a year ago
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open Common let rec gather_exp_ty_substitution gamma exp tau = let judgment = ExpJudgment(gamma, exp, tau) in match exp with | ConstExp c -> let tau' = const_signature c in (match unify [(tau, freshInstance tau')] with None -> None | Some sigma -> Some(Proof([],judgment), sigma)) | VarExp (x) -> let found_x = lookup_env gamma x in (match found_x with | None -> None | Some gamma_x -> (match unify [(tau, freshInstance (gamma_x) )] with None -> None | Some sigma -> Some(Proof([],judgment), sigma))) | BinOpAppExp (op, e1, e2) -> let tau' = binop_signature op in let tau1 = fresh() in let tau2 = fresh() in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution gamma e1 (tau1) with | None -> None | Some (proof1, sigma1) -> (match gather_exp_ty_substitution (env_lift_subst sigma1 gamma) e2 (tau2) with | None -> None | Some (proof2, sigma2) -> let sigma12 = subst_compose sigma1 sigma2 in let fun_ty = mk_fun_ty tau1 (mk_fun_ty tau2 tau) in let mono = monoTy_lift_subst sigma12 fun_ty in let uni = unify [(mono, freshInstance tau')] in (match uni with | None -> None | Some (sigma3) -> let sigma321 = subst_compose sigma3 sigma12 in Some(Proof([proof1; proof2], judgment), sigma321) ) ) ) | MonOpAppExp (op, e1) -> let tau' = monop_signature op in let tau1 = fresh() in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution gamma e1 tau1 with | None -> None | Some (proof1, sigma1) -> let fun_ty = mk_fun_ty tau1 tau in let mono = monoTy_lift_subst sigma1 fun_ty in let uni = unify [(mono, freshInstance tau')] in (match uni with | None -> None | Some (sigma2) -> let sigma21 = subst_compose sigma2 sigma1 in Some(Proof([proof1], judgment), sigma21) ) ) | IfExp (e1, e2, e3) -> (match gather_exp_ty_substitution gamma e1 bool_ty with | None -> None | Some (proof1, sigma1) -> let env_lift1 = env_lift_subst sigma1 gamma in let mono1 = monoTy_lift_subst sigma1 tau in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution env_lift1 e2 mono1 with | None -> None | Some (proof2, sigma2) -> let sigma21 = subst_compose sigma2 sigma1 in let env_lift2 = env_lift_subst sigma21 gamma in let mono2 = monoTy_lift_subst sigma21 tau in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution env_lift2 e3 mono2 with | None -> None | Some (proof3, sigma3) -> let sigma321 = subst_compose sigma3 sigma21 in Some(Proof([proof1; proof2; proof3], judgment), sigma321) ) ) ) | FunExp (x, e1) -> let tau1 = fresh() in let tau2 = fresh() in let poly = polyTy_of_monoTy tau1 in let new_gamma = ins_env gamma x poly in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution new_gamma e1 tau2 with | None -> None | Some (proof1, sigma1) -> let fun_ty = mk_fun_ty tau1 tau2 in let mono_tau = monoTy_lift_subst sigma1 tau in let mono_fun = monoTy_lift_subst sigma1 fun_ty in let uni = unify[(mono_tau, mono_fun)] in (match uni with | None -> None | Some (sigma2) -> let sigma21 = subst_compose sigma2 sigma1 in Some(Proof([proof1], judgment), sigma21) ) ) | AppExp (e1, e2) -> let tau1 = fresh() in let fun_ty = mk_fun_ty tau1 tau in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution gamma e1 fun_ty with | None -> None | Some (proof1, sigma1) -> let mono_tau = monoTy_lift_subst sigma1 tau1 in let new_gamma = env_lift_subst sigma1 gamma in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution new_gamma e2 mono_tau with | None -> None | Some(proof2, sigma2) -> let sigma21 = subst_compose sigma2 sigma1 in Some(Proof([proof1; proof2], judgment), sigma21) ) ) | RaiseExp (e) -> (match gather_exp_ty_substitution gamma e int_ty with | None -> None | Some (proof, sigma) -> Some(Proof([proof], judgment), sigma) ) | LetInExp (x, e1, e2) -> let tau1 = fresh() in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution gamma e1 tau1 with | None -> None | Some(proof1, sigma1) -> let sig1_gamma = env_lift_subst sigma1 gamma in let sig_tau1 = monoTy_lift_subst sigma1 tau1 in let gen1 = gen sig1_gamma sig_tau1 in let new_sig1_gamma = ins_env sig1_gamma x gen1 in let sig_tau = monoTy_lift_subst sigma1 tau in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution new_sig1_gamma e2 sig_tau with | None -> None | Some(proof2, sigma2) -> let sigma21 = subst_compose sigma2 sigma1 in Some(Proof([proof1; proof2], judgment), sigma21) ) ) | LetRecInExp (f, x, e1, e2) -> let tau1 = fresh() in let tau2 = fresh() in let mono_fun_tau1_tau2 = mk_fun_ty tau1 tau2 in let poly_fun_tau1_tau2 = polyTy_of_monoTy mono_fun_tau1_tau2 in let x_tau1 = polyTy_of_monoTy tau1 in let sum1 = ins_env gamma f poly_fun_tau1_tau2 in let sum = ins_env sum1 x x_tau1 in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution sum e1 tau2 with | None -> None | Some(proof1, sigma1) -> let sig1_gamma = env_lift_subst sigma1 gamma in let sig1_fun_tau1_tau2 = monoTy_lift_subst sigma1 mono_fun_tau1_tau2 in let gen1 = gen sig1_gamma sig1_fun_tau1_tau2 in let sum2 = ins_env sig1_gamma f gen1 in let sig1_tau = monoTy_lift_subst sigma1 tau in (match gather_exp_ty_substitution sum2 e2 sig1_tau with | None -> None | Some(proof2, sigma2) -> let sigma21 = subst_compose sigma2 sigma1 in Some(Proof([proof1; proof2], judgment), sigma21) ) ) | _ -> raise (Failure "Not implemented yet")