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''' Exercise #5. Python for Engineers.''' ######################################### # Question 1 - do not delete this comment ######################################### class Minibar: def __init__(self, drinks, snacks): self.drinks = drinks self.snacks = snacks self.bill = 0 def __repr__(self): result = [] if self.drinks: drinks_list = ", ".join([f"{name} ({quantity})" for name, quantity in self.drinks.items()]) result.append(f"Drinks: {drinks_list}") else: result.append('No drinks left') if self.snacks: snacks_list = ", ".join([f"{name} ({price})" for name, price in self.snacks.items()]) result.append(f"Snacks: {snacks_list}") else: result.append('No snacks left') if self.bill == 0: result.append("No bill yet") else: result.append(f"Bill: {self.bill}") return "\n".join(result) def eat(self, snack): snack_lower = snack.lower() for i in list(self.snacks.keys()): if i.lower() == snack_lower: self.bill += self.snacks[i] del self.snacks[i] return print(f"The snack {snack} was not found.") def drink(self, drink): drink_lower = drink.lower() for i in list(self.drinks.keys()): if i.lower() == drink_lower: self.bill += 21 self.drinks[i] -= 1 if self.drinks[i] == 0: del self.drinks[i] return print(f"The drink {drink} was not found.") ######################################### # Question 2 - do not delete this comment ######################################### class Room: def __init__(self, minibar, number, guests, clean_level, is_suite, satisfaction=0.5): if not isinstance(minibar, Minibar): print("type error") return if not isinstance(clean_level, int): print("type error") return if not isinstance(is_suite, bool): print("type error") return if not isinstance(satisfaction, (float, int)): print("type error") return if not isinstance(number, int): print("type error") return satisfaction = float(satisfaction) if not (0.0 <= satisfaction <= 1.0): print("value error") return if not (101 <= number <= 940 and 1 <= number % 100 <= 40): print("value error") return self.clean_level = clean_level self.is_suite = is_suite self.satisfaction = satisfaction self.minibar = minibar self.number = number self.guests = guests def __repr__(self): guests = ', '.join(sorted(guest.lower() for guest in self.guests)) if self.guests else 'empty' return ( f"Room number: {self.number}\n" f"Guests: {guests}\n" f"Clean level: {self.clean_level}\n" f"Is suite: {self.is_suite}\n" f"Satisfaction: {self.satisfaction:.1f}\n" f"Minibar:\n{repr(self.minibar)}" ) def is_occupied(self): return len(self.guests) > 0 def clean(self): if self.is_suite: self.clean_level = min(10, self.clean_level + 2) else: self.clean_level = min(10, self.clean_level + 1) def better_than(self, other): if self.is_suite and not other.is_suite: return True elif self.is_suite and other.is_suite: if (self.number // 100 >= other.number // 100): return True else: if self.clean_level >= other.clean_level: return True return False def check_in(self, guests): if not self.is_occupied(): self.guests = [guest.lower() for guest in guests] self.satisfaction = 0.5 self.minibar.bill = 0 else: print(f"Cannot check-in new guests to an occupied room.") def check_out(self): if len(self.guests) == 0: print(f"Cannot check-out an empty room") else: self.guests = [] def move_to(self, other): if not self.is_occupied(): print(f"Cannot move guests from an empty room") return if other.is_occupied(): print(f"Cannot move guests into an occupied room") return other.guests.extend(self.guests) other.minibar.bill = self.minibar.bill if other.better_than(self): other.satisfaction = min(1.0, self.satisfaction + 0.1) else: other.satisfaction = self.satisfaction self.guests = [] ######################################### # Question 3 - do not delete this comment ######################################### class Hotel: def __init__(self, name, rooms): self.name = name self.rooms = rooms def __repr__(self): reserved_rooms = [] for i in range(len(self.rooms)): if self.rooms[i].is_occupied(): reserved_rooms.append(self.rooms[i].number) rm = len(reserved_rooms) urm = len(self.rooms) return (f"{self.name} Hotel has: {rm}/{urm} occupied rooms.") def check_in(self, guests, is_suite): available_rooms = [room for room in self.rooms if not room.is_occupied()] for