
a month ago
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*my understanding*  : by using this technique of frequency counting in an array for each element bounded , by nature this array inheretly sorted, u can use this array for additional stuff like for finding >= , <= for counting no of elements , u may additionally use suffixSumCount,PrefixSumCount.

The pattern used in this solution is commonly referred to as the Counting Sort Pattern or Frequency Array Pattern. It is a specialized technique that leverages the bounded range of input values to achieve efficient computation. Here's a breakdown of the pattern:

Key Characteristics of the Pattern
Frequency Count:

A frequency array (or histogram) is used to store the occurrences of each value in the input array.

Cumulative Calculation:
Cumulative sums of frequencies are computed to derive meaningful insights (like "how many elements are greater than or equal to 𝑥

Bounded Input:
This pattern is efficient when the range of input values is small or can be bounded (e.g., 0 to 1000).

Efficient Traversal:
The traversal of the frequency array allows for 
O(1)-like operations over the input's range.

Applications of the Pattern
Problems involving rank-based queries or threshold comparisons:
Counting elements 
≥x,≤x, or within a specific range.
Algorithms like Counting Sort for sorting integers in 
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