A 32345 32220 7 Start Script
wait 500
wait 500
openitemnew $mainbp 1
wait 500
openitemnew $stackbp 1
wait 500
S 32346 32226 7
S 32350 32226 7
S 32348 32225 6
A 32349 32222 5 ReachDP
reachgrounditem 'dp'
opengrounditem 'dp'
A 32349 32222 5 Deposit
openitem 3502 1 'Locker'
wait 500
moveitems 3386 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 3428 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 3392 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 10302 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 7404 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 6098 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 5887 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 5889 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 3028 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 6097 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 3063 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
moveitems 6126 'Depot Chest'
wait 500
S 32348 32225 5
S 32350 32226 6
S 32344 32229 7
A 32344 32229 7 Bank
npcsay "hi"
wait 500
npcsay "Deposit all"
wait 500
npcsay "yes"
wait 500
npcsay "withdraw"
wait 500
npcsay "100000"
wait 500
npcsay "yes"
wait 500
S 32347 32231 7
A 439 1198 7 Check Potions
countitems 268
if [$count > 800] gotolabel To Hunt
S 32342 32241 8 To Potions
N 437 1197 7
S 433 1197 7
N 425 1195 6
S 417 1198 6
A 32349 32221 7 Pre Pots
A 417 1198 6 Potions
npcsay "hi"
wait 500
npcsay "trade"
wait 500
buyitems 268 100
wait 500
A 32349 32221 7 Post Pots
Countitems 268
if [$count < 1000] gotolabel Pre Pots
N 429 1193 6
S 433 1195 6
N 438 1198 7
S 440 1200 7
S 32346 32225 7
A 32346 32225 7 Check
Countitems 268
if [$count < 400] gotolabel To Potions
wait 500
wait 500
openitemnew $mainbp 1
wait 500
openitemnew $stackbp 1
wait 500
S 32347 32231 7
S 32342 32232 8 To Hunt
N 953 647 6 Start Hunt
A 950 647 6
settargeting on
N 956 642 6
N 966 639 6
N 965 626 6
N 961 620 6
N 948 620 6
N 937 621 6
N 930 629 6
N 934 644 6
N 927 639 6
N 936 607 6
N 949 603 6
N 962 620 6
N 966 635 6
N 961 641 6
N 954 646 6
S 953 647 6
A 32630 32748 6 Force Leave
if [$reset "1"] gotolabel Leave Hunt
A 953 647 6 Check Hunt
countitems 268
if [$count < 200] gotolablel Leave Hunt
wait 500
caphigher 200 gotolabel Start Hunt
S 948 648 6 Leave Hunt
A 947 647 6
settargeting off
S 943 648 6
S 32347 32231 8
S 32351 32221 7
A 32351 32221 7 Sell Loot
say 'hi'
wait 500
npcsay 'trade'
wait 500
countitems 7404
sellitems 7404 $count
wait 500
countitems 3063
sellitems 3063 $count
wait 500
countitems 3554
sellitems 3554 $count
6901 e Door
3035 02 Plat Coins
3031 02 Gold
7404 01 Assassin Blade
6098 02 Eye Patch
5887 02 Steel
5889 02 steel
3028 02 Diamond
6097 02 Hook
3063 01 Gold Ring
3554 01 Steel Boots
6126 02 Peg Leg
Rope: Rope
Shovel: Shovel
SkipNearbyNodes: 0
OpenNextBp: no
LootNearbyTargets: yes
LootDistantTargets: yes
Loot BP
set $mainbp "9602"
Stackable BP
set $stackbp "2854"
auto 100 if [$playersaround.10 == 0 && $monstersaround.1 >= 4] { istargeting say 'Exori Gran' } | if [$playersaround.10 >= 1] { istargeting say 'Exori hur'}
auto 200 | listas 'Crystalcoins - Gold Nugget' | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3043 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3043 | if [$beltslot.id == 3043 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3043
auto 200 | listas 'Gold coin - platinum coin' | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3031 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3031 | if [$beltslot.id == 3031 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3031
auto 200 | listas 'platinum coin- Crystalcoins' | stackitems | if [ $itemcount.3035 >= 100 ] equipbelt 3035 | if [$beltslot.id == 3035 && $beltslot.count == 100] useitem 3035