# _____ _____ _____ ____ ___ ___
# | | | | | \ |_ | |_ |
# | | | | |-- --| | | _| |_ _| |_
# \___/|_____|_____|____/ |_____|_____|
disabled: &4&l<!> &cThis item has been disabled
bounty: &6&lBOUNTY&7
currency: $
sc: &8[&eStaffChat&8]
prefix: &d&lVoid11
worldname: VoidWorld
tagprice: 10000
Ban List: player head
spam-bypass-permission: antispam.bypass
spam-no-bypass-message: &cPlease wait &6%{spam.timer.%player%}%&r &cseconds before sending another message
spamtime: 2
mode: "both" #enabled modes (type, unscramble, or both)
randomString: false #uses random strings of words (forces "type" mode)
# if you want it case sensitive, enable it in the SKRIPT config
stringMin: 2 #random string minimum character length
stringMax: 25 #random string maximum character length (cannot exceed 25)
caseSensitive: true #only affects the display of random strings, if not enabled in SKRIPT config, answering will not be case sensitive
timeInt: 5 minutes #time between each reaction
timeout: 30 seconds #time players have to answer
#combat tag
CPrefix: &8&l[&c&l!&8&l]
CT-Time: 10
MobsCombat-Tag: false
noob: <##00fff0>&l[<##1ae4f1>&lN<##34c9f3>&lO<##4faff4>&lO<##6994f6>&lB<##8379f7>&l]
sped: <##ff0000>&l&o[<##ff6666>&l&oS<##ffcccc>&l&oP<##ccddff>&l&oE<##669aff>&l&oD<##0057ff>&l&o]
magic: <##ff0000>&l[<##ff6a00>&lM<##ffd400>&lA<##7fff00>&lG<##00ff4b>&lI<##2bd8d6>&lC<##ff17a2>&l]
god: <##8affff>&l[<##a7ffff>&lG<##c5ffff>&lO<##e2ffff>&lD<##ffffff>&l]
hacker: <##bd0000>&l&k[<##d00000>&lH<##e30000>&lA<##f60000>&lC<##f60000>&lK<##e30000>&lE<##d00000>&lR<##bd0000>&l&k]
imrich: <##0ec415>&l[<##2bd10f>&lI<##4ce009>&lM <##79f503>&lR<##6ef321>&lI<##2cdc62>&lC<##2ee883>&lH<##45ff9a>&l]
juan: <##ff0d0d>&l[<##ff2c0a>&lJ<##ff4b08>&lU<##ff6a05>&lA<##ff8903>&lN<##ffa800>&l]
og: <##ff4aed>&l&n[<##af34f9>&l&nO<##6146ff>&l&nG<##1480ff>&l&n]
grape: <##e087ff>&l[<##d386ff>&lG<##c685ff>&lR<##b984ff>&lA<##ab82ff>&lP<##9e81ff>&lE<##9180ff>&l]
command /cc:
description: Clear chat for all players
permission: cc.clear
loop 300 times:
broadcast " "
broadcast "&b&m-----------------------------------------"
broadcast " "
broadcast "&d&lChat has been cleared by &f%player%"
broadcast " "
broadcast "&b&m-----------------------------------------"
command /clearchat:
description: Clear chat for all players
permission: cc.clear
loop 300 times:
broadcast " "
broadcast "&b&m-----------------------------------------"
broadcast " "
broadcast "&d&lChat has been cleared by &f%player%"
broadcast " "
broadcast "&b&m-----------------------------------------"
on join:
if player's group is "owner":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&f"
if player's group is "dev":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&f"
if player's group is "admin":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&f"
if player's group is "trial":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&f"
if player's group is "youtube":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&c"
if player's group is "twitch":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&d"
if player's group is "platinum":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&d"
if player's group is "legend":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&6"
if player's group is "premium":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&b"
if player's group is "ultra":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&3"
if player's group is "elite":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&a"
if player's group is "vip":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&e"
if player's group is "default":
set {chatcolor::%player's uuid%} to "&7"
every 1 minute:
loop all players:
if loop-player's group is "owner":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&f"
if loop-player's group is "dev":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&f"
if loop-player's group is "admin":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&f"
if loop-player's group is "trial":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&f"
if loop-player's group is "youtube":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&c"
if loop-player's group is "twitch":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&d"
if loop-player's group is "platinum":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&d"
if loop-player's group is "legend":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&6"
if loop-player's group is "premium":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&b"
if loop-player's group is "ultra":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&3"
if loop-player's group is "elite":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&a"
