1914–18: World War I │ ▼ 1919: - Rowlatt Act imposed (allowing detention without trial) - Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (Amritsar) │ ▼ 1919–21: - Economic hardships: War loans, increased taxes, famine & epidemics │ ▼ 1920: - Launch of Non-Cooperation Movement - Emergence of Khilafat Movement (uniting Muslims & Hindus) │ ▼ 1922: - Chauri Chaura Incident (violence leads Gandhi to suspend Non-Cooperation) │ ▼ 1929: - Lahore Session: Demand for Purna Swaraj (Complete Independence) │ ▼ 1930: - Salt (Dandi) March begins → Symbolic act against salt tax - Start of Civil Disobedience Movement │ ▼ 1931: - Gandhi-Irwin Pact; Civil Disobedience suspended temporarily
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