2 years ago
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from inspect import walktree from pickle import TRUE from queue import Empty from pyautogui import * import pyautogui import time import keyboard import random import decimal import os import win32api, win32con #, win32gui import cv2 from ahk import AHK import pydirectinput from time import sleep, perf_counter from threading import Thread ahk = AHK() def get_window_coordinates(): maple_window = pyautogui.getWindowsWithTitle("MapleMS")[0] print(get_window_coordinates) return maple_window.box def logout(maple_window_box): while True: if not pyautogui.locateOnScreen("escape_menu.PNG", region=maple_window_box): pyautogui.press("esc") time.sleep(1) ahk.click(mx+1211, my+684) sleep(3) os.system("rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0") win = ahk.find_window(title=b'MapleMS') mx, my = 300, 300 win.move(mx, my, width=1286, height=749) win.activate() sleep(0.2) def scan_bot_map(): try: return list(pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('bot_map.png', region=(mx+30, my+60, 340, 170), grayscale=False, confidence=0.9)) except Exception: pass def scan(img): try: # list(pyautogui.locateAllOnScreen('stop.png')) becareful this is putting [0][0] this is for mob scanning mostly? return list(pyautogui.locateAllOnScreen(img, region=(mx, my+260, 1280, 340), grayscale=True, confidence=0.7)) #1580, 900 except Exception: pass def scanmyself(currentlocation): currentlocation = cancel_exception(pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen(currentlocation, region=(mx, my+260, 1280, 340), grayscale=True, confidence=0.7)) if currentlocation == 0: currentlocation = cancel_exception(pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('look_left.png', region=(mx, my+260, 1280, 340), grayscale=True, confidence=0.7)) return currentlocation else: return currentlocation def recovery(hp, mp): if hp is True: # trying to improve using ocr hpfound = pyautogui.pixelMatchesColor(570, 1033, (190, 190, 190)) while hpfound == True: print("HP is less than 50%, using HP pot\n") ahk.key_down('Del') ahk.key_up('Del') sleep(.5) hpfound = pyautogui.pixelMatchesColor(570, 1033, (190, 190, 190)) if mp is True: mpfound = pyautogui.pixelMatchesColor(680, 1033, (190, 190, 190)) while mpfound == True: print("MP is less than 50%, using MP pot\n") ahk.key_down('PgDn') ahk.key_up('PgDn') sleep(1) mpfound = pyautogui.pixelMatchesColor(680, 1033, (190, 190, 190)) # commands isn't working yet... def feed_pet(img): # pet region 550, 500, 1570, 900 try: pet_stats = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen(img, region=(mx, my+260, 1280, 340), grayscale=True, confidence=0.8) # a = cancel_exception(pet_stats) # print(pet_stats) if pet_stats[0] > 0: ahk.key_press('F8') sleep(5) if pet_stats[0] == None: print("Pet is not hungry - Trying to command...\n") # Pet command: pet_commands = ["sit", "poop", "no", "bad", "badboy", "cutie", "adorable", "cute", "pretty", "iloveyou", "loveyou"] ahk.key_down('Enter') sleep(0.15) ahk.key_up('Enter') sleep(0.5) ahk.type(random.choice(pet_commands)) sleep(1) ahk.key_down('Enter') sleep(0.15) ahk.key_up('Enter') sleep(0.15) ahk.key_down('Enter') sleep(0.15) ahk.key_up('Enter') sleep(0.1) except Exception: pass # not using it, not working properly... # def att_mob(direction): # # es = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen(img, region=(578, 617, 1341, 869), grayscale=True, confidence=0.7) # # mob = scan(mob) # # mob = cancel_exception(mob) # # mycur = scanmyself('look_right.png') # try: # if direction == 'right': # pydirectinput.keyDown('right') # pydirectinput.keyUp('right') # pydirectinput.keyDown('c') # pydirectinput.keyUp('c') # pydirectinput.keyDown('c') # pydirectinput.keyUp('c') # sleep(0.01) # elif