2 years ago
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from datetime import datetime import os import random import mysql.connector as SQL db = SQL.connect( host='localhost', user='root', password='root', port='3306', database='emarket' ) sql = db.cursor() sss = '\'https://p0.pikist.com/photos/591/110/sunset-sea-sky-reflection-water-ocean-evening-landscape-mood.jpg\'' class Server(): @staticmethod def LOGIN(_username,_password): sql.execute(f"select * from users where username = '{_username}' and password = '{_password}';") data = sql.fetchall() return data @staticmethod def getCategory(_type): sql.execute(f"select id from category where name = '{_type}';") data = sql.fetchall() sql.execute(f"select id,price,discount,name,image from products where idcategory = '{data[0][0]}';") return sql.fetchall() @staticmethod def getProduct(_id): sql.execute(f"select * from products where id = '{_id}';") return sql.fetchall() @staticmethod def getSearch(_query): sql.execute(f"select id from category where name = '{_query}';") data = sql.fetchall() sql.execute(f"select id,price,discount,name,image from products where idcategory = '{data[0][0]}';") return sql.fetchall() @staticmethod def getRandom(): sql.execute('select MAX(id) from products;') data = sql.fetchall() sample = random.sample(range(1,data[0][0]),3) sql.execute(f'select id,price,discount,name,image from products where id = {sample[0]} or id = {sample[1]} or id = {sample[2]};') return sql.fetchall() @staticmethod def signup(username,password,first,last,phone,country,email): username = '\'' + username + '\'' password = '\'' + password + '\'' first = '\'' + first + '\'' last = '\'' + last + '\'' email = '\'' + email + '\'' country = '\'' + country + '\'' phone = '\'' + phone + '\'' ee = f'INSERT INTO users (`first`,`last`,`country`,`email`,`username`,`password`,`phone`,`image`)VALUES({first},{last},{country},{email},{username},{password},{phone},{sss});' print(ee) sql.execute(ee) db.commit() return True @staticmethod def getOrders(idbrand): sql.execute(f'select * from orders where idbrand = {idbrand};') _data = sql.fetchall() print(_data) orderData = [] for data in _data: sql.execute(f'select first, last from users where id = {data[1]};') _d = sql.fetchall() sql.execute(f'select name from products where id = {data[2]};') _d2 = sql.fetchall() orderData.append([data ,_d ,_d2]) return orderData @staticmethod def getProductsForBrand(idbrand): sql.execute(f'select * from products where idbrand = {idbrand};') _data = sql.fetchall() productData = [] for d in _data: sql.execute(f'select name from category where id = {d[1]};') productData.append([d , sql.fetchall()]) print("############") print(productData) print(len(productData)) return productData @staticmethod def postOrder(id, productID): sql.execute(f'select price from products where id = {productID};') price = sql.fetchall() status = '\'On Going\'' country = '\'Palestine\'' sql.execute(f'INSERT INTO orders(`iduser`,`idproduct`,`idbrand`,`date`,`price`,`status`,`country`)VALUES({id},{productID},1,NOW(),{price[0][0]},{status},{country});') db.commit() @staticmethod def getUserOrders(id): sql.execute(f'select * from orders where iduser = {id};') return sql.fetchall() @staticmethod def getBrandByID(id): sql.execute(f'select name from brand where idbrand = {id};') data = sql.fetchall() return data[0][0] @staticmethod def brandLogin(username, password): sql.execute(f'select * from brand where username = \'{username}\' and password =\'{password}\';') data = sql.fetchall() print(data) if len(data) > 0 : print('ee1') return data[0] else: print('ee2') return False @staticmethod def addProduct(name,price,category,discount,image,brandid): sql.execute(f'select id from category where name = \'{category}\';') _d1 = sql.fetchall() print(_d1) idc = _d1[0][0] print(idc) eee = f'INSERT INTO products(`idcategory`,`idbrand`,`price`,`discount`,`name`,`image`)VALUES({idc},{brandid},{price},{discount},\'{name}\',\'{image}\');' print(eee) sql.execute(eee) db.commit() return True @staticmethod def deleteProduct(id): sql.execute(f'DELETE FROM products WHERE id = {id};') db.commit() return True