a year ago
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# MINECRAFT CUSTOM ITEM IDEAS: # - A sword that can be thrown and will return to the player # - A sword that gives you a heart on kill (maxes out at 20 hearts) # - A sword that teleports you forward and up when you right click # - A bow that shoots 3 arrows at once # - A sword that summons lightning # - A sword that shoots a fireball that explodes into a bunch of fireballs # - A sword that explodes the surrounding area of the player options: lifestealer: golden sword of unbreaking 10 named "&c&l&ka &c&lLife&f&lStealer &c&l&ka" with lore "&7&oA sword that gives you a heart on kill (maxes out at 20 hearts)" aspect: diamond sword of sharpness 4 named "&b&lAspect of the End" with lore "&7&oA sword that teleports you forward when you right click (2 second cooldown)" tribow: bow of unbreaking 10 named "&a&lTri-Bow" with lore "&7&oA bow that shoots 3 arrows at once" ravager: iron axe of unbreaking 10 named "&7&k. &c&lRavager &7&k." with lore "&7&oA powerful axe that can be thrown and will return to the player" zeus: diamond sword of sharpness 10 named "&e&lLightning Blade" with lore "&7&oA sword that summons lightning" hades: netherite sword of sharpness 10 named "&4&lHell's Fury" with lore "&7&oA sword that shoots a fireball." creeper: diamond sword of sharpness 10 named "&a&lCreeper's Wrath" with lore "&7&oA sword that explodes the surrounding area of the player" command /giveweapon [<text>]: permission: giveweapon permission message: &cYou do not have permission to use this command! trigger: if arg-1 is set: if arg-1 is "lifestealer": give player {@lifestealer} send "&7You have been given a &c&l&ka &c&lLife&f&lStealer &c&l&ka&7!" else if arg-1 is "aspect" or "aote": give player {@aspect} send "&7You have been given an &b&lAspect of the End&7!" else if arg-1 is "tribow" or "tri-bow": give player {@tribow} send "&7You have been given a &a&lTri-Bow&7!" else if arg-1 is "ravager": give player {@ravager} send "&7You have been given a &7&k. &c&lRavager &7&k.&7!" else if arg-1 is "zeus": give player {@zeus} send "&7You have been given a &e&lLightning Blade&7!" else if arg-1 is "hades": give player {@hades} send "&7You have been given a &4&lHell's Fury&7!" else if arg-1 is "creeper": give player {@creeper} send "&7You have been given a &a&lCreeper's Wrath&7!" else: send "&cInvalid weapon name!" to player on item damage: if player's held item is golden sword: if name of player's held item is "&c&l&ka &c&lLife&f&lStealer &c&l&ka": cancel event on tab complete of "/giveweapon": add "lifestealer" to tab completions add "aspect" to tab completions add "tribow" to tab completions add "ravager" to tab completions add "zeus" to tab completions add "hades" to tab completions add "creeper" to tab completions # Lifestealer on death: if victim is a player: if attacker is a player: if attacker's held item is a golden sword: if name of attacker's held item is "&c&l&ka &c&lLife&f&lStealer &c&l&ka": if attacker's max health is less than 20: add 1 to attacker's max health send "&7You have been healed by the &c&l&ka &c&lLife&f&lStealer &c&l&ka&7!" to attacker play sound "block_beacon_power_select" at attacker for attacker else: send "&7You have reached the maximum amount of hearts!" to attacker set death message to "&7The &c&lLife&f&lStealer &7has claimed &c%victim%&7!" command /resethealth [<player>]: permission: op trigger: set max health of arg-1 to 10 send "set max health to 10" # AOTE on right click with diamond sword: if name of player's held item is "&b&lAspect of the End": if player does not have permission "aote.bypass": if difference between now and {aote.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} is less than 2 seconds: send "&fWait 2 seconds before use again!" to player else: push player 1 blocks forward push player 0.5 block up play sound "entity_enderman_teleport" at player for player set {aote.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} to now else: push player 1 blocks forward push player 0.5 blocks up play sound "entity_enderman_teleport" at player for player on damage: if victim's held item is a diamond sword: if name of victim's held item is "&b&lAspect of the End": if damage cause is fall: cancel event # Tri-Bow on right click: if player's held item is a bow: if name of player's held item is "&a&lTri-Bow": cancel event if player's inventory contains 3 of any arrow: if player does not have permission "tribow.bypass": if difference between now and {tribow.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} is less than 1 second: send "&fWait 1 second before use again!" to player cancel event else: cancel event loop 3 times: shoot an arrow at speed 2 wait 2 ticks push player 0.1 blocks backwards remove 3 arrow from player's inventory set {tribow.