laporan harian 1
2 years ago
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#include <iostream> #include <string.h> // getline #include <cstdlib> // untuk clear layar menggunakan kode ansi #include <unistd.h> // untuk kata sleep #include <locale> #include <memory> // #include <iomanip> // #include <Windows.h> // untuk syntax didalam windows 10 using namespace std; string clear = "\033[H\033[2J"; // untuk clear layar menggunakan kode ansi struct separate_thousands : std::numpunct<char> { char_type do_thousands_sep() const override { return '.'; } // separate with commas string_type do_grouping() const override { return "\3"; } // groups of 3 digit }; string dataTamu(char namaTamu[], string &checkin, string &checkout){ cout << "Nama Tamu: "; cin >> namaTamu; gets(namaTamu); cout << "Tanggal Check In: "; cin >> checkin; gets(checkin); cout << "Tanggal Check Out : "; cin >> checkout; gets(checkout); return namaTamu, checkin, checkout; } int dataPesanan(int &lamaInap, int &pKodeKamar){ cout << "Lama Menginap : "; cin >> lamaInap; cout << "Kode Kamar : "; cin >> pKodeKamar; return lamaInap, pKodeKamar; } void FakturTamu(char namaTamu[], string checkin, string checkout, string namaKamar[], int pKodeKamar, int n, int kodeKamar[], int hargaKamar[], int lamaInap){ cout << clear; dataTamu(namaTamu, checkin, checkout); dataPesanan(lamaInap, pKodeKamar); auto thousands = std::make_unique<separate_thousands>(); std::cout.imbue(std::locale(std::cout.getloc(), thousands.release())); cout << "\n\nNama Tamu: " << namaTamu << endl; cout << "Check In: " << checkin << endl; cout << "Lama Menginap : " << lamaInap << endl; for(int i = 0; i<n; i++){ if(kodeKamar[i] == pKodeKamar){ cout << "Kode Kamar : " << kodeKamar[i] << endl; cout << "Harga Kamar : " << hargaKamar[i] << endl; cout << "Nama Kamar : Rp. " << namaKamar[i] << endl; } } } void LaporanHarian(){ } int main(){ int entry, lamaInap, pKodeKamar, kodeKamar[] = {101, 202, 303}, hargaKamar[] = {1000000, 600000, 450000}, n = sizeof(kodeKamar)/sizeof(kodeKamar[0]); char namaTamu[20]; string button, checkin, checkout, namaKamar[] = {"Deluxe", "Standard", "Ekonomi"}; bool isTrue = true; // system("COLOR 17"); do{ cout << clear; cout << "1. Faktur Tamu\n2. Laporan Harian\n3. Exit\nPilih: "; cin >> entry; if(entry == 1){ FakturTamu(namaTamu, checkin, checkout, namaKamar, pKodeKamar, n, kodeKamar, hargaKamar, lamaInap); sleep(3); break; } else if(entry == 2){ cout << clear; cout << "Laporan harian\n\n"; //Laporan harian sleep(3); break; } else if(entry == 3){ cout << clear; cout << "Good Bye\n\n"; //Laporan harian // do{system("pause"); // }while(button == " "); isTrue = false; sleep(3); break; } }while (isTrue != false); }