2 months ago
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/* eslint-disable no-shadow, react/jsx-props-no-spreading */ import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; import { Scrollbars } from 'react-custom-scrollbars'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { ContextMenuTrigger, connectMenu } from 'react-contextmenu'; import ReactTooltip from '../../general/reactTooltip'; import { GetDynamicContexOptions } from '../contextMenu'; import { ReactTableScrollPropTypes, ReactTableScrollDefaultProps } from './reactTableScroll.props'; const worklistItemMenuId = 'grid-context-menu'; const ReactTableScroll = function (props) { const { children, className, dataCy, getContextMenuOptions, hasFilter, heightStyle, horizontalScroll, isColResizing, onRowDoubleClicked, pageIndex, scrollEvents, style, tableHeader, onHide, viewId, virtualizer, // New virtualizer prop } = props; const tbodyRef = useRef(); const verticalScrollPosition = useRef(); // Destructure scroll events const { scroll, start: scrollStart, stop: scrollStop } = scrollEvents; // Scroll to the correct position when pagination or view changes useEffect(() => { if (tbodyRef.current) { tbodyRef.current.scrollTop(0); verticalScrollPosition.current = tbodyRef.current.getScrollTop(); } }, [pageIndex, viewId]); // Preserve scroll position when resizing ends useEffect(() => { if (!isColResizing && verticalScrollPosition.current) { tbodyRef.current.scrollTop(verticalScrollPosition.current); } }, [isColResizing]); // Handle scroll events to update the virtualizer const handleScroll = () => { if (tbodyRef.current) { virtualizer.scrollToOffset(tbodyRef.current.getScrollTop()); } }; // Render context menu if enabled const renderContextMenu = () => { if (!getContextMenuOptions) return null; const ConnectedContextMenu = connectMenu(worklistItemMenuId)(GetDynamicContexOptions); return ( <ConnectedContextMenu getOptions={getContextMenuOptions.getOption} getSelectedEntities={getContextMenuOptions.getSelectedEntities} launchMenu={getContextMenuOptions.launchMenu} setSelectedEntityIds={getContextMenuOptions.setSelectedEntityIds} /> ); }; return ( <div className="rt-scroll-container"> <Scrollbars ref={tbodyRef} data-cy={dataCy} onScroll={handleScroll} onScrollStart={scrollStart} onScrollStop={() => { verticalScrollPosition.current = tbodyRef.current.getScrollTop(); scrollStop(); }} renderTrackHorizontal={ horizontalScroll ? ({ style, ...props }) => ( <div {...props} className="scrollbarTrackHorizontal" style={{ ...style, height: '10px' }} /> ) : () => <div /> } renderTrackVertical={({ style, ...props }) => ( <div {...props} className="scrollbarTrackVertical" style={{ ...style, width: '10px' }} /> )} style={{ height: heightStyle }} className={classNames('tbodyScroll', className)} > {tableHeader()} <div style={{ height: `${virtualizer.getTotalSize()}px`, position: 'relative', }} > {virtualizer.getVirtualItems().map(virtualRow => ( <div key={virtualRow.index} style={{ position: 'absolute', top: `${virtualRow.start}px`, left: 0, width: '100%', }} onDoubleClick={evt => onRowDoubleClicked && onRowDoubleClicked(evt, children[virtualRow.index]) } > {children[virtualRow.index]} </div> ))} </div> {renderContextMenu()} </Scrollbars> </div> ); }; ReactTableScroll.propTypes = { virtualizer: PropTypes.object.isRequired, children: PropTypes.array.isRequired, className: PropTypes.string, dataCy: PropTypes.string, getContextMenuOptions: PropTypes.object, hasFilter: PropTypes.bool, heightStyle: PropTypes.string, horizontalScroll: PropTypes.bool, isColResizing: PropTypes.bool, onRowDoubleClicked: PropTypes.func, pageIndex: PropTypes.number, scrollEvents: PropTypes.shape({ scroll: PropTypes.func, start: PropTypes.func, stop: PropTypes.func, }), style: PropTypes.object, tableHeader: PropTypes.func.isRequired, onHide: PropTypes.func, viewId: PropTypes.string, }; ReactTableScroll.defaultProps = ReactTableScrollDefaultProps; export default ReactTableScroll;
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