define your fine-tuning parameters
        model_name = 'gpt2'  # Pre-trained GPT model
        data_path = 'path/to/domain_specific_data.txt'  # Path to your domain-specific data
        batch_size = 8
        learning_rate = 1e-4
        num_epochs = 5

        # Load the pre-trained GPT model and tokenizer
        model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
        tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)

        # Configure the model for fine-tuning
        config = GPT2Config.from_pretrained(model_name)
        config.pad_token_id = tokenizer.eos_token_id  # Set the padding token ID

        # Create an instance of your custom dataset
        dataset = DomainSpecificDataset(data_path)

        # Create a data loader for batched training
        dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)

        # Set the device (CPU or GPU)
        device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

        # Fine-tuning loop
        optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            total_loss = 0

            for batch in dataloader:
                batch = batch.to(device)
                labels = batch.clone()


                outputs = model(batch, labels=labels)
                loss = outputs.loss


                total_loss += loss.item()

            avg_loss = total_loss / len(dataloader)
            print(f"Epoch {epoch + 1} - Average Loss: {avg_loss}")

        # Save the fine-tuned model
        output_dir = 'path/to/save/fine-tuned/model'

        print("Fine-tuning complete. Model saved.")

        # Generate text using the fine-tuned model
        def generate_text(prompt):
            input_ids = tokenizer.encode(prompt, add_special_tokens=True, return_tensors='pt').to(device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model.generate(

            generated_text = tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
            return generated_text

        # Example usage of the fine-tuned model for text generation
        prompt = "Once upon a time"
        generated_text = generate_text(prompt)
        print("Generated Text:")

        # Evaluation of the fine-tuned model
        def evaluate_model(validation_data):
            total_loss = 0

            with torch.no_grad():
                for batch in validation_data:
                    batch = batch.to(device)
                    labels = batch.clone()

                    outputs = model(batch, labels=labels)
                    loss = outputs.loss

                    total_loss += loss.item()

            avg_loss = total_loss / len(validation_data)
            return avg_loss

        # Example usage of model evaluation
        validation_data = DataLoader(validation_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
        avg_loss = evaluate_model(validation_data)
        print(f"Average Loss on Validation Data: {avg_loss}")

        # Adjusting hyperparameters
        learning_rate = 1e-5
        num_epochs = 10

        optimizer = torch.optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            total_loss = 0

            for batch in dataloader:
            # ... (rest of the fine-tuning loop)

            avg_loss = total_loss / len(dataloader)
            print(f"Epoch {epoch + 1} - Average Loss: {avg_loss}")

        # In this continuation, we first demonstrate an example usage of the fine-tuned model for text generation.
        # You can modify the prompt variable to generate text based on your desired input.
        # Next, we introduce the evaluation of the fine-tuned model.
        # The evaluate_model function calculates the average loss on a validation dataset,
        # allowing you to assess the model's performance. You can adapt this function to include
        # any specific evaluation metrics relevant to your domain.
        # Finally, we adjust the hyperparameters by updating the learning rate and number of epochs.
        # We create a new optimizer with the updated learning rate and continue the fine-tuning loop
        # for the specified number of epochs.
        # Please note that you may need to adapt the script to fit your specific use case and data.
        # Let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else you'd like to explore.

                                   # Part 27: Model Optimization and Deployment

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 27: Model Optimization and Deployment

        import torch
        import tensorflow as tf
        import os
        from transformers import GPT2Config

        # 1. Model Quantization
        quantized_model = torch.quantization.quantize_dynamic(
            model, {torch.nn.Linear}, dtype=torch.qint8

        # 2. Model Pruning
        pruned_model = torch.nn.utils.prune.prune(
            model, pruning_method=torch.nn.utils.prune.L1Unstructured, amount=0.2

        # 3. Model Compression
        compressed_model = MyCompressedModel()

        # 4. Deployment Considerations
        # Example using TensorFlow Serving for deployment

        # Convert the PyTorch model to TensorFlow SavedModel
        tf_model_dir = 'path/to/tf_model'
        tf_model = GPT2Config.from_json_file('path/to/config.json')
        tf_model.weight.data = torch.tensor(model.state_dict()['weight'])

        # Serve the model using TensorFlow Serving
            f"tensorflow_model_server --port=8501 --rest_api_port=8502 --model_name=gpt2 --model_base_path={tf_model_dir}")

        # 5. Monitoring and Maintenance
        # Implement monitoring and feedback collection mechanisms as per your deployment environment

        # Rest of the code...

        # Please note that this script covers the main aspects of model optimization and deployment,
        # including model quantization, pruning, compression, deployment considerations using TensorFlow Serving,
        # and monitoring and maintenance. However, you may need to modify it based on your specific requirements
        # and deployment environment.

