
2 years ago
232 kB
Last login: Tue Aug 15 17:17:46 on ttys006
/Users/p.andreev/.zshrc:1: module_init: function definition file not found
p.andreev@dlazarev ~ % adb logcat -c
- waiting for device -
p.andreev@dlazarev ~ % adb logcat
--------- beginning of main
08-17 12:57:20.990  1916  3309 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:image-processing uid:1000 cost 3570us return (null)
08-17 12:57:20.990  1916  3309 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:image-processing uid:1000 cost 3570us return (null)
08-17 12:57:20.990  1916  3309 V JpegEncoderExtImpl: Resolution: 2400 x 1080,support: 0;
08-17 12:57:20.992 25323 27912 D ConnectivityManager: NetworkCallback was already unregistered
08-17 12:57:20.996 25323 25561 I Unity   : 12:57:20.996 0(0) === GAME RESUMED ===
08-17 12:57:20.996 25323 25561 W com.facebook.unity.FB: Activite app only needs to be called once
08-17 12:57:21.001 25323 25323 D AndroidNative: Reconnection on start
08-17 12:57:21.009 29723 29934 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
08-17 12:57:21.014  1916  3172 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c 1] [a 1] [i 17]
--------- beginning of system
08-17 12:57:21.016  1916  3450 I GameManagerServiceExt-GameBackground: Now current pkg is : com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.016  1916  3450 I GameManagerServiceExt-GameBackground: Osense Notify Game Mode on
08-17 12:57:21.016  1916  3450 I GameManagerServiceExt: setting write: g mode true, p com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.017  1916  3277 I Osense-DecisionMaker: notifySceneToAthenaPolicy: SCENE_GAME, bundle: Bundle[{scene=SCENE_GAME, state=true}]
08-17 12:57:21.017  7641  7808 I DeepThinker: IntentManager: onIntentProduced 1
08-17 12:57:21.017  7641  7808 I DeepThinker: IntentManager: dispatchIntents 1
08-17 12:57:21.017  1916  2913 I ConditionProviders:  Allowing condition provider com.oplus.games/com.games.view.toolbox.main.notification.AppNotificationService (userSet: true)
08-17 12:57:21.017  7641  7808 I DeepThinker: IntentManager: onIntentProduced 1
08-17 12:57:21.017  7641  6042 I DeepThinker: EventFountainDispatcher: dispatchSpecificIntents 1
08-17 12:57:21.017  7641  7808 I DeepThinker: IntentManager: dispatchIntents 1
08-17 12:57:21.017  1916  3277 I Osense-DecisionMaker: scene: SCENE_GAME, excutingPolicy: appstartup
08-17 12:57:21.017  7641  6042 I DeepThinker: EventFountainDispatcher: dispatchSpecificIntents 1
08-17 12:57:21.017  7641  6042 I DeepThinker: EventFountainDispatcher: dispatchSpecificIntents com.pantanal.action.APPS_GAME
08-17 12:57:21.017  7641  6042 I DeepThinker: EventFountainDispatcher: dispatchSpecificIntents com.pantanal.action.APPS_LIST
08-17 12:57:21.018  1916  3277 D Osense-DecisionMaker: invoke appstartup policy,type: strict
08-17 12:57:21.019  1916  2913 I NotificationListeners:  Allowing notification listener com.oplus.games/com.games.view.toolbox.main.notification.AppNotificationService (userSet: true)
08-17 12:57:21.019  1916  2913 V NotificationListeners: enabling notification listener for 0: ComponentInfo{com.xiaomi.hm.health/com.xiaomi.hm.health.ui.smartplay.NotificationAccessService}
08-17 12:57:21.021  1916  2913 V NotificationListeners: binding: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService cmp=com.xiaomi.hm.health/.ui.smartplay.NotificationAccessService (has extras) }
08-17 12:57:21.021  1916  2216 D OplusUIFirst_FB: com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes toForeOps: []
08-17 12:57:21.021  1916  2216 D OplusUIFirst_FB: List of ThreadOp: size=0 []
08-17 12:57:21.022 25137 28924 D VRI[UsbDebuggingActivity]: dispatchAppVisibility visible:false
08-17 12:57:21.022  1916  2218 V OplusZoomWindowManagerService: onAnimationFinished:  r = ActivityRecord{33f2a6b u0 com.android.systemui/.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity} t26682 f} isExiting}
08-17 12:57:21.025 29723 29934 I GetServiceValidatorImpl: (REDACTED) onGetService() from Client SDK version [%s], Module version [%s], PGA version [%s], Account [%s], Calling package [%s], Game package [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.027  1916  1916 D NotificationService--OplusNotificationManagerHelper: Notification--OplusSettingsObserver onChange content://settings/global/debug_gamemode_value
08-17 12:57:21.029 27229 27229 I OplusCustomScanStrategy: msg.what = 3
08-17 12:57:21.030 29723 29934 W GetGamesServiceReqFacto: Parsing request with ignored arguments. signInOptionsBundle [Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=1160]], isRetryingSignIn [false], skipWelcomePopup [false], requireGooglePlus [false]
08-17 12:57:21.031 29723 29934 W GetGamesServiceReqFacto: SDK variant was not specified.
08-17 12:57:21.031 29723 29934 I GetGamesServiceReqFacto: Replacing request for `games` scope with `games_lite`
08-17 12:57:21.034  1916  2913 W OplusAppStartupManager: prevent start for sps com.xiaomi.hm.health, cmp com.xiaomi.hm.health.ui.smartplay.NotificationAccessService by service  callingUid 1000, strict mode = true
08-17 12:57:21.037  1916  2913 W NotificationListeners: Unable to bind notification listener service: Intent { act=android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService cmp=com.xiaomi.hm.health/.ui.smartplay.NotificationAccessService (has extras) } in user 0
08-17 12:57:21.037  1470  1470 I DispPerfService: updateLayerMask 0
08-17 12:57:21.038  1916  2913 V NotificationListeners: enabling notification listener for 0: ComponentInfo{com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile/com.garmin.android.gncs.GNCSListenerService}
08-17 12:57:21.038  1916  2913 V NotificationListeners: Not registering ComponentInfo{com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile/com.garmin.android.gncs.GNCSListenerService} is already bound
08-17 12:57:21.038  1916  2913 V NotificationListeners: enabling notification listener for 0: ComponentInfo{com.oplus.games/com.games.view.toolbox.main.notification.AppNotificationService}
08-17 12:57:21.038  1916  2913 V NotificationListeners: Not registering ComponentInfo{com.oplus.games/com.games.view.toolbox.main.notification.AppNotificationService} is already bound
08-17 12:57:21.039  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: Plane 88: Unsetting from crtc 101
08-17 12:57:21.039  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: DRMPlane::Unset tmp size = 18 commted = 18
08-17 12:57:21.040 27229 27534 D OplusBluetoothLeaLowLatency: broadcastLeCodecConfig gamemode is true
08-17 12:57:21.041  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: Plane 88: Unsetting from crtc 101
08-17 12:57:21.041  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: DRMPlane::Unset tmp size = 11 commted = 0
08-17 12:57:21.043  1916  2218 I OplusAppSwitchManagerService:  handleAppVisible , r = ActivityRecord{6957a06 u0 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} t26681}
08-17 12:57:21.046 16298 18867 D FeatureService: got request-> doWhat:4
08-17 12:57:21.048 26218 26218 I COSA    : #####openlog####
08-17 12:57:21.048 26218 26218 I COSA    : mDynamicDebug == false
08-17 12:57:21.048 26218 26218 I COSA    : mDynamicDebug = false  isHighLevel = false
08-17 12:57:21.049 16298 18867 D FeatureService: got request-> doWhat:5
08-17 12:57:21.049 16298 18867 I COSA    : #####openlog####
08-17 12:57:21.049 16298 18867 I COSA    : mDynamicDebug == false
08-17 12:57:21.049 16298 18867 I COSA    : mDynamicDebug = false  isHighLevel = false
08-17 12:57:21.049 16298 18867 I COSA    : logSwitchChanged
08-17 12:57:21.049 16298 18867 I COSA    : logSwitchChanged  sIsQELogOn = false
08-17 12:57:21.049 16298 18867 I COSA    : logSwitchChanged  sIsQELogOnMTK = false
08-17 12:57:21.049 16298 18867 I COSA    : COSALog , sIsDevelopMode = : false
08-17 12:57:21.049 18553 18553 W Touch   : setTouchSensibility enter
08-17 12:57:21.049  4732  4796 E oiface  : Unknown decision notify_GPA_event
08-17 12:57:21.050 16275 16316 D OifaceService: got request-> doWhat:5
08-17 12:57:21.050 16275 16316 I COSA    : #####openlog####
08-17 12:57:21.050 16275 16316 I COSA    : mDynamicDebug == false
08-17 12:57:21.050 16275 16316 I COSA    : mDynamicDebug = false  isHighLevel = false
08-17 12:57:21.050 16275 16316 I COSA    : logSwitchChanged
08-17 12:57:21.050 16275 16316 I COSA    : logSwitchChanged  sIsQELogOn = false
08-17 12:57:21.050 16275 16316 I COSA    : logSwitchChanged  sIsQELogOnMTK = false
08-17 12:57:21.050 16275 16316 I COSA    : COSALog , sIsDevelopMode = : false
08-17 12:57:21.050 16275 16316 E GameOpt->OifaceService: set log level0
08-17 12:57:21.050 16275 16316 I GameOpt->: set log level 0 System debug false debug log false
08-17 12:57:21.050  4732  4798 W oiface  : setOifaceLogLevel to 0 from uid 10418
08-17 12:57:21.051 18553 18553 W COSASDK : get cosa switch no value
08-17 12:57:21.051 18553 18553 W COSASDK : COSA switch value 1
08-17 12:57:21.052  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: deviceId = 1,nodeFlag = 25,data = 3,len = 1
08-17 12:57:21.052  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: path = /proc/touchpanel1/sensitive_level,len = 256
08-17 12:57:21.052  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: open /proc/touchpanel1/sensitive_level failed! err:No such file or directory
08-17 12:57:21.053  1470  1470 D Layer   : reparent to null sequence=80090, seq[18], name=Surface(name=Task=26682)/@0x1fa3866 - animation-leash of app_transition#80090
08-17 12:57:21.053  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=80090, name=Surface(name=Task=26682)/@0x1fa3866 - animation-leash of app_transition#80090
08-17 12:57:21.054  1470  1470 I DispPerfService: updateLayerMask 0
08-17 12:57:21.054  4732  4798 W oiface  : assert panic [0] enable [0], persist [0] and set log level to 0
08-17 12:57:21.055  1428  1494 I gameoptHal: loglevel switch 0
08-17 12:57:21.055  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: Plane 92: Unsetting from crtc 101
08-17 12:57:21.055  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: DRMPlane::Unset tmp size = 18 commted = 18
08-17 12:57:21.055  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: Plane 95: Unsetting from crtc 101
08-17 12:57:21.055  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: DRMPlane::Unset tmp size = 18 commted = 18
08-17 12:57:21.056  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: Plane 92: Unsetting from crtc 101
08-17 12:57:21.056  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: DRMPlane::Unset tmp size = 11 commted = 0
08-17 12:57:21.056  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: Plane 95: Unsetting from crtc 101
08-17 12:57:21.056  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: DRMPlane::Unset tmp size = 11 commted = 0
08-17 12:57:21.056  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/io_percent not supported
08-17 12:57:21.056  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 2]
08-17 12:57:21.056  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/sample_ms not supported
08-17 12:57:21.056  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 8]
08-17 12:57:21.056  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource SPECIAL_NODE - cpubw_hwmon_hyst_opt not supported
08-17 12:57:21.056  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 3]
08-17 12:57:21.056  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/min_freq not supported
08-17 12:57:21.056  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 0]
08-17 12:57:21.057  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/max_freq not supported
08-17 12:57:21.057  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 6]
08-17 12:57:21.057  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: deviceId = 0,nodeFlag = 25,data = 3,len = 1
08-17 12:57:21.057  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: path = /proc/touchpanel/sensitive_level,len = 256
08-17 12:57:21.058  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: write 1 bytes
08-17 12:57:21.059 16298 18867 D FeatureService: got request-> doWhat:0
08-17 12:57:21.059 18553 18553 W COSASDKImpl: response  setTouchSensibility success
08-17 12:57:21.060 18553 18553 W Touch   : setTouchSmoothly enter
08-17 12:57:21.062 18553 18553 W COSASDK : get cosa switch no value
08-17 12:57:21.062 18553 18553 W COSASDK : COSA switch value 1
08-17 12:57:21.062  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: deviceId = 1,nodeFlag = 24,data = 3,len = 1
08-17 12:57:21.062 16275 16974 D OifaceService: got request-> doWhat:0
08-17 12:57:21.062  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: path = /proc/touchpanel1/smooth_level,len = 256
08-17 12:57:21.062  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: open /proc/touchpanel1/smooth_level failed! err:No such file or directory
08-17 12:57:21.063  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: deviceId = 0,nodeFlag = 24,data = 3,len = 1
08-17 12:57:21.063  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: path = /proc/touchpanel/smooth_level,len = 256
08-17 12:57:21.063  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: write 1 bytes
08-17 12:57:21.063 25323 25561 I Unity   : AN: Using proxy for class: com.goplaytoday.utils.notifications.Tools method:HideAllNotifications
08-17 12:57:21.064  1916  2216 D OplusZoomSettingsObserver: GameStateObserver onChange mInGameState:true
08-17 12:57:21.064  1916  2216 D DisplayManagerService: mIsGameModeOn: 1
08-17 12:57:21.067 18553 18553 W COSASDKImpl: response success for execute setTouchSmoothly success
08-17 12:57:21.067 25323 27223 I AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983731) [pool-44-thread-2] ******* sendTrackingWithEvent: Launch
08-17 12:57:21.070 25137 26731 D FlashViews_FlashBackManager: onAppEnter packageName: = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, uid = -1)
08-17 12:57:21.070 25137 26731 D FlashViews_FlashBackManager: onAppExit packageName: = com.android.systemui, uid = -1)
08-17 12:57:21.082 29723 19499 I SignInPerformer-6: (REDACTED) Handling request [%s], isFirstPartyCaller [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.082  4263  5944 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: gameOptimizeSetLoad.id:2, pkgName:com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.083  1916  2216 D DisplayManagerServiceExtImpl: scheduleTraversalLocked intraversal=false
08-17 12:57:21.083  1916  2216 D DisplayManagerService: MSG_REQUEST_TRAVERSAL pendingCompleted=false
08-17 12:57:21.083  4263  5944 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: sendBroadcast oplus.intent.action.ENTER_GAME_SPACE_OPTIMIZE
08-17 12:57:21.083  4263  5944 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: mLinkLatencyService == null....
08-17 12:57:21.084 29723 19499 I SignInPerformer-6: (REDACTED) java sdk version: [%s]	unity sdk version: [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.086  1916  2218 D DisplayManagerService: performTraversalInternal pendingTraversal
08-17 12:57:21.086  1916  2218 D DisplayDevice: setLayerStackLocked id=local:4630946962717273473 token=android.os.BinderProxy@d70fa04 stack=0->0
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[0]: handleMessage: E msg.what=13
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[0]: processMsg: PhoneCallingState
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[0]: processMsg: NetworkAttachedState
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[0]: processMsg: SimReadyState
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[0]: processMsg: DefaultState
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 E cellularState[0]:  - unhandledMessage: msg.what=13
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[0]: handleMessage: X
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[1]: handleMessage: E msg.what=13
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[1]: processMsg: PhoneCallingState
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[1]: processMsg: NetworkAttachedState
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[1]: processMsg: SimReadyState
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[1]: processMsg: DefaultState
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 E cellularState[1]:  - unhandledMessage: msg.what=13
08-17 12:57:21.089  4315  4601 D cellularState[1]: handleMessage: X
08-17 12:57:21.095 18553 18553 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.heytap.appplatform.settings
08-17 12:57:21.095 18553 18553 W EponaSettings: Can't get provider for content://com.heytap.appplatform.settings/nonpersist
08-17 12:57:21.098 29723 19499 I SignInPerformer-6: (REDACTED) Found existing game run [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.107 29723 31426 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
08-17 12:57:21.112 18553 18553 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.heytap.appplatform.settings
08-17 12:57:21.112 18553 18553 W EponaSettings: Can't get provider for content://com.heytap.appplatform.settings/nonpersist
08-17 12:57:21.115  1916  3601 D OIM_Policy: registerInputEvent start!
08-17 12:57:21.116  1916  3601 D OIM_Helper: enableInputReceiver, receiver=com.oplus.exsystemservice.exinputservice.inputmonitor.OplusInputMonitorHelper$a@1705f7f, channel=[Gesture Monitor] OplusExInputReceiver2 (client), moniting=true sExChannelName=OplusExInputReceiver2
08-17 12:57:21.121  1379  1379 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: suspend_playback=false
08-17 12:57:21.121  1379  1379 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
08-17 12:57:21.121  1379  1379 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: exit: code(0)
08-17 12:57:21.121  1379 12577 W audio_hw_primary: out_write: underrun(1974) frames_by_time(48138) > out->last_fifo_frames_remaining(384)
08-17 12:57:21.128 16275 16974 D OifaceService: got request-> doWhat:21
08-17 12:57:21.129  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/io_percent not supported
08-17 12:57:21.129  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 2]
08-17 12:57:21.129  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/sample_ms not supported
08-17 12:57:21.129  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 8]
08-17 12:57:21.129  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource SPECIAL_NODE - cpubw_hwmon_hyst_opt not supported
08-17 12:57:21.129  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 3]
08-17 12:57:21.129  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/min_freq not supported
08-17 12:57:21.129  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 0]
08-17 12:57:21.129  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/max_freq not supported
08-17 12:57:21.129  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 6]
08-17 12:57:21.140 29723 31251 I GetServiceValidatorImpl: (REDACTED) onGetService() from Client SDK version [%s], Module version [%s], PGA version [%s], Account [%s], Calling package [%s], Game package [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.140 29723 31251 W GetGamesServiceReqFacto: Parsing request with ignored arguments. signInOptionsBundle [Bundle[{com.google.android.gms.signin.internal.serverClientId=null, com.google.android.gms.signin.internal.usePromptModeForAuthCode=true, com.google.android.gms.signin.internal.logSessionId=null, com.google.android.gms.signin.internal.hostedDomain=null, com.google.android.gms.signin.internal.offlineAccessRequested=false, com.google.android.gms.signin.internal.waitForAccessTokenRefresh=false, com.google.android.gms.signin.internal.clientRequestedAccount=Account {name=<<default account>>, type=com.google}, com.google.android.gms.signin.internal.idTokenRequested=false, com.google.android.gms.signin.internal.forceCodeForRefreshToken=false}]], isRetryingSignIn [false], skipWelcomePopup [false], requireGooglePlus [false]
08-17 12:57:21.141 29723 31251 I GetGamesServiceReqFacto: Replacing request for `games` scope with `games_lite`
08-17 12:57:21.146  1465  3212 D AudioFlingerExtImpl: AudioFlingerExtImpl oplusSetParameters: keyvalue oppoMuteStream=0:25323|10903
08-17 12:57:21.146  1379  1379 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: oppoMuteStream=0:25323|10903
08-17 12:57:21.146  1379  1379 D audio_hw_hfp: hfp_set_parameters: enter
08-17 12:57:21.146  1379  1379 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: set dual headphone enable: 0x0
08-17 12:57:21.146  1379  1379 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
08-17 12:57:21.146  1379  1379 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: exit with code(0)
08-17 12:57:21.157 26218 26432 I Quality : 17001301:25323 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes GAME_RESUME
08-17 12:57:21.159  1379  1379 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: suspend_playback=true
08-17 12:57:21.159  1379  1379 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
08-17 12:57:21.160  1379  1379 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: exit: code(0)
08-17 12:57:21.160 25323 27223 I AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983822) [pool-44-thread-2] IMEI was not collected.
