help ricx
3 years ago
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back = true Notified = false dst = nil local pigeon = nil message = nil local blip RegisterNetEvent('FRP:PEAGLE:ReceiveMenssage') AddEventHandler('FRP:PEAGLE:ReceiveMenssage', function(PlayerCoords, text) -- FUNCTION WHO ARRE TRIGGERED BY THE RECEIVER OF PIGEON pigeon = CreatePed("A_C_Pigeon", PlayerCoords, 92.0, true, true, true, true) -- SPAWN PIGEON AT THE SENDER POSITION OF PIGEON (where pigeon start to fly) Citizen.InvokeNative(0x283978A15512B2FE, pigeon, true) message = text ClearPedTasks(pigeon) ClearPedSecondaryTask(pigeon) ClearPedTasksImmediately(pigeon) SetPedFleeAttributes(pigeon, 0, 0) TaskWanderStandard(pigeon, 1, 0) TaskSetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(pigeon, 1) SetEntityAsMissionEntity(pigeon) Wait(2000) local playc = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) TaskFlyToCoord(pigeon, 0, playc.x, playc.y, playc.z+30, 1, 0) -- ASK TO PIGEON TO FLY TO THE RECEIVER Citizen.InvokeNative(0xA5C38736C426FCB8, pigeon, true) local blipname = "Pigeon voyageur" local bliphash = 587827268 blip = Citizen.InvokeNative(0x23f74c2fda6e7c61, bliphash, pigeon) -- BLIPADDFORENTITY SetBlipScale(blip, 0.5) while true do Citizen.Wait(1) local player = PlayerPedId() local coords = GetEntityCoords(player) local ec = GetEntityCoords(pigeon) local myV = vector3(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z) dst = #(vector3(ec.x, ec.y, ec.z) - myV) local ed = coords.x, coords.y, coords.z local playc = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) if back then TaskFlyToCoord(pigeon, 0, playc.x, playc.y, playc.z+30, 1, 0) end if dst < 25 then if not Notified then TriggerEvent("redemrp_notification:start", 'Vous avez reçu un pigeon voyageur, attendez que le pigeon s approche de vous.' , 5, "success") Notified = true back = false end -- local IsPedAir = IsEntityInAir(pigeon, 1) -- if IsControlJustPressed(0, 0xE8342FF2) then -- Hold ALT -- print('pressed') -- -- TaskWhistleAnim(PlayerPedId(), -433953410, 1971704925) -- back = false -- Wait(15000) -- TaskFlyToCoord(pigeon, 0, playc.x, playc.y, playc.z, 1, 0) -- end end end end )