2 years ago
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def eval_verification(unknown_images, known_images, model, model2, similarity, batch_size= config['batch_size'], mode='val', threshold=0.5): unknown_feats,unknown_feats2, known_feats,known_feats2 = [], [],[],[] batch_bar = tqdm(total=len(unknown_images)//batch_size, dynamic_ncols=True, position=0, leave=False, desc=mode) model.eval() # We load the images as batches for memory optimization and avoiding CUDA OOM errors for i in range(0, unknown_images.shape[0], batch_size): unknown_batch = unknown_images[i:i+batch_size] # Slice a given portion upto batch_size with torch.no_grad(): unknown_feat = model(unknown_batch.float().to(DEVICE), return_feats=True) #Get features from model unknown_feat2 = model2(unknown_batch.float().to(DEVICE), return_feats=True) #Get features from model # unknown_feat = unknown_feat + unknown_feat2 unknown_feat = torch.nn.functional.normalize(unknown_feat, dim=1) unknown_feat2 = torch.nn.functional.normalize(unknown_feat2, dim=1) unknown_feats.append(unknown_feat) unknown_feats2.append(unknown_feat2) batch_bar.update() batch_bar.close() batch_bar = tqdm(total=len(known_images)//batch_size, dynamic_ncols=True, position=0, leave=False, desc=mode) for i in range(0, known_images.shape[0], batch_size): known_batch = known_images[i:i+batch_size] with torch.no_grad(): known_feat = model(known_batch.float().to(DEVICE), return_feats=True) known_feat2 = model2(known_batch.float().to(DEVICE), return_feats=True) # known_feat = known_feat + known_feat2 # print(known_feat) known_feat = torch.nn.functional.normalize(known_feat, dim=1) known_feat2 = torch.nn.functional.normalize(known_feat2, dim=1) known_feats.append(known_feat) known_feats2.append(known_feat2) batch_bar.update() batch_bar.close() # Concatenate all the batches unknown_feats = torch.cat(unknown_feats, dim=0) unknown_feats2 = torch.cat(unknown_feats2, dim=0) known_feats = torch.cat(known_feats, dim=0) known_feats2 = torch.cat(known_feats2, dim=0) similarity_values = torch.stack([similarity(unknown_feats, known_feature) for known_feature in known_feats]) similarity_values2 = torch.stack([similarity(unknown_feats2, known_feature2) for known_feature2 in known_feats2]) similarity_values = similarity_values + similarity_values2 # Print the inner list comprehension in a separate cell - what is really happening? max_similarity_values, predictions = similarity_values.max(0) #Why are we doing an max here, where are the return values? max_similarity_values, predictions = max_similarity_values.cpu().numpy(), predictions.cpu().numpy() # Note that in unknown identities, there are identities without correspondence in known identities. # Therefore, these identities should be not similar to all the known identities, i.e. max similarity will be below a certain # threshold compared with those identities with correspondence. # In early submission, you can ignore identities without correspondence, simply taking identity with max similarity value pred_id_strings = [known_paths[i] for i in predictions] # Map argmax indices to identity strings # After early submission, remove the previous line and uncomment the following code # print(max_similarity_values) # threshold = 0.4# Choose a proper threshold NO_CORRESPONDENCE_LABEL = 'n000000' pred_id_strings = [] for idx, prediction in enumerate(predictions): if max_similarity_values[idx] < threshold: # why < ? Thank about what is your similarity metric pred_id_strings.append(NO_CORRESPONDENCE_LABEL) else: pred_id_strings.append(known_paths[prediction]) accuracy = 0 if mode == 'val': true_ids = pd.read_csv('/content/data/11-785-s23-hw2p2-verification/verification_dev.csv')['label'].tolist() accuracy = accuracy_score(pred_id_strings, true_ids) print("Verification Accuracy = {}".format(accuracy)) return pred_id_strings, accuracy
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