func _physics_process(delta): # Handle functions handle_controls(delta) handle_gravity(delta) # Movement var applied_velocity: Vector3 # Calculate movement_velocity based on input var input_direction = Vector3(Input.get_vector("move_left", "move_right", "move_forward", "move_back"), 0, 0).normalized() movement_velocity = input_direction * movement_speed # Apply knockback velocity applied_velocity = movement_velocity + knockback_velocity # Decay the knockback velocity over time knockback_velocity = knockback_velocity.move_toward(Vector3.ZERO, knockback_decay_rate * delta) # Apply the final velocity applied_velocity.y = -gravity velocity = velocity.lerp(applied_velocity, delta * 10) move_and_slide() # Rotation (unchanged) camera.rotation.z = lerp_angle(camera.rotation.z, -input_mouse.x * 25 * delta, delta * 5) camera.rotation.x = lerp_angle(camera.rotation.x, rotation_target.x, delta * 25) rotation.y = lerp_angle(rotation.y, rotation_target.y, delta * 25) container.position = lerp(container.position, container_offset - (basis.inverse() * applied_velocity / 30), delta * 10) # Movement sound (unchanged) sound_footsteps.stream_paused = true if is_on_floor(): if abs(velocity.x) > 1 or abs(velocity.z) > 1: sound_footsteps.stream_paused = false # Landing after jump or falling (unchanged) camera.position.y = lerp(camera.position.y, 0.0, delta * 5) if is_on_floor() and gravity > 1 and !previously_floored: # Landed Audio.play("sounds/land.ogg") camera.position.y = -0.1 previously_floored = is_on_floor() # Falling/respawning (unchanged) if position.y < -10: get_tree().reload_current_scene()
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