08-17 12:57:21.160 25323 27223 I AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983824) [pool-44-thread-2] Android ID was not collected.
08-17 12:57:21.163 25323 27223 I AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983827) [pool-44-thread-2] AppsFlyer: first launch date: 2023-08-17_092421+0000
08-17 12:57:21.163 25323 27223 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983827) [pool-44-thread-2] didConfigureTokenRefreshService=false
08-17 12:57:21.164  1916  3309 W Bitmap  : Called getWidth() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!
08-17 12:57:21.164  1916  3309 W Bitmap  : Called getHeight() on a recycle()'d bitmap! This is undefined behavior!
08-17 12:57:21.165 25323 25561 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, index=0, streamType=3
08-17 12:57:21.165 25323 25561 D AudioTrack: start(2411): prior state:STATE_STOPPED output 13 stream 3 session 17953
08-17 12:57:21.165  1465  1993 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: startOutput portId 2411
08-17 12:57:21.165  1465  1993 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: startOutput() output 13, stream 3, session 17953
08-17 12:57:21.165  1465  1993 D OplusAudioVoiceScence: playingCheckScence tempScence=0, mFinalOutputScenceState=0
08-17 12:57:21.166  1465  1993 D GameAudioEffects: hasAliveFastEffectTracks  return (0)
08-17 12:57:21.166  1465  1993 D AudioPolicyManagerExtImpl: oplusSelectOutputForMusicEffects: pendingOutput  => 13  flags => 0x00000006  outputTageName =>primary output outputs.size(2) older music effect ouput(21), hasAliveGameTracks(0)
08-17 12:57:21.166  1465  1993 D AudioPolicyManagerExtImpl: oplusSelectOutputForMusicEffects pending music output is low latency output, but no alive fast effect tracks, block effectchain fallback to primary, set deepbuffer as defaultEffectsOutput instead
08-17 12:57:21.166  1465  1993 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevice() output 13 device {AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER, @:} force 0 delayMs 0
08-17 12:57:21.166  1465  1993 D APM_AudioPolicyManager: setOutputDevices:filteredDevices isempty 0,getEncodedFormat 0x0,getName = primary output
08-17 12:57:21.167  1465  3212 D AudioFlinger_PlaybackThreadExtImpl: notifyAudioTrackCreate event:atlas_event_audio_track_create info:pid:25323,sessionId:17953,streamType:3,sampleRate:48000,format:1,channelcount:2,flags:6,deviceTypes:2,hasFastMixer:1
08-17 12:57:21.167  1465  3212 D AtlasEventUploadUtils: setEvent event:atlas_event_audio_track_create
08-17 12:57:21.167  1916  6915 D OplusWifiService: Get notifyGameModeState: state = true pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.167  1916  6915 D OplusWifiCoexManager: setGameModeState: gameStateIn=true pkgName=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes uid=10903
08-17 12:57:21.167  1470  1470 D Layer   : reparent to null sequence=80083, seq[5], name=com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity#80083
08-17 12:57:21.168  1470  1470 D Layer   : reparent to null sequence=80086, seq[18], name=Dim Layer for - WindowedMagnification:0:31#80086
08-17 12:57:21.168  1470  1470 D Layer   : reparent to null sequence=80092, seq[14], name=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - WindowedMagnification:0:31)/@0x6c24c3b - animation-leash of dimmer#80092
08-17 12:57:21.168  1470  1470 D Layer   : reparent to null sequence=80082, seq[8], name=b151d41 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity#80082
08-17 12:57:21.168  1470  1470 D Layer   : reparent to null sequence=80093, seq[34], name=Surface(name=b151d41 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity)/@0xe778716 - animation-leash of window_animation#80093
08-17 12:57:21.168  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=80093, name=Surface(name=b151d41 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity)/@0xe778716 - animation-leash of window_animation#80093
08-17 12:57:21.168  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=80082, name=b151d41 com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity#80082
08-17 12:57:21.168  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=80083, name=com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity#80083
08-17 12:57:21.168  1379  1379 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: enter: usecase(1: low-latency-playback) kvpairs: suspend_playback=false
08-17 12:57:21.168  1379  1379 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
08-17 12:57:21.168  4666  4412 D OplusAtlas.OplusAtlasEventDispatch: setEvent:atlas_event_audio_track_create info:pid:25323,sessionId:17953,streamType:3,sampleRate:48000,format:1,channelcount:2,flags:6,deviceTypes:2,hasFastMixer:1
08-17 12:57:21.168  1916  6915 D OplusWifiService: get mOplusWifiSmartAntenna
08-17 12:57:21.168  1379  1379 D audio_hw_primary: out_set_parameters: exit: code(0)
08-17 12:57:21.168  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=80092, name=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - WindowedMagnification:0:31)/@0x6c24c3b - animation-leash of dimmer#80092
08-17 12:57:21.168  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=80086, name=Dim Layer for - WindowedMagnification:0:31#80086
08-17 12:57:21.168 25323 25561 D AudioTrackExtImpl: setAudioBoostTid
08-17 12:57:21.168  1916  6915 E OplusSupplicantStaIfaceHalHidlImpl: Can't call doStringCommand, IOplusSupplicantStaIface is null
08-17 12:57:21.168  1861  1868 D EventTest: handleEvent atlas_event_audio_track_create pid:25323,sessionId:17953,streamType:3,flags:6,deviceTypes:2,hasFastMixer:1
08-17 12:57:21.169  1439  4107 E PerformanceService: Failed to open /proc/oplus_scheduler/sched_assist/sched_impt_task (2): No such file or directory, Linux version 4.14.180
08-17 12:57:21.169  1465  3212 D AudioFlingerExtImpl: audioShcedBoost after setUx(pid:25323, tid:25561)
08-17 12:57:21.169  1465  3212 D AudioFlinger: AudioFlinger::audioSchedBoost
08-17 12:57:21.169  1465  2671 D AudioFlinger: updateWakeLockUids_l AudioOut_D uids:10903
08-17 12:57:21.169 25323 25561 D AudioTrackExtImpl: oplusDumpValue PID is 25323  Tid is 25561
08-17 12:57:21.170  1916  3150 D OplusWifiCoexManager: maybeChangeHybridState mHybridModeEnabled=false
08-17 12:57:21.170  1916  3150 D OplusWifiCoexManager: maybeChangeHybridState mHybridSupported=false mDBSEnabled=false mIsGameEnter=true mWifi24GState=false mBluetoothState=12 mScreenOn=true mGameLastTput=0 mIsCurRouterSupHybrid=true mWifiChannelWidth=1 mHybridV1Supported=false mHybridV2Supported=false mBtRssiReportBad=false mIotApDetected=false
08-17 12:57:21.170  1916  3150 D OplusWifiCoexManager: mCurBtcPsCtsModeWorking=false
08-17 12:57:21.170  1916  3150 D OplusWifiCoexManager: maybeChangeNullDataToCTSMode mNullDataToCTSModeSupported=false mIsGameEnter=true mWifi24GState=false mIsBluetoothCoex=false mScreenOn=true mIsCurRouterSupNullDataToCTS=true
08-17 12:57:21.170  1379 12577 W audio_hw_primary: out_write: underrun(1975) frames_by_time(565) > out->last_fifo_frames_remaining(384)
08-17 12:57:21.170  4666  7021 D OplusAtlas.OplusMessageHandler: handleMessage: Msg { when=-1ms what=1 arg1=25323 arg2=3 obj=com.oplus.atlas.OplusAtlasEvent@f96591 target=com.oplus.atlas.OplusMessageHandler$MyHandler }
08-17 12:57:21.171  4666  7035 D OplusAtlas.OplusMessageHandler: handleMessage: Msg { when=-2ms what=1 arg1=25323 arg2=3 target=com.oplus.atlas.OplusMessageHandler$MyHandler }
08-17 12:57:21.171  4666  7035 D OplusAtlasService: myHandleMessage: Msg { when=-2ms what=1 arg1=25323 arg2=3 target=com.oplus.atlas.OplusMessageHandler$MyHandler }
08-17 12:57:21.171 27229 27229 E OplusBluetoothAudioGuard: enter onPlaybackConfigChanged
08-17 12:57:21.171 25323 25323 D MediaRouter: onRestoreRoute() : route=RouteInfo{ name=Телефон, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Система types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO  groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
08-17 12:57:21.171 25323 25323 V MediaRouter: Selecting route: RouteInfo{ name=Телефон, description=null, status=null, category=RouteCategory{ name=Система types=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO  groupable=false }, supportedTypes=ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_AUDIO ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO , presentationDisplay=null }
08-17 12:57:21.172 27229 27478 D Avrcp_ext: AudioManager Player in started state: com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.172 27229 27478 D Avrcp_ext: AudioManager Active Player: com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.172 27229 27478 D Avrcp_ext: MSG_UPDATE_CURRENT_MEDIA_STATE
08-17 12:57:21.173  4749  4749 D OplusDiracService: mrDiracEffectBroadcastReceiver action = android.Multimedia.AudioEffect.AudioTrack_BROADCAST
08-17 12:57:21.173  4749  4749 D OplusDiracService: +new tast
08-17 12:57:21.173  1465  3212 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid start module:allow-get-parameters uid:10104  time 470322746883us
08-17 12:57:21.173  1873  1889 D MMListService: checkInListByUid end module:allow-get-parameters uid:10104 time 470322747101
08-17 12:57:21.174  1465  3212 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid end module:allow-get-parameters uid:10104  time 470322747292us
08-17 12:57:21.174  1465  3212 D ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:allow-get-parameters uid:10104 cost 407us return 1
08-17 12:57:21.175  1916  3602 D AudioServiceExtImpl: oplusGetParameters() keyValuePairs:OPLUS_AUDIO_GET_DEVICE_FORSTREAM:3, uid: 10413
08-17 12:57:21.175  4749  4749 D OplusDiracService: device :2
08-17 12:57:21.175  4749  4749 D OplusDiracService: isBluetoothA2dpUsing device:2
08-17 12:57:21.175  4749  4749 D OplusDiracService: -new tast
08-17 12:57:21.175  7641  7641 V DeepThinker: BroadcastReceiverWrapper: onReceive, start dispatch android.media.ACTION_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_STATE_CHANGED
08-17 12:57:21.175  4749 22954 D DiracDetectSceneService-v2.0: Task.run,effectenable = true
08-17 12:57:21.175 27229 27478 V Avrcp_ext: updateCurrentMediaState: mMediaController: null
08-17 12:57:21.175 27229 27478 W Avrcp_ext: isMusicActive: true getBluetoothPlayState: 2 A2dp State: 11 mAudioPlaybackIsActive: true
08-17 12:57:21.175 27229 27478 W Avrcp_ext: updateCurrentMediaState: isPlaying = false
08-17 12:57:21.175 27229 27478 V Avrcp_ext: Media update: id -1➡-1? [MediaAttributes: none] : [MediaAttributes: none]
08-17 12:57:21.175 27229 27478 V Avrcp_ext: updatePlaybackState, state: PlaybackState {state=2, position=-1, buffered position=0, speed=0.0, updated=621214332, actions=0, custom actions=[], active item id=-1, error=null} device: null
08-17 12:57:21.175 27229 27478 V Avrcp_ext: Device: no name:
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 V Avrcp_ext: Device: no name:
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 V Avrcp_ext: Device: no name:
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 V Avrcp_ext: Device: no name:
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 V Avrcp_ext: Device: no name:
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService:  isAudioOn: The number of audio connected devices 0
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService: isScoOrCallActive(): Call Active:falseCall is Ringing:falseSCO is Active:false
08-17 12:57:21.176  1465  3212 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid start module:allow-get-parameters uid:10413  time 470322749283us
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService:  isAudioOn: The number of audio connected devices 0
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 I Avrcp_ext: updatePlayStatusForDevice: device: null
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 I Avrcp_ext: Exit updatePlayStatusForDevice
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService:  isAudioOn: The number of audio connected devices 0
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService: isScoOrCallActive(): Call Active:falseCall is Ringing:falseSCO is Active:false
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService:  isAudioOn: The number of audio connected devices 0
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 I Avrcp_ext: updatePlayStatusForDevice: device: null
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 I Avrcp_ext: Exit updatePlayStatusForDevice
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService:  isAudioOn: The number of audio connected devices 0
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService: isScoOrCallActive(): Call Active:falseCall is Ringing:falseSCO is Active:false
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService:  isAudioOn: The number of audio connected devices 0
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 I Avrcp_ext: updatePlayStatusForDevice: device: null
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 I Avrcp_ext: Exit updatePlayStatusForDevice
08-17 12:57:21.176  1873  1889 D MMListService: checkInListByUid end module:allow-get-parameters uid:10413 time 470322749482
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService:  isAudioOn: The number of audio connected devices 0
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService: isScoOrCallActive(): Call Active:falseCall is Ringing:falseSCO is Active:false
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService:  isAudioOn: The number of audio connected devices 0
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 I Avrcp_ext: updatePlayStatusForDevice: device: null
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 I Avrcp_ext: Exit updatePlayStatusForDevice
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService:  isAudioOn: The number of audio connected devices 0
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService: isScoOrCallActive(): Call Active:falseCall is Ringing:falseSCO is Active:false
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D HeadsetService:  isAudioOn: The number of audio connected devices 0
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 I Avrcp_ext: updatePlayStatusForDevice: device: null
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 I Avrcp_ext: Exit updatePlayStatusForDevice
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D Avrcp_ext: Enter sendPlayPosNotificationRsp
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D Avrcp_ext: Enter sendPlayPosNotificationRsp
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D Avrcp_ext: Enter sendPlayPosNotificationRsp
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D Avrcp_ext: Enter sendPlayPosNotificationRsp
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 D Avrcp_ext: Enter sendPlayPosNotificationRsp
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 V Avrcp_ext: Exit updatePlayerStateAndPosition
08-17 12:57:21.176 27229 27478 V Avrcp_ext: Exit handleMessage
08-17 12:57:21.176  1465  3212 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid end module:allow-get-parameters uid:10413  time 470322749643us
08-17 12:57:21.176  1465  3212 D ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:allow-get-parameters uid:10413 cost 358us return 1
08-17 12:57:21.176  4749 22954 D DiracDetectSceneService-v2.0: checkAndSetDirac : activeAudioPids = :25323
08-17 12:57:21.176  1916  3309 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid start module:custom-icc uid:1000  time 470322750055us
08-17 12:57:21.176  4749 22954 D DiracDetectSceneService-v2.0: +activePidList = [25323]
08-17 12:57:21.177  1916  3309 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid end module:custom-icc uid:1000  time 470322750715us
08-17 12:57:21.177  1916  3309 D ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:custom-icc uid:1000 cost 658us return 0
08-17 12:57:21.177  1873  1889 D MMListService: getListValueByUid module:image-processing, uid:1000
08-17 12:57:21.177  1916  3309 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:image-processing uid:1000 cost 118us return (null)
08-17 12:57:21.177  1916  3309 V JpegEncoderExtImpl: Resolution: 1200 x 540,support: 0;
08-17 12:57:21.178  1916  2218 D OplusMirageWindowManagerService: onTaskRemoved displayid:0 taskId:26682 callers:com.android.server.wm.MirageWindowManagerExtImpl.onTaskRemoved:47 com.android.server.wm.TaskDisplayArea.removeChildTask:398 com.android.server.wm.TaskDisplayArea.removeChild:387 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.removeImmediately:891 com.android.server.wm.TaskFragment.removeImmediately:2904
08-17 12:57:21.178  1916  2218 I OplusScreenSecurityMask: onStackRemoved task = Task{c12b986 #26682 type=standard A=10104:com.android.systemui U=0 visible=false visibleRequested=false mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=0} record = null displayId = 0
08-17 12:57:21.178  1916  2218 D OplusAlwaysAliveManager: removing: 26682, ComponentInfo{com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity}
08-17 12:57:21.178  1916  2218 D TaskFragmentExtImpl: remove ActivityRecord{33f2a6b u0 com.android.systemui/.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity} t-1 f}} to mActivityRecordSum = Counter{ }
08-17 12:57:21.179 32515   342 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume normal, volume index=0
08-17 12:57:21.181 25137 25730 V ShellTaskOrganizer: Task vanished taskId=26682
08-17 12:57:21.184  1470  1470 D Layer   : reparent to null sequence=80081, seq[2], name=ActivityRecord{33f2a6b u0 com.android.systemui/.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity}#80081
08-17 12:57:21.184  1470  1470 D Layer   : reparent to null sequence=80080, seq[7], name=Task=26682#80080
08-17 12:57:21.184  1470  1470 D Layer   : reparent to null sequence=80094, seq[2], name=Task=26682#80094
08-17 12:57:21.184  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=80094, name=Task=26682#80094
08-17 12:57:21.184  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=80081, name=ActivityRecord{33f2a6b u0 com.android.systemui/.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity}#80081
08-17 12:57:21.184  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=80085, name=a93d9c8 ActivityRecordInputSink com.android.systemui/.usb.UsbDebuggingActivity#80085
08-17 12:57:21.185  4749 22954 D DiracDetectSceneService-v2.0: +activeAudioAppList = [com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes]
08-17 12:57:21.185  4749 22954 D DiracDetectSceneService-v2.0: isInMusicAppList appName:com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.186  4749 22954 D DiracDetectSceneService-v2.0: isInVideoAppList appName:com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.186  4749 22954 D DiracDetectSceneService-v2.0: isInGameAppList appName:com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.186  4749 22954 D DiracDetectSceneService-v2.0: isInVideo2AppList appName:com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.186  4749 22954 D OplusDiracService: commonDiracToast str = this app not in list, Service Close Dirac
08-17 12:57:21.186  4749 22954 D DiracDetectSceneService-v2.0: this case is not in app list
08-17 12:57:21.186  4749 22954 D OplusDiracService: setDiracEffectInternal ++++ enable = false mode = NONE mSceneModeForUI:AUTO
08-17 12:57:21.186  4749 22954 D OplusDiracService: isHeadsetOn mWiredHeadsetOn:false mA2dpConnected:false
08-17 12:57:21.186  4749 22954 D OplusDiracService: ignore this time setDiracEnalbe, enable = false mode = NONE mSceneModeForUI = AUTO
08-17 12:57:21.186  1916  4552 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
08-17 12:57:21.186  1916  4552 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.190  1916  4552 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
08-17 12:57:21.190  1916  4552 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.193 25323 27223 I AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983857) [pool-44-thread-2] AppsFlyerLib.sendWithEvent
08-17 12:57:21.194  1916  4115 D OplusWifiService: notifyGameInfoJsonStr: gameInfo = {"PKG_NAME":"com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes","APP_FOREGROUND":false}
08-17 12:57:21.194 18553 18642 W Performance: setPerformanceValue enter
08-17 12:57:21.195 25137 25137 D OpNotificationController: OIMC update uri: content://settings/system/game_mode_status mBlockedByBrick: false mBlockedByGame: true
08-17 12:57:21.195 25323 27197 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983859) [pool-36-thread-1] QUEUE: new task added: LAUNCH-26
08-17 12:57:21.195 18553 18642 W COSASDK : get cosa switch no value
08-17 12:57:21.195 18553 18642 W COSASDK : COSA switch value 1
08-17 12:57:21.195 18553 18642 W COSASDK : isCosaVersionSupport lastversion98 middleVersion0 firstVersion13
08-17 12:57:21.196 25323 27220 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983860) [queue-1-2] QUEUE: starting task execution: LAUNCH-26
08-17 12:57:21.198 16275 16974 D OifaceService: got request-> doWhat:38
08-17 12:57:21.206 16298 18867 D FeatureService: got request-> doWhat:25
08-17 12:57:21.209 16275 16974 D OifaceService: got request-> doWhat:25
08-17 12:57:21.209 18553 18777 D AppSortManager: updateApp app:com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:21.210 16275 16974 I GameOpt->OplusGameManager: setScreenMode, decisionScreenMode ->screen_refresh_rate, pkgName ->com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, screenModeType ->2, mode ->0
08-17 12:57:21.210 18553 18777 W H5AppDao: getApps cursor is null or count is 0!
