a year ago
1.6 kB
(function() { const speedFactor = 20; // Change this to the desired speed multiplier. Higher values make timers run faster. const originalSetTimeout = window.setTimeout; const originalSetInterval = window.setInterval; window.setTimeout = function(callback, delay, ...args) { return originalSetTimeout(callback, delay / speedFactor, ...args); }; window.setInterval = function(callback, delay, ...args) { return originalSetInterval(callback, delay / speedFactor, ...args); }; })(); // Find the countdownText variable in the existing script var countdownText = null; var scriptElements = document.querySelectorAll('script'); for (var i = 0; i < scriptElements.length; i++) { var scriptText = scriptElements[i].textContent; if (scriptText.indexOf('countdownText') !== -1) { countdownText = scriptText.match(/countdownText\s*=\s*"([^"]*)"/)[1]; break; } } if (!countdownText) { console.error('Could not find countdownText variable in existing script'); } else { // Get a reference to the countdown element var countdownSelector = "#countdown"; // Get the current countdown value var currentCountdown = jQuery(countdownSelector).text().match(/\d+/)[0]; // Increase the countdown by 20x var newCountdown = currentCountdown * 20; // Update the countdown element var countdownHtml = countdownText.replace(/\{\{count\}\}/g, newCountdown); jQuery(countdownSelector).html(countdownHtml); } // JavaScript document.querySelectorAll('.to').forEach(element => element.style.display = 'block');