8 months ago
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09/02/2024 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Update: use second; select * from employee; update employee set salary=40000 ,age=20 where emp_id in (1,2); select * from employee; _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ diffrence between update and alter: alter:1. alter command is data defination lang(DDL) 2.alter command will perform structure level. 3.syntax:- alter table tablename (modify/add/rename) Drop column column_name 4. this command make changes with the table structure. 5. alter command works on attributes(columns) update:1. update command is data manipulation lang(DML) 2.update command will perform on data level. 3 syntax :-update table_name set column_name=values 4. this command make changes the data inside table. 5. update cammand works on perticular tuples(rows) in the table ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Limit:- ======== the limit clause is used for return specific number of records. syntax: select columns from tablename limit number; exa: select * from employeeinfo limit 5; select * from employeeinfo where salary=30000 limit 3; select * from employeeinfo order by name desc limit 4; select * from employeeinfo order by id desc limit 4; ----------------------------------- limit with offset: syntax:-select * from table_name limit offset_value, rowlimit select * from employeeinfo limit 4,3; syntax: select * from table_name limit limit_value offset offset_value, select * from employeeinfo limit 3 offset 4;
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