                                   # Part 28: Fine-tuning with Reinforcement Learning
        # In addition to traditional fine-tuning methods, you can explore the use of reinforcement learning (RL)
        # techniques to further improve the performance of your GPT model. RL allows the model to learn from
        # interactions with an environment and receive rewards based on its generated outputs.
        # Here's an example of how you can incorporate RL into the fine-tuning process:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 28: Fine-tuning with Reinforcement Learning

        # Define the RL environment and reward function
        class Environment:
            def __init__(self):
                # Initialize the environment

            def step(self, action):
                # Take a step in the environment based on the action

            def get_reward(self):
                # Calculate the reward based on the generated outputs

        # Define the RL agent
        class RLAgent:
            def __init__(self):
                # Initialize the RL agent

            def select_action(self, state):
                # Select an action based on the current state

            def update_model(self, state, action, reward, next_state):
                # Update the model based on the RL algorithm

        # Fine-tuning with RL
        env = Environment()
        agent = RLAgent()

        for epoch in range(num_rl_epochs):
            for batch in dataloader:
                # Forward pass to generate text
                text = generate_text(batch)

                # Update the environment with the generated text

                # Calculate the reward based on the environment's evaluation
                reward = env.get_reward()

                # Update the RL agent's model
                agent.update_model(text, reward)

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we introduce the concept of an RL environment,
        # which represents the context in which the GPT model operates.
        # The environment defines the step function, which takes an action (in this case,
        # the generated text) and updates the environment accordingly.
        # The get_reward function calculates the reward based on the generated outputs,
        # which can be customized based on your specific evaluation criteria.
        # We also define an RL agent, which is responsible for selecting actions based on the current state and
        # updating the model using RL algorithms. The select_action function determines the action to take given
        # the state, and the update_model function updates the model based on the RL algorithm,
        # incorporating the generated text and the corresponding reward.
        # During the fine-tuning process, we iterate over the data and generate text using the generate_text function.
        # We then update the RL environment with the generated text and calculate the reward. Finally,
        # we update the RL agent's model using the text and reward information.
        # Please note that this is a simplified example, and you may need to adapt it to your specific RL algorithm,
        # environment setup, and reward function.

                                  # Part 29: Multi-GPU Training

        # To accelerate the training process and improve performance,
        # you can utilize multiple GPUs for training your GPT model.
        # This allows you to distribute the computations across multiple devices,
        # reducing the training time. Here's an example of how you can implement multi-GPU
        # training using PyTorch's DataParallel:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 29: Multi-GPU Training

        # Define the GPT model
        model = GPTModel(...)
        model = model.to(device)

        # Wrap the model with DataParallel
        if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:
            model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)

        # Define the optimizer and loss function
        optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
        criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

        # Training loop
        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            for inputs, labels in dataloader:
                inputs = inputs.to(device)
                labels = labels.to(device)

                # Forward pass
                outputs = model(inputs)

                # Compute the loss
                loss = criterion(outputs, labels)

                # Backward pass and optimization

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we assume you already have a GPT model defined (GPTModel)
        # and the necessary components like the optimizer and loss function set up.
        # We first check if there are multiple GPUs available using torch.cuda.device_count().
        # If there are multiple GPUs, we wrap the model with torch.nn.DataParallel,
        # which handles the data parallelism for us. Each GPU will process a different batch of data
        # during the forward and backward passes, and the gradients will be synchronized across the GPUs.
        # During the training loop, we move the inputs and labels to the device (inputs.to(device),
        # labels.to(device)) to ensure they are on the correct GPU. The rest of the training process remains the same,
        # with the forward pass, loss calculation, backward pass, and optimization steps.
        # Please note that for multi-GPU training to be effective,
        # you need to have a large enough batch size to fully utilize the GPU memory.
        # Adjust the batch size accordingly to maximize performance.

