2 years ago
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import random def rpsPrint(x): if x == 0: print(''' _______ ---' ____) (_____) (_____) (____) ---.__(___) ''' ) if x == 1: print(''' _______ ---' ____)____ ______) _______) _______) ---.__________) ''' ) if x == 2: print(''' _______ ---' ____)____ ______) __________) (____) ---.__(___) ''' ) def main(): print("Welcome to the Rock, Paper, Scissors Game!") selection = input("Make your choice: rock, paper or scissors: ").lower() if selection == "rock": userSelection = 0 if selection == "paper": userSelection = 1 if selection == "scissors": userSelection = 2 computerSelection = random.randint(0,2) if computerSelection == 0: computerSelectionText = "rock" if computerSelection == 1: computerSelectionText = "paper" else: computerSelectionText = "scissors" print(f"The computer selected {computerSelectionText}.") rpsPrint(computerSelection) print(f"You selected {selection}.") rpsPrint(userSelection) if userSelection == computerSelection: print(f"You both chose {selection}. It's a draw.") if userSelection == 0 and computerSelection == 1: print(f"Paper beats rock. You lose.") if userSelection == 0 and computerSelection == 2: print(f"Rock beats paper. You win!") if userSelection == 1 and computerSelection == 0: print("Paper beats rock. You win!") if userSelection == 1 and computerSelection == 2: print("Scissors beats paper. You lose.") if userSelection == 2 and computerSelection == 0: print("Scissors beats rock. You lose.") if userSelection == 2 and computerSelection == 1: print("Scissors beats paper. You win!") print(computerSelection) print(computerSelection) while True: main()