direction == 'left': # pydirectinput.keyDown('left') # pydirectinput.keyUp('left') # pydirectinput.keyDown('c') # pydirectinput.keyUp('c') # pydirectinput.keyDown('c') # pydirectinput.keyUp('c') # sleep(0.01) # else: # tele() # except Exception: # pass # not really using this for image detection, only works when mobs are detected and not in body... # def definemylocation(mob, mob1): # # mob = cancel_exception(scan(mob)) # try: # gathered = scan(mob) # gathered1 = scan(mob1) # gathered.sort() # gathered1.sort() # # print(gathered, gathered1) # myList = [gathered[0][0], gathered1[0][0]] # m1 = cancel_exception(gathered[0][0]) # m2 = cancel_exception(gathered1[0][0]) # print(myList, mycur) # s = min(myList, key=lambda x:abs(x-mycur)) # # ahk.mouse_move(x=x, y=gathered[0][1], speed=2, blocking=True) # if m1 != 0 or m2 != 0: # # if mycur == 0: # # print("I unable to find myself") # # randomwalk() # # else: # # randomwalk() # if mycur < s: # close = s - mycur # if close <= 300: # direction = 'Mob close within x300 facing right' # print(direction, mycur, s) # att_mob('right') # else: # close = mycur - s # if close <= 300: # direction = 'Mob close within x300 facing left' # print(direction, mycur, s) # directionSend = 'left' # att_mob('left') # else: # randomwalkv2() # except Exception: # pass # maybe for mage class only # def tele(): # direction = ["left", "right"] # choosen = random.choice(direction) # sleep(0.05) # pydirectinput.keyDown(direction) # sleep(0.25) # pydirectinput.keyDown('x') # sleep(0.15) # pydirectinput.keyUp('x') # sleep(0.015) # pydirectinput.keyUp(direction) # sleep(0.05) # print(f"I am going {direction}") # removing since v2 is better? # def randomwalk(): # if mycur < 900: # direction = "right" # elif mycur > 1100: # direction = "left" # else: # direction = ["left", "right"] # direction = random.choice(direction) # # direction = ["left", "right"] # holding = random.randint(80, 200)/100 # sleep(0.05) # print(f'Mob not found, walking {direction}') # pydirectinput.keyDown(direction) # sleep(holding) # pydirectinput.keyUp(direction) # sleep(0.5) def cancel_exception(x): try: if x == None: return 0 if x[0] > 0: return (int(x[0])) # else: # print(x) except Exception: pass # future project, can set arrays for buttons def refresh_buffs(btn): for j in btn: print(f"Pressing {j}") pydirectinput.keyDown(j) sleep(1.5) pydirectinput.keyUp(j) # sleep(0.5) # pydirectinput.keyDown("shift") # sleep(0.1) # pydirectinput.keyUp("shift") # sleep(0.5) # pydirectinput.keyDown("ctrl") # sleep(0.1) # pydirectinput.keyUp("ctrl") def walk(direction): if previous > 2: direction = direction else: randomwalkv2(1) holding = random.randint(200, 350)/100 print(f"I am going {direction} for {holding} seconds") pydirectinput.keyDown(direction) sleep(holding) if jump_att == True: ahk.key_press('space') if jump_att == True: for x in range(att_times): print(f"I am attacking for {x}times") pydirectinput.keyDown('c') pydirectinput.keyUp('c') sleep(0.05) pydirectinput.keyUp(direction) def randomwalkv2(n): if n > 2: previous = 0 direction = ["left", "right"] direction = random.choice(direction) holding = random.randint(80, 180)/100 print(f'Walking to {direction}') pydirectinput.keyDown(direction) sleep(holding) if jump_att == True: ahk.key_press('space') if jump_att == True: for x in range(att_times): print(f"I am attacking for {x+1} times") pydirectinput.keyDown('c') # # pydirectinput.keyDown('space') # # sleep(0.1) # # pydirectinput.keyUp('space') # pydirectinput.keyUp('c') sleep(0.01) pydirectinput.keyUp(direction) # define some settings for your bot