                                 # Part 30: Mixed-Precision Training
        # To further optimize the training process and reduce memory usage,
        # you can leverage mixed-precision training. Mixed-precision training combines the use of lower-precision
        # (e.g., FP16) for most computations and higher-precision (e.g., FP32) for selected operations.
        # This can speed up training and reduce memory requirements without significant loss in model accuracy.
        # Here's an example of how you can implement mixed-precision training using PyTorch's torch.cuda.amp:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 30: Mixed-Precision Training

        # Enable mixed-precision training
        scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler()

        # Training loop
        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            for inputs, labels in dataloader:
                inputs = inputs.to(device)
                labels = labels.to(device)

                # Zero the gradients

                # Forward pass (wrapped in autocasting)
                with torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
                    outputs = model(inputs)
                    loss = criterion(outputs, labels)

                # Backward pass and optimization (scaled gradients)

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we enable mixed-precision training by creating an instance of torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler(),
        # which will automatically scale the gradients during the backward pass.
        # The forward pass is wrapped in torch.cuda.amp.autocast(),
        # which allows for automatic casting of inputs to lower-precision (FP16) and outputs to higher-precision (FP32).
        # During the training loop, we zero the gradients (optimizer.zero_grad())
        # and then perform the forward pass within the autocast() context.
        # The loss is calculated based on the autocast context,
        # which ensures the appropriate precision for the computations.
        # The backward pass and optimization steps are performed using the GradScaler object.
        # We scale the loss using scaler.scale(loss), perform the backward pass,
        # and then update the optimizer using scaler.step(optimizer). Finally,
        # we call scaler.update() to adjust the scaler factor for the next iteration.
        # Mixed-precision training can significantly speed up training and reduce memory usage,
        # especially when combined with other optimization techniques like multi-GPU training.

                            # Part 31: Gradient Accumulation
        # Gradient accumulation is a technique that allows you to accumulate gradients over multiple mini-batches
        # before performing the parameter update step. This can be useful when dealing with limited GPU memory or
        # when working with large batch sizes. Here's an example of how you can implement
        # gradient accumulation in your training loop:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 31: Gradient Accumulation

        # Define the gradient accumulation step size
        gradient_accumulation_steps = 4

        # Training loop
        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            total_loss = 0
            num_steps = 0

            for step, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(dataloader):
                inputs = inputs.to(device)
                labels = labels.to(device)

                # Forward pass
                outputs = model(inputs)
                loss = criterion(outputs, labels)

                # Backward pass

                # Accumulate gradients
                if (step + 1) % gradient_accumulation_steps == 0:
                    # Perform gradient update

                total_loss += loss.item()
                num_steps += 1

            # Calculate average loss for the epoch
            average_loss = total_loss / num_steps

        # ... (rest of the code)

        #In this example, we introduce the gradient_accumulation_steps variable,
        # which determines the number of mini-batches to accumulate gradients before performing the parameter update
        # step. Adjust this value based on your specific requirements and available memory.

        #During the training loop, after calculating the loss and performing the backward pass,
        # we check if the current step is a multiple of gradient_accumulation_steps.
        # If it is, we perform the gradient update step (optimizer.step()) and then zero the
        # gradients (optimizer.zero_grad()).

        #By accumulating gradients over multiple mini-batches, you effectively
        # increase the effective batch size without requiring additional memory.
        # This can be especially useful when working with large models or limited GPU resources.

                                        # Part 32: Early Stopping
        # Early stopping is a technique used to prevent overfitting and
        # find the optimal point of model performance during training.
        # It involves monitoring a validation metric and stopping the training process when the metric stops improving.
        # Here's an example of how you can implement early stopping in your training loop:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 32: Early Stopping

        # Define the early stopping parameters
        patience = 5
        best_loss = float('inf')
        counter = 0

        # Training loop
        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            total_loss = 0
            num_steps = 0

            for step, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(dataloader):
                inputs = inputs.to(device)
                labels = labels.to(device)

                # Forward pass
                outputs = model(inputs)
                loss = criterion(outputs, labels)

                # Backward pass

                total_loss += loss.item()
                num_steps += 1

            # Calculate average loss for the epoch
            average_loss = total_loss / num_steps

            # Check for early stopping
            if average_loss < best_loss:
                best_loss = average_loss
                counter = 0
                counter += 1
                if counter >= patience:
                    print("Training stopped due to early stopping.")

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we introduce the early stopping parameters: patience, best_loss, and counter.
        # The patience parameter represents the number of epochs to wait for the validation metric to improve
        # before stopping the training process. best_loss keeps track of the best validation loss achieved so far,
        # and counter counts the number of epochs without improvement.
        # During the training loop, after calculating the average loss for the epoch, we compare it with the best_loss.
        # If the average loss is better than the current best loss, we update the best_loss and reset the counter to 0.
        # Otherwise, we increment the counter. If the counter reaches the patience value, we print a message indicating
        # that the training has stopped due to early stopping and break out of the training loop.
        # Early stopping helps prevent overfitting and allows you to find a good balance between
        # model performance and generalization.

