let insert_tag= ( target ,string , tag ) =>{
const len = target.length;
const slen = string.length;
// Want to encapsulate this section that is in between
const opening_index = target.indexOf(string);
const closing_index = opening_index + slen;
//Generate the closing and opening tags
const opening = "<"+tag+">";
const closing = "</"+tag+">";
if (opening_index == -1 )
// Our word doesnt exist in this string
console.log( "Error " + string + " Does not exist in "+target);
return string;
// cut our string by pieaces
let first_part = target.substring(0,opening_index); //insert opening tag at the end of this string
let second_part = target.substring(closing_index, len); //insert closing tag at a distence of tag
first_part +=opening;
second_part = closing +second_part;
return first_part + string + second_part;