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} to now else: loop 3 times: shoot an arrow at speed 2 wait 2 ticks push player 0.1 blocks backwards remove 3 arrow from player's inventory # Ravager on right click: if player's held item is an iron axe: if name of player's held item is "&7&k. &c&lRavager &7&k.": if player does not have permission "ravager.bypass": if {ravager.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} is less than 5 second: send "&fWait 5 second before use again!" to player else: drop player's tool at location 1 blocks upwards and 1 blocks forwards player remove player's tool from player's inventory set {_axe} to last dropped item push {_axe} in direction of player at speed 3 wait 2 ticks push {_axe} upwards at speed 0.2 push {_axe} in direction of player at speed 0.5 make player shoot snowball at speed 1 wait 1 second kill {_axe} wait 5 seconds give player {@ravager} send "&7You retrieved the &c&lRavager&7 back." set {ravager.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} to now else: drop player's tool at location 1 blocks upwards and 1 blocks forwards player remove player's tool from player's inventory set {_axe} to last dropped item push {_axe} in direction of player at speed 3 wait 2 ticks push {_axe} upwards at speed 0.2 push {_axe} in direction of player at speed 0.5 make player shoot snowball at speed 3 wait 1 second kill {_axe} wait 5 seconds give player {@ravager} send "&7You retrieved the &c&lRavager&7 back." #push {_axe} (vector between {_axe} and player) at speed 3 on join: set {test::%player%} to 0 on drop: if event-item is iron axe: if name of event-item is "&7&k. &c&lRavager &7&k.": cancel event on pick up: if event-item is iron axe: if name of event-item is "&7&k. &c&lRavager &7&k.": cancel event on damage: projectile is snowball: play sound "SUCCESSFUL_HIT" to attacker set {_dmg} to random number between 6 and 8 damage victim by {_dmg} on death: if victim is a player: if victim has {@ravager} in their inventory: set {test::%victim%} to 1 remove {@ravager} from the drops on respawn: if {test::%player%} is 1: if player is in "VoidWorld_the_end": give player {@ravager} set {test::%player%} to 0 # Zeus # #on right click: # if player's held item is a diamond sword: # if name of player's held item is "&e&lZeus": # if player does not have permission "zeus.bypass": # if difference between now and {zeus.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} is less than 5 second: # send "&fWait 5 second before use again!" to player # else: # strike lightning effect at target block of player # set {zeus.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} to now # else: # strike lightning effect at target block of player # # Hades # #on right click: # if player's held item is a netherite sword: # if name of player's held item is "&4&lHell's Fury": # if player does not have permission "hades.bypass": # if difference between now and {hades.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} is less than 5 second: # send "&fWait 5 second before use again!" to player # else: # set {_loc} to block above block above player's location # spawn fireball at {_loc} # push last spawned entity in direction of player with force 0.5 # # set {hades.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} to now # else: # # Creeper # #on right click: # if player's held item is a diamond sword: # if name of player's held item is "&a&lCreeper's Wrath": # if player does not have permission "creeper.bypass": # if difference between now and {creeper.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} is less than 5 second: # send "&fWait 5 second before use again!" to player # else: # spawn a primed tnt at the player # set {creeper.lastUsed::%uuid of player%} to now # else: # spawn a primed tnt at the player # #on damage: # if victim is a player: # if attacker is a primed tnt: # if victim's held item is diamond sword: # if name of victim's held item is "&a&lCreeper's Wrath": # cancel event # Crafts on load: register new shaped recipe for {@lifestealer} using player head, diamond block, player head, redstone block, nether star, netherite block, player head, emerald block and player head with id "lifestealer" register new shaped recipe for {@aspect} using ender pearl, player head, ender pearl, player head, nether star, player head, ender pearl, player head and ender pearl with id "aote" register new shaped recipe for {@tribow} using player head, player head, player head, player head, bow, player head, player head, player head and player head with id "tribow" register new shaped recipe for {@ravager} using player head, player head, player head, player head, iron axe, player head, player head, player head and player head with id "ravager"