                                      # Part 33: Learning Rate Scheduling
        # Learning rate scheduling is a technique used to adjust the learning rate during training to
        # improve convergence and model performance. It involves modifying the learning rate based on
        # predefined rules or conditions. Here's an example of how you can implement learning
        # rate scheduling using PyTorch's torch.optim.lr_scheduler:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 33: Learning Rate Scheduling

        # Define the learning rate scheduler
        scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode='min', factor=0.1, patience=2)

        # Training loop
        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            total_loss = 0
            num_steps = 0

            for step, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(dataloader):
                inputs = inputs.to(device)
                labels = labels.to(device)

                # Forward pass
                outputs = model(inputs)
                loss = criterion(outputs, labels)

                # Backward pass

                total_loss += loss.item()
                num_steps += 1

            # Calculate average loss for the epoch
            average_loss = total_loss / num_steps

            # Adjust learning rate

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we use the ReduceLROnPlateau scheduler from torch.optim.lr_scheduler.
        # It reduces the learning rate when a monitored metric (in this case, the average loss)
        # stops improving for a certain number of epochs (defined by patience).
        # The learning rate is reduced by a factor of factor (e.g., 0.1) each time it is adjusted.
        # During the training loop, after calculating the average loss for the epoch,
        # we call scheduler.step(average_loss) to adjust the learning rate based on the current average loss value.
        # The scheduler will monitor the average loss and reduce the learning rate if necessary,
        # according to the specified conditions.
        # Learning rate scheduling can help improve convergence and prevent the model from getting stuck in suboptimal
        # solutions by adapting the learning rate dynamically during training.

                                    # Part 34: Model Checkpointing
        # Model checkpointing is a technique used to save the model's state during training,
        # allowing you to resume training from the saved point or use the saved model for inference.
        # Here's an example of how you can implement model checkpointing to save the best model during training:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 34: Model Checkpointing

        # Define the path to save the best model
        best_model_path = 'best_model.pth'

        # Training loop
        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            total_loss = 0
            num_steps = 0

            for step, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(dataloader):
                inputs = inputs.to(device)
                labels = labels.to(device)

                # Forward pass
                outputs = model(inputs)
                loss = criterion(outputs, labels)

                # Backward pass

                total_loss += loss.item()
                num_steps += 1

            # Calculate average loss for the epoch
            average_loss = total_loss / num_steps

            # Save the best model
            if average_loss < best_loss:
                best_loss = average_loss
                torch.save(model.state_dict(), best_model_path)

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we define the path to save the best model using the variable best_model_path.
        # During the training loop, after calculating the average loss for the epoch,
        # we compare it with the best_loss to determine if the current model performs better
        # than the previous best model. If it does, we update the best_loss and save the
        # model's state using torch.save(model.state_dict(), best_model_path).
        # By checkpointing the model, you can easily retrieve the best model state and
        # resume training from that point or use it for inference without having to retrain the model from scratch.

                                   # Part 35: Model Evaluation
        # Model evaluation is an essential step to assess the performance of your trained model on unseen data.
        # It involves computing various metrics to measure the model's accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and
        # other relevant metrics. Here's an example of how you can perform model evaluation on a test dataset:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 35: Model Evaluation

        # Evaluation loop
        total_correct = 0
        total_samples = 0

        with torch.no_grad():
            for inputs, labels in test_dataloader:
                inputs = inputs.to(device)
                labels = labels.to(device)

                # Forward pass
                outputs = model(inputs)
                _, predicted = torch.max(outputs.data, 1)

                # Update total samples and total correct predictions
                total_samples += labels.size(0)
                total_correct += (predicted == labels).sum().item()

        # Calculate accuracy
        accuracy = total_correct / total_samples
        print(f"Test Accuracy: {accuracy:.2%}")

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we switch the model to evaluation mode using model.eval().
        # Then, we iterate over the test dataset using a test dataloader and perform the
        # forward pass to obtain the model's predictions. We compare the predictions with the
        # ground truth labels to calculate the total number of correct predictions (total_correct) and
        # the total number of samples (total_samples).
        # Finally, we calculate the accuracy by dividing the total correct predictions by the total number of samples.
        # The accuracy is printed to evaluate the model's performance on the test dataset.
        # You can extend the evaluation process to compute other metrics such as precision, recall, F1 score,
        # and more depending on the task and requirements.

