a year ago
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import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js'; import { useRouter } from 'next/router'; import { useRecoilState } from 'recoil'; import { atomLocalStorageBuyCartItemsData } from '@/atoms/global/localStorageBuyCartItemsData'; import { atomLocalStorageUserAuthData } from '@/atoms/global/localStorageUserAuthData'; import { BuyCartItemType } from '@/types/global/buyCartItem.type'; import { UserAuthType } from '@/types/global/userAuth.type'; import { SellCartItemType } from '@/types/global/sellCartItem.type'; import { atomLocalStorageSellCartItemsData } from '@/atoms/global/localStorageSellCartItemsData'; function useLocalStorage<T>( key: 'userAuthdata' | 'buyCartItemsData' | 'sellCartItemsData', initialValue: any, ): [T, (value: T) => void] { // protect-key for encrypt and decrypt local-storage const protectKey = 'Z>rp1p+~u'; // local-storage state status : undefined (loading before set local-storage data), initialValue (initial value and not found key in local storage), data const [state, setState] = useRecoilState< undefined | any | BuyCartItemType[] | SellCartItemType[] | UserAuthType >( key === 'userAuthdata' ? atomLocalStorageUserAuthData : key === 'buyCartItemsData' ? atomLocalStorageBuyCartItemsData : key === 'sellCartItemsData' ? atomLocalStorageSellCartItemsData : null, ); // if change route update customHook state // if(key in local-storage) ? set-state(decrypted key-value) : set-state(initialValue) // if edited local-storage ===> remove key from local storage ===> re-render useEffect [key is dependencies] ===> not found key in local storage and set-state(initialValue) const router = useRouter(); const { pathname } = router; useEffect((): void => { const item = localStorage.getItem(key); if (item) { try { const decryptState = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(item, protectKey).toString( CryptoJS.enc.Utf8, ); setState(JSON.parse(decryptState)); } catch { localStorage.removeItem(key); } } else { setState(initialValue); } }, [key, pathname]); // encrypt and set-data to local-storage const setStateHandler = (value: T) => { const encryptedState = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt( JSON.stringify(value), protectKey, ); localStorage.setItem(key, encryptedState.toString()); setState(value); }; return [state, setStateHandler]; } export default useLocalStorage;