a year ago
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#include "OverlayHijack.h" #include <iostream> void Error() { getchar(); exit(-1); } int main() { printf("[>] Searching for target window...\n"); HWND targetWindow = FindWindowA(nullptr, "Kerbal Space Program"); if (!targetWindow) { printf("[!] Target window not found\n"); Error(); } printf("[+] Target window found with HWND 0x%p\n", targetWindow); printf("[>] Resolving process ID...\n"); UINT targetProcessId; GetWindowThreadProcessId(targetWindow, reinterpret_cast<LPDWORD>(&targetProcessId)); if (!targetProcessId) { printf("[!] Failed to resolve process ID\n"); Error(); } printf("[+] Process ID resolved to %u\n", targetProcessId); printf("[>] Connecting to the process...\n"); OverlayCord::Communication::ConnectedProcessInfo processInfo = { 0 }; processInfo.ProcessId = targetProcessId; bool status = OverlayCord::Communication::ConnectToProcess(processInfo); if (!status) { printf("[!] Failed to connect to the process overlay backend\n"); Error(); } printf("[+] Connected to the process with mapped address 0x%p\n", processInfo.MappedAddress); printf("[>] Drawing...\n"); OverlayCord::Drawing::Frame mainFrame = OverlayCord::Drawing::CreateFrame(1280, 720); const UINT rectangleWidth = 100; const UINT rectangleHeight = 200; constexpr double speed = 200.0; double currentPosition = 0.0; int direction = 1; OverlayCord::Drawing::Pixel color = { 0, 0, 255, 255 }; LARGE_INTEGER frequency; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency); LARGE_INTEGER t1, t2; QueryPerformanceCounter(&t1); while (!(GetKeyState(VK_INSERT) & 0x8000)) { QueryPerformanceCounter(&t2); double deltaTime = (t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) / static_cast<double>(frequency.QuadPart); t1 = t2; OverlayCord::Drawing::CleanFrame(mainFrame); OverlayCord::Drawing::DrawRectangle(mainFrame, static_cast<UINT>(currentPosition), mainFrame.Height / 2 - rectangleHeight / 2, rectangleWidth, rectangleHeight, color); currentPosition += direction * speed * deltaTime; if (currentPosition + rectangleWidth >= mainFrame.Width) direction = -1; else if (currentPosition <= 0) direction = 1; OverlayCord::Communication::SendFrame(processInfo, mainFrame.Width, mainFrame.Height, mainFrame.Buffer, mainFrame.Size); } getchar(); return 0; }