if loop-player's group is "vip":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&e"
if loop-player's group is "default":
set {chatcolor::%loop-player's uuid%} to "&7"
on chat:
if message contains "fuck":
replace all "fuck" with "&aF&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "fvck":
replace all "fvck" with "&aF&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "fuq":
replace all "fuq" with "&aF&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "fuc":
replace all "fuc" with "&aF&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "fuk":
replace all "fuk" with "&aF&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "nigger":
replace all "nigger" with "&aN&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
make console execute command "/mute %player% 10m Racism"
if message contains "n1gger":
replace all "n1gger" with "&aN&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
make console execute command "/mute %player% 10m Racism"
if message contains "n!gger":
replace all "n!gger" with "&aN&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
make console execute command "/mute %player% 10m Racism"
if message contains "nigga":
replace all "nigga" with "&aN&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
make console execute command "/mute %player% 10m Racism"
if message contains "n1gga":
replace all "n1gga" with "&aN&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
make console execute command "/mute %player% 10m Racism"
if message contains "n!gga":
replace all "n!gga" with "&aN&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
make console execute command "/mute %player% 10m Racism"
if message contains "niggr":
replace all "niggr" with "&aN&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
make console execute command "/mute %player% 10m Racism"
if message contains "ngga":
replace all "ngga" with "&aN&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
make console execute command "/mute %player% 10m Racism"
if message contains "nigguer":
replace all "nigguer" with "&aN&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
make console execute command "/mute %player% 10m Racism"
if message contains "bitch":
replace all "bitch" with "&aB&kxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "b1tch":
replace all "b1tch" with "&aB&kxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "b!tch":
replace all "b!tch" with "&aB&kxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "bich":
replace all "bich" with "&aB&kxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "dick":
replace all "dick" with "&aD&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "d1ck":
replace all "d1ck" with "&aD&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "d!ck":
replace all "d!ck" with "&aD&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "shit":
replace all "shit" with "&aS&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "sh1t":
replace all "sh1t" with "&aS&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "sh!t":
replace all "sh!t" with "&aS&kxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "pussy":
replace all "pussy" with "&aP&kxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "pvssy":
replace all "pvssy" with "&aP&kxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "pu$$y":
replace all "pu$$y" with "&aP&kxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "fag":
replace all "fag" with "&aF&kxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "fagg":
replace all "fagg" with "&aF&kxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "faggot":
replace all "faggot" with "&aF&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
if message contains "retard":
replace all "retard" with "&aR&kxxxxx%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
loop all players:
if message contains loop-player's name:
if {notifications::%loop-player's uuid%} is not false:
replace all loop-player's name with "&a@%loop-player%%{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%" in message
play sound "entity_experience_orb_pickup" to loop-player
if {bounty::%player's uuid%} is not 0:
if {prestige.display::%player's uuid%} is true:
if {fakeprestigelevel::%player's uuid%} is set:
if {tag::%player's uuid%} is not set:
set the chat format to "&6[P%{fakeprestigelevel::%player's uuid%}%] &7(&3{@currency}%formatNumber({bounty::%player's uuid%})%&7) %player's display name% &c> %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
set the chat format to "&6[P%{fakeprestigelevel::%player's uuid%}%] &7(&3{@currency}%formatNumber({bounty::%player's uuid%})%&7) %player's display name% %{tag::%player's uuid%}%&c > %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
if {tag::%player's uuid%} is not set:
