18 days ago
2.9 kB
async def load(bot: Brew, *, reload: bool = False) -> tuple[int, int]: cwd = os.getcwd() search_path = os.path.join(cwd, "src/cogs/**/*.py") module_names = glob.glob(search_path, recursive=True) success, failures = 0, 0 for module_name in module_names: try: relative_path = os.path.relpath(module_name, cwd) import_path = ( relative_path.replace("src" + os.path.sep, "") .replace(os.path.sep, ".") .replace(".py", "") ) if reload: await bot.reload_extension(import_path) else: await bot.load_extension(import_path) success += 1 except Exception as e: _log.error(f"Failed to load module {module_name}: {e}") failures += 1 try: await bot.load_extension("jishaku") except: pass style = Fore.RED if failures > 0 else Fore.GREEN pfx = "re" if reload else "" ssfx = "s" if success != 1 else "" fsfx = "s" if failures != 1 else "" _log.info( f"{style}Successfully {pfx}loaded %d{style} cog{ssfx} with %d{style} failure{fsfx}.{Fore.RESET}", success, failures, ) if dv.get_prod(): cmds = {} for command in bot.walk_commands(): params = [] params_help = [] for key, value in command.params.items(): params.append(key.replace("_", " ")) params_help.append(f"({key.replace('_', ' ')})") desc = ( CommandDescription.load(command.extras) if command.extras else CommandDescription() ) if desc.dev_command: continue example = desc.example if isinstance(example, list): example = example.pop(0) syntax_text = desc.manual_syntax if desc.manual_syntax else " ".join(params_help) if not desc.example: syntax = f"Syntax: {command.qualified_name}" else: syntax = f"Syntax: {command.qualified_name} {syntax_text}\nExample: {command.qualified_name} {example}".strip() cmd = { "name": command.qualified_name, "description": command.help or "No description provided.", "aliases": command.aliases, "params": params, "info": desc.info, "syntax": syntax, } category = command.module.split(".")[1:0:-1][0] if category not in cmds: cmds[category] = [] cmds[category].append(cmd) bot.redis.delete("commands") for category, commands in cmds.items(): bot.redis.hset("commands", category, json.dumps(commands)) return success, failures
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