a year ago
3.7 kB
import requests import sys import time # Containers/Functions url = 'https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts.json' api_key = 'xxx' login = 'xxx' limit = 200 tags = "looping_animation bouncing_breasts gif_artifacts gif animated_gif animated video" url_params = { "limit": limit, "tags": tags } headers = { 'User-Agent': "test/1.0" } data = requests.get(url, auth=(login, api_key), params=url_params, headers=headers).json() url_container = [] error_container = 0 nsfw_rating_dictionary = { "g": "General", "s": "Sensitive", "q": "Questionable", "e": "Explicit" } unaccepted_rating_container = 0 spam_docs_folder = '/home/container/' banned_tags = ['loli', 'shota', 'gay', 'yaoi', 'kid', 'child'] def Check_tags(tags): global banned_tags for i in banned_tags: if i in tags: return True return False # Main Menu choice = "default" # Webhook selection # Rating selection print() print('Danbooru has 4 "nsfw" ratings.\n') print('g = general (Fully SFW)') print('s = sensitive (Somewhat NSFW)') print('q = questionable (Almost Explicit NSFW)') print('e = explicit (Full NSFW)\n') nsfw_rating = "all" # Checks if all selected or not. if nsfw_rating == 'all': nsfw_rating_container = ['e'] else: nsfw_rating_container = [*nsfw_rating] print() for i in nsfw_rating_container: print(f"{nsfw_rating_dictionary[i]} rating has been selected") page_number = 1 max_pages = 10000 # Maximum number of pages before exiting the loop # Actual code for the bot (technically a script, but can be turned into a bot.) condition = True while condition and page_number <= max_pages: new_url = url + '&page=' + str(page_number) # Removed the tag from the URL time.sleep(5) headers = { 'User-Agent': "AE-mommy/1.0" } r = requests.get(new_url, headers=headers) data = r.json() for i in data: try: if 'id' not in i: error_container += 1 elif 'file_url' not in i: error_container += 1 elif '.zip' in i['file_url']: error_container += 1 elif i['rating'] not in nsfw_rating_container: unaccepted_rating_container += 1 elif Check_tags(i['tag_string'].split()): error_container += 1 else: url_container.append(i['file_url']) print(f"Fetched image URL: {i['file_url']}") # Add this line to display the URL time.sleep(5) except: error_container += 1 # Statistics Info. print('Current Page number is: ' + str(page_number)) print('Current amount of links posted/recorded is: ' + str(len(url_container))) print('Current Rating-Blocked links: ' + str(unaccepted_rating_container)) print() page_number += 1 if page_number > 500: page_number = 1 # Reset page_number to 1 if len(data) == 0: condition = False # Post-Process Information print() print('There are ' + str(error_container) + ' Deleted/Banned Or Invalid Files.') print(f'Leaving {str(len(url_container))} out of {str(unaccepted_rating_container+len(url_container)+error_container)} links to be processed.') if len(url_container) == 0: print('No Results have been found, double-check the tags given.') input('') sys.exit() file_name = input('Enter the name of Docs:\n>>>') print() print(f"'{file_name}' has been chosen as file name") with open(f'{spam_docs_folder}{file_name}.txt', 'w') as f: for i in range(0, len(url_container), 5): f.write('\n'.join(url_container[i:i+5]) + '\n' + '\n') print() input(f"Links have been copied into the .txt file: '{file_name}'")