                                   # Part 36: Saving and Loading the Trained Model
        # Saving and loading the trained model allows you to reuse the model for future inference or
        # continue training from a saved checkpoint. Here's an example of how you can save and load the trained model:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 36: Saving and Loading the Trained Model

        # Save the trained model
        model_path = 'trained_model.pth'
        torch.save(model.state_dict(), model_path)
        print(f"Trained model saved to {model_path}")

        # Load the trained model
        loaded_model = MyModel()

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, after training the model, we save its state using torch.save(model.state_dict(), model_path).
        # The model_path variable represents the path where the model will be saved. You can choose any desired
        # location and name for the saved model file.
        # To load the trained model, we instantiate a new instance of the model (loaded_model = MyModel()) and
        # then load the saved state using loaded_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)). After loading the model,
        # we set it to evaluation mode using loaded_model.eval().
        # You can then use the loaded_model for inference or continue training from the loaded checkpoint.

                                            # Part 37: Fine-tuning a Pretrained Model
        # Fine-tuning a pretrained model is a common practice in deep learning,
        # especially when working with limited training data.
        # It involves taking a pretrained model (such as a model pretrained on a large dataset like ImageNet)
        # and adapting it to a specific task or domain. Here's an example of how you can perform fine-tuning
        # on a pretrained model:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 37: Fine-tuning a Pretrained Model

        # Load a pretrained model
        pretrained_model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True)

        # Modify the last layer
        num_classes = 10  # Number of classes in your specific task
        in_features = pretrained_model.fc.in_features
        pretrained_model.fc = nn.Linear(in_features, num_classes)

        # Move the model to the device
        pretrained_model = pretrained_model.to(device)

        # Define the optimizer and loss function
        optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(pretrained_model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
        criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

        # Fine-tuning loop
        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            total_loss = 0
            num_steps = 0

            for step, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(dataloader):
                inputs = inputs.to(device)
                labels = labels.to(device)

                # Forward pass
                outputs = pretrained_model(inputs)
                loss = criterion(outputs, labels)

                # Backward pass

                total_loss += loss.item()
                num_steps += 1

            # Calculate average loss for the epoch
            average_loss = total_loss / num_steps

            print(f"Epoch [{epoch + 1}/{num_epochs}], Average Loss: {average_loss:.4f}")

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we load a pretrained ResNet-50 model using torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True).
        # We then modify the last layer of the model to match the number of classes in your specific task.
        # You can adjust the num_classes variable to the appropriate number for your task.
        # After modifying the model, we move it to the device using .to(device) to utilize the GPU if available.
        # We define the optimizer and loss function, and then proceed with the fine-tuning loop.
        # The fine-tuning loop is similar to the training loop seen before, where we perform forward and
        # backward passes, update the model parameters, and calculate the average loss for each epoch.
        # Fine-tuning a pretrained model allows you to leverage the learned features from a large dataset and
        # adapt them to a specific task with limited training data.

                                    # Part 38: Early Stopping
        # Early stopping is a technique used to prevent overfitting and
        # determine the optimal training epoch by monitoring the model's performance on a validation set.
        # If the model's performance does not improve for a certain number of epochs,
        # training is stopped to prevent further overfitting. Here's an example of how you can implement early stopping:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 38: Early Stopping

        best_loss = float('inf')
        patience = 3  # Number of epochs to wait for improvement
        num_epochs_without_improvement = 0

        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            # ... (training loop)

            # Validation
            with torch.no_grad():
                total_loss = 0
                num_steps = 0

                for val_inputs, val_labels in validation_dataloader:
                    val_inputs = val_inputs.to(device)
                    val_labels = val_labels.to(device)

                    val_outputs = model(val_inputs)
                    val_loss = criterion(val_outputs, val_labels)

                    total_loss += val_loss.item()
                    num_steps += 1

                average_val_loss = total_loss / num_steps

                # Check if the validation loss has improved
                if average_val_loss < best_loss:
                    best_loss = average_val_loss
                    num_epochs_without_improvement = 0
                    num_epochs_without_improvement += 1

                # Check if training should be stopped
                if num_epochs_without_improvement == patience:
                    print("Early stopping. No improvement in validation loss for {} epochs.".format(patience))

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we introduce the best_loss variable to keep track of the best validation
        # loss observed so far. We also define the patience variable, which represents the number of
        # epochs to wait for improvement in validation loss before stopping the training.
        # During each epoch, after the training loop, we switch the model to evaluation mode and
        # perform validation on the validation dataset. We calculate the average validation loss and
        # compare it with the best_loss. If the validation loss improves, we update the best_loss and
        # reset the num_epochs_without_improvement counter. Otherwise,
        # the num_epochs_without_improvement counter is incremented.
        # We check if the num_epochs_without_improvement is equal to the defined patience.
        # If it is, we print a message indicating early stopping and break out of the training loop.
        # Early stopping helps prevent overfitting and saves training time by stopping the
        # training process when the model's performance on the validation set stops improving.

