2 years ago
9.5 kB
initialBetSize = balance/2000 initialChance = 98 conditiondiv=balance/1000 bethigh = true; strategy = { label="ezroy_awager_98%_2000_1000div", blocks={ { id="T3-hCPsb", type="bets", on={ type="every", value=1, betType="win", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="resetAmount", value=0 } }, { id="FRW9UUYD", type="bets", on={ type="every", value=1, betType="win", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="resetWinChance", value=0 } }, { id="4BaCWkj5", type="bets", on={ type="every", value=3, betType="win", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="switchOverUnder", value=0 } }, { id="Hjsjc-y1", type="bets", on={ type="every", value=6, betType="win", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="switchOverUnder", value=0 } }, { id="gGxBLqdD", type="bets", on={ type="firstStreakOf", value=3, betType="win", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="switchOverUnder", value=0 } }, { id="gDgIN-qY", type="bets", on={ type="every", value=1, betType="lose", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="setWinChance", value=52.5 } }, { id="Ztz6Cts6", type="profit", on={ type="greaterThan", value=conditiondiv, betType="bet", profitType="loss" }, Do={ type="increaseByPercentage", value=55 } }, { id="0CFeMqur", type="bets", on={ type="firstStreakOf", value=1, betType="lose", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="increaseByPercentage", value=100 } }, { id="W_Fc7lTv", type="bets", on={ type="firstStreakOf", value=5, betType="lose", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="increaseByPercentage", value=25 } }, { id="CjS6apOQ", type="bets", on={ type="firstStreakOf", value=6, betType="lose", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="increaseByPercentage", value=15 } }, { id="zVTctleW", type="bets", on={ type="firstStreakOf", value=4, betType="lose", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="increaseByPercentage", value=5 } }, { id="QozVCCfx", type="bets", on={ type="every", value=50, betType="bet", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="switchOverUnder", value=0 } }, { id="-FT6SP5S", type="bets", on={ type="firstStreakOf", value=3, betType="lose", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="increaseWinChanceBy", value=1.51 } }, { id="zuzbNMUC", type="bets", on={ type="firstStreakOf", value=2, betType="lose", profitType="profit" }, Do={ type="increaseWinChanceBy", value=3 } } }, isDefault=false } -- resetstats(); -- you may want to enable this -- end of edition area MIN_CHANCE = 0.01 MAX_CHANCE = 98.00 nextbet = initialBetSize chance = initialChance printf = function(s, ...) return print(string.format(s, ...)) end printf('Launching strategy "%s"', strategy.label) function isMatching(conditionType, conditionsOn) variableToUse = 0 if (conditionType == "bets") then if (conditionsOn.betType == "bet") then variableToUse = bets elseif (conditionsOn.betType == "win") then if (not win) then return false end if (conditionsOn.type == "every") then variableToUse = wins else variableToUse = currentstreak end elseif (conditionsOn.betType == "lose") then if (win) then return false end if (conditionsOn.type == "every") then variableToUse = wins else variableToUse = -currentstreak end else printf('error in conditions, not recognized condition bet type "%s"', conditionsOn.betType) stop() end if (conditionsOn.type == "every" or conditionsOn.type == "everyStreakOf") then return (variableToUse % conditionsOn.value == 0) elseif (conditionsOn.type == "firstStreakOf") then return (variableToUse == conditionsOn.value) elseif (conditionsOn.type == "streakGreaterThan") then return (variableToUse > conditionsOn.value) elseif (conditionsOn.type == "streakLowerThan") then return (variableToUse < conditionsOn.value) else printf('error in conditions, not recognized condition on type "%s"', conditionsOn.type) stop() end else -- 'profit' if (conditionsOn.profitType == "balance") then variableToUse = balance elseif (conditionsOn.profitType == "loss") then variableToUse = -profit elseif (conditionsOn.profitType == "profit") then variableToUse = profit else printf('error in conditions, not recognized condition on profitType "%s"', conditionsOn.profitType) stop() end if (conditionsOn.type == "greaterThan") then return (variableToUse > conditionsOn.value) elseif (conditionsOn.type == "greaterThanOrEqualTo") then return (variableToUse >= conditionsOn.value) elseif (conditionsOn.type == "lowerThan") then return (variableToUse < conditionsOn.value) elseif (conditionsOn.type == "lowerThanOrEqualTo") then return (variableToUse <= conditionsOn.value) else printf('error in conditions, not recognized condition on type "%s"', conditionsOn.type) stop() end end end function execute(doAction) if (doAction.type == "increaseByPercentage") then nextbet = nextbet * (1 + (doAction.value / 100)) elseif (doAction.type == "decreaseByPercentage") then nextbet = nextbet * (1 - (doAction.value / 100)) elseif (doAction.type == "increaseWinChanceBy") then chance = chance * (1 + (doAction.value / 100)) elseif (doAction.type == "decreaseWinChanceBy") then chance = chance * (1 - (doAction.value / 100)) elseif (doAction.type == "addToAmount") then nextbet = nextbet + doAction.value elseif (doAction.type == "subtractFromAmount") then nextbet = nextbet - doAction.value elseif (doAction.type == "addToWinChance") then chance = chance + doAction.value elseif (doAction.type == "subtractFromWinChance") then chance = chance - doAction.value elseif (doAction.type == "setAmount") then nextbet = doAction.value elseif (doAction.type == "setWinChance") then chance = doAction.value elseif (doAction.type == "switchOverUnder") then bethigh = not bethigh elseif (doAction.type == "resetAmount") then nextbet = initialBetSize elseif (doAction.type == "resetWinChance") then chance = initialChance elseif (doAction.type == "stop") then stop() else print('error in conditions,not recognized action type "%s"', doAction.type) stop() end end function dobet() printf('Playing Strategy "%s"', strategy.label) for i, condition in ipairs(strategy.blocks) do if (isMatching(condition.type, condition.on)) then print(string.rep('°',33)) printf('"%s" ', condition.type) for k,v in next,condition.on do print(k,v)end print(string.rep('-',33)) for k,v in next,condition.Do do print(k,v)end printf(string.rep('*',33)) printf('nextbet "%.8f" ', nextbet) print(string.rep('°',33)) print(string.rep('\r\x0a',5)) execute(condition.Do) end end chance = math.min(math.max(chance, MIN_CHANCE), MAX_CHANCE) end
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