
15 days ago
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# Rules to Learn By

## 1. welcome to a distraction-free zone

- no cell phones at your desk.  if you need to use the phone, stand by the phone box or leave the room
- Discord is required for comms, otherwise no social, chat or messaging apps open of any kind
- while you are here, you are engaged -- do not be tempted to avoid the work

## 2. embrace the confusion

- massive exposure builds the scaffolding that supports high performance learning
- the more you can tolerate cognitive discomfort, the faster you will learn
- shoot for unreasonable goals and you will find yourself surprised

## 3. there is no speed limit here

- every question is worth asking at least once, probably twice
- every moment is an opportunity to learn something new
- ask for anything, any time. let us be the judges of how and when to respond

## 4. when we practice hard, everything is easy

- the tests will come and go easily if you practice intensely
- the tests will come and go easily if you ask questions early and often
- the tests will come and go easily if you monitor your learning and are honest with yourself and others

## 5. diversity of mental models is our strongest advantage

- do not be satisfied with one answer, find two others to every question
- once you think you know something, teach someone else to test the strength of your understanding
- when working in a group, the strength of the group is measured by the share of talking time afforded the quietest person

## 6. we are not your parents, we are coaches

- we are actually not your teachers, at least not the way you're used to thinking of teachers
- we are not your big brother or sister, your uncle or your aunt, your father or mother
- we are most like firm AND loving coaches -- we will be tough on you AND we are always on your side

## 7. you are your own person, own it

- you control your response, nothing else
- take responsibility for your choices
- accept the choices of others with humility and grace

## 8. first get it working, then get it working right

- premature optimization is the root of all evil
- solve it once then solve it again.  each new approach builds your mental muscles
- when it doubt, fake it ‘til you make it then adjust with integrity
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