
mail@pastecode.io avatar
a year ago
2.2 kB
command /giveageless:
    permission: op
        give player {agelessSword}
        give player {helmMax}
        give player {chestMax}
        give player {legMax}
        give player {bootMax}
command /setageless:
    permission: op
        set {agelessSword} to player's tool
        set {helmMax} to player's helmet
        set {chestMax} to player's chestplate
        set {legMax} to player's leggings
        set {bootMax} to player's boots

on item damage:
    if event-item is {agelessSword}, {helmMax}, {chestMax}, {legMax} or {bootMax}:
        cancel event

every 3 seconds:
    loop all players:
        if loop-player's helmet is {helmMax}:
            if loop-player's chestplate is {chestMax}:
                if loop-player's leggings is {legMax}:
                    if loop-player's boots is {bootMax}:
                        set loop-player's max health to 20
            set loop-player's max health to 10

command /setcharms [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
    permission: op
        if arg-1 is set:
            if arg-2 is set:
                if arg-3 is set:
                    if player's held item is {agelessSword}:
                        set lore of player's item to " ", "&f&l| &c%arg-1%&7, &b%arg-2%&7, &a%arg-3%", "&f&l &c✪ &b✪ &a✪", " ", "&e&lMYTHIC SWORD"

on death:
    if victim is a player:
        if attacker is a player:
            if attacker's held item is {agelessSword}:
                cancel event
                push victim upwards at speed 2
                wait 1 second
                execute console command "/kill %victim%"
                add 1 to {agelessChampionKills::%uuid of attacker%}

# No potion effects
# Ideas: Telekinesis, Boosted Jump, Haste, 

on jump:
    if player's helmet is {helmMax}:
        if player's chestplate is {chestMax}:
            if player's leggings is {legMax}:
                if player's boots is {bootMax}:
                    player is sneaking:
                        send action bar "&a&lBOOSTED JUMP!"
                        push player forward at speed 1.2
                    push player upwards at speed 1.3