package word.module.modules.client; import word.Client; import word.event.bus.Listener; import word.event.bus.annotations.EventLink; import word.event.impl.render.EventRender2D; import word.module.Module; import word.module.ModuleCategory; import word.module.setting.impl.BooleanSetting; import word.module.setting.impl.ModeSetting; import word.module.setting.impl.NumberSetting; import word.module.setting.impl.StringSetting; import word.utils.font.FontManager; import word.utils.font.fonts.FontRenderer; import word.utils.mc.ChatFormatting; import word.utils.mc.PlayerUtil; import word.utils.render.DrawUtils; import word.utils.render.ThemeUtils; import word.utils.render.shaders.ShaderUtils; import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient; import java.awt.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import static word.utils.render.ThemeUtils.getThemeColor; public class Interface extends Module { public static final BooleanSetting watermark = new BooleanSetting("Watermark", true); public static final ModeSetting watermarkMode = new ModeSetting("Watermark Mode", "Simple", "Simple", "Gamesense"); public static final StringSetting watermarkText = new StringSetting("Watermark Text", "CART"); public static final ModeSetting watermarkSimpleFontMode = new ModeSetting("Watermark Font", "MC", "MC", "Product Sans Regular", "Product Sans Medium", "Product Sans Bold", "Verdana", "SFUI"); public static final BooleanSetting arrayList = new BooleanSetting("ArrayList", true); public static final ModeSetting colorMode = new ModeSetting("Color Mode", "Astolfo", "Astolfo", "Theme"); public static final ModeSetting fontMode = new ModeSetting("ArrayList Font", "MC", "MC", "Product Sans Regular", "Product Sans Medium", "Product Sans Bold", "Verdana", "SFUI"); public static final ModeSetting suffixMode = new ModeSetting("Suffix", "Space", "Space", "-", ">", "[ ]"); public static final BooleanSetting hideVisuals = new BooleanSetting("Hide visuals", true); public static final BooleanSetting lowercase = new BooleanSetting("Lowercase", false); public static final ModeSetting backBarMode = new ModeSetting("Backbar Mode", "None", "None", "Full", "Rise"); public static final NumberSetting padding = new NumberSetting("Offset", 0, 40, 5, 1); public static final NumberSetting opacity = new NumberSetting("BG Opacity", 0, 255, 80, 1); public static final BooleanSetting info = new BooleanSetting("Info", true); public static final BooleanSetting bpsCounter = new BooleanSetting("BPS", true); public static final BooleanSetting fpsCounter = new BooleanSetting("FPS", true); private final DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); public Interface() { super("Interface", "Clients HUD", 0, ModuleCategory.CLIENT); addSettings(watermark, watermarkMode, watermarkText, watermarkSimpleFontMode, arrayList, colorMode, fontMode, suffixMode, hideVisuals, lowercase, backBarMode, padding, opacity, info, bpsCounter, fpsCounter); watermarkMode.addDependency(watermark, true); watermarkText.addDependency(watermark, true); watermarkSimpleFontMode.addDependency(watermarkMode, "Simple"); colorMode.addDependency(arrayList, true); fontMode.addDependency(arrayList, true); suffixMode.addDependency(arrayList, true); hideVisuals.addDependency(arrayList, true); lowercase.addDependency(arrayList, true); backBarMode.addDependency(arrayList, true); padding.addDependency(arrayList, true); opacity.addDependency(arrayList, true); bpsCounter.addDependency(info, true); fpsCounter.addDependency(info, true); } @EventLink public final Listener<EventRender2D> eventRender2DListener = event -> { if (mc.player == null || mc.world == null) { return; } if (mc.currentScreen != null) { return; } if (watermark.getValue()) { switch (watermarkMode.getMode()) { case "Simple": if (!watermarkText.getValue().isEmpty()) { String watermark = watermarkText.getValue(); char firstCharacter = watermark.charAt(0); String restOfString = watermark.substring(1); String totalWatermarkText = firstCharacter + ChatFormatting.WHITE + restOfString; switch (watermarkSimpleFontMode.getMode()) { case "MC": event.getContext().drawText(mc.textRenderer, totalWatermarkText, 3, 3, ThemeUtils.getMainColor().getRGB(), true); break; default: getCustomFontRenderer(watermarkSimpleFontMode.getMode()).drawString(event.getContext().getMatrices(), totalWatermarkText, 3, 3, ThemeUtils.getMainColor()); break; } } break; case "Gamesense": String text = "§f" + watermarkText.getValue() + "§rsense §8| §f " + ("free") + "§7 (" + ("0000") + ") §8 | §f " + getIP(); int padding = 2; int offsetX = 4; int offsetY = 4; int textWidth = (int) Client.INSTANCE.getFontManager().getSize(9, FontManager.Type.PRODUCT_SANS_MEDIUM).getStringWidth(text); int textHeight = (int) Client.INSTANCE.getFontManager().getSize(9, FontManager.Type.PRODUCT_SANS_MEDIUM).getStringHeight(text); int backgroundWidth = textWidth + padding * 2; int backgroundHeight = textHeight + padding * 2; //outline event.getContext().fill( offsetX - padding - 1, offsetY - padding - 1, offsetX + backgroundWidth + 1, offsetY + backgroundHeight + 1, new Color(96, 96, 96).getRGB() ); if (PostProcessing.shouldBlurWaterMark()) { ShaderUtils.drawGradientBlur(event.getContext().getMatrices(), offsetX - padding - 2, offsetY - padding - 2, offsetX + backgroundWidth - (offsetX - padding) + 2, offsetY + backgroundHeight - (offsetY - padding) + 2, 30, ThemeUtils.getMainColor(), ThemeUtils.getSecondColor(), ThemeUtils.getSecondColor(), ThemeUtils.getMainColor()); } // background event.getContext().fill( offsetX - padding, offsetY - padding, offsetX + backgroundWidth, offsetY + backgroundHeight, new Color(25, 25, 25).getRGB() ); // underline DrawUtils.drawHorizontalGradientRect(event.getContext().getMatrices(), offsetX - padding + 1, offsetY + backgroundHeight - 3, offsetX + backgroundWidth - 1, offsetY + backgroundHeight - 1, ThemeUtils.getMainColor(), ThemeUtils.getSecondColor()); // text omg really! Client.INSTANCE.getFontManager().getSize(9, FontManager.Type.PRODUCT_SANS_MEDIUM).drawString( event.getContext().getMatrices(), text, offsetX, offsetY, ThemeUtils.getMainColor() ); break; } } if (arrayList.getValue()) { List<Module> enabledModules; switch (fontMode.getMode()) { case "MC": enabledModules = Client.INSTANCE.getModuleManager().getEnabledModules().stream().sorted(Comparator.comparingDouble(ri -> -mc.textRenderer.getWidth(getFullName(ri)))).collect(Collectors.toList()); break; default: enabledModules = Client.INSTANCE.getModuleManager().getEnabledModules().stream().sorted(Comparator.comparingDouble(ri -> -getCustomFontRenderer(fontMode.getMode()).getStringWidth(getFullName(ri)))).collect(Collectors.toList()); break; } int i = padding.getValueInt(); int totalWidth = event.getWidth(); // render post proccesing for (Module m : enabledModules) { if (hideVisuals.getValue() && m.getModuleCategory() == ModuleCategory.RENDER) { continue; } int color = switch (colorMode.getMode()) { case "Astolfo" -> getAstolfo(i * 3); case "Theme" -> getThemeColor(i).getRGB(); default -> 0; }; int moduleWidth; int moduleHeight; switch (fontMode.getMode()) { case "MC": moduleWidth = mc.textRenderer.getWidth(getFullName(m)); moduleHeight = mc.textRenderer.fontHeight; break; default: moduleWidth = (int) getCustomFontRenderer(fontMode.getMode()).getStringWidth(getFullName(m)); moduleHeight = (int) getCustomFontRenderer(fontMode.getMode()).getStringHeight(getFullName(m)); break; } if (PostProcessing.shouldBlurArrayList()) { ShaderUtils.drawGlow(event.getContext().getMatrices(), totalWidth - moduleWidth - padding.getValueInt() - 2, i - 2, totalWidth - padding.getValueInt() + 2 - (totalWidth - moduleWidth - padding.getValueInt() - 2), i + moduleHeight + 1 - (i - 1), 30, new Color(color)); } i += moduleHeight + 3; } i = padding.getValueInt(); // render modules for (Module m : enabledModules) { if (hideVisuals.getValue() && m.getModuleCategory() == ModuleCategory.RENDER) { continue; } int color = switch (colorMode.getMode()) { case "Astolfo" -> getAstolfo(i * 3); case "Theme" -> getThemeColor(i).getRGB(); default -> 0; }; int moduleWidth; int moduleHeight; switch (fontMode.getMode()) { case "MC": moduleWidth = mc.textRenderer.getWidth(getFullName(m)); moduleHeight = mc.textRenderer.fontHeight; break; default: moduleWidth = (int) getCustomFontRenderer(fontMode.getMode()).getStringWidth(getFullName(m)); moduleHeight = (int) getCustomFontRenderer(fontMode.getMode()).getStringHeight(getFullName(m)); break; } // module