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Skip to main content DSE1 - PHP Programming Stream Classwork People DSE1 - PHP Programming Announce something to your class Announcement: 'Attendance of DS1 for July 2024' Mhasi Peseyie Created 8 Aug8 Aug Attendance of DS1 for July 2024 DSE1.docx Add class comment… Announcement: 'P5. Write a PHP program to check…' Mhasi Peseyie Created 8 Aug8 Aug P5. Write a PHP program to check whether an entered value is a palindrome or not. (Provide proper formatting) P6. Write a PHP program for a simple calculator that can perform atleast 6 operations. Prog5-palindrome.php Prog6-calci.php Add class comment… Announcement: 'PHP practicals P1. Write PHP script to…' Mhasi Peseyie Created 2 Aug2 Aug PHP practicals P1. Write PHP script to demonstrate the use of arithmetic operators P2. Create an HTML form that collects a user name, redirect it to a PHP page that will show a greeting text with the captured name. P3. Write a PHP prbram to check whether a given nber is even or odd. P4. Write a PHP program to calculate the factorial of a number. Add class comment… Announcement: 'ppt on unit 3 & 4 and other support…' Mhasi Peseyie Created 1 Aug1 Aug ppt on unit 3 & 4 and other support materials PHP loops.pdf Unit-3 PHP Conditional events and Loops - Copy - Copy.pdf Unit-4 PHP Functions.pdf PHP Notes - TutorialsDuniya.pdf php_cookbook.pdf php_tutorial.pdf Add class comment… Announcement: 'ppt on handling html forms and php' Mhasi Peseyie Created 25 Jul25 Jul ppt on handling html forms and php Unit-2- Capturing Form data- redirecting.pdf Add class comment… Announcement: 'ppt on Unit 1:introduction to PHP' Mhasi Peseyie Created 12 Jul12 Jul ppt on Unit 1:introduction to PHP Unit-1 Basic Syntax of PHP.pdf Unit-1 Introduction to PHP.pdf Add class comment… Announcement: 'Software for PHP' Mhasi Peseyie Created 25 Jul 202325 Jul 2023 Software for PHP xampp-windows-x64-8.1.6-0-VS16-installer.exe Add class comment… Announcement: 'Syllabus for DSE 1' Mhasi Peseyie Created 20 Jul 202320 Jul 2023 (Edited 8 Jul) Syllabus for DSE 1 Displaying 20-Jul-2023 10:26:18 am.jpeg 20-Jul-2023 10:26:18 am.jpeg Add class comment… Stream <?php if(isset($_POST['disp'])) { $first=$_POST['f']; //1st textbox for the number $second=$_POST['s']; //2nd textbox for number $choice=$_POST['ch']; //name of select control switch($choice) { case 'ADDITION': $res=$first+$second; break; case 'SUBTRACTION': $res=$first-$second; break; case 'MULTIPLICATION': $res=$first*$second; break; case 'DIVISION': $res=$first/$second; break; } } ?> <html> <body bgcolor="gold"> <form action="" method="post"> <table align="center" border="3" width="20%"><br><br> <tr bgcolor="forestgreen"><td align="center" colspan="2"> <font color="white" face="arial black" size="5">CALCULATOR</font></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="button" value="Enter First Input "></td> <td><input type="text" name="f"></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="button" value="Enter Second Input"></td> <td><input type="text" name="s"></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="button" value="Select Your Choice"></td> <td><center><select name="ch"> <option>ADDITION</option> <option>SUBTRACTION</option> <option>MULTIPLICATION</option> <option>DIVISION</option> </center></select></td></tr> <tr><td><input type="submit" value=" RESULT " name="disp"></td> <td><input type="text" value="<?php echo @$res; ?>" readonly="true"/> </td></tr></table> </body></html> Pr ... hp Zoomed out of item.
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