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12 days ago
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| Week                                           | Lesson                                     | Vocabulary             | Materials Needed  | Activity/Outcome                              |
| **Week 29: Introduction to Space and the Solar System**                                                                           |
| Lesson 1: What is the Solar System?            | Solar System, Sun, Planet, Orbit           | Space images, crayons  | Students draw the solar system.               |
|                                                |                                           |                        |                   | Outcome: Understand solar system structure.   |
| Lesson 2: Overview of the Planets              | Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,      | Video, crayons, paper  | Watch a planet video, create planet cutouts.  |
|                                                | Saturn, Uranus, Neptune                   |                        |                   | Outcome: Learn basic facts about planets.     |
| Lesson 3: How Do the Planets Move?             | Orbit, Rotate, Solar System               | Balls, string, space   | Role-play planets orbiting the sun.           |
|                                                |                                           | images                 |                   | Outcome: Understand planet orbits.            |
| Lesson 4: Creating a Solar System Model        | Planet, Orbit, Sun, Solar System          | Paper plates, string,  | Build a 3D solar system model.                |
|                                                |                                           | crayons                |                   | Outcome: Visualize planet arrangement.        |
| **Week 30: Exploring Mercury, Venus, and Earth**                                                                                    |
| Lesson 1: Mercury – The Smallest Planet        | Mercury, Crater, Temperature, Surface      | Mercury images, foil,  | Create a textured Mercury model.              |
|                                                |                                           | gray crayons           |                   | Outcome: Learn about Mercury's surface.       |
| Lesson 2: Venus – The Hottest Planet           | Venus, Atmosphere, Acid, Hottest           | Yellow and orange      | Paint a swirling Venus atmosphere.            |
|                                                |                                           | paint, paper           |                   | Outcome: Understand Venus’s heat and clouds.  |
| Lesson 3: Earth – Our Home                     | Earth, Water, Land, Air                    | Blue and green tissue  | Create Earth with tissue paper, show land     |
|                                                |                                           | paper, glue            | and water.                                     |
|                                                |                                           |                       | Outcome: Understand Earth's ability to support life. |
| Lesson 4: Comparing Mercury, Venus, and Earth  | Compare, Atmosphere, Craters, Heat         | Comparison chart,      | Fill in a chart comparing the planets.        |
|                                                |                                           | markers                | Outcome: Compare features of Mercury, Venus, and Earth.|
| **Week 31: Mars – The Red Planet**                                                                                                  |
| Lesson 1: Introduction to Mars                 | Mars, Red Planet, Desert, Crater           | Red and brown crayons, | Draw Mars with craters and mountains.         |
|                                                |                                           | paper                  | Outcome: Learn about Mars’s surface.          |
| Lesson 2: The Search for Water on Mars         | Water, Ice, River, Life                    | Paint, brushes, paper  | Paint Mars with imagined rivers.              |
|                                                |                                           |                       | Outcome: Understand the importance of water.  |
| Lesson 3: Olympus Mons – The Biggest Volcano   | Volcano, Lava, Mountain, Olympus Mons      | Clay, red paint,       | Build a volcano model of Olympus Mons.        |
|                                                |                                           | playdough              | Outcome: Understand Mars’s volcanoes.         |
| Lesson 4: Mars Rovers and Exploration          | Rover, Explore, Robot, Discovery           | Recycled materials,    | Build a simple rover to explore Mars.         |
|                                                |                                           | glue                   | Outcome: Understand how rovers study Mars.    |
| **Week 32: Jupiter – The Gas Giant**                                                                                               |
| Lesson 1: Exploring Jupiter                    | Jupiter, Gas Giant, Atmosphere, Storm      | Orange an
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