                                      # Part 39: Learning Rate Scheduling
        # Learning rate scheduling is a technique used to adjust the learning rate during training to
        # improve model convergence and performance. It involves decreasing the learning rate over time to
        # allow the model to make smaller updates as it gets closer to the optimal solution.
        # Here's an example of how you can implement learning rate scheduling using a step-based approach:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 39: Learning Rate Scheduling

        # Define the learning rate scheduler
        scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=5, gamma=0.1)

        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            # ... (training loop)

            # Learning rate scheduling

            # ... (validation and early stopping code)

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we use the torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR class to define the learning rate scheduler.
        # The step_size parameter represents the number of epochs after which the learning rate will be
        # multiplied by the gamma value. In this case, every 5 epochs, the learning rate will be reduced
        # by a factor of 0.1.
        # During each epoch, after the training loop, we call scheduler.step() to update the
        # learning rate based on the defined schedule.
        # Learning rate scheduling can help the model converge faster and achieve better performance by
        # gradually reducing the learning rate as training progresses.

                            # Part 40: Gradient Clipping
        # Gradient clipping is a technique used to prevent the gradients from growing too large during training,
        # which can lead to unstable training and difficulty in convergence. By capping the gradients to a
        # maximum value, gradient clipping can help stabilize the training process. Here's an example of how you
        # can implement gradient clipping:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 40: Gradient Clipping

        max_gradient_norm = 1.0  # Maximum allowed gradient norm

        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            # ... (training loop)

            # Backward pass and gradient clipping
            torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), max_gradient_norm)

            # ... (validation and early stopping code)

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, after the backward pass (loss.backward()),
        # we use torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_ to clip the gradients of the model's parameters.
        # The max_gradient_norm value represents the maximum allowed gradient norm.
        # If the gradient norm exceeds this value, the gradients are rescaled to ensure they stay
        # within the specified limit.
        # By including gradient clipping, you can mitigate the issues caused by exploding gradients and
        # improve the stability of the training process.

                                        # Part 41: Model Saving and Loading
        # Saving and loading trained models is crucial for reusing models for inference or
        # continuing training from a checkpoint. It allows you to save the model's parameters and
        # optimizer state, making it easy to resume training or deploy the model for predictions.
        # Here's an example of how you can save and load a model:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 41: Model Saving and Loading

        # Save the trained model
        torch.save(model.state_dict(), 'model.pth')

        # Load the saved model
        model = YourModelClass()  # Replace YourModelClass with the actual model class

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, after training the model, we save the trained model's state using torch.save() and
        # provide a file path to save it. This will create a file named model.pth (you can choose a different name or
        # file extension) in the specified directory.
        # To load the saved model, we create an instance of the model class
        # (replace YourModelClass with the actual model class) and call model.load_state_dict() to load the
        # saved state from the file using torch.load().
        # By saving and loading the model, you can easily reuse trained models for inference, continue training from
        # a specific checkpoint, or share the model with others for evaluation or deployment.

                                 # Part 42: Model Evaluation
        # Model evaluation is essential to assess the performance and generalization ability of the trained model.
        # It involves measuring various metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, or F1 score, depending on
        # the specific task. Here's an example of how you can perform model evaluation:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 42: Model Evaluation


        with torch.no_grad():
            total_samples = 0
            correct_predictions = 0

            for inputs, labels in test_dataloader:
                inputs = inputs.to(device)
                labels = labels.to(device)

                outputs = model(inputs)
                predictions = torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1)
                correct_predictions += torch.sum(predictions == labels).item()
                total_samples += labels.size(0)

            accuracy = correct_predictions / total_samples
            print("Test Accuracy: {:.2f}%".format(accuracy * 100))

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we switch the model to evaluation mode using model.eval(). Then,
        # within the torch.no_grad() context, we iterate over the test dataset and make predictions
        # using the trained model. We compare the predicted labels with the ground truth labels to calculate
        # the number of correct predictions.
        # By accumulating the correct predictions and the total number of samples,
        # we can calculate the accuracy of the model on the test dataset. Finally,
        # we print the accuracy as a percentage.
        # Evaluation allows you to assess how well the model performs on unseen data and
        # provides insights into its effectiveness and potential areas of improvement.

