a year ago
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--[[ Now that we have the lookup of solid voxels ]] local Chunks = Instance.new("Folder",workspace.CurrentCamera) Chunks.Name = "Chunks" table.clear(jobs) --[[ Split area bounds into chunksize regions ]] local ChunkSize = 200 ChunkSize = Round(ChunkSize,4) local chunksToCreate = {} local chunkParts = {} for x = cf.x - size.x/2,cf.x + size.x/2,ChunkSize do for y = cf.y - size.y/2,cf.y + size.y/2,ChunkSize do for z = cf.z - size.z/2,cf.z + size.z/2,ChunkSize do local chunkPos = Round3D(Vector3.new(x,y,z),4) table.insert(chunksToCreate,chunkPos) end end end local finished while true do for i = 1,1 do local chunkPos = table.remove(chunksToCreate) if not chunkPos then finished = true break end local chunkLookup = {} local encodedChunks = {} local startAt for voxelX = chunkPos.X - ChunkSize/2,chunkPos.X + ChunkSize/2,4 do if startAt then break end for voxelY = chunkPos.Y - ChunkSize/2,chunkPos.Y + ChunkSize/2,4 do if startAt then break end for voxelZ = chunkPos.Z - ChunkSize/2,chunkPos.Z + ChunkSize/2,4 do --[[ For each voxel in the chunk ]] local voxelPos = Vector3.new(voxelX,voxelY,voxelZ) --[[ If solid, populate ]] if SolidLookup[voxelPos] == 1 then VoxelEncoder:Store(chunkLookup,encodedChunks,voxelPos,1) end --[[ Determine if under terrain if startAt isnt set ]] if not startAt then local count = 0 for checkY = voxelY,roundTop,4 do local checkCell = Round3D(Vector3.new(voxelX,checkY,voxelZ),4) local solidType = SolidLookup[checkCell] if solidType == 1 then count += 1 end end local underTerrain = not (count % 2 == 0) --[[ If under terrain, set startAt here ]] if underTerrain and not SolidLookup[voxelPos] then startAt = voxelPos end end end end task.wait() end if startAt then local chunkPart = script.Chunk:Clone() chunkPart.Parent = Chunks chunkPart.Anchored = true chunkPart.Position = chunkPos chunkPart.Size = Vector3.one * ChunkSize chunkPart.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic chunkPart.Transparency = 0.3 chunkPart.Color = Color3.new(0,1,0) local startAtP = Instance.new("Part",chunkPart) startAtP.Anchored = true startAtP.Size = Vector3.one * 4 startAtP.Position = startAt startAtP.Color = Color3.new(1,1,0) local chunk = { startAt = startAt, roundTop = roundTop, roundBottom = roundBottom, chunkPos = chunkPos, ChunkSize = ChunkSize, chunkLookup = chunkLookup, encodedChunks = encodedChunks } table.insert(jobs,chunk) end end if finished then break end task.wait() end local results = Foreman:DoJobs("Floodfill",jobs)