
mail@pastecode.io avatar
7 days ago
12 kB
Sequence                                                         908
Statement          IF (LS-ABK-EPIC-CODE = 'I')  AND (LS-ABK-STA-C...
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                          IF
Conditional_Seq                                                  NaN
Parameters         [{'logical_operator': '', 'attribute': 'LS-ABK...
Source                                                          None
Target                                                          None
Name: 907, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         909
Statement                       PERFORM 3500-GET-ABEP THRU 3500-EXIT
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                     PERFORM
Conditional_Seq                                                908.0
Parameters         {'start_paragraph': '3500-GET-ABEP', 'end_para...
Source                                                          None
Target                                                          None
Name: 908, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         910
Statement                                IF LS-FATAL-ERROR-IND = 'Y'
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                          IF
Conditional_Seq                                                908.0
Parameters         [{'logical_operator': '', 'attribute': 'LS-FAT...
Source                                                          None
Target                                                          None
Name: 909, dtype: object
Sequence                               911
Statement                  GO TO 5000-EXIT
Program_Name                      PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name     5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                GO
Conditional_Seq                      910.0
Parameters             Extractor Under DEV
Source                                None
Target                                None
Name: 910, dtype: object
Sequence                               912
Statement                           END-IF
Program_Name                      PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name     5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                               END
Conditional_Seq                      910.0
Parameters             Extractor Under DEV
Source                                None
Target                                None
Name: 911, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         913
Statement                       IF ABL-RTN-PAY-AMT = ABE-RCP-CLM-AMT
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                          IF
Conditional_Seq                                                908.0
Parameters         [{'logical_operator': '', 'attribute': 'ABL-RT...
Source                                                          None
Target                                                          None
Name: 912, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         914
Statement          MOVE 'E0856' TO ABQ-RSN-CODE OF WS-SCOPE-QWABQVX1
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                        MOVE
Conditional_Seq                                                913.0
Parameters         {'Attributes': ["'E0856'"], 'Attribute_Literal...
Source                                                   ["'E0856'"]
Target                         ['ABQ-RSN-CODE OF WS-SCOPE-QWABQVX1']
Name: 913, dtype: object
Sequence                               915
Statement                             ELSE
Program_Name                      PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name     5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                              ELSE
Conditional_Seq                      913.0
Parameters             Extractor Under DEV
Source                                None
Target                                None
Name: 914, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         916
Statement          MOVE 'E0857' TO ABQ-RSN-CODE OF WS-SCOPE-QWABQVX1
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                        MOVE
Conditional_Seq                                                915.0
Parameters         {'Attributes': ["'E0857'"], 'Attribute_Literal...
Source                                                   ["'E0857'"]
Target                         ['ABQ-RSN-CODE OF WS-SCOPE-QWABQVX1']
Name: 915, dtype: object
Sequence                               917
Statement                           END-IF
Program_Name                      PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name     5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                               END
Conditional_Seq                      913.0
Parameters             Extractor Under DEV
Source                                None
Target                                None
Name: 916, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         918
Statement                  MOVE 'I' TO ACTION-1 OF WS-SCOPE-QWABQVX1
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                        MOVE
Conditional_Seq                                                908.0
Parameters         {'Attributes': ["'I'"], 'Attribute_Literals': ...
Source                                                       ["'I'"]
Target                             ['ACTION-1 OF WS-SCOPE-QWABQVX1']
Name: 917, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         919
Statement                 PERFORM 5100-FIND-ABQP-SUSP THRU 5100-EXIT
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                     PERFORM
Conditional_Seq                                                908.0
Parameters         {'start_paragraph': '5100-FIND-ABQP-SUSP', 'en...
Source                                                          None
Target                                                          None
Name: 918, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         920
Statement                                IF LS-FATAL-ERROR-IND = 'Y'
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                          IF
Conditional_Seq                                                908.0
Parameters         [{'logical_operator': '', 'attribute': 'LS-FAT...
Source                                                          None
Target                                                          None
Name: 919, dtype: object
Sequence                               921
Statement                  GO TO 5000-EXIT
Program_Name                      PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name     5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                GO
Conditional_Seq                      920.0
Parameters             Extractor Under DEV
Source                                None
Target                                None
Name: 920, dtype: object
Sequence                               922
Statement                           END-IF
Program_Name                      PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name     5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                               END
Conditional_Seq                      920.0
Parameters             Extractor Under DEV
Source                                None
Target                                None
Name: 921, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         923
Statement                                  IF WS-SUSP-FOUND-SW = 'Y'
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                          IF
Conditional_Seq                                                908.0
Parameters         [{'logical_operator': '', 'attribute': 'WS-SUS...
Source                                                          None
Target                                                          None
Name: 922, dtype: object
Sequence                               924
Statement                         CONTINUE
Program_Name                      PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name     5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                          CONTINUE
Conditional_Seq                      923.0
Parameters             Extractor Under DEV
Source                                None
Target                                None
Name: 923, dtype: object
Sequence                               925
Statement                             ELSE
Program_Name                      PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name     5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                              ELSE
Conditional_Seq                      923.0
Parameters             Extractor Under DEV
Source                                None
Target                                None
Name: 924, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         926
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                        MOVE
Conditional_Seq                                                925.0
Parameters         {'Attributes': ['ABQ-RSN-CODE OF WS-SCOPE-QWAB...
Source                         ['ABQ-RSN-CODE OF WS-SCOPE-QWABQVX1']
Target                                                  ['AIG-CODE']
Name: 925, dtype: object
Sequence                                                         927
Statement             PERFORM 9000-HANDLE-SUSPENSIONS THRU 9000-EXIT
Program_Name                                                PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name                               5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                                                     PERFORM
Conditional_Seq                                                925.0
Parameters         {'start_paragraph': '9000-HANDLE-SUSPENSIONS',...
Source                                                          None
Target                                                          None
Name: 926, dtype: object
Sequence                               928
Statement                           END-IF
Program_Name                      PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name     5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                               END
Conditional_Seq                      923.0
Parameters             Extractor Under DEV
Source                                None
Target                                None
Name: 927, dtype: object
Sequence                               929
Statement                         END-IF .
Program_Name                      PAJSFN32
Paragraph_Name     5000-WORLDWIDE-PROCESS.
Keywords                               END
Conditional_Seq                      908.0
Parameters             Extractor Under DEV
Source                                None
Target                                None
Name: 928, dtype: object
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