a month ago
1.2 kB
t2.siteflag, '', t2.brandname, '', '', t1.internalRANum, t1.product, DATE(t5.inputdate), DATE(t5.inputdate), t1.invoicenum, rastatus, t2.currency, ROUND((COUNT(DISTINCT t1.serialnumber) * ROUND(t2.costcoopdisc, 2)), 2) AS extendedcoopcost, ROUND((COUNT(DISTINCT t1.serialnumber) * (ROUND(t2.costcoopdisc, 2) * t2.currencyrate)), 2) AS extendeddiscountedcoopcostusd, t2.pocategory, '', IF(t4.creditmemo IS NULL, '', t4.creditmemo), IF(t2.wlbrand IS NULL, '', t2.wlbrand), t1.apComment, t1.creditmemonumber, t1.collectionstatus, t5.rareason FROM inventoryitem t1 LEFT JOIN poitem t2 ON t1.product = t2.productcode AND t1.ponum = t2.ponum LEFT JOIN brandvendormapping t3 ON t2.brandname = t3.brandname LEFT JOIN apcreditmemo t4 ON t1.ponum = t4.ponum AND t1.product = t4.productcode LEFT JOIN rarequest t5 ON t1.internalRANum = t5.revolveranumber AND t1.product = t5.productcode WHERE t5.inputdate >='2024-01-01' and t5.inputdate <'2024-12-31' and rastatus= 'shipped' GROUP BY t1.product , t1.internalranum;
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