# include "iGraphics.h" /* What is left; 1. starting page; 2. check system; 3. castling king and rook; */ char turn = 'W'; int page = 0; int board[10][10]; int temp_board[10][10]; int moveable[64][2]; int moveable_index = 0; int eliminate[10][2]; int eliminate_index = 0; int temp_eliminate[10][2]; int temp_eliminate_index = 0; int count = 0; int selectedX,selectedY; bool selected = false; bool castling[4] = {true, true, true, true}; int white_x, white_y, black_x, black_y; int temp_white_x, temp_white_y, temp_black_x, temp_black_y; char path[30][50] = { "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\white-king.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\black-king.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\white-king.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\black-king.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\white-queen.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\black-queen.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\white-queen.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\black-queen.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\white-bishop.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\black-bishop.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\white-bishop.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\black-bishop.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\white-knight.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\black-knight.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\white-knight.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\black-knight.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\white-rook.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\black-rook.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\white-rook.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\black-rook.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\white-pawn.bmp", "Pic\\\\Pieces\\\\black-pawn.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\white-pawn.bmp", "Pic\\\\Red_marked\\\\black-pawn.bmp" }; char BoardPic[30][50] = { "Pic\\\\ChessBoard\\\\Chess1.bmp", "Pic\\\\ChessBoard\\\\Chess2.bmp", "Pic\\\\ChessBoard\\\\Chess3.bmp", "Pic\\\\ChessBoard\\\\Chess4.bmp", "Pic\\\\ChessBoard\\\\Chess5.bmp", "Pic\\\\ChessBoard\\\\Chess6.bmp" }; int Board_index = 0; struct Piece { char name; int type; int dirsize; int dirX[8]; int dirY[8]; int moveCount; Piece(){} Piece(char s,int x, int y,int* arr,int* arr2,int moveC){ name = s; type = x; dirsize = y; for(int i=0;i<y;i++) dirX[i] = arr[i]; for(int i=0;i<y;i++) dirY[i] = arr2[i]; moveCount = moveC; }; }; Piece types[7]; void init(){ turn = 'W'; moveable_index = 0; eliminate_index = 0; temp_eliminate_index = 0; int arr[8] = {1,-1,-1,1,1,-1,0,0}; int arr2[8] = {1,-1,1,-1,0,0,1,-1}; types[1] = Piece('K',1,8,arr,arr2,1); types[2] = Piece('Q',2,8,arr,arr2,8); int arr3[4] = {1,-1,-1,1}; int arr4[4] = {1,-1,1,-1}; types[3] = Piece('B',3,4,arr3,arr4,8); int arr5[8] = {1,-1,1,-1,2,2,-2,-2}; int arr6[8] = {2,2,-2,-2,1,-1,1,-1}; types[4] = Piece('G',4,8,arr5,arr6,1); int arr7[4] = {0,0,1,-1}; int arr8[4] = {1,-1,0,0}; types[5] = Piece('R',5,4,arr7,arr8,8); int arr9[1] = {0}; int arr10[1] = {1}; types[6] = Piece('P',6,1,arr9,arr10,2); board[1][1] = board[1][8] = 5; board[1][2] = board[1][7] = 4; board[1][3] = board[1][6] = 3; board[1][4] = 2; board[1][5] = 1; for(int i = 