08-17 12:57:21.211 25323 27220 I AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983875) [queue-1-2] LAUNCH-26: preparing data: {"platform_extension_v2":{"platform":"android_native","version":"6.10.2"},"country":"RU","af_timestamp":"1692266241066","appsflyerKey":"g********************S","isFirstCall":"false","registeredUninstall":false,"targetSDKver":33,"operator":"MegaFon","isGaidWithGps":"true","app_version_code":"112253050","model":"RMX3081","brand":"realme","deviceType":"user","deviceData":{"cpu_abi":"arm64-v8a","build_display_id":"RMX3081_11_F.05","btch":"usb","dim":{"size":"2","ydp":"409.127","xdp":"409.432","y_px":"1080","x_px":"2158","d_dpi":"480"},"arch":"","btl":"58.0","cpu_abi2":""},"kef7760":"c7b06088bc854750481818190c531a0d5919130d5a1e1b","exception_number":113,"disk":"33765\/110783","meta":{"host":{"name":"appsflyersdk.com","method":"api"}},"sdk":"33","fb":"28b9d622-ee0f-4cd6-a4c8-3008756143ae","app_version_name":"1.153.6","device":"RMX3081L1","cksm_v1":"0e517623351e3d962feb474169d24f8358","af_events_api":"1","prev_session_dur":56,"cell":{"mnc":2,"mcc":250},"network":"MOBILE","timepassedsincelastlaunch":"56","open_referrer":"","af_v2":"4de899f3568789705f9449492b3c9b09a2919213","sig":"6D9071A91E606500A0A8CCA4F68750452B255EBEB02EBF52053C9F0C239ADBF4","uid":"1692264257311-8274473534784976952","lang_code":"ru","installDate":"2023-08-17_092318+0000","firstLaunchDate":"2023-08-17_092421+0000","ivc":false,"lang":"русский","last_boot_time":1691645026844,"product":"RMX3081RU","installer_package":"com.google.android.packageinstaller","date2":"2023-08-17_122318+0300","counter":"6","date1":"2023-08-17_122318+0300","advertiserId":"485da4b9-9a3c-4754-a32b-4853e235035a","advertiserIdEnabled":"true","af_v":"0e2bcf7368b4f3c387d0d0322cc4eac9b1e1b300","carrier":"MegaFon","af_preinstalled":"false","iaecounter":"3","sc_o":"l","tokenRefreshConfigured":false,"appUserId":"and:nFS9elykFk0wFt\/2k22jUumQom\/Ku3zQGON80totSeE=","platformextension":"android_native"}
08-17 12:57:21.212  4732  4796 E oiface  : unable to get oplusscreenmode service
08-17 12:57:21.213  1194  1266 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume normal, volume index=0
08-17 12:57:21.214  4666  4412 D OplusAtlasService: getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.instagram.android
08-17 12:57:21.215 25323 25323 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, index=0, streamType=3
08-17 12:57:21.218 29723 19499 I SignInPerformer-6: (REDACTED) Successfully resolved account: [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.221 18553 18777 D AppListDao: saveApp update count:1 sortValue:10713
08-17 12:57:21.226 18553 18553 D FloatWindowManagerService: handleIntentAction, action:null
08-17 12:57:21.227 18553 18553 D FloatWindowManagerService: handleIntentAction, action:oplus.intent.action.GAME_FLOAT_MANAGER_ENTER_GAME_MODE
08-17 12:57:21.228 18553 18553 I AppNotificationService: handleStartCommand action:REQUEST_BIND bind:true
08-17 12:57:21.234  1470  1470 I DispPerfService: updateLayerMask 0
08-17 12:57:21.235  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: Plane 55: Unsetting from crtc 101
08-17 12:57:21.235  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: DRMPlane::Unset tmp size = 18 commted = 17
08-17 12:57:21.236  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: Plane 55: Unsetting from crtc 101
08-17 12:57:21.236  1387  1456 E SDM     : DRMPlane::Unset: DRMPlane::Unset tmp size = 11 commted = 0
08-17 12:57:21.252  1916  4553 D OplusWindowManagerServiceEnhance: setInsetAnimationTid: pid 25323 tid 25656 enable false
08-17 12:57:21.252  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:21.255 26218 28108 W GPA4Feature: onSettingsChange  : touch_sensibility_type  3
08-17 12:57:21.259 16275 16974 I GameOpt->OplusGameManager: setScreenMode, decisionScreenMode ->screen_refresh_rate, pkgName ->com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, screenModeType ->2, mode ->0
08-17 12:57:21.260  3852  3881 I ndroid.launcher: NativeAlloc concurrent copying GC freed 122335(5247KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(568KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 80us,105us total 256.346ms
08-17 12:57:21.262 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.oplus.games|2|null|10420
08-17 12:57:21.262  4732  4796 E oiface  : unable to get oplusscreenmode service
08-17 12:57:21.263 25323 27220 I AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983927) [queue-1-2] CACHE: caching request with URL: https://launches.appsflyersdk.com/api/v6.10/androidevent?app_id=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes&buildnumber=6.10.2
08-17 12:57:21.264 25323 27220 I AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983927) [queue-1-2] CACHE: done, cacheKey: 1692266241263
08-17 12:57:21.264 25323 27220 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1983928) [queue-1-2] HTTP: [117246038] POST:https://launches.appsflyersdk.com/api/v6.10/androidevent?app_id=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes&buildnumber=6.10.2
08-17 12:57:21.264 25323 27220 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2:  payload: <encrypted>
08-17 12:57:21.265  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: deviceId = 1,nodeFlag = 26,data = a,len = 1
08-17 12:57:21.266  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: path = /proc/touchpanel1/game_switch_enable,len = 256
08-17 12:57:21.266  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: open /proc/touchpanel1/game_switch_enable failed! err:No such file or directory
08-17 12:57:21.266  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: deviceId = 0,nodeFlag = 26,data = a,len = 1
08-17 12:57:21.266  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: path = /proc/touchpanel/game_switch_enable,len = 256
08-17 12:57:21.268  1447  1447 D OplusTouch: write 1 bytes
08-17 12:57:21.270 26218 28108 W LinkBoostFeature: onSettingsChange  : touch_sensibility_type  3
08-17 12:57:21.270 26218 28108 W GPA4Feature: onSettingsChange  : touch_smoothly_type  3
08-17 12:57:21.273 26218 28108 W LinkBoostFeature: onSettingsChange  : touch_smoothly_type  3
08-17 12:57:21.273 26218 28108 W GPA4Feature: onSettingsChange  : perf_mode_type  0
08-17 12:57:21.276 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.oplus.games
08-17 12:57:21.279  1916  6915 D OplusWifiService: notifyGameInfoJsonStr: gameInfo = {"PKG_NAME":"com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes","PERFORMANCE_MODE":0}
08-17 12:57:21.284 29723 31426 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
08-17 12:57:21.285 29723 29723 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.signin.service.INTERNAL_START id=identifierhack:012cf14c-087c-48e5-b1fd-2589b4120807 pkg=com.google.android.gms (has extras) }
08-17 12:57:21.286 29723 29723 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.signin.service.INTERNAL_START id=identifierhack:012cf14c-087c-48e5-b1fd-2589b4120807 pkg=com.google.android.gms (has extras) }
08-17 12:57:21.286 26218 28108 W LinkBoostFeature: onSettingsChange  : perf_mode_type  0
08-17 12:57:21.286 26218 28108 W GPA4Feature: onSettingsChange  : perf_mode_resolution_type  1
08-17 12:57:21.293 26218 28108 W LinkBoostFeature: onSettingsChange  : perf_mode_resolution_type  1
08-17 12:57:21.293 26218 28108 W GPA4Feature: onSettingsChange  : perf_mode_touch_type  1
08-17 12:57:21.294 25137 26017 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load.
08-17 12:57:21.296 26218 28108 W LinkBoostFeature: onSettingsChange  : perf_mode_touch_type  1
08-17 12:57:21.314 29723 29723 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.signin.service.INTERNAL_START id=identifierhack:012cf14c-087c-48e5-b1fd-2589b4120807 pkg=com.google.android.gms (has extras) }
08-17 12:57:21.315 29723 19499 I SignInPerformer-6: (REDACTED) Successfully authorized %s
08-17 12:57:21.315 29723 19499 I PlayerManager: (REDACTED) Fetching player: account [%s] gamePackageName [%s] forceServerFetch [%s] getLegacyPlayerIdResponse [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.326 10220 10241 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
08-17 12:57:21.336 29723 19499 I PlayerManager: (REDACTED) Found player: account [%s] validatedLegacyPlayerId [%s] playerId [%s] legacyPlayerId [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.337 29723 19499 I SignInPerformer-6: (REDACTED) Successfully found player (id [%s], originalId [%s], displayName [%s]) for account [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.344 29723 19499 I SignInPerformer-6: (REDACTED) Successfully found game: displayName [%s], applicationId [%s], packageName [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.370 29723 19499 I GmsCoreAccountHinter: (REDACTED) No Games Java SDK version for %s. Assuming first generation SDK. Updating active gmscore account.
08-17 12:57:21.371 29723 19499 I GmsCoreAccountHinter: (REDACTED) Hinted account %s for %s
08-17 12:57:21.394 29723 19499 I SignInManagerV2: (REDACTED) Recorded sign-in successful: request[%s]
08-17 12:57:21.396 29723 19499 I AlertsManager: (REDACTED) Limit of 'settings location' alerts (%d) is reached
08-17 12:57:21.402  1916  2391 D CameraDelegate: handleMessage:200
08-17 12:57:21.413 29723 31426 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
08-17 12:57:21.420 18553 18553 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: RegisterListener icm4x6xx Accelerometer Non-wakeup type:1 delay:200000us by android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl
08-17 12:57:21.420  1916  3602 D SensorService: createSensorEventConnection, mCurrentOperatingMode = 0, requestedMode = 0
08-17 12:57:21.421  1916  4552 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=11, package = android.view.OrientationEventListener enable
08-17 12:57:21.421  1916  4552 E SensorService: Required app android.view.OrientationEventListener, uid 10420, pid 18553
08-17 12:57:21.421  1916  4552 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:57:21.421  1916  4552 D SensorServiceUtils: setSamplingPeriodNs sensorType = 1, samplingPeriodNs = 200000000
08-17 12:57:21.421  1916  4552 D SensorServiceExtImpl: setSamplingPeriodNs SamplingPeriodNs =200000000
08-17 12:57:21.421  1916  4552 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:57:21.421  1916  4552 D SensorService: SensorDevice::batch: ident=0xb400007a3da55800, handle=0x0000000b, flags=0, period_ns=200000000 timeout=0
08-17 12:57:21.421  1916  4552 D SensorService: 	>>> curr_period=20000000 min_period=20000000 curr_timeout=0 min_timeout=0
08-17 12:57:21.421  1916  4552 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==11 flags=0rate=200000000 timeout== 0
08-17 12:57:21.421  1916  4552 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w flush 11
08-17 12:57:21.421  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:315, android.sensor.accelerometer/11
08-17 12:57:21.442  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:578, sending SNS_STD_MSGID_SNS_STD_FLUSH_REQ, pending=1
08-17 12:57:21.442  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:321, android.sensor.accelerometer/11 completed
08-17 12:57:21.442  1916  4552 D SensorService: Calling activate on 11
08-17 12:57:21.442  1916  4552 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb400007a3da55800, handle=0x0000000b, enabled=1, count=4
08-17 12:57:21.442  1916  4552 D SensorService: enable index=2
08-17 12:57:21.442  1916  4552 D SensorService: info.numActiveClients() = 4, info.isActive = 1
08-17 12:57:21.442  1916  4552 D SensorService: activateHardware = 0
08-17 12:57:21.443  1396 30255 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:686, resp_value = 0
08-17 12:57:21.443  1396 30255 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_flush_event:607, dt=accel, META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE, pending=1
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: First flush event for sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.443  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:21.444  1916  4552 D OplusGameRotationService: lockRotationInGame: change state to 0
08-17 12:57:21.445 29723 19499 I GetGamesServiceV2Op: (REDACTED) Successfully brokered GamesService for request %s
08-17 12:57:21.446 29723 19499 I SignInPerformer-7: (REDACTED) Handling request [%s], isFirstPartyCaller [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.447 29723 19499 I SignInPerformer-7: Successfully brokered first-party unauthenticated GamesService [CONTEXT service_id=1 ]
08-17 12:57:21.448 25323 25323 D AndroidNative: GoogleApiClient connected
08-17 12:57:21.450  1916  4098 E AppOps  : Bad call made by uid 10136. Package "com.google.android.play.games" does not belong to uid 10903.
08-17 12:57:21.453 29723 19499 I GetGamesServiceV2Op: (REDACTED) Successfully brokered GamesService for request %s
08-17 12:57:21.455 29723 29934 I ScopedIdsTransformer: (REDACTED) Replacing [%s] with [%s]
08-17 12:57:21.457  1916  4098 E AppOps  : Bad call made by uid 10136. Package "com.google.android.play.games" does not belong to uid 10903.
08-17 12:57:21.458 25323 25323 D AndroidNative: failed to get accountName
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: java.lang.SecurityException: Package com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes is missing permission android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull(Parcel.java:3040)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at android.os.Parcel.createException(Parcel.java:3024)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:3007)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:2949)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.internal.games.zza.zza(Unknown Source:11)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.games.internal.zzbv.zzau(Unknown Source:30)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.games.internal.zze.zzau(Unknown Source:74)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.games.internal.zze.zzav(Unknown Source:75)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.games.Games.getCurrentAccountName(Unknown Source:24)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.androidnative.gms.core.GameClientManager.onConnected(GameClientManager.java:801)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zak.zad(com.google.android.gms:play-services-base@@18.1.0:11)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.api.internal.zabe.zab(com.google.android.gms:play-services-base@@18.1.0:3)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.api.internal.zaaw.zaC(com.google.android.gms:play-services-base@@18.1.0:11)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.api.internal.zaaw.zag(com.google.android.gms:play-services-base@@18.1.0:4)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.api.internal.zabi.onConnected(com.google.android.gms:play-services-base@@18.1.0:2)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.api.internal.zat.onConnected(com.google.android.gms:play-services-base@@18.1.0:1)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zah.onConnected(com.google.android.gms:play-services-base@@18.1.0:1)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zzf.zzd(com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@18.1.0:10)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zza.zza(com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@18.1.0:4)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zzc.zze(com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@18.1.0:3)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.google.android.gms.common.internal.zzb.handleMessage(com.google.android.gms:play-services-basement@@18.1.0:31)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:240)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:351)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8381)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:584)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 W System.err: 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1013)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 D AndroidNative: onConnected: connection hint has 0 request(s)
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 D AndroidNative: ************** FINAL: Google Play Connection result: 0 ************
08-17 12:57:21.459 25323 25323 D AndroidNative: GameInvitationManager onConnected
08-17 12:57:21.460 10220 10241 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
08-17 12:57:21.461 25323 25323 D AndroidNative: setViewForPopups
08-17 12:57:21.462 25323 25323 D AndroidNative: AN_QuestUpdateListener registred
08-17 12:57:21.471  1916  3602 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 161145287; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
08-17 12:57:21.482 25323 25561 I Unity   : OnPlayerDataLoaded
08-17 12:57:21.483 25323 25561 I Unity   : [OnConnectionResult] resultCode 0
08-17 12:57:21.483 25323 25561 I Unity   : Play Serice Connection State -> STATE_CONNECTED
08-17 12:57:21.488 25323 27220 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1984152) [queue-1-2] HTTP: [117246038] response code:200 OK
08-17 12:57:21.488 25323 27220 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2:  body:ok
08-17 12:57:21.488 25323 27220 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2:  took 224ms
08-17 12:57:21.488 25323 27220 I AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1984152) [queue-1-2] CACHE: Deleting 1692266241263 from cache
08-17 12:57:21.489 25323 27197 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1984153) [pool-36-thread-1] QUEUE: execution finished for LAUNCH-26, result: SUCCESS
08-17 12:57:21.489 25323 27197 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1984153) [pool-36-thread-1] QUEUE: new task added: GCDSDK-GCD-CHECK-27
08-17 12:57:21.489 25323 27199 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1984153) [queue-1-1] QUEUE: starting task execution: GCDSDK-GCD-CHECK-27
08-17 12:57:21.489 25323 27199 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1984153) [queue-1-1] [GCD-A01] Loading conversion data. Counter: 6
08-17 12:57:21.489 25323 27199 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1984153) [queue-1-1] [GCD-A02] Calling onConversionDataSuccess with:
08-17 12:57:21.489 25323 27199 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: {install_time=2023-08-17 09:24:24.803, af_status=Organic, af_message=organic install, is_first_launch=false}
08-17 12:57:21.491 25323 27197 D AppsFlyer_6.10.2: (1984155) [pool-36-thread-1] QUEUE: execution finished for GCDSDK-GCD-CHECK-27, result: SUCCESS
08-17 12:57:21.507  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/io_percent not supported
08-17 12:57:21.507  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 2]
08-17 12:57:21.507  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/sample_ms not supported
08-17 12:57:21.507  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 8]
08-17 12:57:21.507  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource SPECIAL_NODE - cpubw_hwmon_hyst_opt not supported
08-17 12:57:21.507  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 3]
08-17 12:57:21.507  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/min_freq not supported
08-17 12:57:21.507  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 0]
08-17 12:57:21.507  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/max_freq not supported
08-17 12:57:21.507  1408  1580 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 6]
08-17 12:57:21.513 25323 25561 I Unity   : 12:57:21.513 0(0) AF Conversion data: {
08-17 12:57:21.513 25323 25561 I Unity   :   "install_time": "2023-08-17 09:24:24.803",
08-17 12:57:21.513 25323 25561 I Unity   :   "af_status": "Organic",
08-17 12:57:21.513 25323 25561 I Unity   :   "af_message": "organic install",
08-17 12:57:21.513 25323 25561 I Unity   :   "is_first_launch": false
08-17 12:57:21.513 25323 25561 I Unity   : }
08-17 12:57:21.531  1916  3255 E OplusNetworkStackManager: callback len = 5
08-17 12:57:21.532  1916  3255 D OLK     : INetworkScoreCallback() networkId: 515 better = true, score = 80
08-17 12:57:21.532  4315 17441 E OplusNetworkStackManager: callback len = 2
08-17 12:57:21.533  4315 17441 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkScoreCbProxy invoke.....onNetworkQualityChange argslen:6
08-17 12:57:21.533  4315 17441 D OplusFastRecovery: OplusNetworkScoreCbProxy invoke.....onNetworkQualityChange argslen:6
08-17 12:57:21.533  4263  5907 E OplusNetworkStackManager: callback len = 1
08-17 12:57:21.628  1916  6915 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10418 pid 26218 call SetEnabledSetting(com.oplus.cosa component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver, 1, 0)
08-17 12:57:21.646 18553 18553 W libc    : Access denied finding property "qemu.sf.lcd_density"
08-17 12:57:21.640 18553 18553 W com.oplus.games: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322705): avc: denied { read } for name="u:object_r:qemu_sf_lcd_density_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs" ino=1464 scontext=u:r:priv_app:s0:c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:qemu_sf_lcd_density_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.oplus.games
08-17 12:57:21.648  1916  3602 W ContentService: Observer is already registered. Pid is 18553
08-17 12:57:21.656  1470  1620 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] NEW(0xb400007dcd84aa40) for (18553:com.oplus.games)
08-17 12:57:21.658  1916  6915 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10418/26218 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 52428 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52429, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
08-17 12:57:21.659 18553 18553 D WindowManager: Add to mViews: com.games.view.toolbox.edgebar.EdgeExclusionView{45c37df V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0 #8108003a},pkg= null
08-17 12:57:21.664  1916  3136 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52429, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:57:21.664  1916  3136 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52429, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:57:21.664  1916  3136 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52429, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:57:21.664  1916  3136 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52429, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:57:21.665  1916  3172 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [52429 : null → 515] [c 0] [a 1] [i 5]
08-17 12:57:21.671  1916  3602 D OplusFullScreenDisplayManager: adjustWindowParamsLw: com.oplus.games, change system app cutoutMode: oplus always
08-17 12:57:21.672  1916  3602 I OplusZoomWindowManagerService: addTapExcluedWindow win = Window{2336fcc u0 GamesFloatBar}
08-17 12:57:21.674  1916  3602 I WindowManager: addWindow: New client android.os.BinderProxy@3ed191e : window=Window{2336fcc u0 GamesFloatBar}
08-17 12:57:21.676 18553 18553 D InputEventReceiver: Input log is disabled
08-17 12:57:21.686  1916  3602 D CoreBackPreview: Window{2336fcc u0 GamesFloatBar}: Setting back callback OnBackInvokedCallbackInfo{mCallback=android.window.IOnBackInvokedCallback$Stub$Proxy@70dbcb8, mPriority=0}
08-17 12:57:21.692  1916  3602 D OplusFullScreenDisplayManager: adjustWindowParamsLw: com.oplus.games, change system app cutoutMode: oplus always
08-17 12:57:21.692  1916  3602 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{2336fcc u0 GamesFloatBar}: viewVisibility=0, oldvis=0, req=144x504
08-17 12:57:21.700 18553 18553 D BufferQueueConsumer: [](id:487900000001,api:0,p:-1,c:18553) connect: controlledByApp=false
08-17 12:57:21.700 18553 18553 E IPCThreadState: attemptIncStrongHandle(106): Not supported
08-17 12:57:21.711 18553 18818 D BufferQueueProducer: [VRI[GamesFloatBar]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:487900000001,api:1,p:18553,c:18553) connect: api=1 producerControlledByApp=true
08-17 12:57:21.716 18553 18553 D VRI[GamesFloatBar]: registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
08-17 12:57:21.720 18553 18818 D VRI[GamesFloatBar]: Received frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=1 didProduceBuffer=true syncBuffer=false
08-17 12:57:21.722 18553 18818 W Parcel  : Expecting binder but got null!
