3 years ago
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/* Samarth Kamble (21142 F1-Batch) DSAL Assignment-5 Date of starting: 31/03/2022 Date of completion: 11/04/2022 Problem Statement: Implement all the functions of a dictionary (ADT) using hashing and handle collisions using separate chaining using linked list. Data: Set of (key, value) pairs, Keys are mapped to values, Keys must be comparable, Keys must be unique. Standard Operations: Insert (key, value),Find(key), Delete(key) */ #include <iostream> #define SIZE 101 using namespace std; class HashTable { public: class HashEntry; static int hashFunction(string key); static string capitalise(string &s); void insert(string key, string value); void deleteKey(string key); void findKey(string key); void displayHashTable(); HashTable(); private: HashEntry *hashTable[SIZE]; public: class HashEntry { string word; string meaning; HashEntry *next; int nodeCount; friend class HashTable; public: HashEntry() { word = meaning = ""; next = nullptr; nodeCount = 0; } HashEntry(string key, string value) { this->word = key; this->meaning = value; this->next = nullptr; nodeCount = -1; } }; } HT; HashTable::HashTable() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) hashTable[i] = new HashEntry(); } void HashTable::displayHashTable() { HashEntry *temp = nullptr; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { temp = hashTable[i]; if (temp->next != nullptr) { cout << "\nBucket-" << i << ":" << endl; cout << "Node Count: " << temp->nodeCount << endl; temp = temp->next; int ct = 1; while (temp != nullptr) { if (temp != nullptr) { cout << ct++ << ": " << temp->word << " "; temp = temp->next; } } cout << endl; } } } int HashTable::hashFunction(string key) { int hashValue = 0; int temp = 0; int len = key.length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) hashValue += key[i]; while (hashValue) { temp += hashValue % 100; hashValue /= 100; } hashValue = temp % 100; return hashValue; } string HashTable::capitalise(string &s) { for (auto &ch : s) ch = (char) (ch & (~(1 << 5))); return s; } void HashTable::insert(string key, string value) { key = capitalise(key); int hashValue = hashFunction(key); HashEntry *temp = hashTable[hashValue]; temp->nodeCount++; while (temp->next != nullptr) { if (temp != nullptr) temp = temp->next; } temp->next = new HashEntry(key, value); cout << "\nWord added to dictionary."; } void HashTable::findKey(string key) { int comparisons = 0; string tempKey = key; key = capitalise(key); int hashValue = hashFunction(key); HashEntry *temp = hashTable[hashValue]; while (temp != nullptr) { if (temp != nullptr) { comparisons++; if (temp->word == key) { cout << "Key found!\n\n" << tempKey << "\nMeaning: " << temp->meaning << endl; cout << "Number of comparisons: " << comparisons - 1 << endl; return; } temp = temp->next; } } cout << "Key not found! " << endl; if (temp == nullptr) comparisons += 1; cout << "Number of comparisons: " << comparisons - 1 << endl; } void HashTable::deleteKey(string key) { key = capitalise(key); HashEntry *tail = nullptr; HashEntry *temp = nullptr; int hashValue = hashFunction(key); temp = hashTable[hashValue]; if (temp->next == nullptr) { cout << "Word does not exist!"; return; } while (temp != nullptr) { tail = temp; if (temp != nullptr) temp = temp->next; if (temp == nullptr) { cout << "Word does not exist!"; return; } if (temp->word == key) { if (temp != nullptr) tail->next = temp->next; else tail->next = nullptr; delete temp; temp = nullptr; return; } } } int main() { bool menu = 1; int ch; string key, val; while (menu) { cout << "\nMENU\n1.Insert\n2.Find\n3.Delete\n4.Display HashTable\nEnter your choice: "; cin >> ch; switch (ch) { case 1: cout << "\nEnter word: "; cin >> key; cout << "\nEnter value: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, val); HT.insert(key, val); break; case 2: cout << "\nEnter word: "; cin >> key; HT.findKey(key); break; case 3: cout << "\nEnter word: "; cin >> key; HT.deleteKey(key); break; case 4: HT.displayHashTable(); break; case -1: menu = 0; break; default: break; } } return 0; }
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