1;i<=8;i++){ board[2][i] = 6; board[0][i] = board[9][i] = 99; } for(int i=3;i<=6;i++){ for(int j=1;j<=8;j++){ board[i][j] = 0; } } board[8][1] = board[8][8] = -5; board[8][2] = board[8][7] = -4; board[8][3] = board[8][6] = -3; board[8][4] = -2; board[8][5] = -1; for(int i = 1;i<=8;i++){ board[7][i] = -6; board[i][0] = board[i][9] = 99; } board[0][0] = board[9][9] = board[0][9] = board[9][0] = 99; white_x = 5, white_y = 1, black_x = 5, black_y = 8; } void GetCoordinates(int x, int y); void copy_board(){ temp_white_x = white_x, temp_white_y = white_y, temp_black_x = black_x, temp_black_y = black_y; for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ for(int j=0;j<10;j++){ temp_board[i][j] = board[i][j]; } } } bool win_lose(){ for(int i=1;i<=8;i++){ for(int j=1;j<=8;j++){ if(turn == 'B' && board[j][i] <0){ GetCoordinates(i,j); if(moveable_index != 0 || eliminate_index != 0) { moveable_index = 0; eliminate_index = 0; return false; } } else if(turn == 'W' && board[j][i]>0){ GetCoordinates(i,j); if(moveable_index != 0 || eliminate_index != 0) { moveable_index = 0; eliminate_index = 0; return false; } } } } return true; } void temp_eliminating(int x, int y){ temp_eliminate_index = 0; int p = (temp_board[y][x]>0)?temp_board[y][x]:-1*temp_board[y][x]; //printf("%d\n", p); for(int i=0;i<types[p].dirsize;i++){ int movex = x; int movey = y; //printf("%d %d\n",movex,movey); for(int j=0;j<types[p].moveCount;j++){ movex = movex + types[p].dirX[i]; if(temp_board[y][x] == -6) movey = movey - types[p].dirY[i]; else movey = movey + types[p].dirY[i]; if(movex <0 || movey <0 || movex >9 || movey> 9) continue; else if(temp_board[movey][movex] == 99) break; if((temp_board[y][x] == 6 || temp_board[y][x] == -6) && j == 0){ if((movex+1)<9 && temp_board[movey][movex+1]*temp_board[y][x] < 0 ){ temp_eliminate[temp_eliminate_index][0] = movex+1; temp_eliminate[temp_eliminate_index][1] = movey; //printf("eli - %d %d\n", movex, movey); temp_eliminate_index++; } if((movex-1)>0 && temp_board[movey][movex-1]*temp_board[y][x] < 0){ temp_eliminate[temp_eliminate_index][0] = movex-1; temp_eliminate[temp_eliminate_index][1] = movey; //printf("eli - %d %d\n", movex, movey); temp_eliminate_index++; } } if(temp_board[movey][movex] == 0){} else if(temp_board[movey][movex]*temp_board[y][x] < 0 && temp_board[y][x] != 6 && temp_board[y][x] != -6) { temp_eliminate[temp_eliminate_index][0] = movex; temp_eliminate[temp_eliminate_index][1] = movey; printf("eli - %d %d\n", movex, movey); temp_eliminate_index++; break; } else break; if(board[y][x] == 6 && y != 2)break; else if(board[y][x] == -6 && y != 7)break; } } } bool checksystem(int x, int y){ printf("Position of King = %d - %d\n", y, x); for(int i=1;i<=8;i++){ for(int j=1;j<=8;j++){ if(temp_board[j][i]*temp_board[y][x] < 0){ temp_eliminate_index = 0; temp_eliminating(i,j); for(int k=0;k<temp_eliminate_index;k++){ printf("Elimimate to %d = %d - %d\n", temp_board[j][i], temp_eliminate[k][0] , temp_eliminate[k][1]); if(temp_eliminate[k][0] == x && temp_eliminate[k][1] == y) return true; } printf("-----------------------------\n"); } } } return false; } void GetCoordinates(int x, int y){ moveable_index = 0; eliminate_index = 0; int p = (board[y][x]>0)?board[y][x]:-1*board[y][x]; //printf("%d\n", p); for(int i=0;i<types[p].dirsize;i++){ int movex = x; int movey = y; printf("%d %d\n",movex,movey); for(int j=0;j<types[p].moveCount;j++){ movex = movex + types[p].dirX[i]; if(board[y][x] == -6) movey = movey - types[p].dirY[i]; else movey = movey + types[p].dirY[i]; if(movex < 0 || movey < 0 || movex > 10 || movey > 10) continue; else if(board[movey][movex] == 99) break; if((board[y][x] == 6 || board[y][x] == -6) && j == 0){ if((movex+1)<9 && board[movey][movex+1]*board[y][x] < 0 ){ eliminate[eliminate_index][0] = movex+1; eliminate[eliminate_index][1] = movey; printf("eli - %d %d\n", movex, movey); eliminate_index++; copy_board(); temp_board[movey][movex+1] = temp_board[y][x]; temp_board[y][x] = 0; bool check = (turn == 'W')?checksystem(white_x, white_y):checksystem(black_x, black_y); if(check) eliminate_index--; } if((movex-1)>0 && board[movey][movex-1]*board[y][x] < 0){ eliminate[eliminate_index][0] = movex-1; eliminate[eliminate_index][1] = movey; printf("eli - %d %d\n", movex, movey); eliminate_index++; copy_board(); temp_board[movey][movex-1] = temp_board[y][x]; temp_board[y][x] = 0; bool check = (turn == 'W')?checksystem(white_x, white_y):checksystem(black_x, black_y); if(check) eliminate_index--; } } if(board[movey][movex] == 0){ moveable[moveable_index][0] = movex; moveable[moveable_index][1] = movey; moveable_index++; copy_board(); temp_board[movey][movex] = temp_board[y][x]; temp_board[y][x] = 0; if(temp_board[movey][movex] == 1) temp_white_x = movex,temp_white_y = movey; else if(temp_board[movey][movex] == -1) temp_black_x = movex,temp_black_y = movey; bool check = (turn == 'W')?checksystem(temp_white_x, temp_white_y):checksystem(temp_black_x, temp_black_y); if(check) moveable_index--; } else if(board[movey][movex]*board[y][x] < 0 && board[y][x] != 6 && board[y][x] != -6) { eliminate[eliminate_index][0] = movex; eliminate[eliminate_index][1] = movey; printf("eli - %d %d\n", movex, movey); eliminate_index++; copy_board(); temp_board[movey][movex] = temp_board[y][x]; temp_board[y][x] = 0; if(temp_board[movey][movex] == 1) temp_white_x = movex,temp_white_y = movey; else if(temp_board[movey][movex] == -1) temp_black_x = movex,temp_black_y = movey; bool check = (turn == 'W')?checksystem(temp_white_x,temp_white_y):checksystem(temp_black_x, temp_black_y); if(check) eliminate_index--; break; } else break; if(board[y][x] == 6 && y != 2)break; else if(board[y][x] == -6 && y != 7)break; } } } void iDraw() { iClear(); iShowBMP(0, 0, BoardPic[Board_index]); int x = (52+4), y = (52+4); int i,j; for(i=1;i<=8;i++){ for(j=1;j<=8;j++){ int p = board[i][j]; //printf("%d\n", p); if(p>0) { iShowBMP2(x,y,path[((p-1)*4)+0],255); } else if(p<0) { iShowBMP2(x,y,path[(((p*-1)-1)*4)+1],255); } x += (75); } x = (52+4); y += (75); } for(int i=0;i<moveable_index;i++){ int cirx = (moveable[i][0]*75) +(52-75) + 4; int ciry = (moveable[i][1]*75) +(52-75) + 4; iShowBMP2(cirx,ciry,"Pic\\Pieces\\circle.bmp",255); } for(i=0;i<eliminate_index;i++){ int cirx = (eliminate[i][0]*75) +(52-75) + 4; int ciry = (eliminate[i][1]*75) +(52-75) + 4; int p = board[eliminate[i][1]][eliminate[i][0]]; if(p>0) { iShowBMP2(cirx,ciry,path[((p-1)*4)+2],0); } else if(p<0) { iShowBMP2(cirx,ciry,path[(((p*-1)-1)*4)+3],0); } } if(page == 0){ iShowBMP(0,0,"Pic\\page1.bmp"); iSetColor(0,0,0); iText(250, 150, "Press space to Enter", GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24); } if(page == 3) { if(turn == 'W') { iShowBMP(150,100,"Pic\\page2_black.bmp"); } else if(turn == 'B') { iShowBMP(150,100,"Pic\\page2_white.bmp"); } } if(page == 4) iText(100,100, "Keu jite gese", GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24); } /* function iMouseMove() is called when the user presses and drags the mouse. (mx, my) is the position where the mouse pointer is. */ void iMouseMove(int mx, int my) { //printf("x = %d, y= %d\n",mx,my); } /* function iMouse() is called when the user presses/releases the mouse. (mx, my) is the position where the mouse pointer is. */ void iMouse(int button, int state, int mx, int my) { int movex = (mx>=52 && mx<=652)?