08-17 12:57:21.722 18553 18553 D VRI[GamesFloatBar]: draw finished.
08-17 12:57:21.723  1916  6915 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{2336fcc u0 GamesFloatBar} mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
08-17 12:57:21.723 18553 18553 D VRI[GamesFloatBar]: registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
08-17 12:57:21.724 18553 18818 D VRI[GamesFloatBar]: Received frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=2 didProduceBuffer=false syncBuffer=false
08-17 12:57:21.724 18553 18553 D VRI[GamesFloatBar]: draw finished.
08-17 12:57:21.725  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: (80097,GamesFloatBar#80097,com.oplus.games) setBuffer
08-17 12:57:21.729  1916  6915 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{2336fcc u0 GamesFloatBar} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
08-17 12:57:21.736 25137 25137 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: isUserKeyUnlocked UserId:0
08-17 12:57:21.742  1470  1470 I DispPerfService: updateLayerMask 0
08-17 12:57:21.755  1916  2216 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:21.786 25137 25137 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: isUserKeyUnlocked UserId:0
08-17 12:57:21.789  1916  2005 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 269755(12MB) AllocSpace objects, 65(2052KB) LOS objects, 8% free, 154MB/168MB, paused 2.773ms,306us total 118.482ms
08-17 12:57:21.796  1916  2007 W System  : A resource failed to call release.
08-17 12:57:21.845 10220 10220 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.facs.cache.service.START dat=chimera-action:/... cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentApiService }
08-17 12:57:21.960 26218 19510 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(114) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:57:21.960  4315 17441 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:57:21.962  4315 17441 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:57:21.963 26218 19511 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(119) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:57:21.968  4315 17441 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:57:21.968 26218 19512 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(126) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:57:21.973 26218 19515 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(128) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:57:21.977  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:21.978  4315 17441 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:57:22.005 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|android|0|com.android.server.wm.AlertWindowNotification - com.oplus.games|1000
08-17 12:57:22.006 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/android
08-17 12:57:22.021 18212 18231 I [0]DCS-StrategyManager: isNeedUpload: false, type: 2006, appID: 20082, logTag: 20082, eventID: notification_post
08-17 12:57:22.021 18212 18231 W [0]DCS  : Record event failed. DCS reject event: [appId=20082,logTag=20082,eventId=notification_post] . Pls check server config.
08-17 12:57:22.043 25137 26017 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load.
08-17 12:57:22.058 25137 26017 D LocalImageResolver: Couldn't use ImageDecoder for drawable, falling back to non-resized load.
08-17 12:57:22.117  1916  3278 D OGG_Detector: D:done mCurrStatus: 0
08-17 12:57:22.117  1916  2214 D TheiaRestorer: reportPointerEvent: MotionEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, actionButton=0, id[0]=0, x[0]=1601.5, y[0]=316.0, toolType[0]=TOOL_TYPE_FINGER, buttonState=0, classification=NONE, metaState=0, flags=0x0, edgeFlags=0x0, pointerCount=1, historySize=0, eventTime=470323687, downTime=470323687, deviceId=3, source=0x1002, displayId=0, eventId=608768676 }
08-17 12:57:22.117  1916  3109 D PowerManagerService: userActivityNoUpdateLocked: groupId=0, eventTime=470323687, event=2, flags=0x0, uid=1000
08-17 12:57:22.129 18553 18553 D OplusSystemUINavigationGestureExtImpl: regionString = null
08-17 12:57:22.146  2106  2150 D QmiVsClient: setAolScenario - enter
08-17 12:57:22.147  2106  8913 E QmiClient: qmiCommandCb qmi response -49
08-17 12:57:22.148  2106  2150 D VsProxy : handleMessage msg is 4001
08-17 12:57:22.148  2106  2150 D RadioProxy: setAolScenario : response cb for instance 0
08-17 12:57:22.149  4315 17441 E CommandException: Unrecognized subsys errno 2
08-17 12:57:22.341  4263  4263 D OplusTelephonyController: onSignalStrengthChanged: SignalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=-93 ecno=2147483647 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=2147483647 rsrq=2147483647 rssnr=2147483647 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthWcdma}
08-17 12:57:22.409  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621215564 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377263 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2682067, 938881, 3766757, 2414899, 1010944],mRxTimeMs=222707919}]}
08-17 12:57:22.410  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:57:22.411  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:57:22.410 modemPowermA[]=[349.32,289.12,400.72] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=1093 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 2100, 1630, 210] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5032, 137, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:57:22.712  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:23.312  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:23.312  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:23.326  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 446252644
08-17 12:57:23.326  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:57:23.326  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:57:23.327  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:23.327  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:23.327  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:57:23.327  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:23.327  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:23.328  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:23.328  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:23.328  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:23.334  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29733090827
08-17 12:57:23.334  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:23.334  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:23.335  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:23.335  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:23.335  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:23.335  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:57:23.335  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:57:23.460  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:57:23.478 12414 13627 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:23.700  1916  3602 V ActivityManager: Has totaly same connectionRecord, just reuse it!
08-17 12:57:23.706  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:23.708 19234 19277 I AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: getDefaultAdapter: About start waiting
08-17 12:57:23.724 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:23.732 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:23.972  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:23.997 26218 26878 D CosaServiceImpl: getABProjectName enter
08-17 12:57:23.997 26218 26878 D CosaServiceImpl: getABProjectName
08-17 12:57:24.057 26218 32085 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=04d90712-8a59-4fee-a7ba-dc902a7d121b, tags={ com.oplus.cosa.service.sync.COSASyncWorker } ]
08-17 12:57:25.120  1470  1620 D SurfaceFlinger: Layer stat START, longJankThreshold -1, mLongJank.threshold -1
08-17 12:57:25.228  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:25.376  4263  4263 D OplusTelephonyController: onSignalStrengthChanged: SignalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=-94 ecno=2147483647 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=2147483647 rsrq=2147483647 rssnr=2147483647 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthWcdma}
08-17 12:57:25.377  4263  4263 D OplusTelephonyController: onSignalStrengthChanged: SignalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=-93 ber=2147483647 rscp=-94 ecno=-9 level=2,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=2147483647 rsrq=2147483647 rssnr=2147483647 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthWcdma}
08-17 12:57:25.418  1916  3255 D AppStateRecord: handleMessage: EVENT_FOREGROUND_APP_CHANGE
08-17 12:57:25.418  1916  3255 D AppStateRecord: isFgAppInStuckList
08-17 12:57:25.418  1916  3255 D AppStateRecord: getFgAppInStuckList: fgApp com.oplus.games
08-17 12:57:25.418  1916  3255 D AppStateRecord: getFgAppInStuckList: fgApp com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:25.418  1916  3255 D AppStateRecord: handleMessage: not fg stuck app, updateQoeEvent false
08-17 12:57:25.935  7037  7373 D AppSwitchObserverHelper: packageName: com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes,com.android.systemui
08-17 12:57:25.972  4263  4263 D OplusTelephonyController: onSignalStrengthChanged: SignalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=-95 ber=2147483647 rscp=-93 ecno=-14 level=2,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=2147483647 rsrq=2147483647 rssnr=2147483647 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthWcdma}
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; CpuFgTime = 0 ms; CpuBgTime = -2438334 ms.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; CpuKernelFgTime = 0 ms; CpuKernelBgTime = -574860 ms.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; CpuUserFgTime = 0 ms ; CpuUserBgTime = -1863474 ms.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; CpuFgPower = 0.0 mAh.; CpuBgPower = -52.347341944444445 mAh.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; AlarmFgWakeupCount = 0; AlarmBgWakeupCount = 0
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; JobFgCount = 0; JobBgCount = -2; JobFgTime = 0; JobBgTime = -3977
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; SyncFgCount = 0; SyncBgCount = 0; SyncFgTime = 0; SyncBgTime = 0
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; WakeLockFgTime = 0 ms; WakeLockFgPower = 0.0 mAh.; WakeLockBgTime = 0 ms; WakeLockBgPower = 0.0 mAh.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; ScreenFgTime = 1339233 ms; ScreenFgPower = 26.78466 mAh.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgWifiRxBytes = 0 Bytes; BgWifiRxBytes = 379431316 Bytes; FgWifiTxBytes = 0 Bytes; BgWifiTxBytes = 1201425853 Bytes; FgWifiRxPackets = 0 ; BgWifiRxPackets = 681059 ; FgWifiTxPackets = 0 ; BgWifiTxPackets = 952858 ; FgWiFiScanTimeMs = 0 ; BgWiFiScanTimeMs = 0 ; FgWiFiBatchScanTimeMs = 0 ; BgWiFiBatchScanTimeMs = 0
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgWifiRxPacketsPower = 0.0 mAh; BgWifiRxPacketsPower = 5.233371257781982 mAh; FgWifiTxPacketsPower = 0.0 mAh; BgWifiTxPacketsPower = 7.321919918060303 mAh; FgWifiScanPower = 0.0 mAh; BgWifiScanPower = 0.0 mAh; FgWifiBatchScanPower = 0.0 mAh; BgWifiBatchScanPower = 0.0 mAh; FgWiFiTotalPower = 0.0 mAh; BgWiFiTotalPower = 12.555291175842285 mAh.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgMobileRxBytes = 0 Bytes; BgMobileRxBytes = -1329526777 Bytes; FgMobileTxBytes = 0 Bytes; BgMobileTxBytes = -11392511 Bytes; FgMobileRxPackets = 0 ; BgMobileRxPackets = -952474 ; FgMobileTxPackets = 0 ; BgMobileTxPackets = -183091 ; FgMobileActiveCount = 0 ; BgMobileActiveCount = -208 ; FgMobileActiveTime = 0 ; BgMobileActiveTime = -2028613
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgMobileRxPacketsPower = 0.0 mAh; BgMobileRxPacketsPower = -2.302870471111111 mAh; FgMobileTxPacketsPower = 0.0 mAh; BgMobileTxPacketsPower = -0.44267335111111117 mAh; FgMobileTotalPower = 0.0 mAh; BgMobileTotalPower = 0.3580873955555556 mAh.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgGpsTime = 0 ms; BgGpsTime = 0 ms.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgGpsPower = 0.0 mAh; BgGpsPower = 0.0 mAh.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgSensorTime = 0 ms; BgSensorTime = -841586 ms.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgSensorPower = 0.0 mAh; BgSensorPower = -0.3226214735477697 mAh.
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgCameraTime = 0 ms; BgCameraTime = 0 ms
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgCameraPower = 0.0 mAh; BgCameraPower = 0.0 mAh
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgFlashLightTime = 0 ms; BgFlashLightTime = 0 ms
08-17 12:57:26.016  7037  7373 E Battery : AppStats: Uid = 10884; pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes; FgFlashLightPower = 0.0 mAh; BgFlashLightPower = 0.0 mAh
08-17 12:57:26.189  1470  2356 D VRR [OTI]: handleIdle from 0 to 1
08-17 12:57:26.189  1470  2356 D VRR [OTI-HW]: isStateReady 0
08-17 12:57:26.189  1470  2356 D VRR [OTI-HW]: rate range: min {id=0, hwcId=0, resolution=1080x2400, refreshRate=61.00 Hz, dpi=409.43x409.13, group=0} cur {id=0, hwcId=0, resolution=1080x2400, refreshRate=61.00 Hz, dpi=409.43x409.13, group=0} max {id=0, hwcId=0, resolution=1080x2400, refreshRate=61.00 Hz, dpi=409.43x409.13, group=0}
08-17 12:57:26.189  1470  2356 D VRR [OTI-HW]: keep rate.
08-17 12:57:26.340  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos can transition from R to M
08-17 12:57:26.341  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos M enter(), R stay=20
08-17 12:57:26.697  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:26.709  6436  6437 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCV message: type = 4,port = 86870,caller_pid = -1,caller_uid = -1,target_pid = -1,target_uid = 10637,pkg_cmd = -1,rpc = PKG/-1
08-17 12:57:26.718  1916  4156 I OplusHansManager : unfreeze uid: 10637 ru.vk.store pids: [18306] reason: Packet scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:57:26.720  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store, transition from Frozen to Middle, reason=Packet
08-17 12:57:26.720  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store F exit(), F stay=9, reason=Packet
08-17 12:57:26.791 26362 26496 D ConfigListManager: we take a gc.
08-17 12:57:26.822 26362 26496 I ficationmanager: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 10066(458KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 2363KB/4726KB, paused 165us,89us total 29.983ms
08-17 12:57:26.854 26362 26496 I ficationmanager: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 479(38KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 2346KB/4693KB, paused 153us,57us total 27.065ms
08-17 12:57:26.966 12414 18108 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:27.189  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:27.210 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:27.214 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:27.468  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621220621 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377263 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2682107, 938881, 3768677, 2416699, 1011104],mRxTimeMs=222709056}]}
08-17 12:57:27.474  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:57:27.475  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:57:27.474 modemPowermA[]=[348.50,287.11,401.94] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=1137 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[40, 0, 1920, 1800, 160] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5056, 111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=14 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:57:27.488  1916  3200 D WN_S    : onCapabilitiesChanged for 515
08-17 12:57:27.493  4263  5950 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = com.qti.dpmserviceapp, isGrant = true
08-17 12:57:27.500 10170 10192 D QCNEJ/WwanInfoRelay: onCapabilitiesChanged: 515 [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=2351Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=6139Kbps Specifier: <TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 1]> UnderlyingNetworks: Null]
08-17 12:57:27.500 10170 10192 I QCNEJ/WwanInfoRelay: cacheWwanInfo subId = 1 phoneId = 0 slotId = 0
08-17 12:57:27.501  4263  5950 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = com.qualcomm.qti.cne, isGrant = true
08-17 12:57:27.508 25323 27889 W UnityAds: com.unity3d.services.core.connectivity.ConnectivityMonitor.connectionStatusChanged() (line:173) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
08-17 12:57:27.521 18702 18702 I cgny    : (REDACTED) Starting %s background task %s.
08-17 12:57:27.575 18702 18903 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app CHIME_ANDROID_SDK
08-17 12:57:27.597 18702 18903 I antr    : Falling back to non-UDC sources
08-17 12:57:27.597 18702 18903 I antr    : (REDACTED) Setting = %s, optedInt = %s
08-17 12:57:27.608 10220 10238 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
08-17 12:57:27.677  1916  3601 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore: #com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox/-87
08-17 12:57:27.757  1470  2447 D OplusHecate: pixels[24,54]=0xff0b2432
08-17 12:57:27.953  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : java.lang.Throwable
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:605)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.insert(ContentProviderNative.java:555)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:2225)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(ContentResolver.java:2181)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.util.OplusStatisticsImpl.sendDataToDCS(OplusStatisticsImpl.java:281)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.util.OplusStatisticsImpl.flushInternal(OplusStatisticsImpl.java:250)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.util.OplusStatisticsImpl.lambda$setDelayFlushJobIfNeed$4$com-oplus-util-OplusStatisticsImpl(OplusStatisticsImpl.java:208)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.util.OplusStatisticsImpl$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.run(Unknown Source:4)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:463)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.run(ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor.java:307)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1137)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:637)
08-17 12:57:27.995  1916  3304 W Binder  : 	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1012)
08-17 12:57:27.997 18212 18231 I [0]DCS-StrategyManager: isNeedUpload: true, type: 2006, appID: 20120, logTag: PSW_Android, eventID: mtporptp
08-17 12:57:28.001  4263  5944 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = com.oplus.statistics.rom, isGrant = true
08-17 12:57:28.217  4263  4263 D OplusTelephonyController: onSignalStrengthChanged: SignalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=-91 ber=2147483647 rscp=-90 ecno=-9 level=2,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=2147483647 rsrq=2147483647 rssnr=2147483647 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthWcdma}
08-17 12:57:28.314  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:57:28.325 12414  3974 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:28.545  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:28.564 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:28.571 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:29.205 26218 32041 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid start module:custom-icc uid:10418  time 470330778946us
08-17 12:57:29.206 26218 32041 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid end module:custom-icc uid:10418  time 470330779805us
08-17 12:57:29.206 26218 32041 D ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:custom-icc uid:10418 cost 857us return 0
08-17 12:57:29.207  1873  1889 D MMListService: getListValueByUid module:image-processing, uid:10418
08-17 12:57:29.207 26218 32041 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:image-processing uid:10418 cost 712us return (null)
08-17 12:57:29.207 26218 32041 V JpegEncoderExtImpl: Resolution: 640 x 288,support: 0;
08-17 12:57:29.211  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:30.158 18212 18231 I [0]DCS-StrategyManager: isNeedUpload: false, type: 2006, appID: 30384, logTag: audio, eventID: 20002
08-17 12:57:30.158 18212 18231 W [0]DCS  : Record event failed. DCS reject event: [appId=30384,logTag=audio,eventId=20002] . Pls check server config.
