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Code in Java, please





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100% (2 ratings)

This solution was written by a subject matter expert. It's designed to help students like you learn core concepts.

Anonymous answered this668 answers

package Packk;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class FileMenuHandler implements ActionListener //define the class FileMenuHanlder that implements ActionListener
JFrame jframe; //declare variable of type JFrame
public FileMenuHandler(JFrame jf) //define constructor for that with JFrame type as a parameter
jframe=jf; //initialize jframe type variable

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) //handle action event here
String menuName=evt.getActionCommand(); //returns the commandString associated with menuitem
if(menuName.equalsIgnoreCase("Open")) //if open
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You clicked Open"); //displays message "You clicked open"
else if(menuName.equalsIgnoreCase("Quit")) //if quit
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You clicked Quit"); //displays message "You clicked quit"
Here i have defined FileMenuHandler class that implements ActionListener interface in which i have defined constructor for that class in that i am initializing the JFrame type variable. And i have also provided implementation for the actionPerformed() method in which i am getting the commandString associated with that menu item and i am checking whether it is equal to Find or Replace and displaying the message for the clicked menu item using JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() method.

package Packk;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class EditMenuHandler implements ActionListener //define the class EditMenuHandler that implements ActionListener
JFrame jframe; //declare variable of JFrame type
public EditMenuHandler(JFrame jf) //define constructor with JFrame type parameter
jframe=jf; //assign jframe type variable

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) //define actionPerformed() method
String menuName=evt.getActionCommand(); //returns the commandString associated with that menu item

if(menuName.equalsIgnoreCase("Find")) //if menuName equals "Find"
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You clicked Find"); //display the message "You clicked Find"
else if(menuName.equalsIgnoreCase("Replace")) //if menuName equals "Replace"
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You clicked Replace"); //displayes message "You clicked replace"
Here i have defined EditMenuHanlder that implements ActionListener and in the constructor of that i have initialized JFrame type variable. And i have provided implementation for actionPerformed() method in which i am getting the command string associated with that menu item and i am checking whether it is a Find menu item or it is a Replace menu item. And i am displaying the message using JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() method for the selected menu item.

package Packk;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;

public class SampleGUI extends JFrame //define the class that extends JFrame class
public SampleGUI(String title,int height,int width) //define the constructor for that class
setTitle(title); //set the title
setSize(height,width); //set the size
setLocation(400, 200); //set the location
createFileMenu(); //call the createFileMenu() method
setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //call setDefaultCloseOperation() method
setVisible(true); //make frame visible

private void createFileMenu() //define createFileMenu() method
JMenuItem item; //declare JMenuItem
JMenuBar menuBar=new JMenuBar(); //create the MenuBar
JMenu fileMenu=new JMenu("File"); //create fileMenu
FileMenuHandler fmh=new FileMenuHandler(this); //create FileMenuHandler object

item=new JMenuItem("Open"); //create Open menuItem
item.addActionListener(fmh); //register actionListener with that menuItem
fileMenu.add(item); //add the item to menu

fileMenu.addSeparator(); //add horizontal seperator line

item=new JMenuItem("Quit"); //create Quit menuitem
item.addActionListener(fmh); //register actionListener
fileMenu.add(item); //add item to File menu

setJMenuBar(menuBar); //set the JMenuBar
menuBar.add(fileMenu); //add the fileMenu

JMenu editMenu=new JMenu("Edit"); //create the editMenu
EditMenuHandler emh=new EditMenuHandler(this); //create EditMenuHanlder

item=new JMenuItem("Find"); //create Find menu item
item.addActionListener(emh); //register actionListener
editMenu.add(item); //add item to editMenu

editMenu.addSeparator(); //add horizontal seperator line

item=new JMenuItem("Replace"); //create menuItem replace
item.addActionListener(emh); //register actionListener
editMenu.add(item); //add the item

menuBar.add(editMenu); //add editMenu to menuBar

Here i have defined SampleGUI class that extends JFrame class in which i have defined constructor with title,width,height as a parameter and in that i have called setTitle() method by passing title to set the title for frame and called setSize() method by passing height and width as a parameter. And i have also called setLocation() mehod to set the location for frame and i have called createFileMenu() method and called setDefaultCloseOperation() method to make the frame closable when the user closes that frame. And i have also called setVisible() method to make the frame visible.

And in the createFileMenu() in which i have created Menubar and i have created FileMenu and i am creating the FileMenuHandler() constructor by passing current object as a parameter. And i am adding open and quit menu items to that File menu and registered handler with that menu items to handle the action event. And then i have also created EditMenu and added the menu items to that editMenu and registered handler with that menu items Find and replace menu items. and After that i have added both menus to menubar.

package Packk;

public class SampleMain //define the Public class
static SampleGUI sampleGUI; //declare the SampleGUI variable
public static void main(String[] args) //define main() method
sampleGUI=new SampleGUI("My Sample GUI",500,300); //call the constructor

Here i have defined class SampleMain in which i have declared SampleGUI type variable sampleGUI and defined main() method in which i have called constructor of SampleGUI by passing "My Sample GUI" text as a parameter and at 500,300 location it displays the frame.


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Code in Java, pleaseQuestion:FileMenuHandler.java:SampleGUI.java:SampleMain.java:


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We are completing this hw assignment using Python, thankyou very much for your help!This assignment is on object oriented programming. You will bedeveloping two classes that are fundamental in Geometry - Point andLine. In main() you will test the various functions that you havewritten for the classes.Here is the skeleton of the code that you will be writing. Youwill have to write the bodies of all the functions that I havelisted. You can always a...


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