room in available_rooms: if room.is_suite == is_suite: room.check_in(guests) return room return None def check_out(self, guest): the_guest = guest.lower() for room in self.rooms: if room.is_occupied() and any(g.lower() == the_guest for g in room.guests): room.check_out() return room.number return None def upgrade(self, guest): current_room = next((room for room in self.rooms if guest in room.guests), None) if not current_room: return None better_room = next( (room for room in self.rooms if not room.is_occupied() and room.better_than(current_room)), None) if not better_room: return None def send_cleaner(self, guest): guest_room = next((room for room in self.rooms if guest.lower() in [g.lower() for g in room.guests]), None) if not guest_room: return None guest_room.clean() return guest_room ######################################### # Question 4 - do not delete this comment ######################################### class Polynomial: def __init__(self, coefficients): self.coefficients = coefficients or [0] self.verify_zero() def __repr__(self): # explanation for my self to remember """ first we did the init which was understandable then moving forwards we needed to define the constraints we had, which are shown in the second part we had the 0 polynomial which had to be pointed out and then moving forwards, knowing the length of the list (which contains the coeff allowed us to know the degree (power) and reducing by one each time. """ if self.coefficients == 0: return "0" poly = [] power = len(self.coefficients) - 1 for coeff in self.coefficients: if coeff == 0: power -= 1 continue if power == 0: poly.append(f"{coeff}") elif power == 1: if coeff == 1: poly.append(f"x") else: poly.append(f"{coeff}x") else: if coeff == 1: poly.append(f"x^{power}") else: poly.append(f"{coeff}x^{power}") power -= 1 return "+".join(poly).replace("+ -", "- ") def __add__(self, other): # Now we are looking to add 2 polynomials which is done by comparing the coeff of both, and then adding corresponding to that # We need to find the list with the bigger length in order to know what we are looking at in terms of degrees so we use "max" max_len = max(len(self.coefficients), len(other.coefficients)) # We need to add zeros to each one so that they are equal in length, which allows us to compare between them first = [0] * (max_len - len(self.coefficients)) + self.coefficients second = [0] * (max_len - len(other.coefficients)) + other.coefficients result = [] for i, j in zip(first, second): result.append(i + j) return Polynomial(result) def __sub__(self, other): max_len = max(len(self.coefficients), len(other.coefficients)) first = [0] * (max_len - len(self.coefficients)) + self.coefficients second = [0] * (max_len - len(other.coefficients)) + other.coefficients result = [] for i, j in zip(first, second): if (i - j) == 0: return [0] else: result.append(i - j) return Polynomial(result) def __mul__(self, other): result = [0] * (len(self.coefficients) + len(other.coefficients) - 1) for i in range(len(self.coefficients)): for j in range(len(other.coefficients)): result[i + j] += self.coefficients[i] * other.coefficients[j] return Polynomial(result) def __gt__(self, other): if len(self.coefficients) > len(other.coefficients): return True elif len(self.coefficients) < len(other.coefficients): return False max_len = max(len(self.coefficients), len(other.coefficients)) first = [0] * (max_len - len(self.coefficients)) + self.coefficients second = [0] * (max_len - len(other.coefficients)) + other.coefficients for i, j in zip(first, second): if i > j: return True elif i < j: return False return False def verify_zero(self): while len(self.coefficients) > 1 and self.coefficients[0] == 0: self.coefficients.pop(0) def calc(self, x): return sum(j * (x ** (len(self.coefficients) - 1 - i)) for i, j in enumerate(self.coefficients)) if __name__ == '__main__': def test_hotel(): m1 = Minibar({'Coke': 10, 'Lemonade': 1}, {'Bamba': 8, 'Mars': 12}) m2 = Minibar({'Beer': 10, 'Lemonade':4}, {'m&m': 6}) rooms = [Room(m2, 514, [], 5, True), Room(m2, 210, ["Ronen", "Shir"], 6, True), Room(m1, 102, ["Liat"], 7, False), Room(m2, 223, [], 6, True)] h = Hotel("Dan", rooms) test_sep = '\n------------------' print('PRINT m1:\n', m1, test_sep, sep="") print('PRINT