08-17 12:57:30.420 25323 27955 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: RegisterListener icm4x6xx Accelerometer Non-wakeup type:1 delay:200000us by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.7z
08-17 12:57:30.421  1916  4098 D SensorService: createSensorEventConnection, mCurrentOperatingMode = 0, requestedMode = 0
08-17 12:57:30.422  1916  4098 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=11, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 enable
08-17 12:57:30.422  1916  4098 E SensorService: Required app com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81, uid 10903, pid 25323
08-17 12:57:30.422  1916  4098 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:57:30.422  1916  4098 D SensorServiceUtils: setSamplingPeriodNs sensorType = 1, samplingPeriodNs = 200000000
08-17 12:57:30.422  1916  4098 D SensorServiceExtImpl: setSamplingPeriodNs SamplingPeriodNs =200000000
08-17 12:57:30.422  1916  4098 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:57:30.422  1916  4098 D SensorService: SensorDevice::batch: ident=0xb4000079f1b62d80, handle=0x0000000b, flags=0, period_ns=200000000 timeout=0
08-17 12:57:30.422  1916  4098 D SensorService: 	>>> curr_period=20000000 min_period=20000000 curr_timeout=0 min_timeout=0
08-17 12:57:30.422  1916  4098 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==11 flags=0rate=200000000 timeout== 0
08-17 12:57:30.422  1916  4098 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w flush 11
08-17 12:57:30.423  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:315, android.sensor.accelerometer/11
08-17 12:57:30.443  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:578, sending SNS_STD_MSGID_SNS_STD_FLUSH_REQ, pending=1
08-17 12:57:30.444  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:321, android.sensor.accelerometer/11 completed
08-17 12:57:30.444  1396 30255 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:686, resp_value = 0
08-17 12:57:30.445  1916  4098 D SensorService: Calling activate on 11
08-17 12:57:30.445  1916  4098 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb4000079f1b62d80, handle=0x0000000b, enabled=1, count=5
08-17 12:57:30.445  1916  4098 D SensorService: enable index=1
08-17 12:57:30.445  1916  4098 D SensorService: info.numActiveClients() = 5, info.isActive = 1
08-17 12:57:30.445  1396 30255 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_flush_event:607, dt=accel, META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE, pending=1
08-17 12:57:30.445  1916  4098 D SensorService: activateHardware = 0
08-17 12:57:30.446  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.446  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.446  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.446  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: First flush event for sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.447  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.448 25323 27955 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: RegisterListener icm4x6xx Gyroscope Non-wakeup type:4 delay:200000us by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.80
08-17 12:57:30.452  1916  4098 D SensorService: createSensorEventConnection, mCurrentOperatingMode = 0, requestedMode = 0
08-17 12:57:30.452  1916  4098 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=41, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 enable
08-17 12:57:30.453  1916  4098 E SensorService: Required app com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81, uid 10903, pid 25323
08-17 12:57:30.453  1916  4098 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:57:30.453  1916  4098 D SensorServiceUtils: setSamplingPeriodNs sensorType = 4, samplingPeriodNs = 200000000
08-17 12:57:30.453  1916  4098 D SensorServiceExtImpl: setSamplingPeriodNs SamplingPeriodNs =200000000
08-17 12:57:30.453  1916  4098 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:57:30.453  1916  4098 D SensorService: SensorDevice::batch: ident=0xb400007ab0aee200, handle=0x00000029, flags=0, period_ns=200000000 timeout=0
08-17 12:57:30.453  1916  4098 D SensorService: 	>>> curr_period=9223372036854775807 min_period=200000000 curr_timeout=0 min_timeout=0
08-17 12:57:30.453  1916  4098 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w BATCH 0x00000029 200000000 0
08-17 12:57:30.453  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:273, android.sensor.gyroscope/41, period=200000000, max_latency=0
08-17 12:57:30.453  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:295, android.sensor.gyroscope/41, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
08-17 12:57:30.454  1916  4098 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==41 flags=0rate=200000000 timeout== 0
08-17 12:57:30.454  1916  4098 D SensorService: Calling activate on 41
08-17 12:57:30.454  1916  4098 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb400007ab0aee200, handle=0x00000029, enabled=1, count=1
08-17 12:57:30.454  1916  4098 D SensorService: enable index=0
08-17 12:57:30.454  1916  4098 D SensorService: info.numActiveClients() = 1, info.isActive = 0
08-17 12:57:30.454  1916  4098 D SensorService: activateHardware = 1
08-17 12:57:30.454  1916  4098 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w activate handle=41 enabled=1
08-17 12:57:30.454  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: activate:213, android.sensor.gyroscope/41 en=1
08-17 12:57:30.455  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: get_qmi_debug_flag:241, support_qmi_debug : false
08-17 12:57:30.464  1396  1396 W sensors@2.0-ser: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322706): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/diag" dev="tmpfs" ino=10052 scontext=u:r:hal_sensors_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_diag_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0
08-17 12:57:30.464  1396  1396 W sensors@2.0-ser: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322707): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/diag" dev="tmpfs" ino=10052 scontext=u:r:hal_sensors_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_diag_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0
08-17 12:57:30.468  1396  1396 E Diag_Lib:  Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
08-17 12:57:30.469  1396  1396 E Diag_Lib:  Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
08-17 12:57:30.470  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: get_qmi_debug_flag:241, support_qmi_debug : false
08-17 12:57:30.470  1396 19543 I sensors-hal: handle_indication_realtime:481,  SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
08-17 12:57:30.486  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: get_qmi_debug_flag:241, support_qmi_debug : false
08-17 12:57:30.486  1396 19548 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:686, resp_value = 0
08-17 12:57:30.490  1396 19548 I sensors-hal: handle_indication_realtime:481,  SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
08-17 12:57:30.499  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: activate:232, android.sensor.gyroscope/41 en=1 completed
08-17 12:57:30.500  1396 19551 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:686, resp_value = 0
08-17 12:57:30.504 25323 25323 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: unRegisterListener by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.7z
08-17 12:57:30.504  1916  4553 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=11, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 disable
08-17 12:57:30.504  1396 19551 I sensors-hal: handle_indication_realtime:481,  SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
08-17 12:57:30.504  1916  4553 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb4000079f1b62d80, handle=0x0000000b, enabled=0, count=5
08-17 12:57:30.504  1916  4553 D SensorService: disable index=1
08-17 12:57:30.504  1916  4553 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w batch 0x0000000b 20000000 0
08-17 12:57:30.505  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:30.505  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:273, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0
08-17 12:57:30.505  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:295, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0 request completed
08-17 12:57:30.505  1916  4553 D SensorService: activateHardware = 0
08-17 12:57:30.506  1916  3602 D SensorService: ~SensorEventConnection(0xb4000079f1b62d80)
08-17 12:57:30.507  1916  3602 D SensorService: 9 active sensors
08-17 12:57:30.507  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[0].handle=0x0000000b
08-17 12:57:30.507  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[1].handle=0x00000029
08-17 12:57:30.507  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[2].handle=0x00000052
08-17 12:57:30.507  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[3].handle=0x000000bf
08-17 12:57:30.507  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[4].handle=0x00000110
08-17 12:57:30.507  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[5].handle=0x000003e9
08-17 12:57:30.507  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[6].handle=0x0000053e
08-17 12:57:30.507  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[7].handle=0x00000552
08-17 12:57:30.507  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[8].handle=0x0000055c
08-17 12:57:30.523 25323 28567 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: RegisterListener icm4x6xx Accelerometer Non-wakeup type:1 delay:200000us by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.7z
08-17 12:57:30.523  1916  3602 D SensorService: createSensorEventConnection, mCurrentOperatingMode = 0, requestedMode = 0
08-17 12:57:30.524  1916  3602 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=11, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 enable
08-17 12:57:30.524  1916  3602 E SensorService: Required app com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81, uid 10903, pid 25323
08-17 12:57:30.524  1916  3602 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:57:30.524  1916  3602 D SensorServiceUtils: setSamplingPeriodNs sensorType = 1, samplingPeriodNs = 200000000
08-17 12:57:30.524  1916  3602 D SensorServiceExtImpl: setSamplingPeriodNs SamplingPeriodNs =200000000
08-17 12:57:30.524  1916  3602 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:57:30.524  1916  3602 D SensorService: SensorDevice::batch: ident=0xb4000079f1b62d80, handle=0x0000000b, flags=0, period_ns=200000000 timeout=0
08-17 12:57:30.524  1916  3602 D SensorService: 	>>> curr_period=20000000 min_period=20000000 curr_timeout=0 min_timeout=0
08-17 12:57:30.524  1916  3602 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==11 flags=0rate=200000000 timeout== 0
08-17 12:57:30.524  1916  3602 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w flush 11
08-17 12:57:30.524  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:315, android.sensor.accelerometer/11
08-17 12:57:30.545  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:578, sending SNS_STD_MSGID_SNS_STD_FLUSH_REQ, pending=1
08-17 12:57:30.545  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:321, android.sensor.accelerometer/11 completed
08-17 12:57:30.545  1916  3602 D SensorService: Calling activate on 11
08-17 12:57:30.545  1916  3602 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb4000079f1b62d80, handle=0x0000000b, enabled=1, count=5
08-17 12:57:30.545  1916  3602 D SensorService: enable index=1
08-17 12:57:30.545  1916  3602 D SensorService: info.numActiveClients() = 5, info.isActive = 1
08-17 12:57:30.545  1916  3602 D SensorService: activateHardware = 0
08-17 12:57:30.547  1396 30255 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:686, resp_value = 0
08-17 12:57:30.548  1396 30255 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_flush_event:607, dt=accel, META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE, pending=1
08-17 12:57:30.548  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: First flush event for sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.549  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:57:30.567 25323 25323 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: unRegisterListener by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.7z
08-17 12:57:30.568  1916  3602 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=11, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 disable
08-17 12:57:30.568  1916  3602 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb4000079f1b62d80, handle=0x0000000b, enabled=0, count=5
08-17 12:57:30.568  1916  3602 D SensorService: disable index=1
08-17 12:57:30.568  1916  3602 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w batch 0x0000000b 20000000 0
08-17 12:57:30.568  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:273, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0
08-17 12:57:30.568  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:295, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0 request completed
08-17 12:57:30.569  1916  3602 D SensorService: activateHardware = 0
08-17 12:57:30.570 25323 28567 E HR      : Network error
08-17 12:57:30.570  1916  3602 D SensorService: ~SensorEventConnection(0xb4000079f1b62d80)
08-17 12:57:30.570  1916  3602 D SensorService: 9 active sensors
08-17 12:57:30.570  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[0].handle=0x0000000b
08-17 12:57:30.571  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[1].handle=0x00000029
08-17 12:57:30.571  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[2].handle=0x00000052
08-17 12:57:30.571  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[3].handle=0x000000bf
08-17 12:57:30.571  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[4].handle=0x00000110
08-17 12:57:30.571  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[5].handle=0x000003e9
08-17 12:57:30.571  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[6].handle=0x0000053e
08-17 12:57:30.571  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[7].handle=0x00000552
08-17 12:57:30.571  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000079f1b62d80 for sensor[8].handle=0x0000055c
08-17 12:57:30.571  4315 17441 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:57:30.686  1396 19551 E sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:497, gyro_sample_cal: ts=621223751206712 ns; value = [0.000200, 0.000255, 0.000070], status = 1
08-17 12:57:30.687 25323 25323 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: unRegisterListener by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.80
08-17 12:57:30.688  1916  3602 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=41, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 disable
08-17 12:57:30.688  1916  3602 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb400007ab0aee200, handle=0x00000029, enabled=0, count=1
08-17 12:57:30.688  1916  3602 D SensorService: disable index=0
08-17 12:57:30.688  1916  3602 D SensorService: activateHardware = 1
08-17 12:57:30.688  1916  3602 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w activate handle=41 enabled=0
08-17 12:57:30.689  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: activate:213, android.sensor.gyroscope/41 en=0
08-17 12:57:30.693  1396  1396 E Diag_Lib: diag: Diag_LSM_DeInit done for pid: 1396
08-17 12:57:30.696  1396  1396 E Diag_Lib: diag: Diag_LSM_DeInit done for pid: 1396
08-17 12:57:30.696  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: activate:232, android.sensor.gyroscope/41 en=0 completed
08-17 12:57:30.697  1916  3602 D SensorServiceExtImpl: setLastEventStateForDisable reset the mRecentEvent handle = 41
08-17 12:57:30.697  1916  3602 D SensorServiceExtImpl: disable reset the lastEvent handle = 41 in disable
08-17 12:57:30.699  1916  3602 D SensorService: ~SensorEventConnection(0xb400007ab0aee200)
08-17 12:57:30.700  1916  3602 D SensorService: 8 active sensors
08-17 12:57:30.700  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007ab0aee200 for sensor[0].handle=0x0000000b
08-17 12:57:30.700  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007ab0aee200 for sensor[1].handle=0x00000052
08-17 12:57:30.700  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007ab0aee200 for sensor[2].handle=0x000000bf
08-17 12:57:30.700  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007ab0aee200 for sensor[3].handle=0x00000110
08-17 12:57:30.700  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007ab0aee200 for sensor[4].handle=0x000003e9
08-17 12:57:30.700  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007ab0aee200 for sensor[5].handle=0x0000053e
08-17 12:57:30.700  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007ab0aee200 for sensor[6].handle=0x00000552
08-17 12:57:30.700  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007ab0aee200 for sensor[7].handle=0x0000055c
08-17 12:57:30.804  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:30.804  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:30.830  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 452269982
08-17 12:57:30.830  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:57:30.831  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:57:30.831  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:30.831  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:30.832  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:57:30.832  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:30.832  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:30.832  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:30.832  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:30.832  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:30.842  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29739108165
08-17 12:57:30.842  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:30.842  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:30.842  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:30.843  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:30.843  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:30.843  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:57:30.843  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:57:30.925 29723 29723 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
08-17 12:57:31.033  1916  3202 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1197 com.android.server.job.controllers.OplusCpuController.notifyHighCpuEventForApp:386 com.android.server.job.controllers.OplusCpuController.handleCpuUpdate:332 com.android.server.job.controllers.OplusCpuController.-$$Nest$mhandleCpuUpdate:0 com.android.server.job.controllers.OplusCpuController$CpuTrackerHandler.handleMessage:256
08-17 12:57:31.431  1396  6891 E sensors-hal: ssc_conn_event_cb:661, event[0] msg_id=1025, ts=11927565816122 sensor_type = pedometer_minute  Wakeup
08-17 12:57:31.431  1396  6891 E sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:83, pedometer_minute: report_ts=10346,counter=68264.000000 move_status =[SNS_CMC_STATIONARY] time_gap = 0 run_counter=14125.000000 walk_counter=50883.000000
08-17 12:57:31.440  1916  3046 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 151105954; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
08-17 12:57:31.445  1916  3046 E AppOps  : attributionTag  not declared in manifest of com.oplus.exsystemservice
08-17 12:57:31.451  1916  3046 E AppOps  : attributionTag  not declared in manifest of com.oplus.exsystemservice
08-17 12:57:31.453  3456  3456 I StepApp_StepDataPreHandler: (main)onSensorChanged raw data: step=68264.0 state=3.0 minuteDelta=0.0 timestamp=621224586313327 steprun=14125.0 stepwalk=50883.0 formatted data: step=68264 state=3 timestamp=621224586313327 time=1692266251430 steprun=14125 stepwalk=50883
08-17 12:57:31.454  3456  6885 I StepApp_StepDataSaver: (StepDataDispatcher)getNewFixedOffsetStep type is STEP
08-17 12:57:31.455  3456  6885 I StepApp_StepDataSaver: (StepDataDispatcher)isRebootCountStep:false	 lastRealTimeStamp = 1692266160000	 bootTimestamp = 1691645026843	 mLastModifiedMinuteTime = 2023-08-17-12-56
08-17 12:57:31.456  3456  6885 I StepApp_StepDataSaver: (StepDataDispatcher)calOffSet:sensorStep = 68264	 lastModifiedStep = 68264	 offSet = 0
08-17 12:57:31.456  3456  6885 I StepApp_StepDataSaver: (StepDataDispatcher)getNewFixedOffsetStep type is RUN
08-17 12:57:31.456  3456  6885 I StepApp_StepDataSaver: (StepDataDispatcher)isRebootCountStep:false	 lastRealTimeStamp = 1692266160000	 bootTimestamp = 1691645026843	 mLastModifiedMinuteTime = 2023-08-17-12-56
08-17 12:57:31.457  3456  6885 I StepApp_StepDataSaver: (StepDataDispatcher)calOffSet:sensorStep = 14125	 lastModifiedStep = 14125	 offSet = 0
08-17 12:57:31.457  3456  6885 I StepApp_StepDataSaver: (StepDataDispatcher)getNewFixedOffsetStep type is WALK
08-17 12:57:31.457  3456  6885 I StepApp_StepDataSaver: (StepDataDispatcher)isRebootCountStep:false	 lastRealTimeStamp = 1692266160000	 bootTimestamp = 1691645026844	 mLastModifiedMinuteTime = 2023-08-17-12-56
08-17 12:57:31.457  3456  6885 I StepApp_StepDataSaver: (StepDataDispatcher)calOffSet:sensorStep = 50883	 lastModifiedStep = 50883	 offSet = 0
08-17 12:57:31.937  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:32.017 29723 29723 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.facs.internal.service.START dat=chimera-action:/... cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsInternalApiService }
08-17 12:57:32.101  1916  2214 D SensorService: onUidStateChanged uid = 10428, state = UID_STATE_IDLE
08-17 12:57:32.521  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:57:32.522  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:57:32.521 modemPowermA[]=[360.83,296.65,416.47] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=976 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[10, 0, 2000, 1890, 180] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5056, 136, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:57:32.523  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621225678 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377263 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2682117, 938881, 3770677, 2418589, 1011284],mRxTimeMs=222710032}]}
08-17 12:57:32.582 28314 28337 W facebook.katana: Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 170 to 100
08-17 12:57:33.022  1916  2234 I ActivityManager: Waited long enough for: ServiceRecord{3658d31 u0 com.android.mtp/.MtpService}
08-17 12:57:33.197  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:33.321 18702 19035 I earchbox:search: oneway function results for code 2 on binder at 0xb400007a1d7a0bc0 will be dropped but finished with status UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION
08-17 12:57:33.418  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:57:33.432 12414 13627 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:33.528 10220 31055 W Nearby  : [MBleClient] Ignore outdated onLost runnable from cycle : 19, current cycle : 231 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
08-17 12:57:33.644  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:33.647 10220 31055 W Nearby  : [MBleClient] Ignore outdated onLost runnable from cycle : 20, current cycle : 231 [CONTEXT service_id=49 ]
08-17 12:57:33.664 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:33.670 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:33.710  1916  4553 V ActivityManager: Has totaly same connectionRecord, just reuse it!
