a month ago
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from datetime import datetime, timedelta import os from sys import int_info import discord from discord.ext import commands, tasks from discord.ext.commands import cooldown, BucketType import youtube_dl import random from random import choice from replit import db import asyncio import aiohttp import time import urllib3 from requests import get import json import emoji from typing import List from discord.ui import Button, Select, View import typing from discord import app_commands import datetime class Dank(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client '''---------------------------------------------------------------------------''' #Givewaway Command @commands.hybrid_command(aliases=['gstart']) @app_commands.describe( time="The time for the giveaway.", winners="The number of winners (e.g., 1w, 2w).", requirement="The role required to enter the giveaway.", bypass="The role that can bypass the requirement.", bonus= "The role that gets bonus entries and the number of bonus entries (e.g., @role 3).", title="The title for the Giveaway") async def giveaway(self, ctx, time: str, winners: str, requirement: discord.Role = None, *, title, bypass: discord.Role = None, bonus: str = None): duration_units = {'s': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 3600, 'd': 86400} duration_seconds = int(time[:-1]) * duration_units[time[-1]] end_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta( seconds=duration_seconds) if not winners.endswith('w'): return await ctx.send( "Invalid number of winners format. Use '1w', '2w', etc.") winners_count = int(winners[:-1]) # Extract the number of winners bonus_role = None bonus_entries = 0 if bonus: try: role_mention, bonus_entries = bonus.split() bonus_role = await commands.RoleConverter().convert(ctx, role_mention) bonus_entries = int(bonus_entries) except ValueError: return await ctx.send( "Invalid bonus role format. Use '@role 3' (replace 'role' with the actual role name)." ) requirement_text = f"**Requirement:** {requirement.mention}" if requirement else "**Requirement:** none" bypass_text = f"**Bypass:** {bypass.mention}" if bypass else "" bonus_text = f"**Bonus:** {bonus_role.mention} {bonus_entries}" if bonus_role else "" embed = discord.Embed( title=f'{title}', description= f'React below to enter!\n**Hosted By:** {ctx.author.mention}\n**Ends at:** <t:{int(end_time.timestamp())}>\n**Number of Winners:** {winners_count}{"w" if requirement or bonus_role else ""}\n{requirement_text}\n{bypass_text}\n{bonus_text}', colour=discord.Colour.blurple()) embed.set_footer(text=f"Giveaway ID: {ctx.message.id}") wembed = discord.Embed( description= f'Congratulations! You have won the giveaway of **{title}** in _*{ctx.guild.name}*_. [Giveaway Message]({ctx.message.jump_url})', colour=discord.Colour.green()) my_message = await ctx.send(embed=embed) await my_message.add_reaction("π") await asyncio.sleep(duration_seconds) message = await ctx.channel.fetch_message(my_message.id) reaction = next((r for r in message.reactions if str(r.emoji) == "π"), None) if reaction: valid_users = [] invalid_users = [] async for user in reaction.users(): if user.bot: continue elif requirement and requirement not in user.roles and bypass not in user.roles: try: dm_embed = discord.Embed( description= f"You don't have the '{requirement.name}' role required to enter this giveaway.", colour=discord.Colour.red()) await user.send(embed=dm_embed) except discord.HTTPException: pass invalid_users.append(user) else: entries = 1 if bonus_role in user.roles: entries += bonus_entries for _ in range(entries): valid_users.append(user) for user in invalid_users: await reaction.remove(user) if len(valid_users) < winners_count: await ctx.send( f"Insufficient participants for {winners_count} winner(s). Giveaway ended." ) return chosen_winners = random.sample(valid_users, k=winners_count) end_embed = discord.Embed( title='This Giveaway Has Ended!', description= f'**Winner(s):** {", ".join(winner.mention for winner in chosen_winners)}\n**Prize:** {title}\n**Hosted By:** {ctx.author.mention}\n**Requirements:** {requirement}', colour=discord.Colour.green()) await my_message.edit(embed=end_embed ) # Edit the original message with the end_embed for winner in chosen_winners: await winner.send(embed=wembed) winner_mentions = ", ".join(winner.mention for winner in chosen_winners) giveaway_link = ctx.message.jump_url message = f"Your giveaway for {title} in **{ctx.guild.name}** has ended. The winner(s) is: {winner_mentions}\n[Giveaway Link]({giveaway_link})" await ctx.author.send(message) #await my_message.edit(embed=end_embed) else: await ctx.send("No participants for the giveaway. Giveaway ended.") '''---------------------------------------------------------------------------''' #Reroll @commands.command(name='reroll') async def giveaway_reroll(self, ctx, giveaway_id: int, winners: int, title): message = await ctx.channel.fetch_message(giveaway_id) reaction = next((r for r in message.reactions if str(r.emoji) == "π"), None) if reaction: users = [] async for user in reaction.users(): users.append(user) if len(users) < winners: await ctx.send( f"Insufficient participants for {winners} winner(s). Reroll not possible." ) return chosen_winner = random.choice(users) wembed = discord.Embed( description= f'Congratulations! You have won the giveaway of {title} in {ctx.guild.name}', colour=discord.Colour.green()) await chosen_winner.send(embed=wembed) await ctx.send( f'{chosen_winner} has won the rerolled giveaway for {title}!') else: await ctx.send("No participants for the giveaway. Reroll not possible.") '''---------------------------------------------------------------------------''' #Rolemebers @commands.hybrid_command(aliases=['ri']) @app_commands.describe(role="The role about which you want the information") async def roleinfo(self, ctx, role: discord.Role): count = len(role.members) await ctx.send(f"The role {role.name} has {count} members.") '''---------------------------------------------------------------------------''' #Autopartner #@commands.hybrid_command() #async def partner(self, ctx, role, reach, schannel, ID, *, message): #embed = discord.Embed( #title='Partner Request', #description= #f'''{ctx.author.mention} has requested a partnership with your server.\n**Their server Id:** {ID}\n**The role they offered:** {role}\n**Their role reach:** {reach}\n**Seperate channel:** {schannel}\n**Message from the client:** {message}''', #colour=discord.Colour.blue()) #owner = ctx.guild.owner #await owner.send(embed=embed) '''---------------------------------------------------------------------------''' #Timerβ° @commands.hybrid_command() async def timer(self, ctx, time: str, *, title): if not any(char.isdigit() for char in time) or time[-1] not in ['s', 'm', 'h', 'd']: await ctx.send( 'Invalid time format. Please use a format like "5s" or "1m".') return time_units = {'s': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 3600, 'd': 86400} time_seconds = int(time[:-1]) * time_units[time[-1]] end_time = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta( seconds=time_seconds) tembed = discord.Embed( title=title, description=f"Ends at: <t:{int(end_time.timestamp())}>", colour=discord.Colour.blue()) msg = await ctx.send(embed=tembed) await msg.add_reaction('β°') await asyncio.sleep(time_seconds) msg = await ctx.channel.fetch_message(msg.id) reactions = msg.reactions mentioned_users = [] for reaction in reactions: if reaction.emoji == 'β°': async for user in reaction.users(): mentioned_users.append(user.mention) message = await ctx.send("Time's up! Users who reacted: " + ", ".join(mentioned_users)) await asyncio.sleep(3) await message.edit(content=f"The timer for **{title}** has ended.") '''---------------------------------------------------------------------------''' async def setup(client: commands.Bot): await client.add_cog(Dank(client))
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