a year ago
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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <strings.h> #include <math.h> #define MAX_WORD_SIZE 35 #define MAX_NUM_WORDS 1001 #define MAX_VEC_SIZE 200 #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 100000 static char words[300000][MAX_WORD_SIZE]; struct inputWord{ int exactMatch; int similarCount; char *wordText; double *vectorValues; int dictionaryPosition; }; typedef struct inputWord inputW; int strLenght(char *str){ int l=0; while(str[l] != '\0'){ l++; } return l; } void strcopy(char *dest, const char *src) { int i; while((*dest++ = *src++)!='\0'); *dest = '\0'; } int isStrignored(char *str,char ignoreStrs[][MAX_WORD_SIZE],int numToigno){ for(int i=0;i<numToigno;i++){ if(strcmp(str,ignoreStrs[i]) == 0){ //STR IS INSIDE THE IGNORE TXT SO RETURN 0; return 0; } } return 1; } char* getStrCleaned(char* str){ int count =0; char* cleanStr = (char*)malloc((120) * sizeof(char)); while(*str != '\0'){ char comingChar = *str; if(isalnum(comingChar)){ cleanStr[count++] = tolower(comingChar); } str++; } cleanStr[count] = '\0'; int i=0; return cleanStr; } int closestInText1(inputW word,char fwords[][MAX_WORD_SIZE],char dict[][MAX_WORD_SIZE]){ int walker=0; int walkerDict= 0; int positionOfWd = 0; while(strcmp(fwords[walker],"-")!=0){ while(strcmp(dict[walkerDict],"-") != 0){ } } } double doubledissimilarity(char * w1, char * w2, char dict[][MAX_WORD_SIZE], float threshold, int *position_of_orginalword ){ puts("gets called dd"); int i=0; double vectorsoforiginal[200]; double vectors2[200]; char *matchIndict; //w1 is input word, w2 is dict[i]; //first take the original words vector values int linecount=0; FILE *fp = fopen("dictionary.txt","r"); char templine[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; fgets(templine,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,fp);//jumping over the first line while(fgets(templine,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,fp)){ char *token = strtok(templine," "); if(strcasecmp(token,w1)==0){ token = strtok(NULL," "); int vectorindex = 0; while (token != NULL) { double tempvalue = 0.0; sscanf(token,"%lf",&tempvalue); vectorsoforiginal[vectorindex++] = tempvalue; token = strtok(NULL," "); } } linecount++; } //WE TAKE THE ORIGINAL WORDS VECTORS. //NOW WE HAVE TO TAKE COMING WORD'S VECTORS int vInd=0; rewind(fp); fgets(templine,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,fp);//jumpoverthe firstline while(fgets(templine,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,fp)){ char *token = strtok(templine," "); if(strcasecmp(token,w2)==0){ int vectorindex = 0; while(token != NULL){ double tempvalue=0.0; sscanf(token,"%lf",&tempvalue); vectors2[vectorindex++] = tempvalue; if(vectorindex==98){ token = strtok(NULL,"\n"); } else{ token = strtok(NULL," "); } } break; } } //now we have to calculate the dissimilarity between 2 vectors double sum=0.0; for(int i=0;i<100;i++){ //printf("vectororginal = %lf,vectors2 = %lf\n",vectorsoforiginal[i],vectors2[i]); sum += fabs((vectorsoforiginal[i] - vectors2[i]) * (vectorsoforiginal[i] - vectors2[i])); } //double distance = sqrt(sum); sum = sqrt(sum); //printf("Distance between = %s, %s is = %lf\n",w1,w2,sum); return sum; } int read_text(const char * text_file, const char * ignore_file, char words[][MAX_WORD_SIZE]){ int numOflinesIgnore =0; FILE *ignoreF = NULL; words[MAX_LINE_LENGTH][MAX_WORD_SIZE]; ignoreF=fopen(ignore_file,"r"); FILE *textF = fopen(text_file,"r"); if(ignoreF!