08-17 12:57:33.716 19234 19277 I AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: getDefaultAdapter: About start waiting
08-17 12:57:33.924 19234 19305 D ContactsProvider: performBackgroundTask: task id: 20
08-17 12:57:33.930 19234 19305 D ContactsProvider: performBackgroundTask: task id: 24
08-17 12:57:34.372 19234 19305 D ContactsProvider: performBackgroundTask: task id: 21
08-17 12:57:34.372 19234 19305 D ContactsProvider: performBackgroundTask GET_QUICKSEARCH_VALUE
08-17 12:57:34.376 19234 19305 D ContactsProvider: performBackgroundTask: task id: 27
08-17 12:57:34.377 19234 19305 D ContactsProvider: performBackgroundTask: task id: 28
08-17 12:57:34.455  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:35.713  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:477.37042 luxQueue=[477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042, 477.37042]
08-17 12:57:36.231  1916  3261 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
08-17 12:57:36.232  1916  3261 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:57:36.232  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322708): avc: denied { read } for name="status" dev="proc" ino=27380277 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
08-17 12:57:36.232  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322709): avc: denied { search } for name="1465" dev="proc" ino=27378795 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-17 12:57:36.232  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322710): avc: denied { search } for name="1379" dev="proc" ino=27378746 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-17 12:57:36.232  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322711): avc: denied { search } for name="1387" dev="proc" ino=27378754 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-17 12:57:36.232  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322712): avc: denied { read } for name="status" dev="proc" ino=27383924 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
08-17 12:57:36.232  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322713): avc: denied { read } for name="status" dev="proc" ino=27383925 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
08-17 12:57:36.244 25323 27205 D MRGService.function: games.my.mrgs.tracker.Tracker.flush:297
08-17 12:57:36.360  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos can transition from M to F
08-17 12:57:36.360  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos F enter(), M stay=10
08-17 12:57:36.364  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : freeze uid: 10244 com.google.android.apps.photos pids: [19379] scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:57:36.367  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HansComunication::addUid-- 10244, persistent--0
08-17 12:57:36.368  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = PKG, targetUid = 10244, pkgCmd = ADD_ONE_UID
08-17 12:57:36.426  1916  4651 W OplusHansManager : storeHistoryAndNotifyApp fileTime: 2023-08-17_12-57-36
08-17 12:57:36.428  4285  4722 W Athena  : HansAppManager: isStatisticsEnable false
08-17 12:57:36.734  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store can transition from M to F
08-17 12:57:36.735  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store F enter(), M stay=10
08-17 12:57:36.737  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : freeze uid: 10637 ru.vk.store pids: [18306] scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:57:36.740  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HansComunication::addUid-- 10637, persistent--0
08-17 12:57:36.740  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = PKG, targetUid = 10637, pkgCmd = ADD_ONE_UID
08-17 12:57:36.979 12414 11892 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:37.180  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:491.2654 luxQueue=[491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654]
08-17 12:57:37.206  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:37.227 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:37.235 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:37.369  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = FROZEN_TRANS, targetUid = 10244, pkgCmd = PKG_CMD_MAX
08-17 12:57:37.589  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621230742 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377263 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2682127, 938881, 3772817, 2420389, 1011454],mRxTimeMs=222710976}]}
08-17 12:57:37.589  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:57:37.590  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:57:37.589 modemPowermA[]=[359.17,295.26,414.13] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=944 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[10, 0, 2140, 1800, 170] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5064, 121, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:57:37.740  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = FROZEN_TRANS, targetUid = 10637, pkgCmd = PKG_CMD_MAX
08-17 12:57:37.947  4263  4263 D OplusTelephonyController: onSignalStrengthChanged: SignalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=-91 ecno=2147483647 level=0,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=2147483647 rsrq=2147483647 rssnr=2147483647 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthWcdma}
08-17 12:57:38.296  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:57:38.309 12414  3974 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:38.440  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:491.2654 luxQueue=[491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654]
08-17 12:57:38.534  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:38.559 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:38.571 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:39.070  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:39.071  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:39.092  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 458119050
08-17 12:57:39.092  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:57:39.093  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:57:39.093  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:39.093  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:39.094  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:57:39.094  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:39.094  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:39.095  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:39.095  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:39.095  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:39.101  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29744957233
08-17 12:57:39.102  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:39.102  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:39.103  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:39.104  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:39.105  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:39.105  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:57:39.105  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:57:39.699  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:491.2654 luxQueue=[491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654]
08-17 12:57:40.956  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:491.2654 luxQueue=[491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654, 491.2654]
08-17 12:57:42.005  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:502.18747 luxQueue=[502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747]
08-17 12:57:42.651  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621235805 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377263 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2682167, 938881, 3775107, 2422149, 1011644],mRxTimeMs=222711759}]}
08-17 12:57:42.653  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:57:42.654  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:57:42.652 modemPowermA[]=[365.79,300.78,421.58] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=783 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[40, 0, 2290, 1760, 190] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5063, 135, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:57:42.670  1916  3200 D WN_S    : onCapabilitiesChanged for 515
08-17 12:57:42.671  4263  5950 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = com.qti.dpmserviceapp, isGrant = true
08-17 12:57:42.677 10170 10192 D QCNEJ/WwanInfoRelay: onCapabilitiesChanged: 515 [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=2678Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=4541Kbps Specifier: <TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 1]> UnderlyingNetworks: Null]
08-17 12:57:42.677 10170 10192 I QCNEJ/WwanInfoRelay: cacheWwanInfo subId = 1 phoneId = 0 slotId = 0
08-17 12:57:42.678  4263  5950 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = com.qualcomm.qti.cne, isGrant = true
08-17 12:57:42.685  6436  6437 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCV message: type = 0,port = 86870,caller_pid = 1916,caller_uid = 1000,target_pid = 18306,target_uid = 10637,pkg_cmd = -1,rpc = android.os.IMessenger/1
08-17 12:57:42.686  6436  6437 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCV message: type = 0,port = 86870,caller_pid = 1916,caller_uid = 1000,target_pid = 18306,target_uid = 10637,pkg_cmd = -1,rpc = android.os.IMessenger/1
08-17 12:57:42.688  1916  4156 I OplusHansManager : unfreeze uid: 10637 ru.vk.store pids: [18306] reason: AsyncBinder scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:57:42.689 25323 27889 W UnityAds: com.unity3d.services.core.connectivity.ConnectivityMonitor.connectionStatusChanged() (line:173) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
08-17 12:57:42.689  6436  6437 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCV message: type = 0,port = 86870,caller_pid = 1916,caller_uid = 1000,target_pid = 19379,target_uid = 10244,pkg_cmd = -1,rpc = android.os.IMessenger/1
08-17 12:57:42.690  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store, transition from Frozen to Middle, reason=AsyncBinder
08-17 12:57:42.690  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store F exit(), F stay=5, reason=AsyncBinder
08-17 12:57:42.691  1916  4156 I OplusHansManager : forceUnfreezeByPid pid= 18306 reason= unfreezeForKernel: AsyncBinder
08-17 12:57:42.691  1916  4156 I OplusHansManager : unfreeze uid: 10244 com.google.android.apps.photos pids: [19379] reason: AsyncBinder scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:57:42.693  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos, transition from Frozen to Middle, reason=AsyncBinder
08-17 12:57:42.693  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos F exit(), F stay=6, reason=AsyncBinder
08-17 12:57:42.801  4169  4444 D OplusManager: send on stamp success
08-17 12:57:42.814  3456  3513 V StampEventRecorder: onStamp id : 053109
08-17 12:57:43.020  1916  3601 I ActivityManager: Killing 23820:system:ui/1000 (adj 999): empty for 1800s
08-17 12:57:43.026   732   732 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
08-17 12:57:43.049  1382 27391 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
08-17 12:57:43.049  1382 27391 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON
08-17 12:57:43.050  1382 27391 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired
08-17 12:57:43.050  1382 27391 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
08-17 12:57:43.052 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_main.cc(1728)] gatt_data_process op_code = 27, msg_len = 5
08-17 12:57:43.053 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 3 gatt_if 0x03
08-17 12:57:43.053 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 4 gatt_if 0x04
08-17 12:57:43.053 27229 27399 E bt_stack: [ERROR:bta_gattc_act.cc(1763)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 4 gatt_if
08-17 12:57:43.053 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 5 gatt_if 0x05
08-17 12:57:43.053 27229 27399 E bt_btif : bta_gattc_process_indicate, ignore HID ind/notificiation
08-17 12:57:43.053 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 6 gatt_if 0x06
08-17 12:57:43.053 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 7 gatt_if 0x07
08-17 12:57:43.053 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 9 gatt_if 0x09
08-17 12:57:43.053 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 11 gatt_if 0x0b
08-17 12:57:43.085  1470  1621 I ClientCache: removeProcess: Cache owner=0xb400007dcd843160
08-17 12:57:43.088  1470  1621 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] REMOVE (0xb400007d9373a080) for (1916:system_server)
08-17 12:57:43.089   732   732 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
08-17 12:57:43.089  1916  2236 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 23820 in 62ms
08-17 12:57:43.089  1916  3261 D DisplayManagerService: Display listener for pid 23820 died.
08-17 12:57:43.090  1470  2363 I SurfaceFlinger: [SF client] REMOVE (0xb400007db3976200) for (23820:system:ui)
08-17 12:57:43.091  1240  1240 I Zygote  : Process 23820 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
08-17 12:57:43.091  1916  2913 D OplusUIFirst_FB: android remove pid: 23820
08-17 12:57:43.091  7641  7808 V DeepThinker: ProcessManager: onProcessDied pid:23820, uid:1000
08-17 12:57:43.104  1382 27391 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
08-17 12:57:43.104  1382 27391 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF
08-17 12:57:43.105  1916  2216 W ActivityManager: setHasOverlayUi called on unknown pid: 23820
08-17 12:57:43.255  1382 27364 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released
08-17 12:57:43.263  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:502.18747 luxQueue=[502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747]
08-17 12:57:43.410  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:57:43.422 12414 13627 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:43.640  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:43.668 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:43.677 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:43.718  1916  6915 V ActivityManager: Has totaly same connectionRecord, just reuse it!
08-17 12:57:43.731 19234 19277 I AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: getDefaultAdapter: About start waiting
08-17 12:57:44.068  1916  3261 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10418/26218 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 52430 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52431, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
08-17 12:57:44.080  1916  3136 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52431, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:57:44.082  1916  3136 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52431, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:57:44.086  1916  3136 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52431, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:57:44.091  1916  3136 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52431, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:57:44.094  1916  3172 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [52431 : null → 515] [c 1] [a 2] [i 22]
08-17 12:57:44.111 26218 26231 W System  : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
08-17 12:57:44.343 26218 19575 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(113) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:57:44.346  4315 17441 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:57:44.347 26218 19581 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(131) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:57:44.348 26218 19582 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(133) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:57:44.351 26218 19577 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(114) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:57:44.354  4315 17441 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:57:44.522  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:502.18747 luxQueue=[502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747]
08-17 12:57:44.571  1916  2005 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 196006(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 319(12MB) LOS objects, 14% free, 143MB/167MB, paused 162us,775us total 391.881ms
08-17 12:57:44.593  1916  2007 W System  : A resource failed to call HardwareBuffer.close.
08-17 12:57:45.781  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:502.18747 luxQueue=[502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747, 502.18747]
08-17 12:57:46.032 26218 32085 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result RETRY for Work [ id=04d90712-8a59-4fee-a7ba-dc902a7d121b, tags={ com.oplus.cosa.service.sync.COSASyncWorker } ]
08-17 12:57:46.664  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:46.664  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:46.704  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 464066122
08-17 12:57:46.705  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:57:46.705  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:57:46.706  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:46.706  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:46.708  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:57:46.708  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:46.708  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:46.709  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:46.710  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:46.710  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:46.731  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29750904305
08-17 12:57:46.732  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:46.732  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:46.733  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:46.734  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:46.734  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:46.734  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:57:46.734  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:57:46.991 12414 12581 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:47.212  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:47.232 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:47.242 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:47.246  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:536.0797 luxQueue=[536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797]
08-17 12:57:47.710  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621240865 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377264 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2682217, 938881, 3777927, 2423489, 1011834],mRxTimeMs=222712418}]}
08-17 12:57:47.711  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:57:47.712  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:57:47.711 modemPowermA[]=[358.94,296.16,411.01] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=1 rxTimeMs=659 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[50, 0, 2820, 1340, 190] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5059, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:57:48.506  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:536.0797 luxQueue=[536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797]
08-17 12:57:48.536  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:57:48.540 12414 12581 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:48.760  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:48.790 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:48.798 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:48.926 25137 25156 W System  : A resource failed to call release.
08-17 12:57:48.938  1470  1470 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=80080, name=Task=26682#80080
08-17 12:57:49.763  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:536.0797 luxQueue=[536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797]
08-17 12:57:49.912  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10317, pkg=ru.yandex.weatherplugin cannot transition from R to M, importance=widget
08-17 12:57:50.618  4263  4263 D OplusTelephonyController: onSignalStrengthChanged: SignalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=-91 ber=2147483647 rscp=-91 ecno=-10 level=2,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=2147483647 rsrq=2147483647 rssnr=2147483647 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthWcdma}
08-17 12:57:51.021  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:536.0797 luxQueue=[536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797, 536.0797]
08-17 12:57:51.465  6436  6437 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCV message: type = 4,port = 86870,caller_pid = -1,caller_uid = -1,target_pid = -1,target_uid = 10637,pkg_cmd = -1,rpc = PKG/-1
08-17 12:57:52.146  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:52.146  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:52.189  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 471567727
08-17 12:57:52.190  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:57:52.190  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:57:52.191  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:52.191  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:52.193  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:57:52.193  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:52.194  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:52.196  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:52.196  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:52.197  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:52.221  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29758405910
08-17 12:57:52.222  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:52.222  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:52.224  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:52.225  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:52.225  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:52.225  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:57:52.225  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:57:52.489  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:535.4435 luxQueue=[535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435]
08-17 12:57:52.702  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store can transition from M to F
08-17 12:57:52.702  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store F enter(), M stay=10
08-17 12:57:52.705  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : freeze uid: 10637 ru.vk.store pids: [18306] scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:57:52.709  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HansComunication::addUid-- 10637, persistent--0
08-17 12:57:52.709  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = PKG, targetUid = 10637, pkgCmd = ADD_ONE_UID
08-17 12:57:52.719  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos can transition from M to F
08-17 12:57:52.719  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos F enter(), M stay=10
08-17 12:57:52.722  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : freeze uid: 10244 com.google.android.apps.photos pids: [19379] scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:57:52.724  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HansComunication::addUid-- 10244, persistent--0
08-17 12:57:52.724  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = PKG, targetUid = 10244, pkgCmd = ADD_ONE_UID
08-17 12:57:52.757  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621245911 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377264 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2682407, 938881, 3780617, 2425249, 1012024],mRxTimeMs=222712635}]}
08-17 12:57:52.763  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:57:52.764  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:57:52.758 modemPowermA[]=[388.51,317.90,449.57] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=217 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[190, 0, 2690, 1760, 190] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5047, 123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=1 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:57:52.778  1916  3200 D WN_S    : onCapabilitiesChanged for 515
08-17 12:57:52.781  4263  4908 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = com.qti.dpmserviceapp, isGrant = true
08-17 12:57:52.792 10170 10192 D QCNEJ/WwanInfoRelay: onCapabilitiesChanged: 515 [ Transports: CELLULAR Capabilities: SUPL&INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN&VALIDATED&NOT_ROAMING&FOREGROUND&NOT_CONGESTED&NOT_SUSPENDED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED LinkUpBandwidth>=2351Kbps LinkDnBandwidth>=6139Kbps Specifier: <TelephonyNetworkSpecifier [mSubId = 1]> UnderlyingNetworks: Null]
08-17 12:57:52.792 10170 10192 I QCNEJ/WwanInfoRelay: cacheWwanInfo subId = 1 phoneId = 0 slotId = 0
08-17 12:57:52.793  4263  4908 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = com.qualcomm.qti.cne, isGrant = true
08-17 12:57:52.794  6436  6437 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCV message: type = 0,port = 86870,caller_pid = 1916,caller_uid = 1000,target_pid = 18306,target_uid = 10637,pkg_cmd = -1,rpc = android.os.IMessenger/1
08-17 12:57:52.795  6436  6437 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCV message: type = 0,port = 86870,caller_pid = 1916,caller_uid = 1000,target_pid = 18306,target_uid = 10637,pkg_cmd = -1,rpc = android.os.IMessenger/1
08-17 12:57:52.795 25323 27889 W UnityAds: com.unity3d.services.core.connectivity.ConnectivityMonitor.connectionStatusChanged() (line:173) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
08-17 12:57:52.796  1916  4156 I OplusHansManager : unfreeze uid: 10637 ru.vk.store pids: [18306] reason: AsyncBinder scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:57:52.798  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store, transition from Frozen to Middle, reason=AsyncBinder
08-17 12:57:52.798  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store F exit(), F stay=0, reason=AsyncBinder
08-17 12:57:52.798  1916  4156 I OplusHansManager : forceUnfreezeByPid pid= 18306 reason= unfreezeForKernel: AsyncBinder
08-17 12:57:52.799  6436  6437 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCV message: type = 0,port = 86870,caller_pid = 1916,caller_uid = 1000,target_pid = 19379,target_uid = 10244,pkg_cmd = -1,rpc = android.os.IMessenger/1
08-17 12:57:52.803  1916  4156 I OplusHansManager : unfreeze uid: 10244 com.google.android.apps.photos pids: [19379] reason: AsyncBinder scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:57:52.805  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos, transition from Frozen to Middle, reason=AsyncBinder
08-17 12:57:52.805  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos F exit(), F stay=0, reason=AsyncBinder
08-17 12:57:53.708  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = FROZEN_TRANS, targetUid = 10637, pkgCmd = PKG_CMD_MAX
08-17 12:57:53.724  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = FROZEN_TRANS, targetUid = 10244, pkgCmd = PKG_CMD_MAX
08-17 12:57:53.732 19234 19277 I AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: Application is now connected to Accessory Framework!
