a year ago
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#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int allocated[15][15],max[15][15],need[15][15],avail[15],tres[15],work[15],flag[15]; int pno,rno,i,j,prc,count,t,total; count=0; printf("\n Enter number of process:"); scanf("%d",&pno); printf("\n Enter number of resources:"); scanf("%d",&rno); for(i=1;i<=pno;i++) { flag[i]=0; } printf("\n Enter total numbers of each resources:"); for(i=1;i<= rno;i++) scanf("%d",&tres[i]); printf("\n Enter Max resources for each process:"); for(i=1;i<= pno;i++) { printf("\n for process %d:",i); for(j=1;j<= rno;j++) scanf("%d",&max[i][j]); } printf("\n Enter allocated resources for each process:"); for(i=1;i<= pno;i++) { printf("\n for process %d:",i); for(j=1;j<= rno;j++) scanf("%d",&allocated[i][j]); } printf("\n available resources:\n"); for(j=1;j<= rno;j++) { avail[j]=0; total=0; for(i=1;i<= pno;i++) { total+=allocated[i][j]; } avail[j]=tres[j]-total; work[j]=avail[j]; printf("%d \t",work[j]); } do { for(i=1;i<= pno;i++) { for(j=1;j<= rno;j++) { need[i][j]=max[i][j]-allocated[i][j]; } } printf("\n Allocated matrix Max need"); for(i=1;i<= pno;i++) { printf("\n"); for(j=1;j<= rno;j++) { printf("%4d",allocated[i][j]); } printf("|"); for(j=1;j<= rno;j++) { printf("%4d",max[i][j]); } printf("|"); for(j=1;j<= rno;j++) { printf("%4d",need[i][j]); } } prc=0; for(i=1;i<= pno;i++) { if(flag[i]==0) { prc=i; for(j=1;j<= rno;j++) { if(work[j]<need[i][j]) { prc=0; break; } } } if(prc!=0) break; } if(prc!=0) { printf("\n Process %d completed",i); count++; printf("\n Available matrix:"); for(j=1;j<= rno;j++) { work[j]+=allocated[prc][j]; allocated[prc][j]=0; max[prc][j]=0; flag[prc]=1; printf("%d",work[j]); } } }while(count!=pno&&prc!=0); if(count==pno) printf("\nThe system is in a safe state!!"); else printf("\nThe system is in an unsafe state!!"); getch(); }
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