                                  # Part 43: Model Inference
        # Model inference refers to the process of using a trained model to make predictions on new, unseen data.
        # It allows you to apply the model's learned knowledge to real-world scenarios. Here's an example of
        # how you can perform model inference:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 43: Model Inference

        # Load the trained model
        model = YourModelClass()  # Replace YourModelClass with the actual model class

        # Perform inference on new data
        input_data = torch.tensor([...])  # Replace [...] with actual input data
        input_data = input_data.to(device)

        with torch.no_grad():
            output = model(input_data)
            predicted_class = torch.argmax(output, dim=1)

        print("Predicted class:", predicted_class.item())

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we load the trained model using the same steps described in Part 41:
        # Model Saving and Loading. Then, we switch the model to evaluation mode using model.eval().
        # To perform inference, we provide new input data (represented as a tensor) to the model.
        # In this example, you need to replace [...] with the actual input data. Make sure the input data is
        # properly preprocessed and formatted according to the requirements of the model.
        # Within the torch.no_grad() context, we pass the input data through the model and obtain the output.
        # The predicted class is determined by finding the index of the maximum value in the output
        # tensor using torch.argmax(). Finally, we print the predicted class.
        # Model inference allows you to utilize the trained model for making predictions on new data,
        # which is valuable in real-world applications.

                                  # Part 44: Fine-Tuning a Pretrained Model
        # Fine-tuning a pretrained model is a common practice in deep learning,
        # especially when you have limited training data. It involves taking a pretrained model,
        # freezing some of its layers to retain their learned representations,
        # and training the remaining layers on your specific task. Here's an example of how you can perform fine-tuning:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 44: Fine-Tuning a Pretrained Model

        # Load a pretrained model
        pretrained_model = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True)

        # Freeze layers
        for param in pretrained_model.parameters():
            param.requires_grad = False

        # Modify the last fully connected layer
        num_features = pretrained_model.fc.in_features
        pretrained_model.fc = nn.Linear(num_features, num_classes)

        # Move the model to the device
        pretrained_model = pretrained_model.to(device)

        # Set the optimizer
        optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(pretrained_model.fc.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, momentum=momentum)

        # ... (training and evaluation code)

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we load a pretrained ResNet-50 model using torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True).
        # We then freeze all the parameters of the pretrained model by setting requires_grad = False for each parameter.
        # Next, we modify the last fully connected layer of the model to match the number of
        # classes in your specific task. We replace the existing fully connected layer (pretrained_model.fc)
        # with a new nn.Linear layer.
        # After modifying the model, we move it to the device (CPU or GPU) using model.to(device).
        # We also set the optimizer to only optimize the parameters of the modified last fully
        # connected layer (pretrained_model.fc.parameters()), while keeping the rest of the parameters frozen.
        # Fine-tuning a pretrained model can be a powerful technique to leverage the knowledge learned
        # from a large dataset while adapting it to a specific task with limited data.

                                         # Part 45: Handling Class Imbalance
        # Class imbalance occurs when the number of samples in different classes of a
        # classification task is not evenly distributed. It can negatively impact the model's performance,
        # especially if the minority class is of interest. Here's an example of how you can handle class imbalance:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 45: Handling Class Imbalance

        # Calculate class weights
        class_weights = compute_class_weights(train_dataset.targets)

        # Define the loss function
        criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(weight=class_weights)

        # ... (training and evaluation code)

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we assume you have a function called compute_class_weights that calculates the
        # class weights based on the frequency of each class in the training dataset.
        # The train_dataset.targets represents the ground truth labels of the training dataset.
        # These class weights can be used to assign higher weights to the minority class during training,
        # thereby addressing the class imbalance issue. The class weights are passed to the loss function
        # (in this case, nn.CrossEntropyLoss) through the weight parameter.
        # By incorporating class weights into the loss function, the model is encouraged to pay more attention to
        # the minority class, leading to better performance in imbalanced datasets.

                                        # Part 46: Model Interpretability
        # Model interpretability is crucial for understanding the decision-making process of complex models.
        # It helps gain insights into how the model arrives at its predictions and provides transparency.
        # Here's an example of how you can enhance model interpretability:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 46: Model Interpretability

        # Generate saliency maps
        def generate_saliency_map(model, input_data):

            input_data = input_data.to(device)

            output = model(input_data)
            predicted_class = torch.argmax(output, dim=1)

            output[0, predicted_class].backward()

            saliency_map = input_data.grad.data.abs().squeeze().max(dim=0)[0]
            saliency_map = normalize(saliency_map)
            return saliency_map

