a year ago
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# ... (previous code) if pk_value not in target_df[pk].values: # ... (previous code) else: # Fetch the corresponding row from the target DataFrame based on the primary key target_row = target_df[target_df[pk] == pk_value].iloc[0] if not source_row.equals(target_row): columns_to_update = [] for column_name, source_val in source_row.items(): target_val = target_row[column_name] if source_val != target_val: if is_datetime(source_val): # Format datetime values using the appropriate function for the database type if db_type_ext == 'ORACLE': update_value = f"TO_DATE('{source_val}', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')" elif db_type_ext in ('MYSQL', 'MARIA'): # For MariaDB and MySQL, use STR_TO_DATE update_value = f"STR_TO_DATE('{source_val}', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')" else: # Enclose other values in single quotes update_value = f"'{source_val}'" elif source_val == 'NaT': # Replace 'NaT' with NULL without single quotes update_value = 'NULL' elif column_name == 'extended_rule_code': parts = source_val.split('==') if len(parts) == 2: extended_rule_code = f"'{parts[0]}=='{parts[1]}'" update_value = extended_rule_code else: if column_name == 'created_by': # Update 'created_by' only when it's different from source and not 'None' if source_val != 'None': update_value = f"'{source_val}'" else: update_value = f"'{target_val}'" else: # Handle non-datetime columns (e.g., strings, numbers) here update_value = f"'{source_val}'" # Add the column name and formatted value to the update statement columns_to_update.append(f"{column_name} = {update_value}") # Generate an update query dynamically if columns_to_update: update_query = f"UPDATE {schema_ext}.{table_name} SET " update_query += ", ".join(columns_to_update) update_query += f" WHERE {eprm_table_col_pk} = '{pk_value}'" try: print(update_query) cursor_ext.execute(update_query) update_sucess_count += 1 # connection_ext.commit() except Exception as e: logging.error( "Error - {} . Line No - {} ".format(str(e), str(sys.exc_info()[-1].tb_lineno))) update_failed_count += 1 # ... (rest of the code)