2 years ago
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def give_options(x,y,z): print("a):", x) print("b):", y) print("c):", z) print("Hello! Welcome to my Quiz" "\n" "All Questions carries 10 marks each") ans = input("Are you ready to play (yes/no): ") a ="Note: wrtie answers! do not write option." score = 0 total_questions = 4 correct_ans =["python", "steve jobs", "artificial intelligence", "bitcoin"] if ans.lower() == "yes": print(a) print("Question- What is the best Programming Language? ") give_options("Python", "C", "Java" ) ans=input(">>>") if ans.lower() == correct_ans[0]: score=score+1 print("Correct") else: print("Incorrect") print(a) print("Question- Who is the Founder of Apple Inc? ") give_options("Mark Zuckerberg", "Warren Buffet", "Steve jobs") ans = input(">>>") if ans.lower() == correct_ans[1]: score=score+1 print("Correct") else: print("Incorrect") print(a) print("Question- What is more better among these? ") give_options("Data Science", "Artificial Intelligence", "Digital Marketing") ans = input(">>>") if ans.lower() == correct_ans[2]: score=score+1 print("Correct") else: print("Incorrect") print(a) print("Question- What is the best Investment? ") give_options("Share Capital", "Mutual Funds", "Bitcoin") ans = input(">>>") if ans.lower() == correct_ans[3]: score=score+1 print("Correct") else: print("Incorrect") Code language: PHP (php) Now as we are done with the questions it’s time to show the scores to the user. I will multiply the score with 10 and then I will pass the if-else conditionals to print the status of the result of this Quiz game: i = score*10 if i < 30: print("Ouch, your score is ",i,"/ 40 better luck next time.") elif i ==30: print("Nice! you scored ",i,"/ 40 you are quiet smart.") else: print("Congratulations! it's a perfect ",i,"/ 40 you ar
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