background event.getContext().fill(totalWidth - moduleWidth - padding.getValueInt() - 2, i - 2, totalWidth - padding.getValueInt() + 2, i + moduleHeight + 1, new Color(0, 0, 0, opacity.getValueInt()).getRGB()); // module backbar switch (backBarMode.getMode()) { case "Full": event.getContext().fill(totalWidth - padding.getValueInt() + 3, i - 2, totalWidth - padding.getValueInt() + 5, i + moduleHeight + 1, color); break; case "Rise": event.getContext().fill(totalWidth - padding.getValueInt() + 3, i - 1, totalWidth - padding.getValueInt() + 5, i + moduleHeight, color); break; } // module name switch (fontMode.getMode()) { case "MC": event.getContext().drawText(mc.textRenderer, getFullName(m), totalWidth - moduleWidth - padding.getValueInt(), i, color, true); break; default: getCustomFontRenderer(fontMode.getMode()).drawString(event.getContext().getMatrices(), getFullName(m), totalWidth - moduleWidth - padding.getValueInt(), i, new Color(color)); break; } i += moduleHeight + 3; } } if (info.getValue()) { String bps = String.valueOf(decimalFormat.format(Math.hypot(mc.player.getX() - mc.player.prevX, mc.player.getZ() - mc.player.prevZ) * 20.0F * PlayerUtil.timer())); String fps = String.valueOf(MinecraftClient.getInstance().getCurrentFps()); int x = 10; int lineHeight = mc.textRenderer.fontHeight; int y = event.getHeight() - (fpsCounter.getValue() && bpsCounter.getValue() ? 2 * lineHeight : lineHeight) - 10; // Padding of 10 from the bottom if (fpsCounter.getValue()) { int color = switch (colorMode.getMode()) { case "Astolfo" -> getAstolfo(3); case "Theme" -> getThemeColor(1).getRGB(); default -> 0; }; event.getContext().drawText(mc.textRenderer, "FPS: " + fps, x, y, color, true); y -= lineHeight; } if (bpsCounter.getValue()) { int color = switch (colorMode.getMode()) { case "Astolfo" -> getAstolfo(6); case "Theme" -> getThemeColor(2).getRGB(); default -> 0; }; event.getContext().drawText(mc.textRenderer, "BPS: " + bps, x, y, color, true); } } }; private FontRenderer getCustomFontRenderer(String name) { return switch (name) { case "Product Sans Regular" -> Client.INSTANCE.getFontManager().getSize(10, FontManager.Type.PRODUCT_SANS_REGULAR); case "Product Sans Medium" -> Client.INSTANCE.getFontManager().getSize(10, FontManager.Type.PRODUCT_SANS_MEDIUM); case "Product Sans Bold" -> Client.INSTANCE.getFontManager().getSize(10, FontManager.Type.PRODUCT_SANS_BOLD); case "SFUI" -> Client.INSTANCE.getFontManager().getSize(10, FontManager.Type.SFUI); case "Verdana" -> Client.INSTANCE.getFontManager().getSize(10, FontManager.Type.VERDANA); default -> null; }; } private String getIP() { if (mc.world == null) { return "NULL"; } else { if (mc.isInSingleplayer()) { return "Singleplayer"; } else { return mc.getCurrentServerEntry().address; } } } private String getFullName(Module m) { if (lowercase.getValue()) { if (m.getSuffix() == null) { return m.getName().toLowerCase(); } else { switch (suffixMode.getMode()) { case "Space": return (m.getName() + " " + ChatFormatting.GRAY + m.getSuffix()).toLowerCase(); case "-": return (m.getName() + ChatFormatting.GRAY + " - " + m.getSuffix()).toLowerCase(); case ">": return (m.getName() + ChatFormatting.GRAY + " > " + m.getSuffix()).toLowerCase(); case "[ ]": return (m.getName() + ChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + " [" + ChatFormatting.GRAY + m.getSuffix() + ChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "]".toLowerCase()); } } } else { if (m.getSuffix() == null) { return m.getName(); } else { switch (suffixMode.getMode()) { case "Space": return m.getName() + " " + ChatFormatting.GRAY + m.getSuffix(); case "-": return m.getName() + ChatFormatting.GRAY + " - " + m.getSuffix(); case ">": return m.getName() + ChatFormatting.GRAY + " > " + m.getSuffix(); case "[ ]": return m.getName() + ChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + " [" + ChatFormatting.GRAY + m.getSuffix() + ChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "]"; } } } return ""; } public static int getAstolfo(int offset) { int i = (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() / 11 + offset) % 360); i = (i > 180 ? 360 - i : i) + 180; return Color.HSBtoRGB(i / 360f, 0.55f, 1f); } }
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