08-17 12:57:53.732 19234 19277 D AF.SDK.BaseJobAgent: mGetAgentIdRetryCount = 0
08-17 12:57:53.733  7123 18685 W yAF.TPLog.FrameworkManagerServiceNative: trying to fetch localagent ID without a Frameworkconnection object by -1
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: getLocalAgentId failed
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: com.heytap.accessory.bean.GeneralException: Failed to fetch localAgent ID, errorCode = 769
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: 	at com.heytap.accessory.BaseAdapter.getLocalAgentId(BaseAdapter.java:13)
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: 	at com.heytap.accessory.BaseJobAgent.getLocalAgentId(BaseJobAgent.java:12)
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: 	at com.heytap.accessory.BaseJobAgent.loadAgentId(BaseJobAgent.java:1)
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: 	at com.heytap.accessory.BaseJobAgent.bindToFramework(BaseJobAgent.java:3)
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: 	at com.heytap.accessory.BaseJobAgent.access$1400(BaseJobAgent.java:1)
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: 	at com.heytap.accessory.BaseJobAgent$AgentHandler.handleMessage(BaseJobAgent.java:122)
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: 	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:240)
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:351)
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseAdapter: 	at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 I AF.SDK.BaseJobAgent: Agent ID retrieved successfully for com.oplus.grpc.ChatCallProvider Agent ID:null
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 E AF.SDK.BaseJobAgent: ACCEPT_STATE_ERROR: 20001: Oplus Accessory Framework has died!! PeerAgent: null
08-17 12:57:53.735 19234 19277 I AF.SDK.BaseJobAgent: onError() -> ERROR_FATAL
08-17 12:57:53.747  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:535.4435 luxQueue=[535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435]
08-17 12:57:53.825  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 21,1611,119,931,3072,70,251,345,1381,1518,507,926
08-17 12:57:54.434  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:57:54.448 12414 11892 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:54.668  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:54.701 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:54.707 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:54.826  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1634,139,930,3072,70,250,345,1360,1519,509,925
08-17 12:57:54.960  1470  2447 D OplusHecate: pixels[24,54]=0xff092232
08-17 12:57:55.005  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:535.4435 luxQueue=[535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435, 535.4435]
08-17 12:57:56.913  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:56.913  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:56.955  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 479683743
08-17 12:57:56.956  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:57:56.956  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:57:56.957  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:56.957  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:56.959  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:57:56.960  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:56.960  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:56.962  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:56.962  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:56.962  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:56.984  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29766521926
08-17 12:57:56.985  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:57:56.985  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:57:56.986  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:57:56.987  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:56.987  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:57:56.987  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:57:56.987  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:57:56.998 12414 11892 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:57.211  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:57.234 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:57.240 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:57:57.731  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:534.82275 luxQueue=[534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275]
08-17 12:57:57.813  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621250966 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377264 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2682497, 938881, 3783027, 2427029, 1012214],mRxTimeMs=222713218}]}
08-17 12:57:57.819  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:57:57.822  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:57:57.818 modemPowermA[]=[374.52,307.32,432.40] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=583 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[90, 0, 2410, 1780, 190] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5052, 145, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:57:58.099  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 21,1624,126,930,3072,70,250,345,1370,1523,509,929
08-17 12:57:58.988  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:534.82275 luxQueue=[534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275]
08-17 12:57:59.099  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1627,128,930,3072,70,250,345,1368,1524,508,931
08-17 12:57:59.541  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:57:59.560 12414 13627 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:57:59.774  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:57:59.817 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:57:59.827 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:58:00.007  7037  7295 D PhoneScreenOnTime: affairType:231
08-17 12:58:00.009  7037  7295 D Utils   : getLastScrChangeTime: 1692266220008
08-17 12:58:00.010  7037  7295 D Utils   : getScrOnSeconds: 10899655
08-17 12:58:00.010  7037  7295 D Utils   : setLastScrChangeTime: 1692266280007
08-17 12:58:00.013  7037  7295 D Utils   : setScrOnSeconds: 10959654
08-17 12:58:00.015  7037  7295 D PhoneUsageTime: affairType:231
08-17 12:58:00.016  7037  7295 D Utils   : getLastChargeTime: 1692266220029
08-17 12:58:00.018  7037  7295 D Utils   : getLastChargeDurationTime: 24366400
08-17 12:58:00.024 16953 16953 I WeatherS_WeatherServiceVersionUtils: serviceVersionCode13002012
08-17 12:58:00.024 16953 16953 I WeatherS_WeatherServiceVersionUtils: serviceVersionCode13002012
08-17 12:58:00.024 16953 16953 I WeatherS_WeatherServiceVersionUtils: serviceVersionCode13002012
08-17 12:58:00.033 16953 16953 I WeatherS_WeatherServiceVersionUtils: serviceVersionCode13002012
08-17 12:58:00.040 25137 25137 D SingleClockView: updateTime,  24hfmt=true, h=12, m=58
08-17 12:58:00.054  1916  4553 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManagerService: isBiometricDisabled start
08-17 12:58:00.055  1916  6915 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManagerService: isBiometricDisabled start
08-17 12:58:00.122  1470  1470 I OplusPerfCount: The num of client composition of  in last 60020 ms is: 41
08-17 12:58:00.122  1470  1470 I OplusPerfCount: The num of blur fliter in last 60020 ms is: 170
08-17 12:58:00.122  1470  1470 I Quality : SFJankCountInfo: 2021;0;0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0;1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0;2-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0;3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0;4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0;5-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0;6-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0;7-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0;8-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0;9-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0;
08-17 12:58:00.123  1470  1470 I OplusPerfCount: The layer number in last 60020ms is: 3 layer, 19 time, 4 layer, 1367 time, 5 layer, 30 time, 6 layer, 609 time,
08-17 12:58:00.248  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:534.82275 luxQueue=[534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275, 534.82275]
08-17 12:58:00.573 25323 27955 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: RegisterListener icm4x6xx Accelerometer Non-wakeup type:1 delay:200000us by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.7z
08-17 12:58:00.573  1916  6915 D SensorService: createSensorEventConnection, mCurrentOperatingMode = 0, requestedMode = 0
08-17 12:58:00.579  1916  6915 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=11, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 enable
08-17 12:58:00.579  1916  6915 E SensorService: Required app com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81, uid 10903, pid 25323
08-17 12:58:00.580  1916  6915 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:58:00.580  1916  6915 D SensorServiceUtils: setSamplingPeriodNs sensorType = 1, samplingPeriodNs = 200000000
08-17 12:58:00.581  1916  6915 D SensorServiceExtImpl: setSamplingPeriodNs SamplingPeriodNs =200000000
08-17 12:58:00.581  1916  6915 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:58:00.581  1916  6915 D SensorService: SensorDevice::batch: ident=0xb4000078fa504100, handle=0x0000000b, flags=0, period_ns=200000000 timeout=0
08-17 12:58:00.581  1916  6915 D SensorService: 	>>> curr_period=20000000 min_period=20000000 curr_timeout=0 min_timeout=0
08-17 12:58:00.581  1916  6915 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==11 flags=0rate=200000000 timeout== 0
08-17 12:58:00.581  1916  6915 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w flush 11
08-17 12:58:00.581  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:315, android.sensor.accelerometer/11
08-17 12:58:00.602  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:578, sending SNS_STD_MSGID_SNS_STD_FLUSH_REQ, pending=1
08-17 12:58:00.602  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:321, android.sensor.accelerometer/11 completed
08-17 12:58:00.603  1396 30255 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:686, resp_value = 0
08-17 12:58:00.603  1396 30255 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_flush_event:607, dt=accel, META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE, pending=1
08-17 12:58:00.603  1916  6915 D SensorService: Calling activate on 11
08-17 12:58:00.603  1916  6915 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb4000078fa504100, handle=0x0000000b, enabled=1, count=5
08-17 12:58:00.604  1916  6915 D SensorService: enable index=0
08-17 12:58:00.604  1916  6915 D SensorService: info.numActiveClients() = 5, info.isActive = 1
08-17 12:58:00.604  1916  6915 D SensorService: activateHardware = 0
08-17 12:58:00.604 25323 27955 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: RegisterListener icm4x6xx Gyroscope Non-wakeup type:4 delay:200000us by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.80
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: First flush event for sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  4553 D SensorService: createSensorEventConnection, mCurrentOperatingMode = 0, requestedMode = 0
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.605  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.606  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.606  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.606  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.606  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.606  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.607  1916  6915 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=41, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 enable
08-17 12:58:00.607  1916  6915 E SensorService: Required app com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81, uid 10903, pid 25323
08-17 12:58:00.608  1916  6915 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:58:00.608  1916  6915 D SensorServiceUtils: setSamplingPeriodNs sensorType = 4, samplingPeriodNs = 200000000
08-17 12:58:00.608  1916  6915 D SensorServiceExtImpl: setSamplingPeriodNs SamplingPeriodNs =200000000
08-17 12:58:00.608  1916  6915 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:58:00.608  1916  6915 D SensorService: SensorDevice::batch: ident=0xb400007a1a07aa00, handle=0x00000029, flags=0, period_ns=200000000 timeout=0
08-17 12:58:00.608  1916  6915 D SensorService: 	>>> curr_period=9223372036854775807 min_period=200000000 curr_timeout=0 min_timeout=0
08-17 12:58:00.608  1916  6915 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w BATCH 0x00000029 200000000 0
08-17 12:58:00.620  1396  1396 W sensors@2.0-ser: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322714): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/diag" dev="tmpfs" ino=10052 scontext=u:r:hal_sensors_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_diag_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0
08-17 12:58:00.620  1396  1396 W sensors@2.0-ser: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322715): avc: denied { open } for path="/dev/diag" dev="tmpfs" ino=10052 scontext=u:r:hal_sensors_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_diag_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=0
08-17 12:58:00.608  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:273, android.sensor.gyroscope/41, period=200000000, max_latency=0
08-17 12:58:00.608  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:295, android.sensor.gyroscope/41, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
08-17 12:58:00.609  1916  6915 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==41 flags=0rate=200000000 timeout== 0
08-17 12:58:00.609  1916  6915 D SensorService: Calling activate on 41
08-17 12:58:00.609  1916  6915 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb400007a1a07aa00, handle=0x00000029, enabled=1, count=1
08-17 12:58:00.609  1916  6915 D SensorService: enable index=0
08-17 12:58:00.609  1916  6915 D SensorService: info.numActiveClients() = 1, info.isActive = 0
08-17 12:58:00.609  1916  6915 D SensorService: activateHardware = 1
08-17 12:58:00.609  1916  6915 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w activate handle=41 enabled=1
08-17 12:58:00.609  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: activate:213, android.sensor.gyroscope/41 en=1
08-17 12:58:00.610  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: get_qmi_debug_flag:241, support_qmi_debug : false
08-17 12:58:00.623  1396  1396 E Diag_Lib:  Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
08-17 12:58:00.624  1396  1396 E Diag_Lib:  Diag_LSM_Init: Failed to open handle to diag driver, error = 13
08-17 12:58:00.624  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: get_qmi_debug_flag:241, support_qmi_debug : false
08-17 12:58:00.633  1396 19613 I sensors-hal: handle_indication_realtime:481,  SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
08-17 12:58:00.637  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: get_qmi_debug_flag:241, support_qmi_debug : false
08-17 12:58:00.638  1396 19617 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:686, resp_value = 0
08-17 12:58:00.640  1396 19617 I sensors-hal: handle_indication_realtime:481,  SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
08-17 12:58:00.650  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: activate:232, android.sensor.gyroscope/41 en=1 completed
08-17 12:58:00.651  1396 19620 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:686, resp_value = 0
08-17 12:58:00.651 25323 25323 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: unRegisterListener by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.7z
08-17 12:58:00.652  1916  6915 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=11, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 disable
08-17 12:58:00.652  1916  6915 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb4000078fa504100, handle=0x0000000b, enabled=0, count=5
08-17 12:58:00.652  1916  6915 D SensorService: disable index=0
08-17 12:58:00.652  1916  6915 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w batch 0x0000000b 20000000 0
08-17 12:58:00.652  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:273, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0
08-17 12:58:00.652  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:295, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0 request completed
08-17 12:58:00.653  1916  6915 D SensorService: activateHardware = 0
08-17 12:58:00.653  1916  6915 D SensorService: ~SensorEventConnection(0xb4000078fa504100)
08-17 12:58:00.654  1916  6915 D SensorService: 9 active sensors
08-17 12:58:00.654  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[0].handle=0x0000000b
08-17 12:58:00.654  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[1].handle=0x00000029
08-17 12:58:00.654  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[2].handle=0x00000052
08-17 12:58:00.654  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[3].handle=0x000000bf
08-17 12:58:00.654  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[4].handle=0x00000110
08-17 12:58:00.654  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[5].handle=0x000003e9
08-17 12:58:00.654  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[6].handle=0x0000053e
08-17 12:58:00.654  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[7].handle=0x00000552
08-17 12:58:00.654  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[8].handle=0x0000055c
08-17 12:58:00.654  1396 19620 I sensors-hal: handle_indication_realtime:481,  SCHED_FIFO(10) for qmi_cbk
08-17 12:58:00.669 25323 28567 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: RegisterListener icm4x6xx Accelerometer Non-wakeup type:1 delay:200000us by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.7z
08-17 12:58:00.669  1916  6915 D SensorService: createSensorEventConnection, mCurrentOperatingMode = 0, requestedMode = 0
08-17 12:58:00.670  1916  6915 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=11, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 enable
08-17 12:58:00.670  1916  6915 E SensorService: Required app com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81, uid 10903, pid 25323
08-17 12:58:00.670  1916  6915 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:58:00.670  1916  6915 D SensorServiceUtils: setSamplingPeriodNs sensorType = 1, samplingPeriodNs = 200000000
08-17 12:58:00.670  1916  6915 D SensorServiceExtImpl: setSamplingPeriodNs SamplingPeriodNs =200000000
08-17 12:58:00.670  1916  6915 D SensorServiceExtImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl oplusGeminiProximitySensor = 0
08-17 12:58:00.670  1916  6915 D SensorService: SensorDevice::batch: ident=0xb4000078fa504100, handle=0x0000000b, flags=0, period_ns=200000000 timeout=0
08-17 12:58:00.670  1916  6915 D SensorService: 	>>> curr_period=20000000 min_period=20000000 curr_timeout=0 min_timeout=0
08-17 12:58:00.670  1916  6915 D SensorService: Calling batch handle==11 flags=0rate=200000000 timeout== 0
08-17 12:58:00.670  1916  6915 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w flush 11
08-17 12:58:00.670  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:315, android.sensor.accelerometer/11
08-17 12:58:00.680  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10274, pkg=videoeditor.videorecorder.screenrecorder cannot transition from R to M, importance=fg-service
08-17 12:58:00.691  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:578, sending SNS_STD_MSGID_SNS_STD_FLUSH_REQ, pending=1
08-17 12:58:00.691  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: flush:321, android.sensor.accelerometer/11 completed
08-17 12:58:00.692  1916  6915 D SensorService: Calling activate on 11
08-17 12:58:00.692  1916  6915 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb4000078fa504100, handle=0x0000000b, enabled=1, count=5
08-17 12:58:00.692  1396 30255 I sensors-hal: ssc_conn_resp_cb:686, resp_value = 0
08-17 12:58:00.692  1916  6915 D SensorService: enable index=0
08-17 12:58:00.692  1916  6915 D SensorService: info.numActiveClients() = 5, info.isActive = 1
08-17 12:58:00.692  1916  6915 D SensorService: activateHardware = 0
08-17 12:58:00.692  1396 30255 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_flush_event:607, dt=accel, META_DATA_FLUSH_COMPLETE, pending=1
08-17 12:58:00.693  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.693  1916  3046 D SensorService: First flush event for sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.693  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.693  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.693  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.693  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.693  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.694  1916  3046 D SensorService: flush complete event sensor==11
08-17 12:58:00.696  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10574, pkg=com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile cannot transition from M to F, importance=bt
08-17 12:58:00.700 25323 25323 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: unRegisterListener by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.7z
08-17 12:58:00.701  1916  6915 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=11, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 disable
08-17 12:58:00.701  1916  6915 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb4000078fa504100, handle=0x0000000b, enabled=0, count=5
08-17 12:58:00.701  1916  6915 D SensorService: disable index=0
08-17 12:58:00.701  1916  6915 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w batch 0x0000000b 20000000 0
08-17 12:58:00.701  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:273, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0
08-17 12:58:00.701  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: batch:295, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0 request completed
08-17 12:58:00.702  1916  6915 D SensorService: activateHardware = 0
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: ~SensorEventConnection(0xb4000078fa504100)
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: 9 active sensors
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[0].handle=0x0000000b
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[1].handle=0x00000029
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[2].handle=0x00000052
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[3].handle=0x000000bf
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[4].handle=0x00000110
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[5].handle=0x000003e9
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[6].handle=0x0000053e
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[7].handle=0x00000552
08-17 12:58:00.703  1916  6915 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000078fa504100 for sensor[8].handle=0x0000055c
08-17 12:58:00.708  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10893, pkg=com.glgjing.captain cannot transition from R to M, importance=fg-service
08-17 12:58:00.710  1916  6915 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{3ecfede u0 ScreenDecorOverlay}: viewVisibility=0, oldvis=0, req=195x1080
08-17 12:58:00.723 25323 28567 E HR      : Network error
08-17 12:58:00.724  4315 19513 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:58:00.729 25137 25947 D BufferQueueProducer: [VRI[ScreenDecorOverlay]#0(BLAST Consumer)0](id:623100000000,api:1,p:25137,c:25137) disconnect: api 1
08-17 12:58:00.729 25137 25947 D BufferQueueProducer: [VRI[ScreenDecorOverlay]#0(BLAST Consumer)0](id:623100000000,api:1,p:25137,c:25137) connect: api=1 producerControlledByApp=true
08-17 12:58:00.733  1916  3602 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{5434913 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0, oldvis=0, req=195x1080
08-17 12:58:00.744 25137 26683 D VRI[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=true
08-17 12:58:00.750 25137 25947 D BufferQueueProducer: [VRI[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:623100000001,api:1,p:25137,c:25137) disconnect: api 1
08-17 12:58:00.750 25137 25947 D BufferQueueProducer: [VRI[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:623100000001,api:1,p:25137,c:25137) connect: api=1 producerControlledByApp=true
08-17 12:58:00.760 25137 25947 D VRI[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Received frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=4462 didProduceBuffer=true syncBuffer=true
08-17 12:58:00.761 25137 26683 D VRI[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: draw finished.
08-17 12:58:00.764  1916  6915 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{5434913 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
08-17 12:58:00.777  1916  6915 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{5434913 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom}: viewVisibility=0, oldvis=0, req=195x1080
08-17 12:58:00.787 25137 25947 D BufferQueueProducer: [VRI[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:623100000001,api:1,p:25137,c:25137) disconnect: api 1
08-17 12:58:00.787 25137 26683 D VRI[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: registerCallbacksForSync syncBuffer=false
08-17 12:58:00.787 25137 25947 D BufferQueueProducer: [VRI[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]#1(BLAST Consumer)1](id:623100000001,api:1,p:25137,c:25137) connect: api=1 producerControlledByApp=true
08-17 12:58:00.796 25137 25947 D VRI[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: Received frameCommittedCallback lastAttemptedDrawFrameNum=4463 didProduceBuffer=true syncBuffer=false
08-17 12:58:00.797 25137 26683 D VRI[ScreenDecorOverlayBottom]: draw finished.
