2 years ago
4.8 kB
command /guide: usage: /guide description: Shows this help message. aliases: help, info trigger: set metadata tag "guide" of player to chest inventory with 3 rows named "&a&lGuide" set slot 0 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 1 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 2 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 3 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 4 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 5 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 6 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 7 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 8 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 9 of metadata tag "guide" of player to chest named "&e&lAuction House" with lore " " and "&6This is essentially a player store" and "&a&lBuy &fand &c&lSell &fitems with the following commands" and " " and "&f&l➥ &e/ah &fView the Auction House" and "&f&l➥ &e/ah sell &fList an Item in the Auction House" and " " and "&f&l➥ &7&nClick to View" set slot 10 of metadata tag "guide" of player to honeycomb named "&6&lPrestige" with lore " " and "&ePrestige levels with grant you higher" and "&erewards for killing other players" and " " and "&f&l➥ &7&nClick to View" set slot 11 of metadata tag "guide" of player to iron sword named "&a&lBounty Hunting" with lore " " and "&f&l➥ &3Coward with Beef?" and " " and "&9Set bountries on other players" and "for people to collects when killing them" and " " and "&f&l➥ &7&nClick to View" set slot 13 of metadata tag "guide" of player to end crystal named "&b&lMain Info" with lore " " and "&eWelcome to &d&lVoid11" and " " and "&9This is a NON-Anarchy Duping Server!" and "&bYour main commands will be &6/dupe &b& &6/toggle" and "&f&l➥ &6/dupe &fMultiplies the Item in your hand &ax2" and "&f&l➥ &6/toggle &fchanges whether you recieve random items or not" and "&7&nItems are given every 30 seconds" and " " and "&bOther Catagories will be listed to the left & right" and "&eYou may access the Server's store with &6/buy" set slot 15 of metadata tag "guide" of player to enderpearl named "&3&lRandom TP" with lore " " and "&eFirst and find the hidden &cTarget Block &ein spawn!" and " " and "&fAny &dprojectiles &f that hit said block will teleport you to a random location within &b&l(-2,000 through 2,000)" set slot 16 of metadata tag "guide" of player to oak sign named "&d&lKing of the Hill" with lore " " and "&eAn event started by a &bStaff Member" and " " and "&fBecome the &6&lKing &fby standing your ground" and "&fat the &eTop of Spawn&f!" set slot 17 of metadata tag "guide" of player to redstone named "&4&lThe Purge" with lore " " and "&cThe Purge is an uncommon event which" and "&cwill &6deactivate keep-inventory" and " " and "&cKill other players for" and "&e&lDOUBLE &cthe reward" and " " and "&7Survive the Purge for &a+$50" set slot 18 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 19 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 20 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 21 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 22 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 23 of metadata tag "guide" of player to magenta stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 24 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 25 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " set slot 26 of metadata tag "guide" of player to light blue stained glass pane named " " with lore " " open (metadata tag "guide" of player) to player on inventory click: if event-inventory = (metadata tag "guide" of player): cancel event if index of event-slot is 10: close player's inventory execute player command "/ah" else if index of event-slot is 11: close player's inventory execute player command "/prestige" else if index of event-slot is 12: close player's inventory execute player command "/bounty" else: cancel event send "&cYou cannot click this item!" to player