6 months ago
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import random # רשימת שאלות ותשובות questions = [ {"question": "What is the capital of France?", "answers": ["Paris", "London", "Berlin", "Madrid"], "correct": 0}, {"question": "What is 2 + 2?", "answers": ["3", "4", "5", "6"], "correct": 1}, {"question": "Who wrote 'Hamlet'?", "answers": ["Charles Dickens", "William Shakespeare", "Mark Twain", "Jane Austen"], "correct": 1} ] # פונקציה להצגת השאלה והתשובות def ask_question(q): print(f"Question: {q['question']}") for i, ans in enumerate(q["answers"]): print(f"{i + 1}. {ans}") return int(input("Choose the number of your answer: ")) - 1 # פונקציה להרצת המשחק def play_game(): money = 1000000 num_questions = len(questions) for i in range(num_questions): q = questions[i] print(f"\nYou currently have ${money}.") player_answer = ask_question(q) if player_answer == q["correct"]: print("Correct! You move on to the next question.") else: print(f"Wrong! The correct answer was {q['answers'][q['correct']]}.") money /= 2 # מאבדים חצי מהכסף print(f"You now have ${money}.") if money == 0: print("You lost all your money! Game over.") break print(f"Game over! You walk away with ${money}.") # התחלת המשחק play_game()
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