websocket api path
lets vendors register to get callback notifications when other vendors emit broadcastsunknown
2 years ago
3.2 kB
void WebSocketApi::vendor_event_emit_cb(void *priv_data, calldata_t *cd) { auto c = static_cast<WebSocketApi *>(priv_data); Vendor *v = get_vendor(cd); if (!v) RETURN_FAILURE(); const char *eventType; if (!calldata_get_string(cd, "type", &eventType) || strlen(eventType) == 0) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "[WebSocketApi::vendor_event_emit_cb] [vendorName: %s] Failed due to missing `type` string.", v->_name.c_str()); RETURN_FAILURE(); } void *voidEventData; if (!calldata_get_ptr(cd, "data", &voidEventData)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "[WebSocketApi::vendor_event_emit_cb] [vendorName: %s] Failed due to missing `data` pointer.", v->_name.c_str()); RETURN_FAILURE(); } auto eventData = static_cast<obs_data_t *>(voidEventData); if (!c->_eventCallback) RETURN_FAILURE(); c->_eventCallback(v->_name, eventType, eventData); // ATTN: jr adding code to let vendors receive events emited by other vendors c->jrSendVendorEmitToOtherVendors(v, eventType, eventData); RETURN_SUCCESS(); } // ATTN: JR - my new function that allows vendors to get emit broadcast notifications from other vendors // to get these, the vendor should register a request "ReceiveVendorBroadcastEvent" // that request will be triggered when other vendors emit a broadcast // void WebSocketApi::jrSendVendorEmitToOtherVendors(Vendor *senderV, const char *eventType, obs_data_t * eventData) { // iterate through all vendors (other than *v) and if they have a registered request called "ReceiveVendorBroadcastEvent" then send them the event data char requestType[] = "ReceiveVendorBroadcastEvent"; // create response data which we discard at the end obs_data_t *obsResponseData = NULL; obs_data_t *wrappedEventData = NULL; for (auto vpair : _vendors) { auto v = vpair.second; if (v == senderV) { // never send to yourself continue; } // ok does this vendor have a registered calledback for request for broardcast emits if (v->_requests.count(requestType) == 0) { // no such request registered for this consumer vendor continue; } // yes they want to receive other vendor emits! std::shared_lock v_l(v->_mutex); auto cb = v->_requests[requestType]; v_l.unlock(); // build it if first call if (obsResponseData == NULL) { // we defer doing this until we have our first receipient that wants to hear from us, since most of the time we might not obsResponseData = obs_data_create(); // we wrap the data just as it would be received in an obs websocket client, with vendorName and eventType in outer data, and inner object named eventData wrappedEventData = obs_data_create(); obs_data_set_string(wrappedEventData,"vendorName",senderV->_name.c_str()); obs_data_set_string(wrappedEventData,"eventType",eventType); obs_data_set_obj(wrappedEventData,"eventData",eventData); } // call the vendor's request to send them the broardcast cb.callback(wrappedEventData, obsResponseData, cb.priv_data); } if (wrappedEventData != NULL) { obs_data_release(wrappedEventData); } if (obsResponseData != NULL) { obs_data_release(obsResponseData); } }
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