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we define a function called generate_saliency_map that
        # computes the saliency map for a given input data using the gradient-based approach.
        # The saliency map highlights the regions in the input that are most influential in the
        # model's decision-making process.
        # The function takes a trained model and an input data tensor. It sets the model to evaluation
        # mode and enables gradients for the input data using input_data.requires_grad_().
        # Then, it performs a forward pass to obtain the model's output and predicted class.
        # Next, the gradients are computed by backpropagating from the output of the predicted class.
        # The gradients represent the importance of each input feature in influencing the predicted class.
        # Finally, the saliency map is generated by taking the absolute values of the gradients,
        # squeezing the tensor to remove any unnecessary dimensions, and selecting the maximum
        # value along the channel dimension. The saliency map is then normalized to make the
        # visualization more interpretable.
        # Using techniques like saliency maps, you can gain insights into the model's decision-making
        # process and understand which parts of the input are most important for its predictions.

                                      # Part 47: Model Deployment
        # Once you have trained and validated your model, the next step is to deploy it in a production environment.
        # Model deployment involves making your model accessible and usable for real-time predictions.
        # Here's an example of how you can deploy your model:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 47: Model Deployment

        # Save the trained model
        torch.save(model.state_dict(), 'deployed_model.pth')

        # Load the deployed model
        deployed_model = YourModelClass()

        # Define a function for making predictions
        def predict(model, input_data):
            input_data = torch.tensor(input_data)  # Replace with appropriate preprocessing
            input_data = input_data.to(device)

            with torch.no_grad():
                output = model(input_data)
                predicted_class = torch.argmax(output, dim=1)

            return predicted_class.item()

        # Example usage
        input_data = [...]  # Replace with actual input data
        prediction = predict(deployed_model, input_data)
        print("Prediction:", prediction)

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we save the trained model using torch.save() and provide a file path
        # to save the model's state dictionary as 'deployed_model.pth'.
        # During deployment, we load the deployed model using a new instance of YourModelClass and
        # load the saved state dictionary using torch.load('deployed_model.pth').
        # The deployed model is then switched to evaluation mode using deployed_model.eval().
        # To make predictions using the deployed model, we define a predict function that takes the
        # deployed model and input data as parameters. The input data should be properly preprocessed
        # before passing it to the model. Replace [...] with the actual input data.
        # Within the predict function, we convert the input data to a tensor and move it to the device.
        # We then perform the forward pass and obtain the predicted class using torch.argmax().
        # The predicted class is returned as an item.
        # You can now use the predict function to make predictions on new input data in the deployment environment.

                                # Part 48: Model Monitoring and Maintenance
        # Once your model is deployed, it's important to monitor its performance and
        # ensure its continued effectiveness. Model monitoring involves regularly evaluating the model's performance,
        # detecting any degradation or drift, and taking appropriate actions to maintain its accuracy.
        # Here's an example of how you can monitor and maintain your deployed model:

        # ... (previous code)

        # Part 48: Model Monitoring and Maintenance

        # Define a function for model monitoring
        def monitor_model_performance(model, validation_dataset):

            validation_loader = DataLoader(validation_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)

            correct = 0
            total = 0

            with torch.no_grad():
                for inputs, targets in validation_loader:
                    inputs = inputs.to(device)
                    targets = targets.to(device)

                    outputs = model(inputs)
                    predicted_classes = torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1)

                    correct += (predicted_classes == targets).sum().item()
                    total += targets.size(0)

            accuracy = correct / total
            return accuracy

        # Monitor model performance
        validation_accuracy = monitor_model_performance(deployed_model, validation_dataset)
        print("Validation Accuracy:", validation_accuracy)

        # Perform model maintenance if necessary
        if validation_accuracy < 0.95:
            print("Model performance degraded. Taking maintenance actions...")
            # Perform necessary maintenance actions, such as retraining the model or updating the dataset

        # ... (rest of the code)

        # In this example, we define a monitor_model_performance function that evaluates the model's performance on
        # a validation dataset. The function takes the deployed model and the validation dataset as parameters.
        # It sets the model to evaluation mode and iterates over the validation dataset using a data loader.
        # For each batch of inputs and targets, the inputs are moved to the device, and the model's outputs are
        # obtained using a forward pass. The predicted classes are determined using torch.argmax,
        # and the number of correctly classified samples is accumulated.
        # At the end of the evaluation, the validation accuracy is calculated as the ratio of correct predictions
        # to the total number of samples.
        # You can then monitor the model's performance by calling the monitor_model_performance function and
        # pass the deployed model and the validation dataset. The validation accuracy can be used as a metric
        # to assess the model's effectiveness.
        # If the validation accuracy falls below a certain threshold (in this example, 0.95),
        # you can take maintenance actions, such as retraining the model or updating the dataset.