m2:\n', m2, test_sep, sep="") print('PRINT h:\n', h, test_sep, sep="") liat_room = h.send_cleaner('Liat') print('CALL: h.send_cleaner("Liat")\n', liat_room, test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: liat_room.eat("bamba")\n', liat_room.minibar.eat("bamba"), test_sep, sep="") print('PRINT liat_room.minibar:\n', liat_room.minibar, test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: liat_room.drink("lemonade")\n', liat_room.minibar.drink("lemonade"), test_sep, sep="") print('PRINT liat_room.minibar:\n', liat_room.minibar, test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: h.upgrade("Liat")\n', h.upgrade("Liat"), test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: h.check_out("Ronen")\n', h.check_out("Ronen"), test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: h.check_out("Ronen")\n', h.check_out("Ronen"), test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: h.check_in(["Alice", "Wonder"], True)\n', h.check_in(["Alice", "Wonder"], True), test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: h.check_in(["Alex"], True)\n', h.check_in(["Alex"], True), test_sep, sep="") print('PRINT h:\n', h, test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: h.check_in(["Oded", "Shani"], False)\n', h.check_in(["Oded", "Shani"], False), test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: h.check_in(["Oded", "Shani"], False)\n', h.check_in(["Oded", "Shani"], False), test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: h.check_out("Liat")\n', h.check_out("Liat"), test_sep, sep="") print('CALL: h.check_out("Liat")\n', h.check_out("Liat"), test_sep, sep="") print('PRINT h:\n', h, test_sep, sep="") print('==== Q1: Part a Basic tests/output====') drinks1 = {'Coke': 3, 'BEER': 5, 'WaTeR': 10} snacks1 = {'M&M': 10, 'Cake': 40, 'cookies': 23} m1 = Minibar(drinks1, snacks1) print(m1.drinks == drinks1 and m1.snacks == snacks1 and m1.bill == 0) print(Minibar({}, {}).snacks == {}) print('==== Q1: Part b Basic tests/output====') m2 = Minibar({'Coke': 3, 'BEER': 5, 'WaTeR': 10}, {'M&M': 10, 'Cake': 40, 'cookies': 23}) m2.eat('m&m') print('M&M' not in m2.snacks and m2.bill == 10) m2.drink('coke') print(m2.drinks.get('Coke') == 2 and m2.bill == 31) print('==== Q1: Part c Basic tests/output====') print(repr(Minibar({}, {})) == 'No drinks left\nNo snacks left\nNo bill yet') print(repr(m2) == 'Drinks: Coke (2), BEER (5), WaTeR (10)\nSnacks: Cake (40), cookies (23)\nBill: 31') print('==== Q2: Part b Basic tests/output====') room1 = Room(Minibar({}, {}), 922, [], 9, True, 1) print(repr(room1) == 'Room number: 922\nGuests: empty\nClean level: 9\nIs suite: True\nSatisfaction: 1.0\nMinibar:\nNo drinks left\nNo snacks left\nNo bill yet') room2 = Room(Minibar({}, {}), 923, ['Eyal', 'Rinat', 'Amit'], 2, True) print(repr(room2) == 'Room number: 923\nGuests: amit, eyal, rinat\nClean level: 2\nIs suite: True\nSatisfaction: 0.5\nMinibar:\nNo drinks left\nNo snacks left\nNo bill yet') print('==== Q2: Part c Basic tests/output====') print(not room1.is_occupied()) print(room2.is_occupied()) room1.clean() print(room1.clean_level == 10) room2.clean() print(room2.clean_level == 4) print(room1.better_than(room2)) room1.check_in(['Omer', 'Liav', 'Eden']) print(room1.guests == ['omer', 'liav', 'eden']) print(room1.satisfaction == 0.5) room1.check_out() print(room1.guests == []) room2.move_to(room1) print(room2.guests == []) print(room1.guests == ['eyal', 'rinat', 'amit']) print(room1.satisfaction == 0.6) # Question 3 - compare by yourself to 'test_hotel_output.txt' # After you are done implementing all classes and methods, you may call to test_hotel() and # compare the results with the file test_hotel_output.txt # you should get the same text printed between START and END of Q3 (not including the start and end message) print('==== Q3: test hotel START (not included)====') test_hotel() print('==== Q3: test hotel END (not included)====') print('==== Q4: Basic tests/output====') p1 = Polynomial([3, 2, 1]) p2 = Polynomial([1, 2]) p3 = Polynomial([2, 0, 6, 0]) print(p1) print(p2) print(p3) print(p1 + p2) print(p1 - p2) print(p3 - p3) print(p1 * p2) print(p1 > p2) print(p1 > p3) print(p1.calc(2)) print(p2.calc(2)) print(p3.calc(2))
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