3 years ago
4.4 kB
import java.util.*; //A state is represented by an array of rods. //Rods are represented by stacks of integers. //Integers represent disks. Their values are disks sizes. class State implements Cloneable { public Stack<Integer>[] rods; public State parent = null; public String displayText = "START"; //The text shown by the toString() method. public State(Stack<Integer>[] rods) { this.rods = rods; } @Override public String toString() { return displayText; } public ArrayList<State> GenerateStates() { ArrayList<State> states = new ArrayList<>(); for (int fromIndex = 0; fromIndex < 3; fromIndex++) { if(rods[fromIndex].size() != 0) { for (int toIndex = 0; toIndex < 3; toIndex++) { //Cannot put a disk on the same rod if(toIndex == fromIndex) continue; //Cannot put bigger disks over smaller ones if(rods[toIndex].size() != 0 && rods[fromIndex].peek() > rods[toIndex].peek()) continue; State newState = this.MakeNew(); newState.rods[toIndex].push(newState.rods[fromIndex].pop()); states.add(newState); //Showing rods names as A, B, C newState.displayText = "Move disk "+ newState.rods[toIndex].peek() +" from rod " + (char)(65 + fromIndex) + " to rod " + (char)(65 + toIndex); } } } return states; } //Cloning current state private State MakeNew() { State newState = new State(new Stack[]{ (Stack) this.rods[0].clone(), (Stack) this.rods[1].clone(), (Stack) this.rods[2].clone()}); newState.parent = this; return newState; } //Comparing two states public boolean IsSameAs(State otherState) { for(int i = 0; i < rods.length; i++) { if(!rods[i].equals(otherState.rods[i])){ return false; } } return true; } public boolean IsGoal() { if(rods[2].size() != 3) return false; if(rods[2].pop() != 1) return false; if(rods[2].pop() != 2) return false; if(rods[2].pop() != 3) return false; return true; } } class mainClass { //Removing all states that are already contained in Open or Closed private static ArrayList<State> FilterNewStates(ArrayList<State> newStates, Queue<State> open, ArrayList<State> closed) { ArrayList<State> filteredStates = new ArrayList<State>(); for (State state: newStates) { if(open.contains(state) || closed.contains(state)) continue; filteredStates.add(state); } return filteredStates; } private static State BFS(State start) { Queue<State> open = new LinkedList<State>(); ArrayList<State> closed = new ArrayList<State>(); open.add(start); while(!open.isEmpty()) { State x = open.poll(); if(x.IsGoal()) { return x; } else { ArrayList<State> newStates = x.GenerateStates(); closed.add(x); newStates = FilterNewStates(newStates,open, closed); open.addAll(newStates); } } return null; } public static void main(String[] args) { Stack<State> path = new Stack<State>(); //Creating the starting state Stack<Integer> rodA = new Stack<Integer>(); rodA.push(3); rodA.push(2); rodA.push(1); State startState = new State(new Stack[]{ rodA, new Stack<Integer>(), new Stack<Integer>() }); State goal = BFS(startState); State state = goal; //Put states in stack in order to be shown in reversed order after that while (state != null) { path.add(state); state = state.parent; } //Display path while(!path.isEmpty()) { System.out.println(path.pop()); } } }
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