((mx-52)/75)+1:0; int movey = (my>=52 && my<=652)?((my-52)/75)+1:0; //printf("%d %d\n", movex, movey); if(page == 0) return; else if(page == 3) { mx -= 150; my -= 100; if(mx>7 && mx<200){ if(my>12 && my<=203){ board[selectedY][selectedX] = (board[selectedY][selectedX]>0)?2:-2; page = 2; } else if(my>203 && my<395){ board[selectedY][selectedX] = (board[selectedY][selectedX]>0)?3:-3; page = 2; } } else if(mx>=200 && mx<393){ if(my>12 && my<=203){ board[selectedY][selectedX] = (board[selectedY][selectedX]>0)?5:-5; page = 2; } else if(my>203 && my<395){ board[selectedY][selectedX] = (board[selectedY][selectedX]>0)?4:-4; page = 2; } } return; } count++; if (button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON && movex<9 && movex>0 && movey<9 && movey>0) { if(((turn == 'W' && board[movey][movex]>0) || (turn == 'B' && board[movey][movex]<0)) && count%2 == 0){ selected = true; selectedX = movex; selectedY = movey; GetCoordinates(movex,movey); if(moveable_index == 0 && eliminate_index == 0) selected = false; } else if(selected && count%2==0){ selected = false; bool eli = false; for(int i=0;i<eliminate_index;i++){ if(movex == eliminate[i][0] && movey == eliminate[i][1]){ eli = true; break; } } for(int i=0;i<moveable_index;i++){ if(movex == moveable[i][0] && movey == moveable[i][1]){ eli = true; break; } } if(eli){ board[movey][movex] = board[selectedY][selectedX]; board[selectedY][selectedX] = 0; turn = (turn == 'W')?'B':'W'; if(board[movey][movex] == 6 && movey == 8) { page = 3; selectedX = movex; selectedY = movey; } else if(board[movey][movex] == -6 && movey == 1) { page = 3; selectedX = movex; selectedY = movey; } } if(board[movey][movex] == 1) { white_x = movex; white_y = movey; } else if(board[movey][movex] == -1){ black_x = movex; black_y = movey; } moveable_index = 0; eliminate_index = 0; if(win_lose()) page = 4; } } } /* function iKeyboard() is called whenever the user hits a key in keyboard. key- holds the ASCII value of the key pressed. */ void iKeyboard(unsigned char key) { if (key == ' ') { init(); page = 2; } if(key == 'b'){ Board_index++; if(Board_index >= 6) Board_index = 0; } //place your codes for other keys here } /* function iSpecialKeyboard() is called whenver user hits special keys like- function keys, home, end, pg up, pg down, arraows etc. you have to use appropriate constants to detect them. A list is: GLUT_KEY_F1, GLUT_KEY_F2, GLUT_KEY_F3, GLUT_KEY_F4, GLUT_KEY_F5, GLUT_KEY_F6, GLUT_KEY_F7, GLUT_KEY_F8, GLUT_KEY_F9, GLUT_KEY_F10, GLUT_KEY_F11, GLUT_KEY_F12, GLUT_KEY_LEFT, GLUT_KEY_UP, GLUT_KEY_RIGHT, GLUT_KEY_DOWN, GLUT_KEY_PAGE UP, GLUT_KEY_PAGE DOWN, GLUT_KEY_HOME, GLUT_KEY_END, GLUT_KEY_INSERT */ void iSpecialKeyboard(unsigned char key) { if (key == GLUT_KEY_END) { exit(0); } //place your codes for other keys here } int main() { init(); copy_board(); iInitialize(700,700,"Chess Game"); return 0; }
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