maple_window_box = get_window_coordinates() print(maple_window_box) hours = 3600 loops = 0 previous = 0 # testing this loops stopped = False start_time = time.time() run_time = 3*hours # seconds, default 3 hours buffs = True # if you want buffs before starting buffs_btn = ["end", "shift"] # put correctly with "" and button inside e.g "end" jump_att = True # if you want jump and att att_times = 12 # how many times you want to attack, especially for Aran hp_pot = True # use hp pot? default is 50% mp_pot = True # use mp pot? default is 50% has_pet = True # do you want to feed pet? put pet food on F8 pet_sad = 'pet_sad.png' # find pet's sad emotion, put .png pause = False # initial steps refresh_buffs(buffs_btn) feed_pet(pet_sad) class myClassPots(Thread): def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.start() def run(self): if stopped: print("Stopped detecting HP/MP") self.stop() while hp_pot or mp_pot == True: sleep(3) recovery(hp_pot, mp_pot) # regen potions, first is HP and second is MP print("Detecting HP/MP...") class myClassPet(Thread): def __init__(self): Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.start() def run(self): if stopped: print("Stopped detecting pet stats") self.stop() while has_pet == True: sleep(60) feed_pet(pet_sad) print("Detecting pet stats...") myClassPots() # starts detecting HP/MP different CPUs myClassPet() # start detecting pet stats from different CPUs while True: if keyboard.is_pressed('1'): # if key '1' is pressed, good only when you need to take over if pause != True: print('You pressed 1, pausing 60s') sleep(60) pause = True break if keyboard.is_pressed('`'): # if key '`' is pressed print('You pressed `, finish loops') stopped = True quit() break if time.time() > start_time + run_time: logout(maple_window_box) print(f" Bot Successfully ran for {loops} loops. ") break if loops > 0: if loops % 60 == 0: refresh_buffs(buffs_btn) #mycur = scanmyself('my_tag_aran.png') # not using, but this is your char medal screenshot try: bot_map = scan_bot_map() # bottom of the mini map flag = 0 xt = mx+5 # top left corner of the mini map yt = my+50 xb = bot_map[0] # x of the bottom of the mini map yb = bot_map[1] print(xb, yb) percentleft = 2 percentright = 8 # print(f"I am inside try, ref {previous}") pic = pyautogui.screenshot(region=(xt, yt, xb, yb)) # search width, height = pic.size # screenshot size for x in range(0, width, 2): # scan every 2 pixels - width for y in range(0, height, 2): # scan every 2 pixels - height r, g, b = pic.getpixel((x, y)) # define rgb if r == 255 and g == 255 and b == 136: # yellow dot, myself on mini map flag = 1 # click(x+xt, y+yt) mypos = x+xt # my x # 384 468 e.g location # print(xt, xb) cal1 = xb - xt # print(cal1) cal2 = cal1 / 10 # # print(cal2) # print(sorted([cal2*2, cal2*4])) # print(cal2*2) firsthalf =(xt + cal2*percentleft) # this is within 20% secondhalf = (xt + cal2*percentright) # this is within 80% if mypos < firsthalf: print(f"I am at left side of the map at x{firsthalf}") previous = +1 print(f"i am inside decision, ref: right, now showing: {previous}") walk("right") elif mypos > secondhalf: print(f"I am at right side of the map at x{secondhalf}") previous = +1 print(f"i am inside decision, ref: left, now showing: {previous}") walk("left") break if flag == 1: break except Exception: pass randomwalkv2(0) loops += 1 print(f"Loops completed: {loops}") # get windows size # def callback(hwnd, extra): # rect = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd) # x = rect[0] # y = rect[1] # w = rect[2] - x # h = rect[3] - y # print("Window %s:" % win32gui.GetWindowText(hwnd)) # print("\tLocation: (%d, %d)" % (x, y)) # print("\t Size: (%d, %d)" % (w, h))