set the chat format to "&6[P%{prestige::%player's uuid%}%] &7(&3{@currency}%formatNumber({bounty::%player's uuid%})%&7) %player's display name% &c> %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
set the chat format to "&6[P%{prestige::%player's uuid%}%] &7(&3{@currency}%formatNumber({bounty::%player's uuid%})%&7) %player's display name% %{tag::%player's uuid%}%&c > %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
if {prefix::%player's uuid%} is not set:
if {tag::%player's uuid%} is not set:
set the chat format to "&7(&3{@currency}%formatNumber({bounty::%player's uuid%})%&7) %player's display name% &c> %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
set the chat format to "&7(&3{@currency}%formatNumber({bounty::%player's uuid%})%&7) %player's display name% %{tag::%player's uuid%}%&c > %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
if {tag::%player's uuid%} is not set:
set the chat format to "%{prefix::%player's uuid%}% &7(&3{@currency}%formatNumber({bounty::%player's uuid%})%&7) %player's display name% &c> %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
set the chat format to "%{prefix::%player's uuid%}% &7(&3{@currency}%formatNumber({bounty::%player's uuid%})%&7) %player's display name% %{tag::%player's uuid%}%&c > %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
if {prestige.display::%player's uuid%} is true:
if {fakeprestigelevel::%player's uuid%} is set:
if {tag::%player's uuid%} is not set:
set the chat format to "&6[P%{fakeprestigelevel::%player's uuid%}%] %player's display name% &c> %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
set the chat format to "&6[P%{fakeprestigelevel::%player's uuid%}%] %player's display name% %{tag::%player's uuid%}%&c > %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
if {tag::%player's uuid%} is not set:
set the chat format to "&6[P%{prestige::%player's uuid%}%] %player's display name% &c> %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
set the chat format to "&6[P%{prestige::%player's uuid%}%] %player's display name% %{tag::%player's uuid%}%&c > %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
if {prefix::%player's uuid%} is not set:
if {tag::%player's uuid%} is not set:
set the chat format to "%player's display name% &c> %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
set the chat format to "%player's display name% %{tag::%player's uuid%}%&c > %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
if {tag::%player's uuid%} is not set:
set the chat format to "%{prefix::%player's uuid%}% %player's display name% &c> %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
set the chat format to "%{prefix::%player's uuid%}% %player's display name% %{tag::%player's uuid%}%&c > %{chatcolor::%player's uuid%}%%message%"
loop all players:
if message contains loop-player's name:
if {notifications::%loop-player's uuid%} is false:
wait 1 tick
send "&a&l<!> &7&o(That user has notifications turned off)" to player
on join:
set {spam.%player%} to false
on first join:
set {spam.%player%} to false
{spam.%player%} = false
on chat:
if player has permission "{@spam-bypass-permission}":
if {spam.%player%} is false:
set {spam.%player%} to true
set {spam.timer.%player%} to {@spamtime}
cancel event
send "{@spam-no-bypass-message}"
every 1 second:
loop all players:
if {spam.%loop-player%} is true:
if {spam.timer.%loop-player%} is not 1:
remove 1 from {spam.timer.%loop-player%}
set {spam.%loop-player%} to false
clear {spam.timer.%loop-player%}
on chat:
if player has permission "{@spam-bypass-permission}":
if message contains "[item]":
if {repeat.%player's UUID%} is message:
cancel event
send "&f-----------------------------------------" to player
wait 1 tick
send "&c&lYou cannot say the same message twice!" to player
wait 1 tick
send "&f-----------------------------------------" to player
set {repeat.%player's UUID%} to message
command /servermute:
permission: op
if {servermute} is true:
set {servermute} to false
send "&aServer has been unmuted" to player
set {servermute} to true
send "&cServer has been muted" to player
on chat:
if {servermute} is true:
player is not op:
cancel event
send "&cYou may not talk while the server is muted!"
command /notifications:
if {notifications::%player's uuid%} is false:
set {notifications::%player's uuid%} to true
send "{@prefix} &7You have &aenabled &7ping notifications!" to player
set {notifications::%player's uuid%} to false
send "{@prefix} &7You have &cdisabled &7ping notifications!" to player
command /sc [<text>]:
permission: staff.chat
if arg-1 is not set:
send "&c/staffchat <message>" to player
loop all players:
if loop-player has permission "staff.chat":
send "{@sc}: &e%player's display name%&7: &c%arg-1%" to loop-player