08-17 12:58:00.802  1916  6915 D WindowManager: finishDrawingWindow: Window{5434913 u0 ScreenDecorOverlayBottom} mDrawState=HAS_DRAWN
08-17 12:58:00.839  1396 19620 E sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:497, gyro_sample_cal: ts=621253904302366 ns; value = [0.000022, 0.000255, 0.000070], status = 1
08-17 12:58:00.840 25323 25323 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: unRegisterListener by com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.80
08-17 12:58:00.841  1916  3602 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=41, package = com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.81 disable
08-17 12:58:00.842  1916  3602 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb400007a1a07aa00, handle=0x00000029, enabled=0, count=1
08-17 12:58:00.842  1916  3602 D SensorService: disable index=0
08-17 12:58:00.842  1916  3602 D SensorService: activateHardware = 1
08-17 12:58:00.842  1916  3602 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w activate handle=41 enabled=0
08-17 12:58:00.843  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: activate:213, android.sensor.gyroscope/41 en=0
08-17 12:58:00.845  1396  1396 E Diag_Lib: diag: Diag_LSM_DeInit done for pid: 1396
08-17 12:58:00.849  1396  1396 E Diag_Lib: diag: Diag_LSM_DeInit done for pid: 1396
08-17 12:58:00.849  1396  1396 I sensors-hal: activate:232, android.sensor.gyroscope/41 en=0 completed
08-17 12:58:00.849  1916  3602 D SensorServiceExtImpl: setLastEventStateForDisable reset the mRecentEvent handle = 41
08-17 12:58:00.849  1916  3602 D SensorServiceExtImpl: disable reset the lastEvent handle = 41 in disable
08-17 12:58:00.851  1916  3602 D SensorService: ~SensorEventConnection(0xb400007a1a07aa00)
08-17 12:58:00.851  1916  3602 D SensorService: 8 active sensors
08-17 12:58:00.851  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007a1a07aa00 for sensor[0].handle=0x0000000b
08-17 12:58:00.851  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007a1a07aa00 for sensor[1].handle=0x00000052
08-17 12:58:00.851  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007a1a07aa00 for sensor[2].handle=0x000000bf
08-17 12:58:00.851  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007a1a07aa00 for sensor[3].handle=0x00000110
08-17 12:58:00.851  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007a1a07aa00 for sensor[4].handle=0x000003e9
08-17 12:58:00.851  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007a1a07aa00 for sensor[5].handle=0x0000053e
08-17 12:58:00.851  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007a1a07aa00 for sensor[6].handle=0x00000552
08-17 12:58:00.851  1916  3602 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb400007a1a07aa00 for sensor[7].handle=0x0000055c
08-17 12:58:00.864 10220 10507 I NearbyDiscovery: FastPair: isDestroyable: Scanner is alive. [CONTEXT service_id=265 ]
08-17 12:58:00.865 10220 10507 I NearbyDiscovery: DiscoveryService: Skip stopSelf(), fast pair controller is not destroyable. [CONTEXT service_id=265 ]
08-17 12:58:01.810  4263  4263 D OplusTelephonyController: onSignalStrengthChanged: SignalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=-91 ber=2147483647 rscp=-91 ecno=-10 level=2,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=2147483647 rsrq=2147483647 rssnr=2147483647 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthWcdma}
08-17 12:58:02.339  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:02.339  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:02.378  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 487359063
08-17 12:58:02.379  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:58:02.379  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:58:02.380  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:02.380  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:02.382  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:58:02.383  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:02.383  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:02.384  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:02.385  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:02.385  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:02.408  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29774197246
08-17 12:58:02.408  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:02.408  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:02.410  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:02.411  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:02.411  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:02.411  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:58:02.411  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:58:02.476  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 21,1615,126,924,3072,70,251,344,1376,1516,503,927
08-17 12:58:02.551  1916  2005 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 189859(11MB) AllocSpace objects, 278(9032KB) LOS objects, 11% free, 147MB/167MB, paused 1.181ms,296us total 106.945ms
08-17 12:58:02.732  1382  1382 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON
08-17 12:58:02.734  1382  1382 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired
08-17 12:58:02.734  1382  1382 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND
08-17 12:58:02.734  1916  4098 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621250966 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377264 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2682497, 938881, 3783027, 2427029, 1012214],mRxTimeMs=222713218}]}
08-17 12:58:02.736  1382 27391 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC
08-17 12:58:02.739  1382 27391 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
08-17 12:58:02.739  1382 27391 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
08-17 12:58:02.764  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:533.9746 luxQueue=[533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746]
08-17 12:58:02.780  1382 27391 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
08-17 12:58:02.805  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store can transition from M to F
08-17 12:58:02.805  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10637, pkg=ru.vk.store F enter(), M stay=10
08-17 12:58:02.809  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : freeze uid: 10637 ru.vk.store pids: [18306] scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:58:02.811  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HansComunication::addUid-- 10637, persistent--0
08-17 12:58:02.811  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = PKG, targetUid = 10637, pkgCmd = ADD_ONE_UID
08-17 12:58:02.816  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos can transition from M to F
08-17 12:58:02.816  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : uid=10244, pkg=com.google.android.apps.photos F enter(), M stay=10
08-17 12:58:02.817  1916  4153 I OplusHansManager : freeze uid: 10244 com.google.android.apps.photos pids: [19379] scene: LcdOn
08-17 12:58:02.819  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HansComunication::addUid-- 10244, persistent--0
08-17 12:58:02.819  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = PKG, targetUid = 10244, pkgCmd = ADD_ONE_UID
08-17 12:58:02.850  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621256005 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377264 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2683127, 938881, 3785437, 2428669, 1012414],mRxTimeMs=222713380}]}
08-17 12:58:02.851  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:58:02.852  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:58:02.851 modemPowermA[]=[374.61,308.50,435.57] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=162 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[630, 0, 2410, 1640, 200] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5041, 143, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:58:03.478  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1634,141,923,3072,70,251,344,1358,1519,504,930
08-17 12:58:03.540 19185 19257 I GH.ConnLoggerV2: Stopped session 49303ce4-7eb8-4617-b62c-8b742ea425e8
08-17 12:58:03.541 19185 19257 I GH.ConnLoggerV2: Session 49303ce4-7eb8-4617-b62c-8b742ea425e8, event 3, detail OptionalInt.empty, SESSION_STOPPED, at 621256697
08-17 12:58:03.737  1382 27396 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceSleep: TX Awake, Sending SLEEP_IND
08-17 12:58:03.737  1382 27396 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF
08-17 12:58:03.812  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = FROZEN_TRANS, targetUid = 10637, pkgCmd = PKG_CMD_MAX
08-17 12:58:03.819  6436 13185 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 500013124784, netLinkSetup = 1, type = FROZEN_TRANS, targetUid = 10244, pkgCmd = PKG_CMD_MAX
08-17 12:58:03.888  1382 27364 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released
08-17 12:58:04.021  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:533.9746 luxQueue=[533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746]
08-17 12:58:05.280  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:533.9746 luxQueue=[533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746, 533.9746]
08-17 12:58:05.427  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:58:05.438 12414 12581 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:58:05.657  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:58:05.684 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:58:05.690 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:58:06.537  1916  3046 D FusionLightExtImpl: processRawLux stop to shot
08-17 12:58:06.539  1916  3046 D FusionLightExtImpl: processRawLux ShotOnce, after outEvent->light = 533.816772, comp_lux = 14.438889, RGB(49.000000, 34.000000, 10.000000), C = 12.000000, threshold = 1000, mBrightLevel = 1243
08-17 12:58:06.797  1470  2447 D OplusHecate: pixels[24,54]=0xff0a2332
08-17 12:58:07.015 12414 18108 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:58:07.131  1916  2214 D SensorService: onUidStateChanged uid = 10244, state = UID_STATE_IDLE
08-17 12:58:07.241  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:58:07.276 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:58:07.287 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:58:07.354  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:07.354  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:07.371  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 494475983
08-17 12:58:07.371  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:58:07.371  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:58:07.371  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:07.371  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:07.372  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:58:07.372  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:07.372  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:07.373  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:07.373  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:07.373  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:07.378  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29781314166
08-17 12:58:07.379  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:07.379  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:07.379  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:07.379  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:07.379  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:07.379  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:58:07.379  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:58:07.473  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 21,1610,131,925,3072,70,261,344,1371,1516,498,933
08-17 12:58:07.796  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:533.8168 luxQueue=[533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168]
08-17 12:58:07.910  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:58:07.912  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:58:07.910 modemPowermA[]=[392.12,320.60,458.89] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=9 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[630, 0, 2220, 2020, 180] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5058, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:58:07.913  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621261067 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377264 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2683757, 938881, 3787657, 2430689, 1012594],mRxTimeMs=222713389}]}
08-17 12:58:08.069  1382 27391 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
08-17 12:58:08.069  1382 27391 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON
08-17 12:58:08.071  1382 27391 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired
08-17 12:58:08.071  1382 27391 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
08-17 12:58:08.075 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:gatt_main.cc(1728)] gatt_data_process op_code = 27, msg_len = 5
08-17 12:58:08.075 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 3 gatt_if 0x03
08-17 12:58:08.075 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 4 gatt_if 0x04
08-17 12:58:08.075 27229 27399 E bt_stack: [ERROR:bta_gattc_act.cc(1763)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 4 gatt_if
08-17 12:58:08.076 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 5 gatt_if 0x05
08-17 12:58:08.076 27229 27399 E bt_btif : bta_gattc_process_indicate, ignore HID ind/notificiation
08-17 12:58:08.076 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 6 gatt_if 0x06
08-17 12:58:08.076 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 7 gatt_if 0x07
08-17 12:58:08.076 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 9 gatt_if 0x09
08-17 12:58:08.077 27229 27399 I bt_stack: [INFO:bta_gattc_act.cc(1742)] bta_gattc_process_indicate conn_id 11 gatt_if 0x0b
08-17 12:58:08.112  1382 27391 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
08-17 12:58:08.112  1382 27391 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK OFF
08-17 12:58:08.262  1382 27364 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Release wakelock is released
08-17 12:58:08.474  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1612,132,924,3072,70,261,344,1370,1518,498,934
08-17 12:58:08.536  4263  4263 D OplusTelephonyController: onSignalStrengthChanged: SignalStrength=SignalStrength:{mCdma=CellSignalStrengthCdma: cdmaDbm=2147483647 cdmaEcio=2147483647 evdoDbm=2147483647 evdoEcio=2147483647 evdoSnr=2147483647 level=0,mGsm=CellSignalStrengthGsm: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 mTa=2147483647 mLevel=0,mWcdma=CellSignalStrengthWcdma: ss=-91 ber=2147483647 rscp=-91 ecno=-10 level=2,mTdscdma=CellSignalStrengthTdscdma: rssi=2147483647 ber=2147483647 rscp=2147483647 level=0,mLte=CellSignalStrengthLte: rssi=2147483647 rsrp=2147483647 rsrq=2147483647 rssnr=2147483647 cqiTableIndex=2147483647 cqi=2147483647 ta=2147483647 level=0 parametersUseForLevel=0,mNr=CellSignalStrengthNr:{ csiRsrp = 2147483647 csiRsrq = 2147483647 csiCqiTableIndex = 2147483647 csiCqiReport = [] ssRsrp = 2147483647 ssRsrq = 2147483647 ssSinr = 2147483647 level = 0 parametersUseForLevel = 0 },primary=CellSignalStrengthWcdma}
08-17 12:58:09.056  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:533.8168 luxQueue=[533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168]
08-17 12:58:10.301  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:58:10.312  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:533.8168 luxQueue=[533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168, 533.8168]
08-17 12:58:10.318 12414  3974 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:58:10.537  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:58:10.562 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:58:10.572 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:58:10.601  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 21,1608,126,924,3072,70,262,344,1375,1520,498,935
08-17 12:58:11.602  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1617,124,924,3072,70,252,344,1376,1521,498,937
08-17 12:58:12.829  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:533.03174 luxQueue=[533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174]
08-17 12:58:12.884  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:12.885  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:12.937  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 502376391
08-17 12:58:12.938  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:58:12.938  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:58:12.939  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:12.939  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:12.941  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:58:12.951  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:12.951  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:12.952  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:12.952  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:12.952  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:12.969  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:58:12.969  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621266123 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377264 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2684227, 938881, 3790417, 2432259, 1012764],mRxTimeMs=222713479}]}
08-17 12:58:12.969  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:58:12.968 modemPowermA[]=[379.29,311.09,439.95] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=90 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[470, 0, 2760, 1570, 170] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5060, 127, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:58:12.975  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29789214574
08-17 12:58:12.976  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:12.976  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:12.978  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:12.979  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:12.979  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:12.979  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:58:12.979  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:58:14.088  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:533.03174 luxQueue=[533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174]
08-17 12:58:15.345  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:533.03174 luxQueue=[533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174, 533.03174]
08-17 12:58:15.410  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:58:15.420 12414 13627 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:58:15.633  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:58:15.654 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:58:15.666 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:58:16.370  1916  3602 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
08-17 12:58:16.370  1916  3602 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
08-17 12:58:16.372  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322716): avc: denied { read } for name="status" dev="proc" ino=27380277 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
08-17 12:58:16.372  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322717): avc: denied { search } for name="1465" dev="proc" ino=27378795 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:audioserver:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-17 12:58:16.372  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322718): avc: denied { search } for name="1379" dev="proc" ino=27378746 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:hal_audio_default:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-17 12:58:16.372  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322719): avc: denied { search } for name="1387" dev="proc" ino=27378754 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tclass=dir permissive=0
08-17 12:58:16.372  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322720): avc: denied { read } for name="status" dev="proc" ino=27380933 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
08-17 12:58:16.372  7037  7037 W GuardElfCpu: type=1400 audit(0.0:1322721): avc: denied { read } for name="status" dev="proc" ino=27383924 scontext=u:r:system_app:s0 tcontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
08-17 12:58:17.031 12414 18108 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:58:17.263  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:58:17.289 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:58:17.296 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:58:17.604  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:17.605  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:17.647  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 510741079
08-17 12:58:17.648  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:58:17.648  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:58:17.648  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:17.649  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:17.650  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:58:17.651  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:17.651  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:17.653  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:17.653  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:17.653  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:17.675  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29797579262
08-17 12:58:17.675  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:17.675  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:17.677  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:17.678  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:17.678  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:17.678  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:58:17.679  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:58:17.862  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:532.40656 luxQueue=[532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065]
08-17 12:58:18.000  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 21,1612,126,924,3072,70,252,344,1380,1516,497,933
08-17 12:58:18.022  1916 19110 D MinimumBrightnessDelegate: timer end, send message to update, current index = 92
08-17 12:58:18.023  1916  2391 D MinimumBrightnessDelegate: handleMessage:101
08-17 12:58:18.038  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621271193 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377264 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2684337, 938881, 3792967, 2434239, 1012924],mRxTimeMs=222713747}]}
08-17 12:58:18.040  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:58:18.041  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:58:18.039 modemPowermA[]=[393.34,320.39,456.51] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=0 rxTimeMs=268 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[110, 0, 2550, 1980, 160] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5068, 121, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[5, 0] csRegT[]=[5, 5] psNoRegT[]=[0, 5] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:58:18.999  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1612,124,924,3072,70,252,344,1380,1517,497,935
08-17 12:58:19.120  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:532.40656 luxQueue=[532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065]
08-17 12:58:20.379  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:532.40656 luxQueue=[532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065]
08-17 12:58:20.542  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:58:20.560 12414 14084 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:58:20.784  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:58:20.806 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:58:20.816 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:58:21.846  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:532.2855 luxQueue=[532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.4065, 532.0434, 532.0434]
08-17 12:58:22.390 11494 11526 I Finsky  : [259] now.run(231): Stats for Executor: BlockingExecutor nsc@24b808f[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 25]
08-17 12:58:22.391 11494 11526 I Finsky  : [259] now.run(231): Stats for Executor: LightweightExecutor nsc@8eb7f1c[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 107]
08-17 12:58:22.392 11494 11526 I Finsky  : [259] now.run(231): Stats for Executor: bgExecutor nsc@8a7d725[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks = 0, completed tasks = 151]
08-17 12:58:22.443  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:22.443  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:22.484  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 519804687
08-17 12:58:22.486  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:58:22.486  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:58:22.487  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:22.487  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:22.491  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:58:22.491  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:22.491  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:22.493  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:22.493  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:22.493  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:22.516  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29806642870
08-17 12:58:22.517  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:22.517  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:22.519  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:22.520  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:22.520  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:22.520  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:58:22.520  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:58:23.096  4169  4169 E ModemAciService: CatchException oemModemAci2OplusModemAci():java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 107, Size: 55
08-17 12:58:23.096  4263  4263 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=621276250 mSleepTimeMs=306625479 mIdleTimeMs=75377265 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[2685087, 938881, 3795137, 2436069, 1013114],mRxTimeMs=222713864}]}
08-17 12:58:23.097  4169  4169 I ModemAciService: UMF LO: OplusModemActivityInfo{ date=08-17 12:58:23.095 modemPowermA[]=[378.07,310.74,441.85] sleepTimeMs=0 idleTimeMs=1 rxTimeMs=117 5gRxTimeMs=0 txTimeMs[]=[750, 0, 2170, 1830, 190] 5gTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] techTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 5057, 126, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] rrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnC[]=[0, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 0] iRatC[]=[0, 0] cellUpdateC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchC[]=[0, 0] nwSrchT[]=[0, 0] lteRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] psRegT[]=[6, 0] csRegT[]=[6, 6] psNoRegT[]=[0, 6] csNoRegT[]=[0, 0] sigGrid0T[]=[0, 0] endcActT[]=[0, 0] saActT[]=[0, 0] gpsTimeMs=0 wlanTimeMs=0 regReqFbC[]=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnT[]=[0, 0] lteBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] lteBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim0[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] nrBandDurationSim1[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0}
08-17 12:58:23.105  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:532.04346 luxQueue=[532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434]
08-17 12:58:23.109  4169  4169 E PowerMitigationService: onPowerKpiChanged():SettleObj{ what=LO date=08-17 12:58:23.097 duration=297 screenOnRatio=0 screenOffRatio=0 power=0 current=0 networkType=null dataNetworkType=0 signalStrength=0 aodState=0 softAp=false charge=false simCount=0 defaultPhone=0 apssSleepC=0 apssSleepRatio=0 mpssSleepC=0 mpssSleepRatio=0 vminSleepC=0 vminSleepRatio=0 vlowSleepC=0 vlowSleepRatio=0 modemPowermA[]=[281.45,237.78,324.29] sleepRatio=3.73 idleRatio=0.21 rxRatio=27.24 5gRxRatio=0 txSumRatio=68.81 5gTxSumRatio=0 txRatio[]=[20.75,0.00,43.50,31.29,4.45] 5gTxRatio[]=[0,0,0,0,0] techRatio[]=[0,0,85.54,7.52,10.01,2.69,0,0,0] rrcConn10sC[]=[1, 0] rrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] rrcConnMore20sC[]=[1, 0] rrcConnC[]=[2, 0] csChangedC[]=[0, 0] psChangedC[]=[0, 5] nwSrchC[]=[0, 2] nwSrchRatio[]=[0,0.67] lteRrcConnRatio[]=[11.08,0] psRegRatio[]=[100.06,22.83] csRegRatio[]=[100.06,100.06] psNoRegRatio[]=[0,77.23] csNoRegRatio[]=[0,0] sigGrid0Ratio[]=[1.34,0] endcActRatio[]=[0,0] saActRatio[]=[0,0] gpsRatio=0.01 wlanRatio=1.68 qrtrWakeupC={} allWakeupC={} appInWakeupC={} appOutWakeupC={} appWakeupRatio={} appTrafficC={} regReqFbC=[0, 0] regReqTransAcqDbC=[0, 0] saRrcConn10sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConn20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnMore20sC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnC[]=[0, 0] lteHoC[]=[0, 0] saHoC[]=[0, 0] saRrcConnRatio[]=[0,0] lteBandRatiosim0[]=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] lteBandRatiosim1[]=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] nrBandRatiosim0[]=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] nrBandRatiosim1[]=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] sensorStationaryC=0 sensorStationaryT=0 modemStationaryC=0 modemStationaryT=0 cellUpdateC[]=[8, 11] iRatC[]=[1, 1]}
08-17 12:58:23.109  4169  4169 D PowerMitigationService: checkAbnormalState SALTEPINGPONG isAbnormalState=[0, 0] isRestrainState=[0, 0] SAACTIVEHIGH isAbnormalState=[0, 0] isRestrainState=[0, 0] NOSIMLOWSLEEPRATIO isAbnormalState=[0] isRestrainState=[0] FREQUENTMODEMDATA isAbnormalState=[0, 0] isRestrainState=[0, 0] 5GRXACTIVEHIGH isAbnormalState=[0, 0] isRestrainState=[0, 0] IDLERATIOHIGH isAbnormalState=[0, 0] isRestrainState=[0, 0]
08-17 12:58:23.109  4169  4169 D PowerMitigationService: handleMessage: { when=-11ms what=10 target=x.b$b }
08-17 12:58:23.221  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 21,1616,130,924,3072,70,252,344,1377,1516,492,938
08-17 12:58:24.222  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1617,130,924,3072,70,252,344,1377,1518,492,939
08-17 12:58:24.363  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:532.04346 luxQueue=[532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434]
08-17 12:58:25.621  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:532.04346 luxQueue=[532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434]
08-17 12:58:25.825  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 21,1614,124,924,3072,70,252,344,1380,1521,492,942
08-17 12:58:26.046  1916  6915 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10418/26218 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 52432 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52433, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
08-17 12:58:26.059  1916  3136 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52433, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:58:26.065  1916  3136 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52433, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:58:26.068  1916  3136 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52433, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:58:26.068  1916  3136 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=52433, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10418 RequestorUid: 10418 RequestorPkg: com.oplus.cosa UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
08-17 12:58:26.073  1916  3172 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [52433 : null → 515] [c 1] [a 1] [i 24]
08-17 12:58:26.409  6937  6937 E VendorNfcService: changeNfcState: WIRELESS_CHARGING is disable; mIsWirelessCharging: false; mIsReverseChargingSwitchOpen: false
08-17 12:58:26.415 12414 12581 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:58:26.583 26218 19655 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(119) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:58:26.592  4315 19513 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:58:26.592 26218 19652 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(113) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:58:26.592  4315 19513 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:58:26.593 26218 19656 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(118) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:58:26.594 26218 19650 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(133) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
08-17 12:58:26.598  4315 17441 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:58:26.598  4315 17441 D NetworkEvent: OplusNetworkEventCbProxy invoke.....onDnsEvent argslen:8
08-17 12:58:26.629  1916  1916 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceEnhance:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
08-17 12:58:26.647 25137 25137 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|com.glgjing.captain|100|null|10893
08-17 12:58:26.652 25137 26017 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.glgjing.captain
08-17 12:58:26.687  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: getDailyTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:26.687  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:26.721  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 528424143
08-17 12:58:26.721  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
08-17 12:58:26.721  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: delDailyAlertSubId subId1
08-17 12:58:26.722  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:26.722  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:26.726  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 12376902346
08-17 12:58:26.726  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:26.727  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:26.728  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:26.729  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:26.729  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:26.747  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 29815262326
08-17 12:58:26.748  1916  3134 D NetworkPolicy: getMonthTotalBytes
08-17 12:58:26.748  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: queryBytesFromCache -1
08-17 12:58:26.748  1916  3134 D OplusNPMS: addTrafficQueryToCache 0
08-17 12:58:26.749  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:26.749  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
08-17 12:58:26.749  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
08-17 12:58:26.749  1916  3134 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
08-17 12:58:26.828  4285  4652 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1617,126,924,3072,70,252,344,1375,1523,492,944
08-17 12:58:27.042 12414 12454 D UxIconPackageManagerExt: UxIcon checkChooseIconsRootPath false
08-17 12:58:27.089  1916  2416 D OplusSmartBrightnessController: handleMessage MSG_LUX_CHANGED, mLux:531.75946 luxQueue=[532.0434, 532.0434, 532.0434, 531.47534, 531.47534, 531.47534]
08-17 12:58:27.169  1916  2214 D SensorService: onUidStateChanged uid = 10242, state = UID_STATE_IDLE
p.andreev@dlazarev ~ %
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