=NULL){ char temp[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; while(fgets(temp,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,ignoreF)){ numOflinesIgnore++; } rewind(ignoreF); char ignoreStrs[numOflinesIgnore][MAX_WORD_SIZE]; int i=0; char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; while(fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,ignoreF)){ sscanf(line,"%s",ignoreStrs[i]); i++; } char comingChar; char comingStr[50]; char cleanStr[50]; int count = 0; int j=0; fclose(ignoreF); while(feof(textF) == 0){ comingChar = fgetc(textF); if(isalnum(comingChar)){ cleanStr[count++] = comingChar; } if(comingChar == 32 || comingChar == '\n'){ cleanStr[count] = '\0'; count = 0; if(strlen(cleanStr) >0){ if(isStrignored(cleanStr,ignoreStrs,i)){ strcopy(words[j],cleanStr); j++; } } } } strcpy(words[j],"-"); //words[j][1] = '\0'; return j; }else{ printf("Error oppening file!"); } } /*READ DICTIONARY*/ int read_dict(const char * file_name, char dict[][MAX_WORD_SIZE]){ FILE *fp = fopen(file_name,"r"); int numWords=0; int vecTorSize=0; if(fp!=NULL){ int numofwords =0; char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,fp); sscanf(line,"%*[^0-9]%d%*[^0-9]%d",&numWords,&vecTorSize); //printf("numofwords = %d, vectorsize= %d",numWords,vecTorSize); while(fgets(line,MAX_LINE_LENGTH,fp)){ sscanf(line,"%s",dict[numofwords]); numofwords++; } dict[numofwords][0] = '-'; dict[numofwords][1] = '\0'; int m =0; return numofwords; }else{ return -1; } } int checkIfInDict(char *word,char dict[][MAX_WORD_SIZE],int *dictPosition){ int walker = 0; int found=-1; while(dict[walker][0] != '-'){ if(strcasecmp(word,dict[walker])==0){ puts("Found."); found = walker; break; } walker++; } *dictPosition = found; } int checkTheBook(char *word,char book[][MAX_WORD_SIZE],int *matchCount){ int exactMatch =0; int walker = 0; while(strcmp(book[walker],"-") != 0){ if(strcmp(word,book[walker]) == 0){ (*matchCount) += 1; } walker++; } } int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ char dict[1002][MAX_WORD_SIZE]; int vectorSize,wordsLen; char *dictionaryfile = "dictionary.txt"; char *inputfile = "input.txt"; char *ignorefile = "ignore.txt"; char input[100]; char inputCopy[100]; int numofwords = read_dict(dictionaryfile,dict); read_text(inputfile,ignorefile,words); printf("Enter word(s): "); fgets(input,100,stdin); strcopy(inputCopy,input); int i=0; int wordCount=0; int indexCounter = 0; //COUNTING INPUTTED WORDS char *token = strtok(input," "); while(token !=NULL){ wordCount++; // puts(token); token = strtok(NULL," "); } //PUTTING INPUTS IN ENTEREDWORDS ARRAY inputW *inputsa = (inputW*)malloc(wordCount*sizeof(inputW)); char enteredWords[wordCount][35]; token = strtok(inputCopy," "); //WE PUT THE COMING INPUTS INSIDE EVERY INPUTW STRUCT while(token !=NULL){ char *temp; inputsa[indexCounter].wordText = (char*)malloc(35 * sizeof(char)); temp = getStrCleaned(token); strcopy(inputsa[indexCounter].wordText,temp); strcopy(enteredWords[indexCounter],temp); indexCounter++; token = strtok(NULL," "); } //FIRST WE CHECK IF THE GIVEN WORD IS IN THE INPUT FILE ITSELF, IF IT IS WE INCREMENT THE EXACTHMATCH INTEGER ON THE WORD OBJECT ITSELF for(int a=0;a<wordCount;a++){ inputsa[a].exactMatch = 0; int pTocount = inputsa[a].exactMatch; int *posP = &inputsa[a].dictionaryPosition; char *ptoWord = inputsa[a].wordText; checkTheBook(ptoWord,words,&pTocount); printf("exact match = %d",pTocount); } // NOW WE HAVE TO CHECK IF ANYWORD'S EXACT MATCH INT IS LESS THAN 1 IF THAT WE GONNA USE DICTIONARY int posofOriginal = 0; checkIfInDict(enteredWords[0],dict,&posofOriginal); if(posofOriginal > 0){ puts("dictionaryde var"); for(int m=0;m<1001;m++){ double sum; sum = doubledissimilarity("pigling",dict[m],dict,2.0,&posofOriginal); printf("distance between = %s,%s is = %lf\n",enteredWords[0],dict[m],sum); } } /* for(int b=0;b<wordCount;b++){ checkIfInDict(inputsa[b].wordText,dict,&inputsa[b].dictionaryPosition); if(inputsa[b].dictionaryPosition > 0){ puts("dictionaryde var"); posofOriginal = inputsa[b].dictionaryPosition; for(int m=0;m<1001;m++){ double sum; sum = doubledissimilarity(inputsa[b].wordText,dict[m],dict,2.0,&posofOriginal); printf("distance between = %s,%s is = %lf\n",inputsa[b].wordText,dict[m],sum); } } } */ //NOW WE GONNA SEND THE MATCHED STRING IN DIRECTORY TO DISSIMILARITY FUNCTION, }