2 years ago
7.3 kB
import 'dart:io'; import 'package:file_picker/file_picker.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:get/get.dart'; import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart'; import '../../../../services/api_service.dart'; import '../../../../utilities/constants/app_colors.dart'; class MeetingRequestController extends GetxController { // final AuthManager authManager = Get.find(); final ApiService apiService = Get.find(); final formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>(); TextEditingController meetingTitleController = TextEditingController(); TextEditingController meetingDescriptionController = TextEditingController(); RxBool isFileAttached = false.obs; RxBool isAddedAlready = false.obs; final RxList<File> listOfAttachments = <File>[].obs; Rx<FilePickerResult?> result = Rx<FilePickerResult?>(null); PlatformFile? attachment; RxInt index = 0.obs; @override void onInit() { meetingTitleController = TextEditingController(); meetingDescriptionController = TextEditingController(); super.onInit(); } void fileAddedAlready() { isAddedAlready.value = true; } Future<void> pickPDFfile() async { if (await Permission.storage.request().isGranted) { result.value = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles( type: FileType.custom, allowMultiple: true, allowedExtensions: ['pdf'], ); // isFileAttached = true.obs; if (result.value != null) { listOfAttachments .addAll(result.value!.names.map((path) => File(path!)).toList()); } attachment = result.value!.files.first; } else { Get.dialog(AlertDialog( title: Text('permission required'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 17)), content: Text( 'please grant storage permission to use file picker.'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14), ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () => Get.back(), child: Text('cancel'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14)), ), TextButton( onPressed: () => openAppSettings(), child: Text('SETTINGS'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14)), ), ], )); } index.value = 0; //viewFile(file!); } // viewFile(PlatformFile file) { // OpenFile.open(file.name); // } pickPNGfile() async { if (await Permission.storage.request().isGranted) { result.value = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles( type: FileType.custom, allowedExtensions: ['png'], allowMultiple: true); // isFileAttached = true.obs; if (result.value != null) { File file = File(result.value!.files.single.path!); listOfAttachments.add(file); } attachment = result.value!.files.first; } else { Get.dialog(AlertDialog( title: Text('permission required'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 17)), content: Text( 'please grant storage permission to use file picker.'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14), ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () => Get.back(), child: Text('cancel'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14)), ), TextButton( onPressed: () => openAppSettings(), child: Text('SETTINGS'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14)), ), ], )); } index.value = 1; } pickMP3file() async { if (await Permission.storage.request().isGranted) { result.value = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles( type: FileType.custom, allowedExtensions: ['mp3'], allowMultiple: true); // isFileAttached = true.obs; if (result.value != null) { // File file = File(result.value!.files.single.path!); listOfAttachments .addAll(result.value!.names.map((path) => File(path!)).toList()); } attachment = result.value!.files.first; } else { Get.dialog(AlertDialog( title: Text('permission required'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 17)), content: Text( 'please grant storage permission to use file picker.'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14), ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () => Get.back(), child: Text('cancel'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14)), ), TextButton( onPressed: () => openAppSettings(), child: Text('SETTINGS'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14)), ), ], )); } index.value = 2; } pickAnyFile() async { if (await Permission.storage.request().isGranted) { result.value = await FilePicker.platform .pickFiles(type: FileType.any, allowMultiple: true); // isFileAttached = true.obs; if (result.value != null) { // File file = File(result.value!.files.single.path!); listOfAttachments .addAll(result.value!.names.map((path) => File(path!)).toList()); } attachment = result.value!.files.first; } else { Get.dialog(AlertDialog( title: Text('permission required'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 17)), content: Text( 'please grant storage permission to use file picker.'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14), ), actions: [ TextButton( onPressed: () => Get.back(), child: Text('cancel'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14)), ), TextButton( onPressed: () => openAppSettings(), child: Text('SETTINGS'.tr, style: Get.textTheme.headlineSmall ?.copyWith(color: AppColors.denim, fontSize: 14)), ), ], )); } index.value = 3; } }
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