10 months ago
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// Client facing scripts here const {getLoginForm, getSignUpForm} = require("../../helpers") $(document).ready(function () { console.log("DOM is ready!"); const allContainers = $(".container"); const allCategories = $(".category"); const allForms = $(".form"); const loginForm = $("#login-form"); const signUpForm = $("#signup-form"); const categories = $("#categories"); const dropdownContainer = $(".dropdown-container"); const dropdownItems = $(".dropdown-container a"); fetchrandomQuote(); // Hide the dropdown container by default dropdownContainer.hide(); // Display the dropdown list of categories when the "Categories" link is clicked categories.on("click", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); dropdownContainer.show(); }); // Hide the dropdown container when the mouse leaves the dropdown list dropdownContainer.on("mouseleave", function () { dropdownContainer.hide(); }); // Add an event listener to each dropdwon item dropdownItems.on("click", function () { // Get the clicked dropdown item const category = $(this).text(); generateQuotebyCategory(category); }); const $getQuoteButton = $("#get-quote-button"); //Generate a new random quote each time button is clicked $getQuoteButton.on("click", function () { fetchrandomQuote(); }); // Refresh the homepage when logo is clicked const homepage = $("#app-logo"); if (homepage) { homepage.on("click", function () { window.location.href = "/"; }); } // Navigate to login form when button is clicked const $userProfile = $("#user-profile"); $userProfile.on("click", function () { signUpForm.hide(); getLoginForm(); // Navigate to signup form when button is clicked const $signUpButton = $("#signup-link"); $signUpButton.on("click", function () { loginForm.hide(); getSignUpForm(); }); }); function fetchrandomQuote() { //Make an AJAX request to the quotes API url $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "https://api.quotable.io/quotes/random", }) .then(function (data) { generateQuoteAndImage(data); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log("Cannot fetch quote and image: ", error); }); } function generateQuoteAndImage(data) { const quote = data[0].content; const author = data[0].author; //Make an AJAX request to the image API url $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: "https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random", }) .then(function (data) { const image = data.message; const $imageContainer = $("#image-container"); const $quoteContainer = $("#quote-container"); $imageContainer.empty(); $quoteContainer.empty(); //Generate a new image each time the page is loaded const $randomImage = ` <div> <img id="image" src="${image}" alt="Random Grayscale Image"> </div>`; //Generate a new quote each time the page is loaded const $randomQuote = ` <div> <h1 id="quote-text">"${quote}"</h1> <p id="author"> - ${author} </p> </div>`; //Append random quote/image to the quote/image container on page reload $imageContainer.append($randomImage); $quoteContainer.append($randomQuote); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log("Cannot fetch images: ", error); }); } function generateQuotebyCategory(category) { allCategories.show(); allForms.hide(); //Make an AJAX request to the quotes API tags url $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: `https://api.quotable.io/quotes/random?tags=${category}`, }).then(function (data) { const randomTag = data[0].tags; if (randomTag.includes(category)) { const categoryHeader = $("#category-header"); categoryHeader.empty(); const $header = ` <h1>${category}</h1>`; categoryHeader.append($header); $("#quote-main-container").hide(); $("#get-quote-button").hide(); const categoryContainer = $("#category-container"); categoryContainer.empty(); const quote = data[0].content; const author = data[0].author; // Render quotes related to the selected category const $renderQuote = ` <div id="quote"> <h1 id="quote-text">"${quote}"</h1> <p id="author"> - ${author} </p> </div>`; const $getQuote = ` <button type="submit" id="get-quoteByCategory-button"> Get Quote </button>`; //Append quotes and button to the container categoryContainer.append($renderQuote, $getQuote); const getQuoteButton = $("#get-quoteByCategory-button"); // Generate a new random quote from selected category each time the button is clicked getQuoteButton.on("click", function () { generateQuotebyCategory(category); }); } }); } });